@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar



An average IT guy

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davidwilkins, to random
@davidwilkins@mastodon.online avatar

As well as introducing MG versions of its Rover saloons and hatches, in 2002 MG Rover also revamped the MGF sports car, which was rebadged as the TF. The most visible change was a slightly more aggressive frontal treatment. But under the skin, there was a stiffer body shell and the replacement of the previous hydragas suspension with coil springs. Snapped at the 2023 NEC Classic Car Show.

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@Glencoe @davidwilkins MG was probably on a budget when developing this car, reusing an existing powertrain without any modification was probably the best solution costwise. The F/TF is quite a fun car to drive, mostly due to mid engine layout. Performance wise, all TFs are fitted the bigger F Trophy airbox that lifts inlet restriction that plagued nearly all cars using the 1800K stock fitment.

nixCraft, to random
@nixCraft@mastodon.social avatar

How much ram did your first computer have at your home ?🤔

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@nixCraft 4 kB, TRS-80 MC10

stefan, to ipv6
@stefan@social.stefanberger.net avatar

I want to try using #IPv6 in my local networks.

My clients get their IPv6 with a prefix defined by my ISP and then delegated from the router.

How can I deal with changing prefixes to have stable accesses to my network clients?

Any hint, documentation something appreciated. I'm using #OPNsense.

🏷️ #HomeLab

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@stefan Use an ULA prefix https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Unique_local_address
The SiXXs registry has been revived https://ula.ungleich.ch/ (found myself there...)

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

Despite RFC 4193 selection algorithm for ULA ensures low risk of collision, ULA registry (if maintained) ensures no collision can appear.
As ULAs are not publically routable but can be routed in private organizations, avoiding a prefix already registered prevents conflicts when merging networks/organizations.
My ISP delegates me a fixed /48 prefix but I'm using an ULA prefix that simplifies network management (DNS) and ensures ipv6 connectivity stays up even when ISP prefix delegation fails (had issues few months ago with the DHCPv6 client of my previous router).

davidwilkins, to random
@davidwilkins@mastodon.online avatar

Yesterday, I explained how Austin’s 1969 Zanda concept was designed to take a mid-mounted version of the Maxi’s engine and gearbox. In 1995, the mid-engined MGF followed the same principle: mechanically it was based on a 180 degree flip of the Metro’s front subframe, engine and gearbox. Another link to the Maxi/Metro - the MGF had Hydragas suspension, although this was replaced by steel springs when the F became the TF. Pic taken at the British Motor Museum

Red MGF, side view
Red MGF, rear quarter view

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@JorvikAngler @andrewprice @davidwilkins Even when fitted with PRRT, MLS head gasket, uprated oil rail ladder & head bolts, the waterpump flowrate isn't sufficient when you're stuck in traffic jams on engine idle. Adding an electric waterpump to ensure higher flowrate is really a worthy mod.

sebsauvage, (edited ) to android French
@sebsauvage@framapiaf.org avatar

J'aime bien l'application Automate. Voici quelques trucs que j'ai bricolés avec :

Édit : vu que les demandes de multiplient, je vais faire une page sur Automate, et partager et expliquer mes "flows".

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@sebsauvage Très pratique, merci. Libre, ce serait parfait.

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@cypouz @Saga_Cite @sebsauvage A tester, merci.

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@Saga_Cite @cypouz @sebsauvage
Pas une injonction du tout, plutôt une note pour moi même.

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@Saga_Cite Le merci était pour @cypouz. L'oubli de la virgule était totalement impardonnable et devait effectivement nécessiter une remise dans le droit chemin...

sebsauvage, to random French
@sebsauvage@framapiaf.org avatar

#matériel #CPU
Il y a des puces ARM partout (smartphones, ordinateurs, serveurs, datacenters...) et ce n'est pas un hasard.

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@sebsauvage Le souci est qu'Intel a toujours été très fort pour marketer son archi x86 et que malgré ses déficiences elle a survécu à la concurrence.
ARM pose un problème en termes de propriété intellectuelle, donc j'espère vraiment voir RISC-V arriver rapidement sur le marché des desktops, stations & serveurs à des tarifs raisonnables (actuellement, c'est le plus gros problème, il n'y a entre rien & pas grand chose à se mettre sous la dent coté desktop à un tarif comparable à une solution x86)

davidwilkins, to random
@davidwilkins@mastodon.online avatar

Production of the ‘classic’ Mini ended in 2000 but you can still buy an effectively brand new super-luxurious version - if you have the cash. This is the Mini Remastered by David Brown Automotive, captured here on the first press day at the Geneva Motor Show in 2018. Available with every conceivable luxury, although the price can creep over £100,000. An electric version (Mini eMastered) is also available.

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@davidwilkins IMHO, Minis by DB miss the very essence of the classic Minis. Any Mk I is much more appealing these bloated recreations

sebsauvage, to random French
@sebsauvage@framapiaf.org avatar

MAIS QUEL ENFER le site de la SNCF.
On a pas réussi à appliquer une carte de réduction sur deux voyages.
Du coup on a appelé le 3635.
Même la conseillère a galéré à mort sur son ordinateur pour réussir à appliquer la réduction.

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@sebsauvage J'ai un bon de remboursement qui arrive à expiration fin avril. À chaque fois que je tente de l'utiliser, ce n'est pas possible sur le trajet ou autre motif débile du même acabit, je pense que ce truc a volontairement été fait avec les pieds.

bortzmeyer, to random French
@bortzmeyer@mastodon.gougere.fr avatar

Humeur du jour : la cybersécurité ne sert à rien, on sera de toute façon piraté un jour, autant se coucher et boire du vin. https://techreport.com/news/microsoft-azure-hit-with-the-largest-data-breach-in-its-history-hundreds-of-executive-accounts-compromised/

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@bortzmeyer Faudra trouver un presta français ou européen capable des mêmes failles pour héberger le Health Data Hub...

sebsauvage, to random French
@sebsauvage@framapiaf.org avatar

Ce qui est génial c'est qu'après le BitCoin, on a trouvé une AUTRE technologie qui pose plus de problème qu'elle n'en résoud et qui consomme ENCORE PLUS d'énergie que le BitCoin.

Je suis impatient de découvrir la prochaine révolution de la Silicon Valley (non).

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@sebsauvage Ce sera un truc distruptrif avec un concept révolutionnaire mais pas encore bien défini © Carotte 4.0

ned, (edited ) to random
@ned@mstdn.ca avatar

How the times have changed.

Interesting how the stylization is now MINI (ie, these are two MINIs), like even the word looks bigger now. :D

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@ned There's one Austin Mini and a BMW SUV that surfs on nostalgia, the only common trait is their 4 letter name. One could even argue it's been this way for a long time as the first iteration of the new Mini (R50/R53 types) was the last with some Rover DNA left inside it.

shaft, to random French
@shaft@piaille.fr avatar

Voici une blague que vous n'aurez pas : il y a une commune qui s'appelle Hères dans les Hautes-Pyrénées, mais le patelin est trop petit (108 hab. en 2021) pour y voir passer des trains. Donc la gare d'Hères n'existe pas. 😓

Wait... J'ai quand même fait la blague 🤔 #pardon


@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@shaft Cela peut-elle l'empêcher de venir ?

erimas42, to random
@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

Un paquet de "peintres" qui sévissent dans le secteur du réseau devraient lire ceci

davidwilkins, to random
@davidwilkins@mastodon.online avatar

A few weeks ago, I was explaining how Renault, with the R4, R6 and R16 was one of the pioneers in the introduction of a then-new body type, the hatchback. But long before that, the company had been experimenting with new, more spacious and practical types of vehicle than the three-box sedan/saloon, such as this, the 1959 Projet 900, with its rear-mounted 1.7-litre V8 (yes, really), snapped here at Paris, 2014. Weird back-to-front styling.

Gold metallic Renault Projet 900 concept, badge detail
Gold metallic Renault Projet 900 concept, rear quarter view
Gold metallic Renault Projet 900 concept, 1.7-litre V8 engine

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@davidwilkins Weird seems an understatement :)

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@mcSlibinas @davidwilkins The BX dash is not that weird (the Lotus Esprit S1 is bit weirder), the real thing is the CX Mk I dash, weird but quite ergonomic once you're used to.

sebsauvage, to random French
@sebsauvage@framapiaf.org avatar

🎶 #tootradio #pouetradio
Un des meilleurs morceaux de tous les temps. Pas de discussion possible avec moi sur ce sujet.

« Unfinished sympathy » - Massive Attack

(Lien invidious : https://invidious.nerdvpn.de/watch?v=ZWmrfgj0MZI)

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@sebsauvage Indispensable, le Paul Oakenfold Mix est vraiment sympa aussi. Quelle que soit la version, le souci de Unfinished Sympathy est qu'il est trop court...

erimas42, to random
@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

The only Blue Monday that matters

pb, to random French
@pb@mast.eu.org avatar

Prêt à installer du cache ZFS L2ARC pour booster les performances du serveur. Il reste de la place pour du ZIL sur barrettes Intel, en attente de leur arrivée.

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@pb @Agonie Les VDEV de type special probablement https://forum.level1techs.com/t/zfs-metadata-special-device-z/159954
J'ai un miroir special sur le pool données du serveur de cuisine (composé lui même d'un agrégat de deux miroirs de WD Red 4TB)

davidwilkins, to random
@davidwilkins@mastodon.online avatar

Today, we’re looking at that Vauxhall/Lotus link again with the Lotus Europa S/SE. I’ve posted these pictures (taken at my local leisure centre car park) before, but I hope you won’t mind because this car provides the link between yesterday’s Vauxhall VX220 and tomorrow’s car. Like the VX220, the Europa S/SE was an attempt at a slightly less hairy and more spacious take on the Elise. It also uses a similar GM engine to that fitted to the VX220.

Black Lotus Europa S/SE, rear quarter view

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@davidwilkins The Lotus GT tentative based on the turbocharged variant of the VX220. It was a bit heavy for a 4 pot Type 111 derivative, due to the cast iron Z20LE engine and the interior fittings. Never drove one.

davidwilkins, to random
@davidwilkins@mastodon.online avatar

Today, after the Chevette HS and the Lotus Carlton, we’re looking at a third Vauxhall with Lotus links, the VX220. The VX220 was designed to be a slightly more grown-up/mainstream and more liveable-with (but still fast and sporty) take on the Lotus Elise, on which it was based. This car - actually the faster VXR220 rather than a standard VX - is from Vauxhall’s heritage collection and lives at the in Gaydon in Warwickshire.

@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar

@davidwilkins The 2.2l NA variant is the most "lotusish" of all Type 111 derivatives as the L61 engine was mostly developped by Lotus Engineering.
Even if the later 2.0l turbocharged variant is much more powerful, the 2.2l NA has better handling IMHO.
A friend of mine has just bought a supercharger kit for his 2.2l NA, it should be fun 😁

erimas42, to random
@erimas42@piaille.fr avatar
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