74, to random Polish
@74@wspanialy.eu avatar

@tic@games.rerere.org @Kierunkowy74 5

Kierunkowy74 avatar

Federation bug on - account name should be (at)tic-tac-toe(at)games.rerere.org

Vardy, to random Spanish
@Vardy@rebel.ar avatar

Alguien probó seguir una comunidad de Lemmy desde acá y le funcionó? 👀

@tuneintodetuned@mastodon.social avatar

Funciona, pero no del todo si sigue igual que el año pasado. Nosotros creamos grupos/comunidades en (@detun3d) y (@detun3d). Hicimos otra para organizar partidas en juegos abandonados como hicimos en Reddit (@raidstream) pero las dos primeras quizá te sirvan mejor para experimentar y ver si te sirve o prefieres esperar a los grupos de .

ftdl, (edited ) to mastodon Polish
@ftdl@pol.social avatar

Przyjazna przypominajka, że fundacja non-profit FTdL z Krakowa (tak, to my), zbiera środki na swoją działalność w serwisie tutaj:


Dzięki Waszym dobrowolnym wpłatom możemy finansować wiele projektów oraz utrzymywać serwerownię KRK-DC, w której prowadzimy dla Was paletę usług, by wymienić m. in.:

: NCH.pl

Oferujemy tę infrastrukturę również dla takich serwisów jak: NoEvil.pl, WriteFreely.pl, Kbin.social, FOSSGralnia, Polesie.Pol.social, TePeWu.pl, SVMetaSearch, CesarstwoKwadratowe, OZZIP, SKK, Plony.org, Parasol.coop, KO-OP.pl i kilku innych.

Więc jeśli wygodnie Wam wspierać te serwisy finansowane przez społeczność na Patronite, oraz uznacie, że nasza wspólna praca jest warta waszych dotacji, to serdecznie zapraszamy ❤️

inkican, to community
@inkican@mastodon.social avatar

Recommend me some good ways to encourage a community to post content they like, instead of complaining about content they don't like.

Writingperfect, to random

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Writingperfect, to random

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oblomov, to math
@oblomov@sociale.network avatar

So I wanted to post a question about a problem, and I wanted to reach the widest possible math community on the . Aside from using the correct tag, my first thought was to find a or community/magazine to cc in the post. And … there isn't one. There's many. Just from a quick search I found
so now the question becomes … should I cross post to all of them? Or is that poor form?

m0bi13, to mastodon Polish
@m0bi13@pol.social avatar

A wiecie, że fundacja non-profit FTdL @ftdl z Krakowa, która w swojej serwerowni prowadzi dla Was m. in.:

: https://NCH.pl

oraz oferuje własną infrastrukturę dla NoEvil.pl, WriteFreely.pl, Kbin.social, FOSSGralnia, Polesie.Pol.social, TePeWu.pl, SVMetaSearch, CesarstwoKwadratowe, OZZIP, SKK, Plony.org, Parasol.coop, KO-OP.pl i wielu innym projektom,

ma również profil na .pl?

Więc jeśli wygodniej Wam tam właśnie wspierać te serwisy finansowane przez społeczność, to zapraszam na:



mima, to lemmy

Tbh I think the #Threadiverse like #Lemmy and #kbin would make a lot more sense if they were simply frontends and perhaps a backend too but just for the forums themselves. IOW, no accounts live in Lemmy or kbin, all users post from their preferred #fediverse account instead.

Sure you can already technically do that from your #Mastodon or #Misskey or whatever fedi you're in, but that means using whatever app you're on right now, which almost certainly means it's not a #linkaggregator UI. Not ideal at all.

If I had any good programming skills I'd make it so that the link aggregator is merely a client that uses the Mastodon (with #Pleroma extensions too) and Misskey APIs, treat (almost) all #ActivityPub actors as their own forums or subs, and each post would be a boost from said actor. Users authenticate from their preferred fedi account. Voting would be tallied by few special actors, which internally receive votes via direct messages (the app will make this transparent, but this also means you can technically vote without the app if you know the exact command), which will effectively make votes secret to non-admins like in #Reddit. Users can also choose which vote counters they want to rely from.

This would make the fediverse-powered link aggregator very flexible and minimal, imo. It may look janky but that's the general idea I have. ​:seija_coffee:​

RE: https://mementomori.social/users/owen/statuses/112285464236904945

wjmaggos, (edited ) to lemmy
@wjmaggos@liberal.city avatar

For me, the is about news. Those I follow determine the river I see here, only their boosts deciding how likely I'll see a post (but we're not supposed to see everything). Hashtags should let me filter that by subject matter. Replies should be nested with the most popular on top. Keeping news aggregation (, etc) as a separate service from microblogging ( etc) is a failure to take advantage of what makes open networks so much better than closed.

rasterweb, to kbin
@rasterweb@mastodon.social avatar

I'm still not quite sure if I should choose thread or photo when posting an image on mbin / kbin...

Draconic_NEO, to TodayILearned
@Draconic_NEO@pawb.fun avatar

Hey everyone just FYI you can post to Kbin and Lemmy from Mastodon and other Fediverse Micro-blogging platforms by having one line of your post at the top be the title and putting a mention to the specific community's handle in your post, works best if the mention is below the title. Also you can even attach images and they will appear in the post as an image (multiple images don't work as well sadly).

You can find communities to post in on lemmyverse.net/communities

Here's an example of the format that works best, even for non-glitch instances:

<br></br>[Post title text]<br></br><br></br>*(separate title and body with blank space)<br></br><br></br>[Post body text]<br></br><br></br>[Community's handle mention]<br></br><br></br>

SparkIT, to kbin
kuketzblog, to fediverse German
@kuketzblog@social.tchncs.de avatar

Was meinst du @imke, müssen wir mal wieder ans Schaubild ran oder passt das noch so? Was meint ?

BeAware, to fediverse
@BeAware@social.beaware.live avatar

It's so crazy to me to think that I was on Xhitter for like 4 years and had a total of about 120 followers, most of which were spammers messaging me about "stream graphics".

I've been on Fedi for less than a year and have 5x that amount of followers and probably only enough spammers to count on one hand. I love this place.


Deykun, to kbinMeta
Deykun avatar

No, it's not hot. It's fucking ridiculous.

symfonystation, to kbin
@symfonystation@newsletter.mobileatom.net avatar
knightdave, to random Polish
@knightdave@mastodon.com.pl avatar

Witaj świecie!

Szukam sobie spokojnej instancji fediverse do dzielenia się codziennością cyfrowego nomady.

mstankiewicz, (edited )
@mstankiewicz@pol.social avatar

@knightdave Witaj Człowieku, jeśli chodzi o Mastodona to chyba mogę polecić pol.social od @ftdl. Obecnie jeśli miałbym rezygnować z tej instancji to tylko na rzecz własnej (co jest obecnie dla mnie nierealne) lub zupełnie czegoś innego niż Mastodon (o ile mnie zwali z nóg).
Mam też konto na 101010.pl od @xaphanpl, ale to zapasowe. Byłem tam przez długi czas i było bardzo przyjemnie.
Ale jeśli chcesz pisać dłuższe teksty lub udostępniać linki to warto pomyśleć na czymś innym niż , np. . Tutaj również polecam fajną i stabilną instancję od FTDL - bin.pol.social.
A jeżeli chcesz pisać bardzo długie teksty to może warto pomyśleć nad blogiem połączonym z Fediverse? Tutaj mogę też polecić , a konkretnie instancję @to3k WriteFreely.pl (którą swoją drogą też jest na serwerach FTDL).

jeze, to fediverse
@jeze@kzoo.to avatar

Have you even tried ? Piefed.social is:
"A lemmy/kbin clone written in Python with Flask.

-Clean, simple code that is easy to understand and contribute to. No fancy design patterns or algorithms.
-Easy setup, easy to manage - few dependencies and extra software required.
-First class moderation tools."

It's actually really quite nice, and I don't hear much noise about it. Go give this project a look at https://piefed.social.

kariboka, to fediverse
@kariboka@harpia.red avatar

Have someone got their instance to federate with ?

I’ve read something about it but didn’t see any real case yet.

Also, does it federates articles? like , , , ,

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