Scary_le_Poo, avatar

That content does not belong to YouTube. And they also do not pay for 99% of it.

YouTube depends on people to use it for it’s existence. They also depend on those users to upload content so that YouTube can then treat that content as if it is its own and monetize it.

If I was in such a precarious position I wouldn’t go about making the experience crappy for those users that I’m desperately dependent upon.

cupcakezealot, avatar

youtube hosts, handles bandwidth, provides creator tools, deals with monetization, handles royalties, and creates the platform…

Scary_le_Poo, avatar

That’s nice. Do they also create the content for the platform that is by far the most costly part of it? Or have they simply found a way to monetize content that does not belong to them?

cupcakezealot, avatar

a) without youtube, creators wouldn’t have a platform b) they’re monetizing it to pay creators.

Scary_le_Poo, avatar

Does every single creator get paid for their work and the value that they add to the platform? Or does YouTube arbitrarily get to decide who gets a tiny piece of the revenue from the content that YouTube doesn’t own?

Scary_le_Poo, avatar

Also, use greyjay. It’s fantastic.

Lettuceeatlettuce, avatar

Please download and archive your favorite channels and videos!

Host them yourself to watch them locally.

Especially do this for educational material, share it wide and far!

We are entering a very dark age of techno-dystopia, we need to fight it with everything we have. Pirate, seed, screen-record, download, archive, share, never give up.


This is the way.


Quick shout out to yt-dlp. It comes everything you need to download, transcode, and even use Sponsorblock!

NutWrench, avatar

I also recommend NewPipe for Android. It lets you download in multiple formats and shows comments in a mobile format (you can get it through the F-Droid store or from github.)



FreeTube for Windows. Finally stable, download options, subs, history, ex-/importable data, locally, no ads of course. It’s awesome!


Next to KDEconnect, I freaking love Freetube. Just a nice application

Andromxda, avatar

Btw FreeTube is not just available for Windows, it also works perfectly on Linux and macOS


Made a script/cron job to auto dl new videos from my favorite channels with ytdlp and then they are hosted through jellyfin. Archived forever, ad free, accessible to me from anywhere.

Andromxda, avatar

Another quick shout out to Tube Archivist, it’s perfect for archiving YouTube videos


Hey Google, FUCK YOU.


I can’t wait for that platform to implode.


Does this affect watching through mvp?

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

*mpv No, it does not, but best to opt to my strategy of yt-dlp downloading then play offline. Sure it takes a little more while than streaming, but more robust. And the fun part is as long as YouTube literally does not DRM its videos beyond downloading possibilities, any downloader will work out.


Yes I do have that as a backup option with tartube.

TheAnonymouseJoker, avatar

See, here is the thing. Most people here like the convenience of streaming via NewPipe, Revanced or Invidious or whatever else. I do too. But as long as I can fetch video info and search videos using Invidious and download URLs/playlists with yt-dlp, I am going to give the middle finger to youtube.

Stay mad, Goolag.


They’ve been trying for a minute. Must be different now that they’re saying it!

Checks notes

Nope, revanced still works.


Depends on where you get it. Recently had to go through and find another version, as mine was detected by YouTube and just said to download the official version of YouTube to play videos.


Same. Gotta keep in the game.


We are officially ON NOTICE

Soon be Blasted, Slammed, Potentially even Yeeted


I’m told the past tense is yote.

Patches, (edited )

That sounds like a sex act.

God dam did you see that last night? She yoted him so hard in front of everyone.


That’s because revanced is still youtubes app, just lightly modified.


If I put my dick in your girl, is she still yours but lightly modified?


Women are not property, nor are they software


That’s your take from this?


It’s a false equivilence


You need to get better at language. Let me help you with an example someone autistic can easily understand.

You’re working at a restaurant as a waiter. You’re in charge of some tables. Your coworker says to you “Your party in the back corner asked for one of the apple pies.”. Did your co-worker just say you owned people?

PhAzE, (edited )

I put my dick in your mom, but it didn’t seem to improve your intelligence, but you’re still hers.


Aneurism much?


I simply cannot get revanced to even download to my phone, and I’m not smart enough to troubleshoot it.

Andromxda, avatar

How motivated are you? Motivated enough to buy something good?

KarnaSubarna, avatar

I’ve Invidious hosted on my Little Raspberry Pi 4, and using it’s WPA app on every device I got.

Zero ad + Decent UI + Access to highest video quality


Will this change on YouTube’s side affect Invidious instances?


I wonder too.

If they go full “only google certified browsers and clients” I will just not watch youtube anymore


Heads up, “I’ve” is not grammatically correct when “have” is your verb. Using “have” in a contraction when you’re using past-perfect tense. For example, “I’ve been” is an acceptable shortening of “I have been”.


Is it actually incorrect? I don’t think it’s necessarily wrong, but it just sounds bizarre or Shakespearean if you use it when it’s not an auxiliary verb.

“I’ve no need for that.” is a perfectly cromulent sentence.


Yeah, not “incorrect,” just non-standard. The yardstick is: did your interpretation match the intended one? Clearly, he was able to get there so it’s firmly in “acceptable use.” Any further whinging about grammar is likely to just be construed as gatekeeping.


I’m a prescriptivist and I think it’s fine. I suspect it might be a British vs American English thing.


As a native BrE speaker I’d say “I’ve X installed” is a little weird, fine in speech but written down it doesn’t look right. “I’ve installed X” is fine.


The yardstick is: did your interpretation match the intended one?

I think that’s just you. There’s a few examples of rules in English that aren’t required to get a point across, but sentences that break them sound grating. One such example is adjective order


I think you’re conflating correctness with comprehension. Even if it isn’t correct, you could still be understood.


Per your previous comment:

Yeah, not “incorrect,” just non-standard. The yardstick is:

Clearly, he was able to get there so it’s firmly in “acceptable use.”

I’m not the one conflating the two concepts.


Don’t worry, one day you’ll understand.


Since this change from google I have constant buffering issues on my home invidious instance, need to try updating my docker when I get home.

0x1C3B00DA, avatar

It's funny how this comes after Chrome's switch to Manifest V3, which makes ad blocking not possible on Chrome and was purely for security reasons and not for disabling ad blockers. Now that Chrome users can't block ads on the first-party site, they're going after third-party clients. Such coincidental timing.

ripcord, avatar

Has that actually rolled out yet? I thought it was only announced and planned for late this year.

PhAzE, (edited )


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  • sparky, (edited ) avatar

    There are a ton of other WebKit/Blink based browsers to choose from! Safari, Vivaldi, Brave… not to mention good old Firefox and Gecko!

    Andromxda, avatar

    Vivaldi and Brave use Blink (Chromium), not WebKit

    sparky, avatar

    They are practically the same thing.

    Andromxda, avatar

    Uh, no? They’re absolutely not the same.


    Are there any semi-popular alternative browsers still based on WebKit? I thought most of them like Brave and Vivaldi were based on Chromium’s Blink rather than WebKit.

    sparky, avatar

    Technically not really, I just said WebKit to avoid breaking down the whole fork situation in my comment. Blink isn’t that different in reality so, WebKit for simplicity. Safari and Chrome are much closer to one another than Firefox is to either, so 🤷‍♂️



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  • Scary_le_Poo, avatar

    Firefox has had data sync for a long ass time.



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  • Scary_le_Poo, avatar

    What the fuck? Can you sync chrome to edge and edge to opera? What kind of bad faith bullshit ass argument are you trying to pull here?

    You’re claiming that you cant sync data on Firefox, when you absolutely can. Then you claim that what you meant was that you cant cross browser sync on multiple devices. Well congratufuckinglations, you can’t on any other browser either.

    What is wrong with you?


    What’s wrong with you? Are you unable to read my comment, or is it comprehension problems?

    I’m saying if I switch to Firefox, I have to switch it on both PC and mobile, but I hate the UI on mobile. I can’t leave one as Chrome (mobile) and the other as Firefox (PC) and expect them to work together (sync). Thus, I’d rather stock to Chrome because the ui is better.

    sparky, avatar

    I mean… yes? If you’re saying that Chrome sucks now, then why would you want to switch on some platforms but not others?


    The mobile app is great.


    You can use the session on your desktop on the go automatically on Firefox.

    Andromxda, avatar

    It’s even end-to-end encrypted!

    umbrella, (edited ) avatar


    firefox and ublock origin has existed all along cmon, ditch that spyware already whats the holdup, what makes people so damn allergic to using anything other than chrome

    PhAzE, (edited )


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  • machinaeZER0,

    This won’t change your mobile experience, but on desktop this makes Firefox absolutely gorgeous. I’ve been using it for at least a year now and it still blows me away every time I happen to see the stock UI.


    I literally don’t know what people who say this mean. It looks totally modern, almost identical to the chrome and edge UIs, it’s fully customizable, and there are thousands of extensions to alter the appearance in a single click, not to mention custom css styling if you want complete control.



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  • umbrella, (edited ) avatar

    ive been using it for (quite) a while and its always looked like a carbon copy of every other browser and vice versa


    There’s only so much you can do on a mobile browser to be fair, they all look the same

    verdigris, (edited )

    How is the mobile app terrible? I’ve been using it for years with no issues, and it has many extensions that chrome on Android doesn’t allow like adblocking.

    The tabs in FF are great, for years now FF has been much better at handing huge accounts of passive tabs, and there are tons of extensions to provide any functionality you could want.

    I guarantee you if you just install a few extensions that you like and use it for a week you won’t even notice any more.


    was purely for security reasons and not for disabling ad blockers.

    I had not heard of Manifest v3 and actually can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic or not. I guess you are.


    They’re not being sarcastic, they are repeating Google’s (bs) justification

    sneezycat, avatar

    They are being sarcastic, with the emphasis on “purely”, while saying Google’s justification. It’s exactly to point out it’s bs.


    Sure, I guess I maintain its that’s not what sarcasm is but we do agree on the point

    sneezycat, avatar

    If it is not sarcasm then the justification is not bs. And OP agrees it is sarcasm.

    0x1C3B00DA, avatar

    yes exactly what sneezycat said. I was being sarcastic and pointing out that Manifest V3 was always a crackdown on ad blocking and nothing else.

    1917isnow, avatar

    Man they’re fucking out of their minds!!!

    I only care about how this will affect Floorp’s user agent spoofing abilities thought 😶‍🌫️🌫️


    “security reasons” is the classic cop-out for making users lives more miserable.

    Like what are you gonna do, argue that you don’t care about security?


    Well, I really hope that doesn’t affect Vinegar

    ( Safari extension that replaces YouTube’s horrible video player with the system’s default.

    It’s great, it also allows you to force Best Quality, very useful on platforms where YouTube defaults to 480p for no reason like iPadOS )


    Third party apps: "OK. We'll show ads. Muted. Behind a black overlay. If we really can't find a workaround."


    Is there anything that already does this? Extension or app wise?


    not for YouTube but there is for twitch yea


    Please don’t leave me hanging.


    Xtra was one of them I used to use, but they have a bunch of different ad blocks that do it too now. Multistream services do it as well


    I’ve been using Vaft Ublock Origin script from on Twitch which works for me.

    Andromxda, avatar

    You can use SafeTwitch with LibRedirect

    For Android, I recommend Xtra

    umbrella, avatar

    no need just yet, so im guessing no


    Years ago I used to use an app called “AdSkip” or something along those lines that used the accessibility API to automatically mute and skip all YouTube ads. I’d imagine the screen black-out would be trivial to add on top


    Yeah I looked and saw there are some Firefox add-ons that skip and mute, but I didn’t see any that black out the ads as well.


    If they really want to drive the point home, change the resolution of the ads to 1x1 and adjust the speed x999.

    I know the resolution thing seems redundant. There might be cases where the ad loads before the overlay does; it’s to address that.


    I think YouTube wouldn’t care as long as they got paid


    It’s funny that free third party apps literally have more features and are more user friendly than the official app with premium.

    Why the fuck would I pay for less when I can get more for free?


    I pay $4/mo, mainly for YouTube music (I’m part of a friend’s family plan).

    It’s pretty convenient since you can use the background audio on an iPad as well - I don’t use it often but it’s nice when I do. And there’s no ads there it’s pretty insane seeing the level of ads when I try and use my work phone which I’m not signed into.

    Also, you can make channels within your single goggle account so I made one for my mom and bro so they get no ads aswell. They have to sign in to my acct which can feel a little sketch but I trust them since they’re just using the YT app on their TVs. They stay in their own user acct. and it doesn’t affect my history or anything


    Not really “funny”. The YouTube app is ass because it’s goal is to extract value from you and provide it to Google. Not the other way around.

    okamiueru, (edited )

    Some years ago ago, I was a happy subscriber to Google Music. But, they added it to the graveyard, and instead grafted on some music playing functionality to YouTube and called it YouTube Music. So, I went back to Spotify.

    Then I started paying for YouTube Premium Lite. It wasn’t unreasonably expensive, although it was a bit annoying I couldn’t just have “YouTube” in the household, like with Netflix. So if wife would cast a video to the TV, it would play with ads.

    It was about a year ago, when Google starting cracking down on adblockers, that they also removed an option to pay for the service. I think YouTube Premium Lite wasn’t a thing in the US (correct me if I’m wrong), but they removed YT Premium Lite, and the only option left was a twice as expensive YouTube Premium bundle that included YouTube Music.

    Tldr: fucked up Google Music, then removed an option to pay for YouTube premium, leaving a fairly expensive alternative with the pile of shit they replaced Google music with. It’ll be a rough time if they manage to force ads. I won’t pay for it, out of principle.

    Edit: I looked at the numbers again. I’d have to pay more for YouTube than for the highest Netflix tier. It’s more than Prime and HBO combined. They also don’t have to front large sums to fund risky projects. If they didn’t include YouTube Music, I might have considered it. But with it, it just pisses me off, they can go get f.ed


    To be fair, one of the apps mentioned, [Re]Vanced, is literally just the stock app with extra features patched in and the premium features enabled for free (like no ads and downloads). It makes sense that it would be more user friendly. Allowing that modified version doesn’t get them any revenue though while still costing them to host and serve the content to those users.

    At least with NewPipe it supports multiple sites and is its own app with their own code and UI.

    MrRazamataz, avatar

    I don’t understand this argument because NewPipe still gets the video from YouTube (primarily), costing them to host…


    I think there’s a couple things at play:

    • You know enough to find a different app and make it do what you need it to. Not a hard thing, but something many non-tech savvy people could struggle with, or more likely–
    • People often will just use what’s there. We know we have options, we are aware of the privacy concerns… but many people simply aren’t and/or don’t care enough to do anything about it.

    We spend a lot of time here, so it seems to us like second nature to avoid intrusive apps… I find in my day-to-day life not many people are talking about that kind of stuff, or don’t have much knowledge/experience in that realm. (I realize that is anecdotal).

    I 100% agree with your statements–just trying to rationalize how so many people end up using/staying with these ever-worsening services/apps…


    To prove your point I am person #2, I know things liked invidious and piped exist but I just idk haven’t gotten around to it

    Zerush, avatar

    If they say like that, it means that’s now is allowed to make a third party youtube client with login support?

    I’d immediately install an officially sanctioned third party youtube app without shorts and without the algorithmic feed, if all i would need to do is let the phone play ads when i’m doing something else

    RootBeerGuy, avatar

    As soon as 3rd party clients don’t work as they do anymore, I am stopping going to YouTube. Simple as, I know it doesn’t matter as a singular thing, I am just one user. Was the same with reddit, now I am here but reddit is still going (how well we don’t need to debate now).


    You’re not alone. Don’t think that. A lot of people will do the same. I’m right there with ya. Fuck YouTube

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