@misc@mastodon.social avatar



Microblogging like it's 2009

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

misc, to random
@misc@mastodon.social avatar

Well holy shit what a week

misc, to oberlin
@misc@mastodon.social avatar

Hey Obies for a free Palestine, please

join this Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/share/SivPBksja7N1FqJY/

or follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/oberlinforpalestine

or message me if you want to be added to a Signal


misc, to random
@misc@mastodon.social avatar

lol I think "BREAKING" is a magic word to skip the slow Threads algorithmic queue

seachanger, to random
@seachanger@alaskan.social avatar

among many ideas presented, the important idea that non-Zionist American Jews demonstrating for Palestine in public actually draws people into Judaism and gives many of us a home within our traditions


@misc@mastodon.social avatar

@seachanger it me

misc, to random
@misc@mastodon.social avatar

What's the word for when someone is doing something they feel defensive about, and they want you to do it too so they can feel better? Anyway...

@misc@mastodon.social avatar

Kinda feel like we need to bring in people with experience from anti-smoking campaigns because that's the psychology we're up against here

@misc@mastodon.social avatar

Here is what I wrote back

@misc@mastodon.social avatar

But like, David Klion popped onto Bluesky a month or two ago and did the same thing. I'm just like, how is this consistent with being a leftist, which is essentially kind of utopian right? I get choosing your battles but I also feel like people aren't connecting this issue with their value and outlook in other areas. Aren't taking it seriously as a political issue.

@misc@mastodon.social avatar

@paninid I did!

@misc@mastodon.social avatar

@Dseitz 😬I dunno, feel like he's got close enough to the edge that he would have done it by now, but we'll see.

@misc@mastodon.social avatar

@Dseitz Grim I mean, can't see Klion doing that.

misc, to random
@misc@mastodon.social avatar

When my iphone dies because its battery runs out, and I turn it back on again, it seems like push notifications are messed up. And the only solution seems to be … turning it off and on again.

Make it make sense.

misc, to random
@misc@mastodon.social avatar

There are so many map-based apps that should be pretty simple to implement and yet haven't been (afaik)

  • Chances of rain along your bike route for different start times
  • Given a route, best rated restaurants that don't take you far away from that route, for pick up orders
  • Best restaurant to meet up for two parties, that requires them to travel a roughly equal amount
@misc@mastodon.social avatar

You can hack all this stuff, and I know because I frequently do, but it's all more of a pain in the ass than it can and should be

@misc@mastodon.social avatar

This is kind of why I have a hunch that most applications of chatbots are a weak cop out solution for problems where the real solution would be good UX.

@misc@mastodon.social avatar

@cks @irenes Oh cool I'll check it out.

(A real failure of the app store incidentally is that there are a lot of hidden gem apps that languish in obscurity. It's really hard to find the thing that does the thing you want to do.)

seachanger, to random
@seachanger@alaskan.social avatar

once an alaska economist on twitter unfollowed me because I disagreed that “construct more houses” was the only way out of this housing crisis and suggested we may have some regulatory leverage as well


@misc@mastodon.social avatar

@seachanger Yeah I'm like "sure, sure, build more, under supply, I can believe it" but also: the blithe disregard for the reality of gentrification and displacement on people's lives, the single minded fervor and smug contempt for skeptics, the obvious echoes of trickle down economics, I just can't...

gavi, to random

im so fed up with matrix today

@misc@mastodon.social avatar
@misc@mastodon.social avatar

@gavi no it was like that originally lol 😂

misc, to random
@misc@mastodon.social avatar

The journalists went to Bluesky, the politicians and orgs went to Threads, and when bridges are fully implemented, Mastodon will be the best place to have it all.

@misc@mastodon.social avatar

This is not an endorsement of federating with Meta. I think there will be wings of the fedi that are more closed off and that's a good thing.

But it's also good for the network overall if the power users who want to connect with everyone see this as the place to do it.

misc, to random
@misc@mastodon.social avatar

Renaming your plex server "amazon crime"

misc, to random
@misc@mastodon.social avatar

Everyone goes after Marie Antoinette for saying "let them eat cake" but they leave out the part that came before, which was a crowd angrily chanting "let us eat cake!"

@misc@mastodon.social avatar

@nlpbot That's what you get for trying to be nice and share your cake

LALegault, to random
@LALegault@newsie.social avatar

So I e-mailed @stux to inquire as to why I am now banned on his server after mastodon social finally rescinded their ban and I am awaiting a reply as to why people feel the need to give into zionist babies who can’t handle criticism of their precious Israel.

@misc@mastodon.social avatar

@LALegault @stux My experience with their moderation was not promising https://mastodon.social/@misc/111326365996730141

@misc@mastodon.social avatar

@LALegault @stux Weird, it's a followers only post, assumed you'd be able to see it.

Anyway, it looks like the profile is still up, though seemingly abandoned, and the posts are gone, so I guess they finally took action.

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