@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar



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@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

This. Nowhere is the paradox of tolerance more dangerous than around “ableism” issues; people gotta learn to keep their targets sighted on the actual scum Insidiously using empathy to cross purposes.

The rightfully tolerant protector of the less able does not argue against the Nazi arguing he should be able to punch people without repercussions, they punch the Nazi until he shuts up and go back to equity for everyone else with a clean conscience.

Don’t tolerate the intolerant; don’t shield them with the benefit of the doubt or stop those with the conviction to stand up for those being told to sit either.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

“It depends on the position. If it’s entry level or some retail job, yes, fill it out. But management or some other position where it’s highly specific, this is an absolute waste of my time”

It’s an absolute waste of time, period. No need to stratify it further. McKinsey & Ilk bullshit is commodifying the lowest denominator shit in the name of HR professionals using more buzzwords and less braincells in the hiring process while pretending they’re standardizing equity, in my opinion.

That the positions you are ostensibly qualified for allow for a measure of ‘hardball posturing’ doesn’t mean pseudo-hokey HR practices on non-leadership role hiring. aren’t filtering the best of the best of people–at filling out useless forms that you’ll need to train to critically think anyways.

Only way to combat MBB bullshit is for the in-house managers to grow a spine and speak truth to power after the pre-contractually safe ‘I’m so good you want me even if I don’t toe the line’ that is allowed to every leadership role hire as their moment to feel special to see that reaction.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

Of course not. Why would I risk limiting our market share that way?

I demonstrate synergy and the ability to run an agile ship by instead outsourcing development of an app charging 1,000,000,000 people $15 monthly for the privilege of pressing the button and posting that they weren’t it this month.

Then I press it, because we must make sure our actions align with increasing shareholder value.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

Nearly every word that means something similar to “in actual fact” undergoes this semantic drift (actually, really, etc).

I looked into this for 3 minutes and found examples in multiple languages.


New expression-insight remix into the human condition connected; We literally really actually feel the need to be sure we’re understood, no matter the hyperbolic lengths gone to, huh?

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t let my family know, I still want to keep ruining speed Monopoly…

But I wouldn’t object if my ashes are like, 85% sand by volume. I’d be too dead.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

But only “pretty good”! Which sounds neat but that is just one step above “foundational” and good luck getting to mastery after skipping that, and finding the whole proposition a bunch of bullshit and really pretty good is enough, let’s do the next thing and the next until we lose a few more forgotten “pretty goods” for lack of practice!

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

Shhh, you’ll attract the solarpunks and then we’ll really be finding out all about the ways of low-tech and high-nature. Some of us have things to do today other than design low-watt high-flow irrigation.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

I can read, count, and combine them into steps followed in a sequential order. Can I Linux? I think I can Linux. These fucks are taking the piss.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

Probably stupid question that I can look up, but I think Linux expounding isn’t a problem here:

I have an Intel/Nvidia laptop as my only machine right now. I’ve read the jokes about how hard it is to get working peripherals and the jokes about the brains of those who can’t get them to work.

I’m an amateur web dev (looking to un-amateur) so while a command line isn’t super scary, it sure would feel like work or daunting at least for a bit. I also gotta share the machine.

So I guess the question is: how true are those peripheral driver issue things for say random stuff like using a Dual Sense controller with (I think this is the right name) Proton for the gaming nights, and am I right in assuming any distro (except those mutable or atomic distributions that seem to be divisive) that is “beginner friendly” with a GUI for the family is still going to enable me to poke into further learning with the CLI, i.e. you don’t sacrifice full featured command line for GUI?

Silly ahead of myself concern, but if I can avoid needing to learn more PowerShell junk and just focus on learning Bash, that’s actually a bonus I hadn’t thought of.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

This was amazing. Thank you so much for taking the time to write it all out! I really do have no reason to not dual boot. I only have one site community to manage, and I had help with the original configuration so my exposure to Linux has mostly been the occasional CentOS foray to update the stack throughout the years and start a few experiments that fizzled (but not that backup script! Woo!). I guess seeing it all in one place is just what I needed; there’s no reason to give it a VM a try. I already got WSL installed to “try Ubuntu” I told myself, but well, didn’t have much of a project to try. Your “essay” was the information I needed to get me to just give dual booting a try, work on daily driving it (I write as a hobby, and I heard there’s a trillion of good open source note apps out there, so there’s mini-project one, get a dual boot and a basic “Music,coffee,notes,wordprocessor” no-frills inst–Oh, I see how it starts with y’all. Thanks for your time, truly!

Edit: Missed important word.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

“Self promotion” can and often is conversation. Ads are ever just ads. Of course rules and expectations were put in place to push for a divisive paradigm that only “the big guy” can afford to sidestep.

Can’t have advertisers’ treasured impressions diluted by discourse that happens to involve a specific person’s (often) passionate labors. Drink your multinational conglomerate verification can now.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

So it’s probably not a big issue. I’d like input from non-binary speakers of those languages though; since I’m not non-binary myself it’s possible that my view is incorrect.

I’m only a native Romance language speaker (Spanish) who is both an ally and an amateur wordsmith.

Due to this, I’ll not pretend to go into any depth of why you’re wrong per the zeitgeist of Spanish youth today, but will instead give you the more or less settled informal solution (The RAE isn’t likely to add it officially):


@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

Staple satire; filling, reliable, but a little hammy. 5/7 with rice?

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

No. But you at least need the ability to conceptualize the possibility of empathy existing if you can’t feel it directly, in order to excel in any of those things (petulant assholery included).

It’s also a requirement to have truly nuanced discussion; I fear you are wasting your time in this discussion and if it’s not clear why, it’s because of a failure of imagination on your part.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

Yes. You have successfully read my mind. This is entirely in line with me as a person and how I have presented myself online.

I hope you’re proud of yourself for your insight, it was my pleasure to be your Judas this morning.

I see why you need to ask on here instead of outside in your community.

Edit: Forgot to add, no need to engage further. Consider me silenced, enjoy your discourse.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

Smallest of corrections because the bastards are multiple flavors of bastards: ’

‘At will employment’ is the "fire you for any or no reason so long as we don’t transparently enough do it for/to the small list of protected reasons or qualifying personal attributes for protected class status.

The sick joke is that you can terminate your employment ‘At will’ too, unlike those other work contract places isn’t that liberating!

That one is in all of the US.

‘Right to work’ would be the anti-union version which applies to some states that have gone extra harder than the other ones to prevent the evil evil unions. Plenty of folks better suited than me to explain more around Lemmy.

The sick joke with that one is that you have “the right to work” even when that evil evil union is doing collective bargaining outside with funky signs!

Person who replied to who I replied to; the list of shit Americans ought to be focusing on legislating for is intentionally multi-faceted and obtuse; do you really think such simple insight beyond what you would consider obvious? Our great thinkers aren’t dumb, they’re oppressed.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

I mean, you’re 99% correct imo.

But it’s not the voting power they’re afraid of losing though.

“We” (read, anyone even one iota to the left of what passes for American Centrism/Liberalism) doesn’t even stop to consider what “we” would do with a voting majority over the status quo voter example (Christian, White, Male) because that’s just not how “our” brains on average are structured.

“They” would get exactly what they deserve; adequate everything and a shot at the pursuit of liberty as equitable as can be honestly delivered.

That’s not what “they” vote for in the pursuit of maintaining their stranglehold over that teensy bit of extra power; they fear what they would vote for because their interests would see them vote the existence of the “other” away.

Promethiel, (edited )
@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

I even wonder if it’s some sort of coordinated mass manipulation to prevent the increasingly radicalizing people from taking out the groups in power, by letting them fight against the older ones, while they prepare younger fascists to run the place, but that would be too much of a conspirational thought.

It’s not much of a conspirational thought; it’s common sense blanket chaff laying.

Ageism, racism, and ableism are easy and timeless levers to pull. Who did the Nazis blame for their problems (besides Jews, their own built-in trifecta of isms)?

Edit: Nazis are just topical; pick any other axis power. Pick any civilization on Earth whilst they were getting their subjugating in, for that matter. I speak of human nature “always has been.jpg” monkey reaction shit.

Othering works best when it’s programmed to work at a glance, and as demographics shift, age becomes as useful as racism to manipulate if you’re being paid by a handful of shit stains coordinating their self-defined supremacy (Billionaires. I mean the oligarchical dragons who own the information outlets).

Too much of a conspirational thought? Please. It’s not even worth a line item in Repub Think Tanks strategy meeting; it’d be like saying the sky is blue or money makes you worthy for that kind. Axiomatic.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

Community Blood Center. The very polite vampires are the only ones who put up with Google screen for me. They really like my blood.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

The irritation, however, stays in the collective gripe-o-meter section of public consciousness because of the many ways news outlets can shape public opinion in other ways (and often do) but sure seem to bend over backwards for a certain class of criminal, more often than they sure as fuck ought to, I opine.

You can maintain someone’s presumption of innocence via non-libelous writing and still make it clear that editorial considers them a poorly regulated threat to a cohesive and social contact abiding society (or whatever it is editorial is saying and no, there never was and never has been true unbiased news; a good outlet merely attempts to expose multiple views, but humans in the editorial process can’t help but introduce slant towards one of those views however small.)

The wealth of nuance in my previous statement, for example, allows for both of these following interpretations to be attributed within a statement exposing the facts that allegedly tie Mr. Palmer, 49, of OK with the alleged criminal findings (while still avoiding a tort and leaving further reinforcing of the narrative possible through the rest of the hypothetical article) if the article writer is crafty and has a purpose:

‘Mr. Palmer from OK, 49, is an example of why, you, similar dear reader, need to please consider revisiting your stance maybe, it’s not okay to make pipe bombs to fight the unbelievers’


‘Mr. Palmer from OK, 49, is a demented lunatic in layman’s terms, and an example of why, you, similar dear reader (if you actually exist, please don’t), need to chill the fuck out before taking a nap and drinking a juice box because you’re a fucking child who is allowed to buy whatever you want from the hardware store, so show responsibility’

Or damn near anything else in-between. While still (the subject is our news outlet shaped strawman standing in for The Media, recall) allegedly not shaping the course of public discourse in ways that best aligns with the totally not commands and orders to not interfere with the owner(s) of the organization or their interests.

Words have power. Their selection matters.

The organizations whose existence is predicated upon this know this (the many humans within went to ‘word’ school as a rule). The politicians who are ever either condemning or praise the press know this. The billionaire owners of the media conglomerates know this.

They have a responsibility no matter how deeply a court of law can find them to be disingenuous, lying, cowards. Allegedly.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

You know the saying surrounding the learning of history and the dangers of the lack thereof?

It’s not cynical enough.

It’s always thinking “this time, my knowledge and lack of scruples will supersede the human condition!” with the regressive, self-deluded authoritarian mind.

The tragedy of the “doomed to repeat it” and “doesn’t repeat, but it rhymes” aphorisms both is always going to be a function of linear time, not the wit of the self-styled Masters of the times.

Sucks to live on human timescales during these times tho, I think every pen since antiquity agrees.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

I see this happen to you a lot; don’t forget the safest place to make and attack straw-men is usually the place with the least valid targets. You’re a perpetual victim of missed nuance and that is the cost of discourse nowadays. I’d say don’t let the bastards grind you down but there’s not even that many here just people assuming you’re the bastard.

POLITICO: Trump spent the day listening to strangers insult him. And he couldn't say a single thing back. (www.politico.com)

And through it all, Trump has been required to remain seated, not gesturing, not talking and not using his phone. He has not even been allowed to adjust the temperature a few degrees in a courtroom he described as “freezing.”

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

Appeasement always works. The unrest is going to happen one way or another, one way just ends you stuck with the same problem longer until you have to kick its ass globally and it runs to its bunker.

This sequel fucking sucks.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

Take it easy on the uneducated y’all. The fact that the failure to get anywhere and still keep meeting is the whole point, is actually not as well known as it ought to be.

Ask yourself dear reader, if world governments didn’t have a place to meet and waste time arguing over geopolitics and agreeing to disagree, how would such disagreements take place?

Theoretically, there are less big regional wars and no world wars anymore thanks to the UN’s founding as the world government’s pressure release valve.

I’ll not share my personal stance on the matter, easy to discern as it may be.

Now, these days are the real test of the institution. It was intended to head off another of what’s brewing (WW), to be a release vent and that’s just fucking laughably not happening as genocide and fascism returns anyways.

So the institution and it’s non-currently disingenuous members (US politics has been financially tied to Zionism too long for a clean break) need to call out the bullshit and the other four need to find their balls too because the only winner in a WW3 will be the US elite and rich, again.

Every other oligarch and oligarch wannabe is dreaming if they think our dragons will align with theirs out of dragonhood if Uncle Sam gets geared for global war again; the US will load it’s cannons with its fodder stock of idiots and no-other-choicers and will once again do their outmost to take whatever path leads to the most rubble elsewhere and the most firesales on cheap foreign bonds. Just like before.

@Promethiel@lemmy.world avatar

Because it can’t recognize my face to give me my special tissues for my special face, duh? Do you think I can just use the non-machine learning enhanced custom* oil soaking face tissues?

*Feature only works with an online connection to a server in Slovenia owned by a shell company in Brazil whose parent is based out of Switzerland.

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