
AlllRightyThen avatar



NorCal, USA

gzrrt avatar



Each totem on the pole is a symbolic representation of one family.

Jonny avatar



Never reproach another for his love:
It happens often enough
That beauty ensnares with desire the wise
While the foolish remain unmoved.

  • Hávamál

Even the Vikings knew you should let people enjoy shit.

Teppic avatar



Excel modeller, juggler, geek, engineer, DIY nut. Woke=thoughtful, considerate and empathetic. All views are my own.

atocci avatar



I like Minecraft

cawsllyffant avatar



They/them, officially old, worked in dev since ‘97, look inspired by “Gimli, but fabulous?”

testing avatar



zu testzwecken > this is my favorite alt acc on the fedi

Semi-Hemi-Demigod avatar



I'm just this guy, you know?

CoffeeAddict avatar



I am nothing without my morning coffee.

Co-Moderator for @Neoliberal on kbin.social

Other aliases:
Mastodon: @CoffeeAddict
Lemmy: @Coffee_Addict

vikingtons avatar



bib stong 😤

siv9939 avatar



Reddit and Twitter refugee.

Amro avatar



Do I have to? I describe badly

GeekFTW avatar




Geek. Gamer. Data hoarder. Eldritch Horror hidden in a geeky t-shirt. Canadian. Polite, but says 'cunt' like an Australian. Avid pirate, worships unfathomable space gods that may drive you crazy.

If you see this username on other instances, it's almost certainly me on an alt.

Mastodon - https://universeodon.com/@GeekFTW

Hakaku avatar




jaror avatar



All the side effects were never mentioned to me
I am innocent of uncontrolled abuse

BenjMathis1 avatar



Migrated to my kbin.run account @BenjMathis1


I am a tech enthusiast/early adopter and Marvel nerd, currently studying Design.

Not quite sure what all I'll be getting into here, but I'm excited to see where this all goes!

You can also find me elsewhere on the internet @BenjMathis1.

Ranger avatar



Hello! o/

Deykun avatar



🎲 a random fact generator

snarf avatar



Surfin', cruisin', snarfin'. I like food.

TimeSquirrel avatar


overfl0w avatar



New reddit refugee.

trynn avatar



Professional software developer and all-around geek in Seattle.

peppersnail avatar



I love cats. I love every kind of cat. I just want to hug all of them but I can’t hug every cat.

I also ride my bike a lot.

Avatar from Javier Pastor Art https://www.pinterest.fr/javierpastordiaz/

HubertManne avatar



I am very typical earthling. I like earth food and earth drink and earth sports and earth media. Im all about earth things because I am so typical and earthling. so typical as to be very boring and not worth investigating or looking into because I am definately from earth.

look997 avatar



Thoughts, social issues, politics, laughs, anecdotes.
Also technology, webDev, AI, science.

Peekystar avatar




Th4tGuyII avatar



Alt. Profile @Th4tGuyII

BaldProphet avatar



2 Kings 2:23-24: A story about what happens when you make fun of bald dudes

Proud to be a defender of the faith.

My content may not be sold or used to train AI models without my consent.




What the duck just happened?

I am responsible for the neomojimixer, neodino, neohaj and neotrain

Public account of https://hat-eine.entenbru.st/@ente and Admin of this instance

@vox@sopuli.xyz avatar



ukrainian cat ~

@PaulGrahamRaven@assemblag.es avatar



Science fiction writer turned tech critic turned STS/critical futures academic turned consulting critical foresight practitioner and worldbuilder-for-hire. Resident in (and aspiring citizen of) Malmö, Sweden.

@romeorucha@mastodon.online avatar



I make quirky music.

@br00t4c@mastodon.social avatar



Woke Antifa Mobster. 24/7/365 stream of: news, salty commentary and vitriol from a mostly leftist/progressive perspective. News feed is my own custom, hippie-biased algo. Commentary is me. I try to answer in a somewhat timely manner but often fail, so... sorry. #fedi22 #news #resist #antifa #woke #politics #socialjustice #fbr #ifb #science #openscience #openaccess #opendata #reproducibility #opensource #foss #privacy #based

@murau@misskey.io avatar




All rights reserved

@scy@chaos.social avatar



Nerd. Freelance Software Dev. Relationship Anarchist. Sometimes lives in a van. Queer white cis dude, promotes anti-capitalism, anti-fascism, intersectional feminism, the fight against climate change, and thoughtful, ethical behavior in general.

Toots in English or German about software development (mainly Python, JavaScript, Shell), Linux, Vim, electronics/µCs, van life, politics, sex, (inter)personal & emotional things, music, Star Trek, beverages.

May contain awful puns.

@GossiTheDog@cyberplace.social avatar



Cybersecurity weather person and award winning shitposter. Shitposting is an anagram of Top Insights. You may be surprised to know I am not representing my employer here and these are not their opinions.

I have Direct Messages disabled - you can send them, but I will never receive them.

@Fanfic_Galore@lemmy.world avatar



Formerly on Reddit.



fanfic_galore on Discord

@jeanneavelo@framapiaf.org avatar



Principalement #vélotaf et #vélo utilitaire à #Orléans 🇫🇷 / tenancier d'un #blog #wordpress sur le même thème. Contenus originaux et traductions.

Homme amateur de bilboquet, de robe de chambre et de quiche à l'oignon. :mageia:

Note 🇬🇧/🇺🇸: I can read English and I can nearly write in English if I really need to (albeit slowly 😇).

@rotenotes@qoto.org avatar



♥∞♪☮☯☭Ⓐ☆ 🏴‍☠️🇵🇸🏴🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️🌻❤️☀️💚🌿😍💚😍🍃

I don’t sing because I am happy; I’m happy because I sing.

— William #James

"All the interests of my reason, speculative as well as practical, combine in the three following questions: 1. What can I #know? 2. What #ought I to do? 3. What may I #hope?"

— Immanuel #Kant

#Law is concerned with #freedom, the worthiest and holiest thing in man, the thing man must know if it is to have obligatory force for him.

— [#Hegel’s Philosophy of #Right, § 215 – Ethical Life / Civil Society / Administration of Justice / Determinate Law] [at: http://www.marxists.org/reference/archive/hegel/works/pr/prcivils.htm]

“No #morality can be founded on #authority, even if the authority were #divine.”

— A. J. #Ayer, Essay on #Humanism

All #punishment is mischief. All punishment of itself is evil.

— Jeremy #Bentham, Principles of #Morals and #Legislation

#Κομμουνισμός - «μια ένωση στην οποία η ελεύθερη ανάπτυξη του καθενός [ατόμου] είναι η προϋπόθεση για την ελεύθερη ανάπτυξη όλων».

#Marx & #Engels, Manifesto (1848)

#Communism - “an association in which the free development of each [individual] is the condition for the free development of all.”

#Marx & #Engels, Manifesto (1848)

Αρθρον 1. - Ο σκοπός οπού απ’ αρχής κόσμου οι άνθρωποι εσυμμαζώχθησαν από τα δάση την πρώτην φοράν, δια να κατοικήσουν όλοι μαζί, κτίζοντες χώρας και πόλεις, είναι δια να συμβοηθώνται και να ζώσιν ευτυχισμένοι, και όχι να συναντιτρώγονται ή να ρουφά το αίμα τους ένας.

#Ρήγας #Βελεστινλής, “Τα Δίκαια του Ανθρώπου”

"The consistent #anarchist, then, should be a #socialist, but a socialist of a particular sort. He will not only oppose alienated and specialized labor and look forward to the appropriation of capital by the whole body of workers, but he will also insist that this appropriation be direct, not exercised by some elite force acting in the name of the proletariat."

— Noam #Chomsky - In Daniel Guérin, #Anarchism: From Theory to Practice, 1970

"[…] Την δήμευσιν δεν την φοβείται αυτός που δεν έχει τίποτε, εκτός εάν έχης ανάγκην από αυτά τα σχισμένα κουρέλια μου και τα ολίγα βιβλία μου, που αποτελούν όλην την περιουσίαν μου. Την εξορίαν δεν την εννοώ, εγώ που δεν περιορίζομαι εις ένα τόπον, και δεν έχω ιδικόν μου ούτε το μέρος που τώρα κατοικώ, και κάθε μέρος είναι ιδικόν μου όπου και αν ευρεθώ ή μάλλον, κάθε μέρος είναι του Θεού, όπου εγώ είμαι ξένος και περαστικός. […]"

— Μέγας Βασίλειος

"He who joyfully marches to music in rank and file has already earned my contempt. He has been given a large brain by mistake, since for him the spinal cord would fully suffice. This disgrace to civilization should be done away with at once. Heroism at command, senseless brutality, and all the loathsome nonsense that goes by the name of #patriotism, how violently I hate all this, how despicable and ignoble #war is; I would rather be torn to shreds than be part of so base an action! It is my conviction that killing under the cloak of war is nothing but an act of murder."

— Albert #Einstein



Touhoppai founder, a touhou-oriented doujin group focusing on French adaptations.

@sarajw@front-end.social avatar



Fresh front-end dev and techy generalist, mum of 2, euro-mongrel (🇩🇪 🇬🇧 🇸🇪), lapsed swing dancer & DJ, erstwhile tall ship and dingy sailor, crocheter, lefty.

Work with :react:, but ❤️ vanilla :html5: :css3: :javascript: (particularly ✨CSS✨ 🥰)

Cis het - she/her, supporting :BLM: :a11y: 🏳️‍🌈 🏳️‍⚧️

@jsjoshua@esq.social avatar



Husband, father of two, lawyer. 2x Fintech GC with a focus on US consumer fintech and lending.



Creative director, designer, coder, speaker, writer.




she/her • Sysadmin catgirl <3

I love @lexi so much <333

Maybe autistic, probably ADHD, verifiably a dumbass :3

If you send a follow request please make sure your profile isn't empty so I can vibe check you, idm followers but I don't want people that make me uncomfy to follow me :3

I am a cognitohazard. By being aware of me you are in imminent danger ​:neocat_uwu:​

I occasionally post and interact with sexual/NSFW stuff, but always with content warning ​:neocat_floof:​
Rarely-used alt at @meow ​:neocat__w_:​

By reading this you agree to not read or interact with posts CW'd NSFW or 18+ if you're under 18. Failure to comply will result in your soul being extracted and put on display in a jar in my basement. Many such cases.

​:glowstone:​​:glowstone:​​:glowstone:​​:glowstone:​ ​:void:​ ​:void:​
​:glowstone:​​:void:​​:void:​​:glowstone:​ ​:void:​ ​:void:​
​:glowstone:​​:void:​​:void:​​:glowstone:​ ​:void:​ ​:void:​
​:glowstone:​​:void:​​:void:​​:glowstone:​ ​:void:​ ​:void:​
​:glowstone:​​:glowstone:​​:glowstone:​​:glowstone:​ ​:neocat_sad:​ ​:waterbucket:​

^ ruben keeps deleting the emoji

@brunus@mamot.fr avatar



FLOSS, Web, Code, Python, WebDesign, China, Dao, Classic RPG, Dungeons&Dragons, photo, music, books, culture, Fantazy, SF, history, Science.

Design des stickers antifa et autres...


@MisterNeon@lemmy.world avatar



A broken man, obsessed with 500 year old Mexican culture.

@gutenberg_org@mastodon.social avatar



Project Gutenberg, founded in 1971, is the oldest producer and distributor of free ebooks.

According to Michael Hart (March 8, 1947 – September 6, 2011), founder of Project Gutenberg, the mission of Project Gutenberg is simple: to encourage the creation and distribution of eBooks.
This mission is, as much as possible, to encourage all those who are interested in making eBooks and helping to give them away.

@dual_sport_dork@lemmy.world avatar



Apparently my current shtick is that I talk about knives at great length. Also motorcycles.



something something scrungly poly pan enby demi catgirlthing
​:maxwell:​, twains, linux, obsessed with the ice3 ​:neocat_hug_ice_3:​
born in germany, living in vienna
designated polycule server maid
​:blobhaj_flag_transgender:​ ​:blobhaj_flag_pansexual:​ ​​:blobhaj_flag_neurodivergent:​​
boosts ok!
this is my own lil instance. please let me know if there are any issues! ​:neocat_heart:​

pronouns: pronouns.cc/
alt acc: https://catcatnya.com/@mae
+18: https://meow.woem.cat/@ldap
photography: https://meow.woem.cat/@photographmae

"blue hair, an arm64 k8s cluster and pronouns" - @sam
"queen of woem" - https://toot.lgbt/@jennzycos
"if I wouldn’t have met them already, I would assume that https://meow.woem.cat/@mae is a LLM, trained with the dataset „woem“" - @jasmin
"oh dear" - https://meow.woem.cat/@maeow
"healthy of body, sick of mind" - https://akko.cuddlegirls.cafe/users/desea


@vectorz3r0@toot.community avatar



Father ▪️ Husband ▪️ Artist

⇨ ꜩ http://objkt.com/@vectorz3r0
⇨ D̶͕̊Λ̷̌ͅV̵́͜Σ̷̲͝⭕̷̦͒ http://shorturl.at/guwJM

⇨ PFP by @LukaPiskorec

@IndyRichard@mastodon.scot avatar



I want to live in a better, more democratic, socialist Scottish Republic as part of the family of European nations.
Studied physics many years back before 30+ years in finance. Currently researching loss, grief, memory and the photograph for my degree.
Passionate about improving awareness of childhood cancer and of trying to find better cancer outcomes
Support the Hibs which is character building!!

@nikita32@india.goonj.xyz avatar



Masters in Business from IIM Bangalore and Senior Manager at Unilever



辛丑 - Born at 318.54 ppm CO₂. Boyzdad. Rower. Media development. Scrum management. "Mankind was born on Earth. It was never meant to die here.“ (Joseph A. Cooper) 🦋


@eniko@peoplemaking.games avatar



Founded LGBTQ+ gamedev studio Kitsune Games with https://peoplemaking.games/@Njord. Kitsune Tails, Super Bernie World, MidBoss, Ultra Hat Dimension, Lore Finder. Also: Coding History on YouTube. She/her. Dutch, former US greencard holder, now living in Cyprus. You can buy me a coffee at https://ko-fi.com/sharkhugseniko

I do bad things to code

(Hello search engines, this is the Mastodon account of Eniko Fox)

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