FoundTheVegan avatar


There is no excuse for this. Don't you dare try and find one.

TinyPizza avatar

Narrator: They did.

Neato avatar

I found a plausible ratio-oh no wait, it's genocide too.


Thank all of you dudes. This is the only non radical platform that actually consists of well thinking people. All others are…


Try browsing Reddit on this issue. Holy hell are bots gone all insane justifying that “Hamas needs to be crushed” on any civilian death. It’s a fascinating case study on how perceptions and narratives can be morphed and controlled.


Don’t have to go to reddit - you can just head on over to c/worldnews here on Lemmy to see the pro-Israeli hasbara narratives being allowed by the mods there.


If everyone else is wrong, maybe it really isn’t everyone else…


Bandwagon arguments are for idiots.


Ew, shouldn’t you be on reddit 🤢


He can also go to Facebook Twitter TT insta or YouTube!


And lemmy!

TinyPizza avatar

Still chasing that tail I see.


So you’re the type of person who would be onboard with Nazis because it was the thing to do in Germany

CarbonIceDragon, avatar

Appeal to consensus is a fallacy. One that especially doesn’t work well on the internet, because platforms are generally quite able to be influenced by bots or by removal by moderation staff or platform owners.


This is the only non radical platform that actually consists of well thinking people



If you exclude exclusively political lemmy instances like lemmygrad, lemmy is at most slightly more politically liberal than reddit, but without astroturfing racists being able to declare what makes it to the front page.


That’s an insane take lol.


You’re a fat right lunatic as proven by your insane posts and lunatic takes. Get help. You need it. Badly.


This site is teenage slogan yellers, too ignorant to know they’re ignorant


Stay mad that the zionists are wasting their paychecks on astroturfing reddit, fash.

TinyPizza avatar

go home old man, you're drunk


I don’t think it even breaks down to “liberal” or “conservative”. There’s an objective way of looking at what’s going on, the pro-Israel narrative is basically dependent on ignoring anything that happened before or after Oct. 7, omitting all other facts.


I think that’s a better way of putting it.


They did try. It was that there might be terrorist infrastructure there. They know there’s civilians there, but there might be infrastructure. They’re still looking into it, but they dropped that bomb, anyway.

I’m only barely paraphrasing.


So… genocide, got it.


But… genocide “with an excuse”. That always fixes everything /s


why not? if you’re unwilling to listen to another opinion, is it still a discussion?

tocopherol, avatar

There is no discussion to be had with mass murderers, they stop murdering or you force them to stop.


Ow I have heard and revised those opinions. I’ve seen them in the UN today STICKING GEW YELLOW STARS ON THEIR OWN CHEST.


fck hamas but you can’t do that.


Hamas openly calls for genocide

TinyPizza avatar

and Israel is in the midst of one...

Stanley_Pain, avatar

And people wonder why they’re calling what Israel is doing a genocide…

4am, (edited )

“tAnKiEs aRe ThE ReAl aNtIsEmItEs NoW! YoU cAn’T sAy pAlEsTiNeAn ChIlDrEn aRe InNoCeNt wItHoUt sUpPoRtInG HaMaS!”

EDIT: either no one knows the mOcKiNg TeXt meme, or there are a lot of IDF supporters in here


God tankies are insufferable

TinyPizza avatar

Define what a tankie is. You obviously know, right?


I’m not convinced from that comment that the user they’re referring to is a tankie, but simply put, I’d describe a tankie as the alt-left equivalent of the alt-right.

They’re not quite as violent in my opinion, but they push pro-china/russia propoganda and misinformation, and are just as self-deluded and delusional as the alt-right. I’ve also seen tankies justify Hamas’ attack against Isreal, which I find inexcusable and morally reprehensible. The same can be said of the IDF’s genocide against innocent Palestinians.

Tankies are on the fringe and are just on the other end of the bell curve of the alt-right.


You forgot to mention IRGC propaganda and misinformation. The current Gaza conflict is, without a doubt, the biggest propaganda victory the IRGC has ever had. They’ve got the US left absolutely fractured. People were worried about 2024 elections? HAHAHAH just wait. We’re so fucked.

TinyPizza avatar

Sure, my point was that they didn't know. That they were just out here throwing out words they had no clue about and (in my and others opinion) doing it as an attempt to drive wedges in the community. That's literally the joke up the thread that the guy baited the moron in with. I've met some of these people in real life. They weren't violent. They absolutely we're deluded apologists, but outside of talking revolution in the streets (which I don't think is to imply violence either, Iceland for example) they we're very much passive folk that just got pulled into a lame MLM.

To your later point, personally I agree, that the attack Hamas carried out on people in Israel is inexcusable. I don't think that is ubiquitous on the left, nor should it be. It parallels quite clearly in the discussions we're all having as to the validity of attacks on civilian populations but to some it is also a question of self defense under the massively imbalanced power dynamic between the two countries. Not only are we talking about apartheid here, but what is clearly becoming erasure. The longer this madness goes on the more people are going to question the validity of that Oct 7 attack and as I see the atrocities carried out daily I wonder if that point will come for me as well.

That's the significance of this story. Wolf fucking Blitzer, is starting to question this shit. If you ever needed a warning that you are taking the lead in the "bad guy" race, this is a skull and bones in the tea leaves.


Authoritarian Leftist who thinks Stalin and Mao had great ideas on how to run a country. Unironically pro-communist dictatorship.

umbrella, (edited ) avatar

mao literally freed them from the rest of british colonial influence and kicked off the start of the prosperity and development china is in rn


Not sure what tankies have to do with it, but I think everyone understands mocking text, and yes, there is a lot of pro-IDF astroturfing on all social media platforms currently.


I downvote that type of meme humor because I don’t find it adds to discussion. Even if I agree with the person, I downvote them every time.

Up/downvotes are meant for promoting relevant discussion and suppressing off-topic content, spam, trolls, and hate. They are not and were never intended to be dis/agreement buttons. People just misuse them.


You mean this?

“A short while ago, IDF fighter jets, acting on ISA intelligence, killed Ibrahim Biari, the Commander of Hamas’ Central Jabaliya Battalion. Biari was one of the leaders responsible for sending “Nukbha” terrorist operatives to Israel to carry out the murderous terror attack on October 7th. Numerous Hamas terrorists were hit in the strike.

Biari oversaw all military operations in the northern Gaza Strip since the IDF entered. He was also responsible for sending the terrorists who carried out the 2004 terrorist attack in the Ashdod Port in which 13 Israelis were murdered, and was responsible for directing rocket fire at Israel, and advancing numerous attacks against the IDF, over the last two decades.

His elimination was carried out as part of a wide-scale strike on terrorists and terror infrastructure belonging to the Central Jabaliya Battalion, which had taken control over civilian buildings in Gaza City. The strike damaged Hamas’ command and control in the area, as well as its ability to direct military activity against IDF soldiers operating throughout the Gaza Strip. As a result of the strike, a large number of terrorists who were with Biari were killed. Underground terror infrastructure embedded beneath the buildings, used by the terrorists, also collapsed after the strike.

The IDF reiterates its call to the residents of the area to move south for their safety.”an this?

AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

Murdering civilians is okay as long as there’s a legitimate target?

So al qaeda hitting the pentagon with a passenger plane was okay?


Using human shields is a war crime. But, other than that if Hamas would have left civilians alone on Oct. 7th, we wouldn’t be here right now.

AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

So your answer is yes?

BaroqueInMind avatar

The Pentagon is a genuine military target yes, however Al Qaeda are not a military, they are terrorists, and all terrorists are valid military targets (in this context, it's Hamas) if they threaten the security of your nation. So your strawman argument is really stupid. Try again.

AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

Well Israel is bombing civilian targets, cutting off food and power as indiscriminate punishment. They’re terrorists. So it seems like the perfect analogy.

blazera avatar

Biari oversaw all military operations in the northern Gaza Strip since the IDF entered

so...defending his country?


Oh are we pretending Hamas isn’t a terrorist org now?

AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

Y’all pretend Israel isn’t one so

blazera avatar

Zionists are the terrorists, invading another country and committing genocide in the name of their ethnostate



But Hamas too, right? I just want to see how far off the reservation you are.

FoundTheVegan avatar

You people say the same thing over and over again.

You play word games, ignoring the destruction Israel does to innocents from the safety of your semantics

capital, (edited )

Hahahaha you can’t even bring yourself to say it.

And I wouldn’t ask Palestinians that question. Hamas has won elections there and does well in polls.

I already know the answer.

Cool literal propaganda tho.

FoundTheVegan avatar
wetnoodle, avatar

The point is, Hamas is fucking abhorrent and shouldn’t be an organization that exists, but, every single fucking thing Israel and the west have done in regards to Palestinians fully encourages their support of Hamas. Imagine living in a concentration camp and being expected to have sympathy for the people holding you there. If you can say you would, you’re a lying piece of shit.


the problem will be resolved in the correct and proper way within a few months. go get angry about something you have an actual chance of doing something about maybe?

blazera avatar

Nah hamas is in response to zionist attacks on palestine


Hey well I appreciate the honesty.


They’re both terrorists tbf.

SaltySalamander avatar


There are no good guys in this except for the innocent civilians being murdered (by both sides)

TokenBoomer, (edited )

Who decides which groups are terrorists? America says Hamas is terrorism. Erdogan says they’re liberation fighters. One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. The African National Congress (while bombing and killing for their freedom) were designated terrorist. And then they weren’t terrorist. Now they are a political party.


go back and look at what else Erdogan has had to say. go ahead, we’ll wait.


The choice to reference Erdogan is an interesting one…


Should I have referenced Nelson Mandela?


wasnt he all about peace - resisting, but peacefully? Gandhi did something similar - of course, it ended badly for him.

Erdogan is sort of an odd choice here.

TokenBoomer, (edited )

skimmed the article. something about relations in the cold war or something. was the why buried down at the bottom? I didnt make it that far


The Department of Defense included the ANC in a 1988 report billed as profiles of “key regional terrorist groups” from around the world. Indeed, ANC actions during this period would include nighttime raids that destroyed fuel storage tanks and nearly two days of fires in 1980, a bombing at a bar in Durban that left three dead and more than 60 wounded, and a car bomb that killed 19 outside of the headquarters of the country’s Air Force in Pretoria in 1983.


ah, makes sense then - he was the leader of the ANC and the ANC actions included acts of terrorism. I guess he mellowed in old age? time/reflection will do that to a person.


The world’s perception changed.


You missed the point, probably on purpose.


the IDF got a top operative of the enemy forces. that’s all that matters.


You can put as much makeup as you want on a pig, it’s still a pig. Force people to move, and bombing civilians? Donning a Jew star in the UN? The whole country of Israel is a disgrace


Donning a Jew star in the UN?

Sorry, this is bad how?


Do you have any idea what that star was used for? Tip: it was not to mark people who was murdering kids. It’s spitting on those poor souls that was forced to wear the yellow star. These guys represent a country that bomb civilians and has nothing to do with holocaust.

If you can’t see the difference I’m sorry.


It's the Star of David, used by Jews for millennia and the symbol on the flag of Israel. Of course I'm familiar with its use in the Holocaust.

TinyPizza avatar

This is an article about how veteran news man Wolf Blitzer found such logic disgusting. You think swooping in and doubling down is helping disprove that?

"My three kids are gone, my kids, no one is alive," one despondent man named Jabar could be heard saying as his friends tried to console him.
Dr. Atef Al-Kahlot, director of the nearby Indonesian Hospital, said the total number of people wounded and killed is about 400.

What a just and noble war the brave bombs of Israel wage. We can all learn a lot from this I think.


I hate to tell you this, we won’t learn a god damn thing. Humanity forgets it’s atrocities as quickly as a generation passes. We do not learn the lessons of our fathers anymore. All we see are repeats after the old have passed on.

SaltySalamander avatar

We do not learn the lessons of our fathers anymore

We never actually did. It's just a feel-good sentiment.

HuddaBudda avatar

Blitzer pressed Hecht on the logic involved in Israel’s decision to target the refugee camp.

“This is the tragedy of war, Wolf. We as you know, we’ve been saying for days, move south. Civilians who are not involved with Hamas, please move south.”

They have been bombing the southern humanitarian corridor too. So I am not sure what he is saying.

Also, the thing about battlefields is that eventually the north becomes the south. At least if you are winning.


They’re saying that they consider all Palestinians to be terrorists. It’s that simple.

Go south if you’re not a terrorist, bombed because there may be terrorists in the mix.

Don’t go south, but stay in a refuge camp. Bombed, because there may be terrorists in the mix.

They’re all terrorists or terrorist sympathizers as far as IDF is concerned.


They’re all terrorists or terrorist sympathizers as far as IDF is concerned.

Kind of getting there myself tbh.


They’re saying that they consider all Palestinians to be terrorists.

Gee… it’s almost like “counter-terrorism” is just the politically correct term the propaganda-peddlers these days use so that they don’t have to call it colonialist warfare.


Greta Thunberg posed with a "Free Palestine" sign after the retaliation started. The IDF complained that she wasn't telling their side, that Israel had just been attached. Therefore, she was labeled a terrorist sympathizer. That really boils down their mentality.

daitya, avatar

BBC Verify has analysed the Israeli strike locations and found that they are indeed striking ‘safety zones’ where IDF instructed Gazaans to take shelter.


once hamas has been defeated the Saudi’s still want to pursue their roadmap to stability for the region. there’s still light at the end of the tunnel.


there’s still light at the end of the tunnel.

Soooo… a white supremacist settler-colonialist state emerging victorious is how you qualify there being “light at the end of the tunnel”?


That’s our fucking tax money, that’s what’s killing me. We are indirectly funding the killing of all of these innocent people. I hate life.


Tbf we’ve done it directly, too.


I’m talking about us, the people. Our government has been funding this shit for years.


Ah, got you. Thanks for clarification. Yes, I agree. Gawd almighty absolutely forbids using our own tax dollars for such ungodly things like feeding the hungry, healing the sick, clothing the naked or looking out for prisoners.

AutistoMephisto, (edited ) avatar

It’s sort of like a “Bruce Wayne v. Court of Owls” situation. Bruce Wayne has his philanthropy actively countered by a group that’s basically the Illuminati, this “Court of Owls” because, I’m guessing there’s an Eldritch horror that slumbers so long as Gotham suffers, but would awaken if the rich actually did anything to help the poor.

EDIT: Okay, so I found out this “Court of Owls” not only doesn’t care about the poor, they don’t care about the world in general. They serve an evil Bat-God named Barbatos who wants to use Bruce Wayne as a conduit to emerge in the world.


Bruce Wayne would definitely make it into Murica heaven. Superman might make it into Jesus heaven (which I would assume would be loving yourself, if the Kingdom of heaven is actually within us, which it is, in my experience).


Yes but you shouldn’t bring up hypocrisy here. Stopping killing now is worthwhile regardless of what various countries have done years and decades ago.


And forgetting the past leads to repeats. We have to acknowledge the good, bad and ugly and stay vigilant.


That’s generally good advice, but on a broad level it’s completely impossible. There’s no way that everyone can know all of history. We all have to learn little parts at different times in our lives, according to our own priorities and values. Also, quite obviously, forgetting the past does not always lead to repeats.

PP_BOY_, avatar

It’s not indirect. Every dollar the US sends to Israel directly goes to killing Palestinians.



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  • ikidd, avatar

    Fuck off with that “and Russians” crap. They aren’t even vaguely comparable situations.



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  • ikidd, avatar


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  • StupidBrotherInLaw, (edited )

    I saw this all the time on reddit. Some people seem to have the need to be involved in conversations but don’t have anything worthwhile, intelligent, or even just interesting or entertaining to say. They instead tend to pick an aspect of a comment, often take it out of context, then shit all over it but not in a way that’s constructive, helpful, or insightful whatsoever. They often don’t seem to really even have a point other than telling you you’re wrong. I’m pretty sure that’s what we’re seeing here.

    I suggest at most calling them out on their behavior but otherwise just not engaging. They’re basically trolls, even if they don’t realize it themselves, so it’s not worth the trouble and there’s no way to ‘win’.


    They aren’t even vaguely comparable situations.

    In this sense they absolutely are. No different than Iraqis, Afghans, Panamanians, Vietnamese… etc.

    In every other way, no - Putin can end this war any damn time he feels like. But that doesn’t mean the US military-industrial complex isn’t going to milk this for all it’s worth.


    Nah, you just framed the Russians as victims equivalent to the Palestinians and now you just did a 180 to pretend you meant to frame Russia as the aggressor when you actually didn’t. You know we can read your text, right?

    Killing the palestinians (and russians) don’t matter to them it’s just another funnel from our effort into their pockets.


    Nah, you just framed the Russians as victims equivalent to the Palestinians

    Nope. I framed them as something the US military-industrial complex makes money out of.

    now you just did a 180

    Nope. I did a 0 degree turn and is still facing the exact way I was.

    You know we can read your text

    Are you sure you are capable of that?

    pinkdrunkenelephants, (edited )

    Denial ain’t just a river in Egypt with you shills, is it?

    It’s not gonna work here, though. For all that Lemmy sucks ass, at least the users have a modicum of common sense. Good luck overcoming that. Dasvidaniya


    It’s really amusing watching you having an argument with yourself.


    To be fair, they were talking about war profiteering, not genocide. We are definitely happy with Ukraine being at war with Russia as far as war profiteering goes. And as much as Putin sucks, and any country may suck, it doesn’t mean their citizens should be killed endlessly. The people there are still human, even if their leaders are terrible. But rather than doing something to try and stop the war, the US would rather use it to funnel money to our arms dealers. Which is a problem, even if the enemy is bad, killing all the Russians should never be the goal. Stopping the war should.


    I am not implying that at all obviously. No one is. In fact I don’t know a single pro-Ukraine person who can’t differentiate between Putin’s regime and the Russian people.

    The Ukraine war is just Putin’s Iraq.

    Nonameuser678, avatar

    Isn’t Israel quite wealthy? Why do they even need this funding?


    To spread culpability around.

    Nonameuser678, avatar

    Yeah I can see that actually. Also serves as a way of legitimising their war.


    You don’t get wealthy spending your money.

    You get wealthy spending other people’s money.


    Hamas fires thousands of rockets at Israeli, if it didn’t have iron dome they’d have to prevent Gaza from firing the missiles, which means bombing Hamas and the civilians they hide behind

    TinyPizza avatar

    all your hypothetical disasters when your blind to the real one. What a joke.


    We could have healthcare. Or free college. We are all complicit in this, like it or not.


    I don’t remember being asked…


    Do you vote? Do you encourage others to vote? Can you do more?


    Vote for who? I always do my duty and vote for the lesser of the two evils, and they all turn out to be war criminals.


    Unfortunately, until we get money out of politics, voting doesn’t really matter.

    The ruling class can just funnel more money to the opposing side to get them elected. They’ve already got it down to a science so they don’t spend more than they need to.

    They haven’t even scratched the surface of how much money they can spend to control elections. It’s all just the bare-minimum to them, like maximizing profit.


    100% agree. Until Citizens v United is overturned we do not have a functioning Democracy.


    Taxes aren’t what’s stopping us from having health care. We already spend more taxes on health care per capita than countries with single payer health care. (Not that changes that we could be using our taxes better, but the myth that we would spend more taxes to get single payer needs to be dispelled.)


    We already spend more taxes on health care per capita than countries with single payer health care

    Sauce please

    Lumun, avatar

    The claim doesn’t seem right. We do spend far more on healthcare than other nations overall and our taxed spending on healthcare seems comparable to other rich nations like Japan, though that’s only a fraction of our total spending - most is private cost. Quick back of napkin math says taxes directly spend ~4k a year/capita on healthcare expenses, mostly Medicare, and single-payer systems tend to cost about ~6k total. Data is a little old. Correct me if I’m reading wrong.…/health-spending-u-s-com……/how-much-does-federal-gover…


    Hold on. I am in complete agreement that US healthcare spending is batshit crazy. I was just doubtful that our TAXED healthcare spending was more than other countries with single payer. All our spending is private.


    What do you mean “taxed”? Graph shows public vs. private.


    You mean how Israelis have Healthcare and free college?


    But how will Jeebus be reborn if he doesn’t have a home?


    The US had better pray Jesus doesn’t show up a second time - he’d take a flamethrower to it first thing. Israel won’t be far behind.


    Oh just wait until you find out what else tax money is used for…

    Better not worry about that and just focus on yourself


    Remember that time a million Iraqis died… for some reason?


    That’s our fucking tax money,

    Nope. It’s not. That money they hand Israel? Completely sucked out of their thumb - I literally use the massive handouts the US gives Israel as a way to debunk the “but printing money causes inflation!” crowd.

    Btw, that is an actual example of a handout - ie, not the (alleged) “handouts” right-wing pundits start whining about whenever the issue of social services come up.

    Of course, they could just as easily spend all that invented money to give you healthcare - but they won’t… that’s not how class warfare works.


    No, no I’m pretty sure there is foreign aid earmarked in the annual budget every year. It’s tax dollars.


    Nope. Your taxes doesn’t even pay for the US military - it’s all just money they invent. Your taxes are spent by the state you live in - roads, hospitals… that kind of stuff.

    When it comes to their precious military - and their precious neocolonialist shitfuckery they call “foreign policy” - they don’t rely on you.


    ntg but can you point me in the direction of your sources for that? I’m kind of lazy and google/my google fu sucks for me recently. no big prob if you can’t though


    Sure thing. The part you’re interested in starts at about 4:23.


    Not “completely”. They spend into a deficit every year, which is partially financed with tax and partially financed with debt obligations. It’s more that any spending is paid for 50% tax and 50% “indirect inflation tax” later, or whatever the exact numbers are (I stopped keeping track).


    your tax money is added to a pool. a very small part of that pool is used to fund interests internationally.

    tocopherol, avatar

    Yeah, so our dollars are killing more than just these innocent people in Palestine.


    They are also killing Russians which are committing genocide in Ukraine


    The vast majority of the pool is given to the military, who haven’t even successfully completed an audit, let alone passed one, in God knows how long.

    Don’t insult everyone’s intelligence pretending you know how that money is being spent; none of us do.


    Some of the mandatory budget and discretionary non-defense budget can be directly or indirectly linked to military purposes, but regardless, the majority of the budget is social programs.


    i have some idea. do I know where every cent goes? no. the government, most governments, are these giant ponderous masses of interwoven bureaucracy, striving to complete many diverse goals. the various goals are often at odds with each other.

    it’s the real downside of democratic governance.

    AngrilyEatingMuffins avatar

    Where’s the down punxxx Israeli Nazi lover to explain why this is good and wholesome

    FoundTheVegan avatar

    Bringing shame and disgrace to the name "punk"

    TinyPizza avatar

    He's highlighting today's screed and tapping ctrl + c as we speak.


    I’m all for Israel defending themselves, but they’re not even trying to hide the fact that this is about revenge, not security.


    I have noticed a change in tone from the colonel. He was very much all fire and bluster before while explaining why it’s Palestinians’ fault they are dying. Now he comes across as far gentler while explaining why it’s Palestinians’ fault they are dying.


    See, people can change.

    SankaraStone, avatar

    Have you ever seen a politician make the rounds on Sunday news shows? They, especially Republicans, sound extremely different on Fox News vs. the rest of media (Democrats sounds different on mainstream media vs. progressive independent media). This colonel is doing the exact same thing. He learned from the clip going viral and the way people are reacting to it to sound like he’s concerned and feels for the Palestinians rather than saying it’s their own fault like he was in the Blitzer clip.


    Flak in the propaganda model.

    SankaraStone, avatar

    I’m more interested in what the term is for folks who wear different masks for different audiences and in particular folks who react to criticism by putting on a mask later all while saying the same thing. It was astonishing seeing this guy on Erin Burnett’s show after seeing him on Wolf Blitzer’s show. It was like watching Lindsey Graham on the Daily Show or Meet the Press vs. seeing him on Fox News Sunday discussing the exact same stuff.

    Edit: I’d only listened to the Burnett interview. They’re different people.




    Why the fuck is a Scottish guy defending this

    SankaraStone, avatar

    Yeah, the complex reality of Judaism, the Jewish people, Israel, and Israelis is fascinating. But it pales in comparison to the horror of what’s going on right now, and that needs to stop.


    Fat Bastard was busy eating baaabies.


    Israel’s excuse is pure political theater. This was a war crime. Regardless of who’s coming a war crime - Israel, Hamas, Russia, America, Isis, or anyone else, they should be held to account. But they won’t, which is just so fucked up. But much like politicians and cops, you can’t effectively punish the ones with all the power.

    Israel is punching down so hard it’s insane. If they really knew where the Hamas leader was, they could absolutely send in a team or assassin to take him out without the collateral damage. It’s not like they don’t have spec ops or all the money and military resources they could need to do the job. Hell, the pro-Ukraine saboteurs in Russia have been able to destroy military assets and assassinated at least one oligarch, all without hitting a crowd of civilians no matter how anti-Ukraine said civilians might be. Israel has no goddamn excuse. Neither does Hamas. They’re both at fault and the individual persons responsible should be punished.


    The mossad is famous for tracking down Nazis who had been in hiding multiple continents away for decades, and they can’t find some dude literally next door.


    Worse, this is literal genocide.

    CosmicCleric, avatar

    they could absolutely send in a team or assassin to take him out without the collateral damage.

    The Rules of Engagement, especially when it comes to civilians, should be adhered to by Israel.

    Israel should send their army in to go after Hamas, instead of trying to blow up Hamas by also blowing up the Palestinians via air bombardment.

    Political concerns probably keeps that from happening, as when the Israeli body bags of their fallen soldiers start coming back the Israeli public, who are already upset at the current government for allowing this to happen, would be at a fever pitch to remove the Israeli government, and what that would mean for certain individuals who are facing legal issues.


    Why must you add qualifiers? Hamas committing war crimes in attempt to end the genocide being perpetrated on them is not remotely the same thing as Israel committing them in service of said genocide.

    Hamas’ excuse for hitting civilians with their rockets is that Israel has made it utterly impossible for them to produce high quality rockets, capable of being aimed. Israels tech superiority means the only way to attack them is via sheer quantity of rockets fired into Israel.


    October 7th was not “oops, our weapons are just too imprecise to aim properly”. It was an up close and personal direct violent attack on civilians explicitly designed to avoid any police or military targets.

    So it’s absolutely appropriate to shame Israeli falling to apply precision attacks and Hamas for quite deliberately targeting noncombatants.


    No, it wasn’t. Go do some actual research on what happened that day militarily before you continue making shit up at me.


    Did he have a Scottish accent?


    He did.


    The U.S. has a talking zombie for a leader. Victims of injustice have long memories, and so do their families. The world is not on the side of Israel. The Holocaust trump card that diverts any criticism of Israel’s behavior as anti-Semitism is expired, null, and void. They are backed by the U.S. unequivocally, to commit genocide rather than push for ceasefire and dialogue. The U.S. president, a talking zombie, has made his country less safe.


    Victims of injustice have long memories, and so do their families.

    This applies equally to Israel, bud. That’s why this stupid, bloody conflict keeps on going.


    You admit then that the disproportionate retaliation is motivated by vengeance. Ten times the body count, ten times the misery. I don’t condone either side’s actions.

    Comfortably_Wet, avatar

    Technical speaking by hosting military units it became a legitimate target.

    War is hell, isn’t it?


    You got any proof of that beyond “The genocidal state attacking them said so”? And further, since Israel is attacking all refugees, wouldn’t they thus all be enemy combatants? In which case it’d be like the Nazis saying they’re justified having concentration camps because they are at war with the Jews.


    This isn’t a war. A powerful and western-backed military state dropping chemical weapons on innocent civilians in response to a terrorist attack that those civilians had nothing to do with isn’t a war. It’s just a slaughter.

    Comfortably_Wet, avatar

    Stop using bad drugs. They make your stupid.


    Technical speaking by hosting IDF military units the music festival became a legitimate target.

    Can you see how stupid and you sound?

    kfet, avatar

    I was talking about Chomsky. He is not trustworthy.




    No one asked

    CosmicCleric, avatar

    Actually, that guy over there did. /points


    Im sure Hamas wasnt among them


    Oh? Why are you sure about that?

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