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Godric, in What happened?

That’s a really cool point, is there a source to back it up? I don’t take my views from Twitter screenshots.


Don’t take your views from anything here. Even with sources.


Including this view?


Absolutely. Everyone here is a child, wasting their time


Refreshing take. Now excuse me, I’m late for nap time.


Why would I not let something that is well sourced influence my views? What is your issue with here?


Because everyone here is a degenerate. Myself included. Bias is everywhere, a single, or even a collection of sources is a porthole on a topic. Lemmy is for memes, not facts. No social media is for facts. I’m a liar and so are you. So are they.


Friend, nobody seeing or commenting on a pro-union post is a caviar-munching degenerate. While I know social media is prone to bias and misinformation by nature, that doesn’t necessarily mean everything is a lie. Can we not find factual information just because we happen to be on a website with commentary?


Every single post/comment here should be seen as if from an unreliable narrator.


Dude, legacy media is far worse. It’s not even in the same ballpark…


Never compared it to that. But like boomer bad amirite?


Curious, how do you get informed then?


Corroborate threads from multiple, non-including non-approaching sources from different globe- regions, ideally from different time periods. Seek peer reviewed, transparently funded sources.

If there’s an opinion to be formed, seek it out yourself.

If someone anonymous tells you something, they had a reason to do so. Hold them in high suspicion, they spent their time on you. No one works for free.

Trust experts, but diversify sourcing as above.

Ultimately, everything I just said is a lie.

Darkrai avatar


@halcyoncmdr@lemmy.world avatar

Union membership peaked in the 1950s at one-third of the workforce. At that time, despite pervasive racial and gender discrimination, overall income inequality was close to its lowest level since its peak before the Great Depression, and was continuing to fall.
US Treasury


Thank you very much, interesting read!

Got_Bent, in Solar employees join UAW, management hires anti-union consultants with "96% success rate" and lays off 40% of workforce - claims not union-busting

Unions aside, how did solar go from the purview of the science hippies to the scam sales off grid prepper vibe it has become?

Do I feel this way just because I live in Texas?


I’ve heard of your scam energy grid and hoyging electric prices in Texas. If you’re in Texas and don’t have solar I’d say you’re more of an imbecile than the crazy preppers.

But to answer your question, no. Solar doesn’t have that vibe where I’m at in the Midwest.


It’s a financial disincentive to get solar here. It’s almost punitive. From a financial standpoint, it would take me approximately forty years to recoup my investment, not taking time value of money into consideration.

What you heard about prices was related to people who signed up for something that sold electricity at spot price, which surged several thousand percent. Regular people do three year contracts at fixed rates. My highest monthly bill during winter is around $120. It’s usually under a hundred otherwise.

For the grid fuckups, having come to a point where I went to bed accepting my potential fate of not waking up during that 2021 ice storm, I’ve since installed a whole house generator. Grid would have to stay offline for a very long time to affect me at this point.

I do, however, appreciate your armchair assessment of my intellect. Always good for me to keep humble, Humble. I’m not even sure what that incredibly difficult polysyllabic word means. We who live in this shithole state are indeed categorically illiterate. One might even say imbeciles.


Side-note: in the beginning there, punitive is probably the exact right word.


I’m glad somebody at least somewhat understands. I’d love to have solar. I seem to have really pissed off the narrative by alluding to the realities of the regulations here and/or mocking the attack on my base intelligence. Won’t back down from either.

Sunforged, in Union busting at Amazon's largest air hub: company hires former union-busting lawyers directly as managers

The union organizing at KCVG is inspiring. I would highly recommend checking out the On Strike! episodes covering it.

irreticent, in Union busting at Amazon's largest air hub: company hires former union-busting lawyers directly as managers
@irreticent@lemmy.world avatar

Fuck Amazon!

Burn_The_Right, in You don't NEED a weekend. The concept is barely 100 years old.

100 years ago, this woman’s opinions would not have been permitted in mixed company.

Fleamo, in You don't NEED a weekend. The concept is barely 100 years old.

Let’s check in on what was going on 100 years ago, see if weekends are doing any good…

Oh yeah en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Revolutions_of_1917–1923

LanternEverywhere, in You don't NEED a weekend. The concept is barely 100 years old.

You don't NEED anything besides air, water, sufficient nutrition, and protection from extreme environments.


Maslow would disagree.


My 5 year-old nephew told me yesterday that he needs a new Pokemon. Can you add that to the list? He really needed it.


Nobody expects the Maslow Inquisition! Amongst our needs are…


All but one of which are made expensive through artificial scarcity so that rich leeches can leech some more. And they’re selling air too, just haven’t found a way to legally limit access to it yet.

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

They can’t sell it, but they can pollute air and then sell you “time off” on the clean air of their resorts, which is good enough


They can and do literally sell air. Because why leave money on the table, as exploiters are fond of saying 🤬

@ICastFist@programming.dev avatar

They didn’t even bother to make it canned. Reality is truly worse than fiction.



Hey, Texas ruled you don’t need electricity either.

Makeitstop, in A Right-Wing Group Used 'Trickery' On Teachers, Union Says

Mail Fraud

Mail fraud occurs when the U.S. Mail is used in the furtherance of a criminal act. In order for a defendant to be convicted under 18 U.S.C. 1341 for committing mail fraud, the following elements must be satisfied:

  • The defendant must have been engaged in a scheme to defraud.
  • The scheme must have involved material misstatements or omissions.
  • The scheme resulted, or would have resulted upon completion, in the loss of money, property, or honest services.
  • The defendant must have used or caused the use of U.S. mail in the furtherance of the scheme to defraud.

Conviction of mail fraud will result in either a fine, imprisonment, or both.

Let’s see. This was an organized, large scale effort to send letters which falsely claimed to be from the union, including the unauthorized use of the union’s logo. This was sent with the intent to deceive, and to induce members to sign a request under false pretenses, including overt and intentional lies about what they were signing. The victims would face the potential loss of their union membership, and the union would lose the dues they would have collected. And they used the U.S. mail to carry out their scheme.

I’m not a lawyer, but that sounds like it hits all the requirements for mail fraud to me.

@GnomeKat@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Just some innocent “trickery”… what a shit headline


What’s a little mail fraud amongst friends?

AlwaysNowNeverNotMe avatar

Prosecutors be like:

"Doesn't look like anything to me."


Was the perpetrator poor, or acting against the interest of the wealthy? If so, they will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Were they wealthy or promoting the interests of the wealthy? If so, boys will be boys!

LemmyIsFantastic, in And they certainly don't deserve unlimited luxury at the expense of you not being able to afford groceries

Absolutely untrue doomer bullshit.

@wetnoodle@sopuli.xyz avatar

Can you lick my boots too? They’re a lil dirty



Moneo, in And they certainly don't deserve unlimited luxury at the expense of you not being able to afford groceries

This is such a dumb assumption. My dad owns a small business and quite frankly says and does a lot of shit that drives me nuts. He unironically has said “nobody wants to work”, and has never seemed too sympathetic to his employees despite him becoming wealthy and most of them living paycheck to paycheck.

All of that said, he has worked extremely hard his entire life. He worked 14 hour days for years to build his company and I have a lot of respect for his work ethic, despite not really respecting the way he treats his employees.

Tl:dr: CEOs may often be massive pos’ but assuming they are incompetent or have a bad work ethic is reductive and pretty fucking stupid. IMO


Quite a lot of CEOs didn’t build the business they just got brought in years later.


I think the truth lies in the middle ground. I’m sure that many CEO’s work insanely hard, especially at smaller firms. With that being said, the difference is often that a CEO can work immensely hard for themselves, whereas many find it harder to work hard for a salary.

Any CEO’s that say “people don’t want to work” should run a simple experiment: change to hourly pay, and pay people for how many hours they work, with no limit on hours. I’m sure they’ll see a lot of people that aren’t afraid to “work”.

I’m sure many of them mean that they don’t want to deal with bullshit in order to get to a management role, though. In some cases this can be true, but for many industries getting above a certain level is just unattainable for most, and few people realise that their position is one of privilege and luck, alongside a lot of effort on their end.


I agree with everything in your comment. My only point is that I don’t think painting CEOs as incompetent people with poor work ethics serves any purpose except that of making some people feel good about themselves.

Misrepresenting or misunderstanding your “adversaries” serves only to distract from the real problem and maybe provide some entertainment. OPs post about “CEOs not hustling” is likely factually incorrect and more importantly completely irrelevant to the problems we face as a society. It’s inflammatory and makes people mad but for the wrong reasons and at the wrong people.

A CEO is paid to make money for their company, they are not paid to make their employees happy. You pay your government to represent you and your needs, get mad at them for allowing CEOs to run businesses at the expensive of their employees.

Blackout avatar

You gotta learn context. Unions are fighting the big guys, they aren't trying to crush the little guys. I have a small business too and my CEO works non stop like your dad and we pay everyone at least 30% over market rate. Many businesses care about their employees. GM, Tesla, Amazon are all examples of companies with CEOs who don't.


You gotta learn context

Really? I think you’re ignoring the context of my post within the thread. The image in discussion doesn’t assert unions are good, or CEOs are bad, or small business are good or anything you bring up in your post. The image in discussion asserts CEOs have a bad work ethic, which is factually incorrect and completely unproductive in terms of advancing work reform.

I was using my father as a comparison to say: People can be hard workers and still treat their employees badly.


Anyone who calls a small business owner a CEO has air for a brain, sure they might technically be one but everyone and the grandma is only referring to the CEO of large fortune 500 style business when they talk about ceos. No one gives a fuck about the 2 man shop your pops is running in butt fuck nowhere.


Thank you for continuously ignoring my point.

Good talk.


No one says CEOs and thinks of the self employed plumber or drywaller. Or even the guy who owns 3 carwashes. Small business isnt, and has never been, in the crosshairs here.

But beyond that, we need to normalize rating companies, large and small, by how many of their employees bought houses each year and what percentage of their staff is on track for retirement.

Stop giving companies a free pass, they have a social obligation and they’re breaking it.

We all have seen video of people watching a tragedy unfold and everyone just has their phones out recording, no one even calling for help, and then [STRAWMAN] dies. Everyone is horrified watching it, and rightly so, when anyone one of them could’ve helped.

It’s the exact same thing with business. If ~ looks around ~ yep, ALL of us are falling behind, we have to hold business’ feet to the fire. The C-Suite needs to remember that just cuz the law might protect them from liability due to corporate privilege, that doesn’t mean that the people will.

Same with share-holders. Especially with shareholders.

Cuz sooner rather than later, some cleaners gonna come round and take out the trash, if ya feel me.


Incredibly well said. I find it hilarious when people talk about “company loyalty” when things like pensions are few and far gone, and companies are gutting benefits, fighting against raises, and generally treating all employees as expendable, then getting surprised when people don’t want to work for their pittances.

Once you stop working at a company, you get nothing from said company. Sure, some companies will match things like 401(k) contributions to an extent, but that’s purely only supporting you while you are employed there, and even that’s becoming less and less common.

Nowadays the only thing that can help employees are unions. But it’s sort of always been that way. Weekends? Unions. Annual cost of living raises? Unions. Not getting shot for walking off the job because you aren’t getting fairly compensated? Unions.

The hyper-capitalism that has permeated every single aspect of our daily lives from (ironically pension funded corporations) buying up swathes of houses before anyone is lucky enough to own them, to measuring every single market activity to ensure everything is priced to the extreme before they lose a drop of profit while every able bodied person is trying to provide for themselves or their families or even get a glimpse at something decent in an already bleak future is despicable.

We’re on a doomsday fast track, and the ones in charge of where we’re headed don’t give a shit, because they’re already planning on how they’ll make their escape, or at least ride it out in comfort and safety.


I have 0 Company loyalty. I like my work rn just fine and I am getting paid okayish, but if anything better comes up, I’ll be gone in a heartbeat. Idgaf the company or my bosses.

@FlashMobOfOne@lemmy.world avatar

Same on company loyalty.

I’m quite loyal to my employer, but my employer treats me like gold. When we all took a pay cut in June 2020 even the folks at the top did, and their cut was a larger percentage than mine. Then, when we did better than expected in Q3, they gave us the pay cut back in the form of a bonus.

I know I’m lucky.


My point is that assuming CEO’s have a shitty work ethic is a bad assumption and also irrelevant to reforming work culture.

Yes CEOs and small business owners are quite different, but the kinds of people who become CEOs of billion dollar companies are not the kinds of people who have a bad work ethic. They get there by being good at their job which presumably means working hard at it.

I’m not trying to defend CEOs, I just don’t think it’s productive to misrepresent them.


Imo CEOs have their jobs because they know rich people, that’s it, which is why CEO of makebelieveMapCompany can effectively get forced out and wind up as CEO of makebelieveDogFoodCompany a month later. They don’t need skill as much as they need access to capital. And imagine that. Access to capital being the most important thing in capitalism?! It offends the global meritocracy mythos we’ve all been raised on. And meritocracy is just another shade of the Great Neo-liberal Trickle-Down Grift, or how to privatize the rubes retirements and then steal it back, legally, undoing the gains of the Enlightenment.

In general, CEOs are hired to be the fallguy for shareholders. Usually by being the ringleaders of the hatchetmen. They are the Ticketmaster, there to absorb all the bullshit while the financiers fleece the rest of us, now guilt™ free! Same logic applies to rental agencies landlords use. It’s worth rememberimg that these “financiers” make up about 5 families who have their hands in and own like 95% of everything. That’s slightly hyperbolic, but only so slightly that i don’t even care to Google for the actual numbers, the same point will be made the exact same way

This is all hostile takeover/wall street merc shit. Efficiency experts and other nüage workplace mumbojumbo.

We’re only talking about publically traded companies here. Private companies are whatever. But public firms, with corporate personhood, generally don’t have visionary founders at the head. They have resource extraction at the heart of it, be that capital resources or human resources - extracting all value they possibly can, thru every lie imaginable (because morality is how HUMANS interact with other HUMANS), to make sure that the 0.01% never have to work a day in their lives

CEOs are the highest evolutionarily expression of the infamous ‘bootlicker’ job class.

Rentlar, in Strike-busting at Australian universities, students disciplined for supporting striking teachers

A complaint sent to a group of students by RMIT accused them of holding “animated conversations” with fellow students, in an effort to persuade them to support the strike by not attending classes.

Sorry, maybe I went to the wrong kind of university, but isn’t it THE PLACE to hold animated conversations? To be at the forefront of knowledge, you gotta talk to people.


Australian universities are trading their good name for piles and piles of cash and have forgotten that not everyone is a Chinese national that will just shut up, sit down, and pay for a degree.

Silverseren, in Co-ordinated actions shut down three Israel-supplying arms factories in a single day

In before the Israeli government claims unions and workers are antisemitic.


Sheeeeeez, Nb4 “four dead in Ohio.” 😳

rockSlayer, (edited ) in Your enemy is not the people struggling to survive

Here’s a fun exercise to try:

When the 3rd quarter financials come out in a week or 2, find out how much YoY profit was and how many employees there are at your company. Divide the profit from the workforce. That’s how much money is being stolen from you and your coworkers.

ETA: If you want to share that data with your coworkers, I recommend picking an arbitrary amount from the profit margin and subtracting it. When I did it at my job, I calculated for the company “only” making $2 Billion with the rest going to a raise for all employees. It worked out to around an $86/hr raise for everyone.

@agent_flounder@lemmy.world avatar

What if we also cut exec compensation in half and add that in?

(Also… $86/hr holy shit)

robo, in More than 75,000 workers strike at hundreds of Kaiser Permanente health facilities across U.S.


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  • holycrapwtfatheism,

    Insurance companies also hire out lower trained medical professionals such as a nurse practitioner to decide on certain prescriptions/procedures recommended by physicians.

    TropicalDingdong, in The Media Falls for Trump’s Labor Lies

    “falls” is the wrong word to use here.

    “Intentionally propagates for the sake of creating confusion between candidates” is a more appropriate characterization.

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