Nonilex, avatar

Judge to Consider Holding in for Verbal

Prosecutors in Trump’s trial say he has violated a barring him from attacking , & others close to the case. Testimony is set to resume later Tuesday morning.

Nonilex, avatar

We won’t start w/a witness today as expected; instead there will be a hearing to decide whether violated the placed on him.

Prosecutors are arguing he has violated it 10 times.

The gag order imposed on bars him from him attacking any of the , , or staff involved in the case.

After Trump relentlessly went after Merchan’s daughter, it was expanded to cover some of their relatives as well.

Nonilex, avatar

The won’t be present for the arguments over the , so it will be interesting to watch how behaves w/ them out of the courtroom. Yesterday, in their presence, he largely sat silent and occasionally shook his head when he disagreed with the prosecutors. But this morning, when the jury is not here and he is confronted with his own words, I expect he will get more animated.

Nonilex, avatar

Prosecutors asked early last wk for #Trump to be held in #contempt. At that time, Judge #Merchan scheduled the hearing for today.
Merchan has only admonished TFG once so far—for muttering & gesturing in front of a prospective juror about her social media posts & responses during voir dire.

Worth noting: Trump went on #RightWing radio last night & bashed #jurors again in violation of the #GagOrder.
🤞🏻Merchan holds him in #criminal contempt today, enough #StochasticTerrorism TYVM.
#law #TrumpTrial

Nonilex, avatar

Judge entered & almost immediately left w/ the lawyers in tow for in-chambers session.

Unclear as to why.

Trump’s radio call-in perhaps?

Sidebars, where the defense & prosecution meet quietly w/a judge at the bench, are a common occurrence in trials.

But a meeting in the judge's chamber, signals a need for additional privacy.

So is left alone at the defense table 🎻, w/ all the reporters — or as he calls them “enemies of the state” 🙄.

Nonilex, avatar

The prosecutors have returned. ’s lawyers as well.

Judge is back on the bench & says that 2 matters are now in the record:

The two separate attempts that prosecutors have made to see Trump held in of court. ( violated 10 times)

Nonilex, avatar


removed a member of the public from the overflow room. The man was verbally sparring w/officers for some time, first complaining he wasn't allowed access to the main court room. (access is first-come first-served). Then he tried insisting on being allowed to stand at the back of the courtroom.
"This is not fair," he kept saying. He was ultimately asked to leave.

Nonilex, avatar

Prosecutor, Chris Conroy, details DA’s #GagOrder argument.
He says 10 #Trump posts violated the order.
8 were on TruthSocial.
2 were on his ofcl campaign website.

#Conroy argues these violations pose a very real#threat to proceedings, & have an "undertow" effect on #witnesses, making them afraid. He says witnesses, "rightly fear being subject to similar vitriol."

Conroy says Trump's attacks on #MichaelCohen in courtroom hallway yesterday again violated the order.

So 11 violations


Nonilex, avatar

notes that a 2nd order was needed after "ratcheted up attacks on family members."

Conroy goes through Trump's alleged violations, including one in which he thanked 's disgraced lawyer, Michael , for criticizing . Conroy also describes how Trump called & Daniels "sleazebags."

Nonilex, avatar

#Conroy is now describing 5 more examples, all versions of essentially the same post, in which Trump shared a NewYorkPost article about #MichaelCohen & quoted its headline: "A serial perjurer will try to prove an old misdemeanor against #Trump in an embarrassment for the NewYork legal system."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #GagOrder #CatchAndKill #conspiracy #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Nonilex, avatar

#Conroy says #Trump violated the #GagOrder when on Truth Social, he quoted #FauxNews commentator #JesseWatters characterization of prospective jurors as “undercover liberal activists." Prosecutors flagged this as the most serious of the violations & Conroy now says it’s “very troubling."
Conroy points to the timing, last Wed evening. The next morning, Juror2 asked to be excused, upsetting Justice #Merchan. He complimented the #juror after excusing her, saying she would have done a good job.

Nonilex, avatar

says that “violates the order when he posts about known or reasonably forseeable witnesses,” & “violates the order when he posts about a or prospective juror.”

  • Throwing a "" into a post doesn't make it , Conroy says, dismissing the idea that Trump's comments fall under the category of protected political speech. It may, in fact, make it more ominous, Conroy adds.

Nonilex, avatar

#Conroy is talking about #Trump seeking to use #politics as a defense, saying it "makes no sense," eviscerating the clear language & meaning of the #GagOrder. "There's no indication that his claim that he's responding to attacks is anything more than an after-the-fact justification," Conroy says.

"He knows about the order, he knows what he's not allowed to do, & he does it anyway," Conroy says, adding: "It's #willful."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #ElectionInterference #StochasticTerrorism

Nonilex, avatar

says prosecutors will not seek for now, even though seems to be “angling" for that
[ complex, ]

New York state's permits a $1k fine & jail time of up to 30 days for each violation of the .

And Conroy is asking the judge to warn Trump that he could face custody.

[he’s been warned! Repeatedly!]

Nonilex, avatar

Todd Blanche, one of Trump's lawyers, is responding for the . He says knows what the allows him & there was "no violation" of it.

He again argues, as he did in his opening statement, that there's nothing to see here.

is arguing that nothing can be seen devoid of context when it comes to Trump.
[reminiscent of seal team 6 can assassinate political rivals argument]

Nonilex, avatar

is trying to get out of hot water by reframing Trump's statements about & as responses to "a barrage of political attacks."

says he doesn't want to get into "interpreting & reading between the lines" of Trump's posts as Blanche continues to push the point that Trump's attacks are , & not specifically related to the case, despite being about .

Blanche is continually interrupted by the judge.

Nonilex, avatar

says that a post from Michael , which caused to launch into an attack on StormyDaniels & MichaelCohen, was a political argument, about speech not in the case but on social media & in interviews.

I guess, Blanche is saying, Trump's response is not an attack on but a continuation of a political discussion.

The & strategies by the Trump team have always been intertwined.

With Trump, everything is politics.

Nonilex, avatar

Justice is basically taking on, one by one, 's strategies via social media.

One is constantly claiming something was "just found." Here, the subj was ' 2018 statement denying having had a sexual encounter w/Trump, which she has since disavowed. "LOOK WHAT WAS JUST FOUND!" Trump said in an April 10 Truth Social post.

“I need to know what is true," Justice Merchan says.

Nonilex, avatar

The judge loses patience w/ #Blanche, "I'm asking the questions, OK," he says. "Im going to decide whether your client is in #contempt or not, so please don't turn it around." Blanche says in a higher-pitched voice that the prosecutors got as much time as they want.

Justice #Merchan makes a distinction, saying the prosecutors were answering his questions.

During the scold, #Trump turned to another one of his lawyers, Emil Bove, & whispered a comment.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #GagOrder

Nonilex, avatar

Sorry folks, I had to take a break to feed #BabySquirrel Ramone.

Here’s a catch-up:

#Blanche said #Trump is entitled to complain about "2 systems of justice."

"There's 2 systems of justice in this courtroom? That's what you're saying?" Justice #Merchan said.

Justice Merchan is pushed Blanche to do a forensic accounting of how reposts happen in Trump's world. "It's not passive," the judge finally said.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #GagOrder #CatchAndKill #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Lizette603_23, avatar

@Nonilex I roll the R when I read that #, with gusto!

Nonilex, avatar

Interesting throughline between 's argument that there’s distance between & his own reposts & the prosecution's argument against Trump, which is that he repeatedly used others - , The - to do his dirty work.

This line of questioning highlighted a longtime Twitter catchphrase - that “retweets do not equal endorsements."

Nonilex, avatar

#Merchan repeatedly pushed #Blanche to clarify, only to have Blanche deny he said what he said. #Trump was lucky #jurors weren’t there.

"You've presented nothing," Merchan said to Blanche, & that was after he’d been presenting his argument for ~20 mins.

Trump grew more animated when Merchan pushed back on Blanche.
Several occasions when the judge was speaking, Trump turned to his other lawyers at the defense table & whispered to them.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #GagOrder

Nonilex, avatar

Justice noted that on Trump’s post about 's statements, didn’t quote the commentator directly.

"Your client manipulated what was said & put it in quotes," Merchan said. Blanche agreed that it wasn’t a true repost, but argued that it still wasn’t clear that it violated the . [sure]

Merchan wanted to conclude at that point, but Blanche continued arguing, “This gag order we are trying to comply w/it,” he said.

FinchHaven, avatar


Took me some hunting to look up the exact word, but this seems a close relative of the rhetorical gambit of "apophasis" wherein one brings up a topic but insists it shouldn't be brought up

"As a rhetorical device, it can serve various purposes, often dependent on the relationship of the speaker to the addressee and the extent of their shared knowledge. Apophasis is rarely literal; instead, it conveys meaning through implications that may depend on this context."

You see a lot of this hidden behind the phrases "many people are saying" or "just asking questions" which Trump uses a lot

ralfmaximus, avatar

@FinchHaven @Nonilex

> You see a lot of this hidden behind the opening phrase "many people are saying" which Trump uses a lot

I have always understood this to mean "nobody is saying this; I want to say it with complete deniability".

OliverNoble, avatar

@ralfmaximus @FinchHaven @Nonilex
along with '"its been reported that..."

It enables 'respectable' outlets like the to 'report' unverified nonsense

Nonilex, avatar

@ralfmaximus @FinchHaven

mos def [not the person] Trump is some MAGA pollster jagoff’s “most people”

Nonilex, avatar

When said is trying to follow the rules, Merchan interrupted, "You're losing all credibility with the court.” (Yikes, it’s really lucky for Trump jurors weren’t there)

Blanche is in jeopardy of ruining his relationship w/ Merchan at the very start of the trial.

Merchan all but pleaded w/Blanche to make a more substantive argument, "I hate to keep coming back to this, but you’re not offering anything to support your argument.”

Nonilex, avatar

DA prosecutor Christopher #Conroy, responded briefly.

#Merchan will not give a decision right away.

The hearing about violations of a #GagOrder, ended up being sort of a challenge to the entire Trump belief system.

Merchan clarified that everything that Trump does is not “#politics” per se & insisted on hearing #GoodFaith arguments, & the #truth.

Then there was a break.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial#CatchAndKill #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Nonilex, avatar

While court was on break, complained about the on TruthSocial. In all-caps he accused Justice of taking away his "right to free speech" & claimed that he was "not allowed to defend myself."
Trump, already dealing w/the repercussions of the hearing when he returned to the courtroom, reporters asked him whether he thought had any credibility & if he was happy w/his performance.
He didn't respond.

Nonilex, avatar

Given Justice 's disbelief at 's argument that some of 's posts did not violate the because they were reposts, it's worth remembering that Blanche pressed a prospective juror last week about social media posts that were critical of Trump. The prospective juror explained that the posts were actually reposts. "Did you watch this before you posted it?" Justice Merchan asked, before excusing the prospective juror.

Nonilex, avatar

, after a rocky start in the morning, was seated third-chair after the break.

David entered the courtroom & took the stand.

The jurors were seated.
Judge announced we will not have court next Monday.

Prosecutor Joshua resumed questioning Pecker.

Pecker was asked to point to & identify , who he says he's known since the late 1980s. They met at Mar-a-Lago, he says.

Nonilex, avatar

specifically said he was introduced to him through Nick Ribis, then a casinos exec for &, until the early 2000s, one of his long-serving lawyers.

When Pecker ID’d Trump, he lifted his head & smiled tightly.

asked about "The Apprentice," which Pecker called "an instant success."

Nonilex, avatar

said that he's had "a great relationship w/ Mr. Trump over the years," & that he launched a magazine w/him called Style. When he proposed the magazine, Pecker says, Trump's biggest question was, "Who's going to pay for it?"

Pecker never did say who paid for it.

Prosecutors situated Pecker in Trump's orbit before the jury. He didn’t come across as a combative witness, but as a fan, friend & ally of Trump.

Nonilex, avatar

said he came to consider a friend, including in 2016. "I would call him Donald," Pecker said.

Pecker described a symbiotic relationship between Trump & The centered in part around "The Apprentice."

Pecker said that Trump would tip him off first as to who was going to be fired - "or eliminated," as Pecker put it - from the show, & NE would write about it.

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump's history of tipping off #tabloids about his life was a known fact well before TheApprentice.

"He was very cautious & very frugal, #Pecker said of Trump's approach to #money.

Testimony from Pecker that establishes Trump's track record of keeping a close eye on his #finances - “almost a micromanager," Pecker said - will help prosecution prove that Trump falsified #HushMoney records to cover up a sex scandal to influence the 2016 election.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #ElectionInterference

Nonilex, avatar

described what he called his 1st meeting w/ , in 2007. He said introduced them at his office, & he was told to route all communications to Trump through Cohen.

then asked him to clarify: it was their 2nd meeting, they met yrs earlier at a bar mitzvah.

Pecker said after Trump announced he was running for president, his conversations w/Cohen became more frequent. They would check in weekly, even daily, if they had active issue to discuss.

Nonilex, avatar

asked about , another intermediary for .

He’s orienting Pecker in Trump's world for the jury through his connections w/ people who will come up again in the trial.

Pecker is the first witness, & doubles as an introduction to the full cast of characters.

Trump watched Pecker's testimony but perked up when certain people were mentioned, like Hicks or Ivanka.

Lizette603_23, avatar

@Nonilex All the people who do not appear in court to support him, as friends or family.

Nonilex, avatar

said was "viewed as the boss."

Prosecutors are using him to establish 2 things: that Trump was a "micro-manager," particuarly w/money, & that he delegated point people for others to deal with.

Pecker said his was .

This was the jury’s intro to the weird world of Trump's relationship w/ Pecker's supermarket tabloid. It will help establish why Pecker would agree to a operation to aid Trump .

Nonilex, avatar

The were being shown their first , an email sent to inviting him to 's campaign announcement at Trump Tower.

Steinglass drilled down on that key meeting in August 2015 when prosecutors say a was concocted between Trump, Cohen & Pecker.

“I received a call from telling me that the boss wanted to see me," Pecker said.

Nonilex, avatar

said he didn't know what the meeting was about before he arrived. When he got there, & asked him what he & his magazines could do "to help the campaign.”

That quote goes directly to the argument that the payments were made to help Trump win.

In ’s opening, he said Trump's dealings w/Pecker were regular practice in .
But a flat-out asking a publisher "to help the campaign" is NOT NORMAL.

Nonilex, avatar

described himself as broker of the schemes. He or others would help suppress negative stories about , especially w/respect to "women selling stories."

Pecker basically confessed to creating on behalf of Trump.

Pecker said he expected "there would be a lot of women who would come out to try to sell their stories,” because he was known as "the most eligible bachelor & dated the most beautiful women." (His words)

Nonilex, avatar

#Pecker was asked if Bill & Hillary #Clinton's names came up. Pecker said when you run a magazine, you choose the topic of the week. Coverage of #HillaryClinton running for president that described #BillClinton as "a womanizer" was a big seller, he said. "I was running the Hillary Clinton stories, I was running Hillary as an enabler for Bill Clinton, w/respect to all the womanizing."

[disgusting, opportunistic vulture]
#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Nonilex, avatar

#Pecker suggested that there was a "mutual benefit" to running the stories — it would help #Trump's campaign, & "it would also help me."

Pecker basically testified the symbiotic / parasitic relationship between the campaign & The #NationalEnquirer.

Asked about Trump's reaction to the stories, Pecker said, "he was pleased." He said that #MichaelCohen was also pleased about "the way I was going to handle these issues."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Nonilex, avatar

#Pecker repeated that "writing positive stories about Trump & covering the election, & writing negative stories about his opponents" helped them both, increasing #tabloid newsstand sales while benefitting the #TrumpCampaign.

★ Importantly, #Steinglass asked him to clarify that suppressing negative news about #Trump only benefitted the candidate, not the tabloid. Pecker agreed.

Pecker’s testimony is incredibly damning.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Nonilex, avatar

🚨 #Pecker asked that the #CatchAndKill arrangement be kept secret.

Steinglass asked him to explain why.

👀 Pecker said he was helping the #TrumpCampaign, & didn't want it to “leak" that his publication was aiding #Trump.

He wanted it "very confidential,' he said.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Nonilex, avatar

When #NationalEnquirer covers were shown, #Trump leaned toward the monitor in front of him & squinted to get a closer look at a collection of headlines praising him.

They included:
"Donald Trump - Cruzin to victory! Ted endorses Donald" & "Obama's Half Brother

  • Cheering on Donald at Debate."

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Nonilex, avatar

Then #Pecker discussed the negative headlines attacking 3 of #Trump's #Republican opponents in 2016, #BenCarson, #TedCruz & #MarcoRubio, which prosecutors argued illustrated the outcome of the #CatchAndKill #ElectionInterference agreement reached during the Trump Tower meeting.

Pecker said that #MichaelCohen would “feed” him negative information & that The #NationalEnquirer would "embellish" & add onto it.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #FakeNews #HushMoney

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump was all over on the negative coverage of #TedCruz in 2016. The #TrumpCampaign acted like it came about organically & Trump was just reacting to it.

Pecker was asked about #MichaelCohen's relationship to the Trump campaign. #Pecker said Cohen always said he didn't work for the campaign, & that he was instead "Mr. Trump's personal attorney." But he also testified that Cohen fed them negative info about opponents.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #FakeNews #ElectionInterference

Nonilex, avatar

"Michael was physically in every aspect of whatever the campaign was working on," #Pecker said. He added that #MichaelCohen wasn't officially employed by the campaign, & may have heard things “informally" or "injected himself into it."

Pecker threw defense a bone when he said he didn’t know who Cohen spoke to, & that Cohen may have been acting of his own volition by getting more involved w/the campaign. [sure]

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #FakeNews #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Nonilex, avatar

Prosecutors showed several examples of the negative headlines about #Trump's opponents, #TedCruz, #BenCarson & #MarcoRubio.

Pecker was being asked about an infamous #NationalEnquirer story linking Cruz's father to the JFK assassination. He said it originated w/ #DylanHoward, The Enquirer's editor.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #FakeNews #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Nonilex, avatar

#Pecker said that after the #Republican #debates, #MichaelCohen would call him & direct him to focus the negative coverage on whichever candidate had been most successful.

Pecker's testimony isn't just damaging to #Trump. He’s killing his career by going through headline after headline & suggesting he attacked Trump's rivals to aid Trump.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #FakeNews #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Nonilex, avatar

#Pecker was asked about being introduced to #SteveBannon, #Trump's top strategist, in Oct 2016. He recalled Trump said, "I believe you & Steve would get along really well.”

#Bannon told Pecker that he went thru some #NationalEnquirer articles, liked them, & had ideas.

This all happened around the time of #Wikileaks email dump, after a hack of #HillaryClinton's adviser John Podesta's acct, & the Trump team used that material A LOT.

#law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #FakeNews #ElectionInterference

Nonilex, avatar
Lizette603_23, avatar

@Nonilex Singin "Rrrrrrrhamooooooahnnnnnn"

Nonilex, (edited ) avatar

During ’s questioning of , 's lawyers often objected to prosecutors couching Trump's relationship w/Pecker & as a - saying Trump isn’t facing a conspiracy charge.

🚨⇉ But Steinglass said on record one of the election statutes the case is based on does in fact have a conspiracy provision. That could prove important later when the is instructed on the they must consider in reaching a .

[PS, squirrels are not low-maintenance]

Nonilex, avatar

was asked next about Sajudin, a who worked at a bldg & had a story to sell about Trump fathering a child out of wedlock.

the 1st of the 3 [ deals]

Trump visibly responded when this story came up. Like yesterday, he frowned & shook his head.

Pecker said the love child story would’ve been a big story, & he believed it was important to have it "removed from the market." told him "the boss would be very pleased."

Nonilex, avatar

said called him furiously denying the child was Trump's, saying he offered to take a DNA test & bc was German-Irish & the woman was Hispanic, it was impossible.

FTR, Pecker was saying that indicated a child w/a woman couldn't be Trump's. ( 🤬 that he is)

Trump often talks "good genes" & bloodlines. He denigrates from & says undocumented immigrants are "poisoning the blood of our country."

Nonilex, avatar

Regardless of whether the story was true or not, the was shown a the reached w/ Sajudin, the , in which the words "Donald Trump's illegitimate child" feature prominently.

asked Pecker why he paid so much for the story.
“I made the decision to buy the story because of the potential embarrassment it would have to the & Mr. ," Pecker said.

Nonilex, avatar

This is the epitome of #CatchAndKill & #Pecker said several times in different ways that he was acting on #Trump's behalf.

#Steinglass moved on to the 2nd catch-&-kill deal, involving fmr #PlayboyModel #KarenMcDougal.

Pecker testified that he asked #DylanHoward, the fmr editor of The #NationalEnquirer, to investigate #McDougal's story & that he told #MichaelCohen he had done so.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #FakeNews #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Nonilex, avatar

#Pecker indicated his conversations w/ #MichaelCohen increased in frequency & they began communicating multiple times a day at that point.

#Cohen recommended they communicate over #Signal, an encrypted app, which is often used for conversations that a person wants to keep private.

Multiple reports say #Trump's body language changed when Pecker started testifying about the #CatchAndKill deal involving #KarenMcDougal.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #FakeNews #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Nonilex, avatar

#Trump started moving his head, squinting & pursing his lips, & crossed his arms over his chest.

#Pecker said he advised Trump to pay for #KarenMcDougal's story himself.

“I think you should buy it," he recalled saying directly to Trump. He said Trump told him he'd “think about it” & have #MichaelCohen call Pecker back.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #FakeNews #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Nonilex, avatar

#KarenMcDougal was selling a story of having had a long affair w/ #Trump.

#Pecker said that #MichaelCohen was becoming increasingly agitated as then #NationalEnquirer editor, #DylanHoward, traveled to hear her story.

“It looked like he was getting a lot of pressure to get the answer, like, right away," Pecker said of Cohen.

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #FakeNews #ElectionInterference #HushMoney

Lizette603_23, avatar

@Nonilex It's interesting how no one pressed the fact that theirs was an actual affair, lasting over a year.

lesblazemore, avatar

@Lizette603_23 @Nonilex It doesn't matter for these purposes. The important part is that Pecker is finding the stories and killing them b/c of the election

Nonilex, avatar

#Pecker finished testifying for the day; he’ll be back Thursday.

Judge #Merchan gave #jurors the usual warnings, plus a new one:

To report anyone who seeks to violate #JuryIntegrity - it sounded as if someone has already approached a juror inappropriately.

#Trump has a documented history of #JuryTampering

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #CatchAndKill #FakeNews #ElectionInterference #HushMoney #MobTactics #NodFarter

Nonilex, avatar

The day concluded with/o a final decision from Justice on whether will be held in & fined for violating his . Merchan could issue a written ruling at any point, or rule from the bench later. There is no deadline.

Trump, as always, spouted a bunch of BS in the hallway outside the courtroom.

This time he brought props, he held up a stack of printed articles that he said he wasn’t sure he could share because of the gag order 🙄

Lizette603_23, avatar

@Nonilex The longer he doesn't have a sanction/punishment the longer his pustule followers get excited about how "tough" he is. Infuriating that he's writing checks instead of being muzzled

Nonilex, avatar

While talking to reporters, #Trump said, "I'd love to talk to you people, I'd love to say anything that's on my mind, but I'm restricted."

He again criticized the trial as an attempt to interfere w/his current campaign. He complained that President Biden was free to campaign while he was stuck in a courtroom, [don’t do the crime…] "sitting up as straight as I can all day long."

He just said remaining upright is too much for him. #NodFarter

#criminal #law #TrumpTrial #ElectionInterference

BikeyBike, avatar
Nonilex, avatar

(& I don’t say that lightly)

DrGeof, avatar


re: PS

According to my wife, neither are husbands.

Nonilex, avatar

@DrGeof 🤣

Adventurer, avatar

Lol. Now the use of "squirrel" as a movie line to denote a distraction has a more literal meaning.

Nonilex, avatar

@Adventurer you have no idea

timo21, avatar

@Nonilex People have to be wondering if other media selects stories like Pecker did.

Npars01, avatar

@timo21 @Nonilex

It's known that George Pecker had a safe with stories about a lot of people.

If the contents of that safe are ever found, it'll be like Jeffrey Epstein's little black books that vanished under Bill Barr's supervision.

qurlyjoe, avatar

@Npars01 @timo21 @Nonilex
Does the immunity from 2018 still have any bearing?


@timo21 @Nonilex I was thinking about journalistic credibility and what the fallout from the will bring. The person pointing fingers and screaming certainly had a hand in making it a reality.

timo21, avatar

@waysideollie @Nonilex And it's public knowledge Trump's team communicated with Murdoch media regularly. What about supposedly independent media? Were there back channels there for story selection? This trial might damage media as much as Trump.


@timo21 @Nonilex It’s definitely a rabbit hole. I was a journalism major but knew that I would never pursue a career in it. Its function is to generate money by selling ads not to tell the whole story. Due to space limitations, reports were subject to bias through selecting the “most” important facts which could completely slant articles. Everyone should learn how to decipher “news”.

Nonilex, avatar
Npars01, avatar
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