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Immersive_Matthew, in Tennessee Senate Passes Bill Making "Recruiting" For Trans Youth Care A Felony


Glowy, in Would you like to help a girl in need? avatar

I think some people may be concerned about my lack of post history. I swear I’m a lemmy lurker for 8 months now, but I saw this girl that could use help, and you guys are the best people I could think of to share it to. She hasn’t even shared this gofundme with me, I happened across it on a Twitter post and saw it didn’t have any activity.

Beaver, in Trans-Resources.Info is a directory of advocacy organizations, legal resources, support & social groups, and other resources that serve transgender people avatar

This directory is well really good to send to all your trans friendos all over the world.

xilliah, in "Florida Has A 1st Amendment Problem" - Judge Rules Trans Teacher Can Use "Ms."

“Ours is a Union of individuals, celebrating ourselves and singing ourselves and being ourselves without apology.” - awesome judge

runswithjedi, in "Florida Has A 1st Amendment Problem" - Judge Rules Trans Teacher Can Use "Ms."

Additionally, the state argued that Ms. Wood’s identity itself was at odds with the state’s teachings on gender and sexuality, and thus she could be barred.

Wait, are trans people barred from working in Florida schools? Are they saying it’s illegal to be trans??

Septimaeus, (edited )

The state’s… “teachings?” If FL is a church now, federal subsidies need to stop. Let go and let God, I think is the phrase.


DeSantis has been turning the place into a Christofascist hellhole trying to make headlines for his presidential run.

some_guy, in Bangladesh opens mosque for transgender hijra community

Finally something positive.

flora_explora, in Bangladesh opens mosque for transgender hijra community


KillingAndKindess, in Urgent: Forwarded from my Trans Friend who requires immediate financial assistance.

Mercury Stardust (Trans-Handy m’am on youtube) is hosting a live charity stream Mar 29-31 for this exact cause.

I recommend donations go through her and all needs directed the same. I say this as a trans refugee who’s been homeless for 6months. I get where this person is at, but direct aid is not always the best thing, especially for someone still under a disapproving roof.


@KillingAndKindess @Kjev hello am Jordan Zeus a trans man living in South Sudan as a refugee an I kindly need help my house was damaged by the harsh weather and I now sleep outside here in the refugee camp and I also lack good and I can’t afford hospital bills , Sudan is a war country and me as a transgender person I go through alot I have been arrested many times cause of my sexuality am so much traumatized


I wish I could help, I am so sorry you’re in this position that’s already difficult because of war. Unfortunately, I have no money myself.

You may reach out to these people as they may be in a position to help.

Kjev, avatar

Thank you! I will inform them about this.

velox_vulnus, in Urgent: Forwarded from my Trans Friend who requires immediate financial assistance.

Hello there, fellow Indian. Not a trans, and I would have contributed, but I am broke myself. Have you tried asking folks on r/LGBTIndia?

Kjev, avatar

Uhm, no, I do not have a Reddit account. I have forwarded their request to most platforms I have an account on.


Just wanted to let you know that government hospitals have schemes for free MTF surgery. I think that your friend is probably apprehensive about the quality of treatment, which is understandable. In that case, they should check out hospitals in nearby tier 2 and 3 cities.

Kjev, avatar

Thank you. I’ll inform them.

breadsmasher, in Urgent: Forwarded from my Trans Friend who requires immediate financial assistance. avatar

street begging but online, interesting


Of course you’re a fucking LW user

A_Toasty_Strudel, in Freedom of Sex - The moral case for letting trans kids change their bodies. avatar

I’m feeling a little divided here. On one hand I definitely don’t look at trans people like there’s something wrong with them, or that there’s some sort of mental illness involved. But I also don’t know how I feel about giving hormone therapy to someone who’s not considered an adult. Please correct me if I’m wrong, but certain hormone therapy treatments can cause permanent effects on the body, that if the individual who received it were to for some reason decide the therapy was a mistake, are unreversable. It feels like we have to find that fine line between not infringing on people’s rights to be themselves, but also not let children make life altering decisions with reckless abandon.


For me its simple. No body changes that cannot be undone until they are selfsufficent.


I agree, hold off puberty until they are sure they want the one that would irreversibly happen without intervention.


It sounds simple on the surface, but I struggle with weighing the risk of prescribing gender-affirming care to someone who will regret it later in life and forcing someone to endure puberty that they will regret later in life. A strong case can be made that some kids will identify as transgender due to childhood trauma or neurodivergence. It’s also undeniable that there are hundreds of thousands of people who regret going through puberty that doesn’t match their gender. I’d be curious to see statistical data about these groups to truly measure the risks on either side. There’s also an interesting study of neuroanatomy in trans women showing strong similarities to cisgender women. I wonder if this data can be used to help mitigate the potential risks of gender-affirming care?

agent_flounder, avatar

For what it’s worth, it’s not like they give these treatments at the first whim of the kid.

Nikki, avatar

puberty blockers =/= horemone therapy

they are reversable, and give time for trans kids to sort out any hesitancy towards transition without going through either puberty. so many people think that the idea lf puberty blockers is to give kids e/t when its just to give ghe kids time to discover themselves

foxydonuts, avatar

@Nikki Thank you for this


Do puberty blockers fall under the classification of gender affirming care, or is only hormone therapy and surgery? Perhaps I was incorrect.

Nikki, avatar

they can, but arent exclusive to gender affirming care. in most cases, kids arent getting hormone therapy, theyre getting blockers until they get older


Ok that’s what I had assumed, but I might have been vague with my comment. I should have said “the risks of certain types of gender-affirming care”.

Nikki, avatar

im in the same boat in that case, i just am so hesitant on laws being made. in the wrong hands they will be made to prevent any care (puberty blockers) when its a tiny subset of kids getting hrt in the first place

i just dont want anyone to have to go through the wrong puberty like i did, its awful


I’m sorry you had to experience that and I hope you’re doing well!

Plasma, avatar

So question, if in a hypothetical situation someone was on puberty blockers until they were 21, what would happen with their body once they go off them?

Nikki, avatar

as far as i know puberty begins as normal


Did you read the article? Because you’re repeating some rhetoric they address.


I did, and I find myself largely in agreement with the author. I was citing the article and a linked source when I talked about the rare case of people who regretted transitioning. Was there a specific claim I made that the article refuted? Maybe I missed something?


Giving every single cis and trans child puberty blockers seems kinda unethical, also what about people who are never self-sufficient? Do they just not get to go through puberty? Isn’t that dangerous?


Puberty is irreversible.

Going through the wrong puberty can (and frequently does) lead to suicide.

Suicide is also irreversible.

Puberty blockers allow children to delay puberty so that they can decide which puberty they would like to have.


Cis people love to do polemics about “what if they end up going through the wrong puberty!!!” ignoring that this is literally what you’re forcing trans kids to go through


It’s also pretty condescending to assume that the community hasn’t already spent way more time thinking about how to deal with such a complex problem that effects them so much.

It’s always best to ask questions first before jumping to conclusions.


Defining mental illness is tricky. Typically one important feature of mental illness is personal distress. Given that lots of trans people seem to be distressed about their gender identity, or the sex of their bodies, I don’t see why it’s incorrect to call that distress mental illness. It seems like the problem here is the stigmatization of mental illness in general. Even if being trans was a symptom of mental illness, this doesn’t mean the best way to treat someone who’s trans isn’t gender affirming-care.


Literally going through puberty also causes similar permanent changes to the body

fidodo, (edited )

That’s why the first thing they’re given are puberty blockers to give them more time to make such an incredibly important decision. If the permanent effects of being given hormones for the wrong sex is so damaging and severe, it goes both ways. The permanent effects of doing nothing and becoming the wrong gender is just as bad as if you made a mistake and we’re given the wrong hormones.

I think the policy of delaying it is the right choice. That gives more time to provide mental health treatment and provide as much assurance that they’re making the right choice to live their lives in the body they feel most comfortable in. I assure you, everyone is acutely aware of the repercussions and permanence of making the wrong decision which is why time is prioritized over providing hormone treatment early.

Conservatives trying to ban all trans care including puberty blockers, and taking away that time I view as equally as bad as forcing a child to take the wrong hormone drugs.

No offense, but you should ask these questions first before assuming that the community that is so affected by these problems and have spent a ton of time thinking about it and considering options hasn’t already explored the problem in detail already. Your concerns are valid, but you should ask how these problems are being dealt with instead of assuming they aren’t being dealt with.

jessica_fey, avatar

@A_Toasty_Strudel @gAlienLifeform recent study shows that only %1 percent of trans youth detransition and not all of them are detransitioning because they made a mistake. Even between these people who detransition, they are still happy that they got to try and transition. There are lots of studies backing up starting transition early. If I was able to I would have started before going through the wrong puberty and the changes puberty makes are irreversible. Being a trans is not a mental health, they treated it as mental health and didn't help at all. Why so much stigma around transitioning when the satisfaction for this treatment is one of the highest in any kind of medical procedure?

jackpot, in Freedom of Sex - The moral case for letting trans kids change their bodies. avatar

consent must be informed and everyone who undergoes it must be psychologically evaluated. thats a starting point


Did you read the article before commenting TARL?


Trans Affirming Radical Leftist? 🤔


Trans agnostic reactionary liberal, a term used in the article.

jackpot, avatar



a term defined in the article.


A term defined in the article.


That in itself doesn’t say what your position in any particular treatment is. A lot of people want to say any medical intervention requires informed consent, as if whatever happens without medical intervention is always fine and doesn’t require consent. Clearly nobody believes that, though, or pediatric medicine as a whole would be illegal.

What really bothers me is when people demand a higher level of informed consent for gender-affirming care then they do for other medical interventions. That, to me, says their issue is but actually consent, but rather that they have an issue with trans people that they think justifies interfering with strangers’ medical care. I, on the other hand, take a hard line that medical decisions should never be made by politicians, and banning a particular kind of care is absolutely a medical decision that contracts medical best practices.

HowMany, in Freedom of Sex - The moral case for letting trans kids change their bodies.

Unpopular opinion ahead. I would like to see the person emerge from the child into a personality prior to allowing chemical intoxicants or gender rectification or anything unnatural to the maturation of the child into a person.

Then whatever the fuck they want to do is completely up to them.

my 2¢


using long words doesn’t make you sound smart

actually you sound kinda retarded


Puberty blockers exist to give the option to change more time before puberty does significant alterations to a person.

Essentially, it buys time for younger trans people to be certain of their choices and minimize the (already remote) possibility of de-transitioning being needed.

There is also no evidence of any significant negative side-effects from the treatment.


The point of the puberty blockers is to allow the child to explore the identity they have chosen without locking them in either way.

Its not like kids say theyre trans and they get hormones the same day.

  • come out to their parents or guardian
  • go to therapy for months to get diagnosed with dysphoria
  • start puberty blockers for months to literal years, doing counselling/therapy the whole time
  • reach the age that further intervention is allowed,(usually 16-18) they either go forwards with further transition, or
  • stop the puberty blockers and go through a late but otherwise normal puberty.



Go on, tell us how you really feel!



southsamurai, in Freedom of Sex - The moral case for letting trans kids change their bodies. avatar

Well, for good or ill, kids are treated differently because they don’t have the full ability to give meaningful consent. That includes a lot more than medical issues, but it includes medical issues.

With that standard in place, and it should be, there’s no reason someone being trans should be treated any different than any other major procedures/treatments.

Now, that’s absolutely only as regards medical issues. And “puberty blockers” are a necessary exception since the dangers of that not being available far outweigh any minor risks from the medication. Any changes that aren’t medical other than that are between the kid, their parents, and their doctors as consultants. The rest of us have no business interfering in that.

StoneGender, in Democrats Vote Down Trans Refuge Bill In Maine After Right-Wing Attacks

This kinda stuff I think about when people say. Just vote blue.

muse avatar

Well voting red is definitely not going to be better, and not voting or throwing my vote away to a third party is the same as voting red.


Cool that you don’t care about using even the minuscule amount of power you hold in a democracy to vote for something better. That position makes you the bad guy btw.


So what’s the play – who are we voting for to get something better?


There is no state or county that only has the party of Capital on the ballot. So just don’t vote for the party of Capital at the ballot box. You can and should do more stuff outside of voting, but as far as voting, do not vote for the party of Capital. If you do vote for the party of Capital you are telling them that your rights are negotiable. That you will support them unconditionally, and most importantly, the people who prove by their actions they obviously do not care about human rights, will continue to be in a position to block out anyone else that could possibly care about human rights.

southsamurai, avatar

You spelled your user name wrong.

The first five letters don’t belong ;)


Don’t bother engaging with this guy. He’s problematic. Vote blue this time and work toward better representation later. We can’t change the broken system overnight.


Vote blue this time and work toward better representation later.

That’s exactly what you all said in 2020. And 2016. And you’ll be saying it again in 2028. Atleast be honest about it; don’t the “it’s just this time” thing.


It’s just this time.


Well then, given that it was “just this time” when I voted for Biden in 2020, I will not be voting for him now.


Who cares? It’s not our fault you’re not mature enough to make the best decision out of 2 bad decisions. Poor baby didn’t get what he wanted so he’s gonna shit his diaper and throw a fit. Go ahead. Vote for Trump or third party or a hot dog. No one cares anymore just fucking stop talking.


Well voting in the general election is binary. There are no other choices than Republican or Democrat. You have to choose between those two or it’s effectively the same as not voting.

So it’s not just this time. It’s every time because of how the electoral system in America works.


The system isn’t broken. That’s what liberals don’t get. Its working exactly as its intended to. Learn the history of the US and tell me this isn’t exactly what all those who set it up intended it to be. Where are all the Buffalo where are all the dead tribes of people whose land, settlers and colonists took. The few that survive have little culture left or live on RES’s. You can’t fix a fascist empire with voting and doing little else.


I can’t fucking stand anyone that uses the word liberal. I know this shit is working the way it’s supposed to. I know that violent revolution is the only way to make change. I also know that people that use the word liberal aren’t the ones that should have input on revolution.


So Malcolm X is off the list then.


Oh shit is Malcom X back from the dead?


His writing still exist as do many others who criticize american liberals for their part in holding back progress in this part of the world




I’ll be spending my trans ass time setting up mutual aid for food, housing and meds for all I can. You can vote for whatever wealthy fuck you want. We don’t live in a democracy. We live in a republic with a fascist ideology. What’s the headcount of babies in cages after biden? More than Trump. They are all the same, Fascist bastards. The Democrats are no better they just hide it better. I’m not saying don’t do anything, just that the liberal is the same as the rest. And focus on something helpful instead of a cult of blue hoping checking a box will save people.


Voting for a third party is simultaneously voting blue and red, if you listen to the blues they tell you it’s a red vote while the reds are in your other ear complaining you just voted blue. The fact that it pisses off both the republicans and the democrats frankly is an indication that I have made the correct decision.

Nikki, avatar

It should be the correct decision, but when the realistic options are maintaining the (lukewarm at best) status quo and genocide we kinda dont get to make the correct decision unfortunately


Well if you listen to everyone, the choices are genocide or genocide, so I suppose you’re free to pick which genocide you’d prefer.


Politics is similar to the ecological structure and development of a forest. You begin with grasses which shield fledgling shrubs from the elements. The shrubs eventually push out the grass and make way for trees that push out the shrubs and then trees that push out the earlier trees. Then fire and flooding that brings you back to step 2.5. Focus on trees after you slit the stem of every single shrub and hope fire doesn’t set you back after.


Fire is actually beneficial to forests. It burns away the grass so fast growing tree saplings can grow.


In a vacuum, absolutely. With human meddling inadvertently causing hotter, longer, broader, and more frequent fires, natural fires can cause a full or partial reset more frequently. Except in aus. Eucalyptus is future-proof. Just like politics, ecology finds people are the problem.


This such a white western take. Indigenous peoples all around the world have been using fire to benefit ecology. People are not the problem. White fascist, colonial actions and ideals are the issue.


I feel like your point would be more poignant without the racism but I agree?


Yeah cause reverse racism exists and talking about the history of the world and how your view point is clearly skewed by racism colonialism and white fascism is totally racism in of itself.


Reminds me of a conversation I had a decade ago about “reverse rape.” It’s just rape. Academic study of racism hasn’t made “power+prejudice” the de facto definition and, as a result, it’s ostensibly racist to say “white western take.” I say this, once again, while agreeing with you.


You can’t be racist towards white people sry. Nice job bringing up rape tho


I think I’m just gonna leave you be, internet stranger. Good luck with… whatever this was meant to be.


Just came across this post randomly, and I’ve gotta commend you on the dryness of your wit. Saying something so patently absurd and hypocritical as

You can’t be racist against white people

while keeping a straight face. Quality comedy.

Or you’re just a racist piece of shit.

StoneGender,…/360867339_How_social_media_use…U can request a free full text article here if you’d like a research article on the subject.


Gia Drew, Executive Director of Equality Maine, stated in an interview with Erin In The Morning that the bill was “probably not the right fit” for Maine and that “the climate has changed” over the issue, pointing to some of the complexities within the bill as well as outside disinformation attacks. When asked why the bill wasn’t amended to make it a better fit, she stated that she did not know why that route was not chosen.

Drew did express hope, however, for future versions of the legislation and pointed to prior successes, stating, “We were able to pass one of the most historic laws last year in that same committee.” The state had previously passed a law that allowed trans youth above the age of 16 to consent to gender affirming care without parental approval.

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