
It’s almost as if, and hear me out guys, ISRAEL ARE NOT THE GOOD GUYS HERE.


You think there’s good guys? Who? Where?


The civilians of Gaza, clearly and inarguably. They have been living for decades under aerial surveillance, need IDF permits to even visit a hospital outside Gaza, which is often necessary as the hospitals within Gaza have been under supplied for years. They also had the Israeli army only allow food imports sufficient to keep the population just above starvation levels. And the whole time, armed Israeli “civilians” have been forcibly evicting Palestinians from their homes in land to which Israel has no claim under international law.

To argue that a violent reaction to that kind of life makes anyone morally blameworthy is callous, bigoted, inhumane, and plainly wrong. If you think that, honestly, I am sorry for you.


It’s “at a loss for words”, not “at a lost of words”.

CNN’s Wolf Blitzer seemed at a loss for words at the justification being used to bomb a refugee camp in Gaza.


I genuinely feel bad for any liberals who haven’t figured out they’re basically just polite nazis. That’s gotta be a really rough realization. Spending your entire life thinking you’re doing the right thing only to suddenly have it revealed that everything you were living for was a lie.

Now for those of them that are aware what liberalism stands for and are still going? Straight to hell.


Define “liberal”. Then maybe the rest of what you said can fall in place.


Henry Kissinger


Liberal: White, far-right, genocidal, usually rich and supports literal nazis because their opponents are communists.

In a modern day context: Supports Ukraine because they’re white and full of nazis, supports Israel because they’re white and full of nazis.


Pretty sure they ment left wing liberal, you’re thinking more of libertarian I think? Or are you just really deep in the chamber?


Everything he said applies more to Democrats than libertarians.


The democrats are far right?


By the standards of the rest of the world, absolutely.


Only if the rest of the world is China and Cuba. Sure they’re not very left wing but slightly right of centre is far more accurate than ‘far right’


In theory maybe. In practice china is to the right of the US. They’re a hypercapitalist oligarchy wearing an “I’m totes a communist” hat.


Ok so the democrats are far right, China is further right and I guess South Korea or somewhere is off the map and out the building.

I really don’t think just calling everyone we have a disagreement with right wing as if it’s a synonym for evil is an especially useful strategy.

Because like I know it’s hard to hear but the Scandinavian countries are pretty shitty too in a lot of ways. UK and most the EU is right of the democrats, even Kier (labour leader) is to the right of Biden.

We’re going to have to say Christiania is centrist at this rate.


Right wing doesn’t mean “bad”. It means “view certain social orders and hierarchies as inevitable, natural, normal, or desirable, typically supporting this position based on natural law, economics, authority, property or tradition. Hierarchy and inequality may be seen as natural results of traditional social differences or competition in market economies.”

All of those things apply to both China and the Democrats. I don’t care if they call themselves the left, or progressives, or socialists, or communists. They are very far to the right.


So basically no one on earth is left wing according to you? Is anyone even medium right or is everyone ultra right wing?


A Russia apologist, Surprise Surprise. I’m shocked, shocked I tell you…

Omega_Haxors, (edited )

I fucking hate this so much. Anyone whose against nazis in Ukraine must automatically be a russia apologist. There is zero other explanation. Flat out the one case where they can flat out support nazism and then spin it like you’re the one whose problematic for calling it out.

You do realize how dangerous that is, right? Remember how Prager U called everyone they didn’t like communists and they were so universally disliked that it resulted in a huge surge in people identifying as communist? What makes you think this won’t happen here?

And that’s why they do it. It’s two fascist nations are fighting, they want you to pick a side because regardless of which one you do, they win.

Scary_le_Poo, avatar

These Russian sock puppets try really hard.


Not OP but I think they meant supporters of neoliberal economic policy and somewhat progressive social policies. “Liberal” like American liberal politics. The point being that they think they have good politics because they think trans people are people and aren’t the kind of right wing fanatic we get a lot of. They’re “left” to the extent that the American political spectrum allows for without understanding what “left” actually means, without being conscious of the overarching machinations that make then think their politics are good even as they continue to feed a system that intentionally blinds them to any honest criticism.


neoliberal economic policy

??? which means… what, exactly?

“Liberal” like American liberal politics.

??? You mean like the broad spectrum of … whom, exactly?

the definition of liberal is caring what gender someone is or isn’t…?

You haven’t begun to define the terms and ideology of what being a “liberal” means. I don’t mean to drop your sails, but you spent a lot of words saying nothing.

I again ask - define “liberal”.




I wrote a long bit explaining what they really mean with reference to Phil Ochs and all the contradictions and contrarianism involved in people who use liberal as a slur, it’s not worth it though because the real answer is ‘too left = tankie, not left enough = liberal, everyone is bad and should be ignored except for me’


supporters of neoliberal economic policy and somewhat progressive social policies. "

There’s nothing progressive about airstrikes on civilians. Never has been.

yogthos, avatar

The somewhat progressive social policies are reserved for the domestic market. Statistically, US democrats are the party who starts wars and UK liberals always support these wars as we saw with Iraq and Afghanistan.

bennieandthez, avatar

“How is it that we hear the loudest yelps of liberty among the riders of negroes?”


You somehow twisted this in your mind as some kind of gotcha that lets you preen in your selfish politics.


Scratch a liberal, a fascist bleeds


CNN continuing to pretend this was a modern refugee camp, and not a city in North Gaza named Refugee Camp. They were told to evacuate and did not. CNN has thrown all pretense of honest journalism out of the window.


Not sure if it seems like the headline claims, but in my case, from what I saw, Wolf had a cutout over the satalite feed, maybe on purpose? I hate it when the video isn’t added in the article.


I think he just didn’t know what else to say when he pretended they were losing sound.


I hate how articles like this don’t link the actual video.


Fair. It does have the news reporter tweet with the video embedded though.

krolden, avatar

Link the tweet too then.

krolden, avatar


livus avatar

Is it my imagination or does the IDF guy have a Scottish accent?


He does, he's Scottish. Moved to Israel.

krolden, avatar

For real wtf


Modern journalism: telling us rather than showing us.


They might have added it later, I’m not sure, but the video is in the X post at the bottom of the article - I just watched it through the article.


The video is in an embedded tweet.

Here’s a YouTube link I found, doesn’t have the gaza footage.

jackpot, avatar

the idf guy saying ‘thats not what we’re saying’ when that literally was what he was saying and he knows it and how he fucked up


The Good Guys™ strike again!


Strike I see what you did there :)

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