Pamasich avatar


Software Developer, Switzerland
Languages: German, Allemanic (Swiss German), English
Hobbies: Gaming, Anime

I almost only watch seasonal anime.
As for games, I currently mostly play Star Rail, Noita, and Shotgun King.

Pamasich avatar

To newly federate a magazine with Lemmy, search for it using the syntax ! in Lemmy's built-in search. This worked for me instantly when I just tested it on, after confirming that it 404s before doing it.

Pamasich avatar

Progressive web app. Modern browsers let you install a website to your phone or desktop as a pseudo-app. It'll still run in the browser, but most of the browser stuff, like tabs and bookmarks, are hidden to give you a focused and clean experience. Developers only have to ensure their website supports mobile phones and don't need to develop an entire app project to accomodate phone users.

SLaSZT, to kbinMeta
SLaSZT avatar


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  • Pamasich,
    Pamasich avatar

    I'm a bit late, but since no one seems to have given you an answer yet: Account deletion is currently manual and the instance's owner has been inactive since the year started. He came here every few weeks to remind us he's not dead yet, but otherwise it's been silence. Since account deletion is manual, that means there simply is no one there who could fulfill your deletion request currently.

    I want to stop having my votes public and just make a new account on another site

    Make sure not to switch to another fediverse site like a Lemmy instance. Lemmy hides the votes to its users, pretending they're private, but still happily gives them out to other sites like kbin to display or harvest.

    Pamasich avatar

    Maybe in comparison to the US layout? I'm not having any trouble with them.

    If you mean the [] (and {}), they just use the right alt key, which is close enough to them.

    RTR#50 Plans for the upcoming week

    Lately, I've been dealing with a slight fever associated with the beginning of the year. I'm trying to ensure that everything runs fairly smoothly. Today and tomorrow, I need to focus on planning finances for the upcoming year and handle formalities related to the project. In the following days, I'll implement changes to fix...

    Pamasich avatar

    Hey @ernest

    I just noticed that, while kbin supports Lemmy-style spoilers, it seems like actual spoilers federated from Lemmy don't appear as spoilers on kbin yet. Are you aware of that?

    For reference, here's a thread where I tested this with my test account.

    The federated spoiler just displays in plain text still.

    Pamasich avatar

    You should contact @ernest I think. He's the admin of the instance. Though, I think he's on a christmas break with his family right now, judging by his inactivity over the recent days and what he said in the last devlog.

    If it's just about preventing your access to your account though, I think setting a password that you don't know would do the trick. Maybe set half of it yourself and have someone else contribute the other half, so neither of you knows the full password.

    I do think you're putting yourself down too much about the quality of your posts. Referencing a comment of yours here. I've looked a bit through your history and didn't really see anything out of the ordinary.

    And, when someone’s a shitty poster like me, don’t m people usually want those kinds of people to delete their accounts?

    Not really. If the account is a problem for you, sure, get it deleted. But no one's wishing for you to delete it.

    Pamasich avatar

    And the people there are smallbrained for all flogging to one instance

    I know you're from yourself, but you're telling that to, THE main kbin site that according to fedidb has 23 times the active user count of the next biggest kbin/mbin instance (not counting since it's dead, but that one was 1/12 of's size). We're really doing the same thing even more.

    Pamasich avatar

    I can see recent (few hours ago) comments of mine on (and is in the linked instances list), so it doesn't look like it actually stopped federating. But yeah, I can't access kbinmeta from over there.

    edit: I think I've read, back when ernest was gone, about some big Lemmy instance blocking magazine federation because of the bot spam in so many magazines. I assumed it's just rumors, but is it actually real and still a thing is doing?

    A case for preemptively defederating with Threads

    With Meta beginning to test federation, there's a lot of discussion as to whether we should preemptively defederate with Threads. I made a post about the question, and it seems that opinions differ a lot among people on Kbin. There were a lot of arguments for and against regarding ads, privacy, and content quality, but I don't...

    Pamasich avatar

    Open source, non-corporate instances should be able to grow, and that growth will be stunted if most people who want to interact with the fediverse are deciding to go to corporate, profit-driven instances.

    The issue is, how does defederating not promote leaving for Threads or instances that federate with Threads?

    I think it's a good argument against Threads federating at all, but a poor one for defederating from Threads.

    If Threads produces 95% of content in the fediverse, and your instance defederates from them, then your instance just doesn't have access to those 95% of content. Threads and its friends will be a lot more attractive then because it has 19x the content of what you have access to on your instance.

    I think this will still lead to people leaving for the threads fediverse.

    Also, I get the argument for Mastodon, but does /kbin actually have anything at all to fear here? Sure, the user numbers and content would be way higher than the rest of the fediverse. But Threads is a Twitter contender, not Reddit like /kbin and Lemmy. We will only see their content in the microblog tab.

    Is the microblog tab actually that important to most people, that the instance could become dependent on Threads for dominating it? I honestly don't see it happen, I feel like this is an imported issue from microblogging platforms that's just repeated here despite being a non-issue for us.

    Pamasich avatar

    Check if any userstyle/userscript is hiding it maybe? It's definitely still there for me, and I'm sure @ernest would have said something if he was A/B testing removing it.

    Pamasich avatar

    Banners for magazines

    You should be easily able to add a banner using the magazine CSS. Though that's not being federated currently, I hope magazine CSS federation gets added in the future at least between kbin/mbin instances.

    This should give you a banner above the threads section:

    main > header {
        /* Change both of these */
        height: 100px;
        background-image: url(;

    While this should give you one that also extends over the sidebar:

    #middle:before {
        width: 100%;
        display: block;
        content: '';
        /* Change these two: */
        height: 100px;
        background-image: url(;

    Changing the #middle to #header would put it above the kbin header (with the logo, the threads/microblog buttons, etc).

    Community Engagement

    There is an Active People section in the sidebar.

    I think the issue here is that kbin simply doesn't have a lot of users yet.

    One of the reasons I believe for that is also because the platform feels very stale or dead in plain sight.

    This won't improve if you show people "0 people are viewing this thread" on every thread. Actually, it would worsen the impression that the site is dead.

    Pamasich avatar

    I understood OP to be talking about mobile specifically.

    And that's why I said Firefox or Kiwi. Both of those are mobile browsers (the latter is chromium) that support extensions, so you can just install your favorite monkey and stylus and add userscripts/userstyles the exact same way as on desktop.

    Pamasich avatar

    I really don't see the issue. So more users is bad? I thought our issue is the lack of users currently.

    I've seen people complain about ads and data harvesting here. But instances can already do that. Meta joining would change nothing about that. Actually, being a proper legal company, it might be easier to sue them over misusing your data than random instances.

    "Embrace. Extend. Extinguish"? Let's stop between the last two steps then, not before the first one.

    Kbin would be crippled by the amount of Threads content? I thought federation only happened if one user is following a user on Threads? Should be as easily manageable then as Mastodon is currently. Or am I misunderstanding how this works?

    To me, big sites federating looks like a clear advantage. I don't really get the big problem.

    Pamasich avatar

    Go to the Magazines tab in the top bar and then there's a collections tab on the page that opens.

    Request: Remove ability to 'boost' your own comments and threads

    The ability to 'boost' your own comments/threads has been used by a very small number of users in a way that seriously degrades conversation on the platform. These users constantly move their own contributions to the top of the conversation without regard to their value. If allowed to continue it will likely become standard for...

    Pamasich, (edited )
    Pamasich avatar

    We should probably have our posts self-upvoted by default anyway, like on reddit and lemmy.

    Well, Lemmy doesn't either. It pretends to exactly so you don't (I assume that's the reasoning). It doesn't actually add an upvote in your name and so it's also not counted as upvoted by you by other platforms. I can only guess it's trying to prevent people from adding an upvote by making them think the platform already did it for them.

    Just check Lemmy posts on kbin (considering voting is public). How many of them have the creator as one of the upvoters? New posts with 1 upvote on Lemmy have 0 on kbin.

    Discovered this a few weeks ago while testing some federation stuff.

    I cannot see some threads. Is there something wrong with my account or is is a bug? Czech

    Some threads that are visible when logged out become invisible when logged in. This seems to apply to all magazines and all instances - I am not completely blocked from an instance or a magazine, they just don't show all the threads. This seemingly started relatively recently, because I now cannot open a thread that I commented...

    Pamasich avatar

    Have you blocked anyone? There's a bug that causes certain threads, including your own, to not be visible to you outside your profile. It's caused by you blocking anyone at all iirc. Or maybe it's about blocking domains, I forgot the specifics, but try removing any and all blocks and see if that solved it.

    It's fixed in the latest code iirc, but there's not been a stable release yet that incorporates the change.

    Additionally, and I have no idea if this is related, I cannot send direct messages to anyone outside of

    This is correct, direct messages only work on the same instance currently. If I remember the previous discussions about it correctly, this is intentional for some undisclosed (or lost to time?) reason currently. Like, the developer has specifically added code to cause this behavior, I assume because there were worse issues with it.

    Pamasich, (edited )
    Pamasich avatar

    The easiest test would be seeing how it renders on an alternate KBin instance

    So, not op, but I just tested this. The issue OP is seeing doesn't occur on and the same way it does on lemmy, but I'm noticing that there IS an issue with how the markdown is federated between kbin instances.

    This is, verbatim, what I get on both and

    Show off your hard work! (Not limited to just weight loss) Use this format when posting pictures: > Gender/Age/Height [Weight Before > Weight After = Total Amount Lost] (Time period in months) Personal title > Example: F/23/5'5" [289lbs > 250lbs = 39lbs] (4 months) I am very proud of myself! RULES > Be respectful > Support one another > No sexual comments (based on the subreddit)

    Notice how there's no new lines / paragraphs and that some of the > (but not all of them) got changed into > and the receiving instance didn't change them back.

    For reference, this is how it should be:

    Show off your hard work! (Not limited to just weight loss)

    Use this format when posting pictures:
    > Gender/Age/Height [Weight Before > Weight After = Total Amount Lost] (Time period in months) Personal title
    > Example: F/23/5'5" [289lbs > 250lbs = 39lbs] (4 months) I am very proud of myself!

    > Be respectful
    > Support one another
    > No sexual comments

    (based on the subreddit)

    So clearly there is an issue with kbin itself here, whether or not lemmy has an issue too.


    Pamasich, (edited )
    Pamasich avatar

    Posts from people you follow appear in your sub feed based on my observations. Doesn't matter if you subscribed to the magazine in question, I assume "following" is just subscribing to a user behind the scenes. Given a magazine is just a special user account iirc.

    I haven't noticed this in my own feed yet, but it's also possible boosts of users you follow are also shown to you.

    So it might be worth checking who boosted that thread in your image.

    Edit: Doesn't seem to be the case, no, you're following neither the creator nor booster of the post.

    Do you upvote your own posts and comments?

    Since on most fediverse instances you don't automatically upvote your own comment, do you do it manually? What's considered "proper etiquette"? Because on Reddit your stuff is self-upvoted automatically, while in YT comment sections comments with 1 like sometimes get called out for liking their own comment. Do we have an...

    Pamasich avatar

    I don't do it, I don't see the point to doing it except to mirror Reddit, which shouldn't be our goal imo.

    Pamasich, to fediverse
    Pamasich avatar

    When I visit the page of a or user/community through a direct link or entering the url (as opposed to navigating to it manually on mastodon), I get taken to the kbin/lemmy instance instead. How can I prevent that?

    Pamasich avatar


    I think you misunderstand what I meant.

    This link:

    takes me to the profile on kbin instead.

    This happens with any kbin/lemmy community/user. Mastodon seems to automatically redirect, I'm asking if I can turn that off somehow. If I go to a url, I expect to arrive at not or

    As I understand it, that addon you're referring to would just redirect a link to (aka my home instance) instead. Which isn't really what I'm looking for at all.

    Pamasich avatar

    You should probably create an issue on the codeberg repo. I don't see an existing one on the topic when searching for "wiki".

    Pamasich avatar

    So given Reddit's CEO idolizes Musk and his ideas for Twitter, I wonder how long it'll take for Reddit to adopt this.

    Pamasich avatar

    I've seen people bring up Youtube blocking adblockers a few times now, but I have yet to see anything myself despite using Youtube daily with an adblocker. What adblocker are you using?

    goryramsy, to kbinMeta

    Sorry for the dumb question, but, uh, how do you collapse comment threads? I'm a bit new here, and I really like it, but I don't want to have to scroll past a lot of subcomments and side-conversations to see the next top comment. I've tried clicking on the nice colors and stuff, but I can't seem to figure it out. Can someone help me please?

    Pamasich avatar

    @goryramsy I don't think it's a feature yet on kbin itself, but there's a great userscript that does this. You need a browser extension that lets you install userscripts (like tampermonkey for chromium browsers) to use it.

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