@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

Do you want to see more posts about interesting topics in your Home timeline? And do you want your own posts to be noticed by others?

Here's how to do both these things:

  1. Search for a hashtag you're interested in
  2. On the results page, click the + or Follow button in the top right corner
  3. Posts with that tag will start appearing in your Home timeline
  4. Follow lots more tags
  5. Include hashtags in your own posts, tag followers will then see your posts

More info at https://fedi.tips/how-do-i-follow-hashtags-on-mastodon-and-the-fediverse/

feditips, (edited )
@feditips@mstdn.social avatar

p.s. The official Mastodon Android app does not have hashtag following. If you're using Android, I would strongly advise using the third party apps Tusky or Fedilab instead, which do support hashtag following and have a lot more features besides.

Alternatively you can use the website on your phone, it works well too and gets all the latest features first.


@feditips thx


@feditips i use tusky.. official masto app was a dud

@gabriel@col.social avatar

@feditips loving tusky here....


@feditips ... or use , wich has had that feature for much longer than the official app


@feditips I personally recommend ToooT, it was good for me at least.

more info @tooot


@feditips haha I was just gonna ask this, thanks!




ty for this. Just switched to fedilab. The UI and colors looked better.

@LazaroDTormes@mastodon.social avatar

@feditips :blobugh:


@feditips Does Ice Cubes work on Android?

@feditips@mstdn.social avatar


No, it's just on iPhone/iPad.

@mcdanlj@social.makerforums.info avatar

@feditips Alternatively, use https://elk.zone which installs as a PWA and works well with Chrome to host the PWA. (Mobile Firefox, sadly, is missing needed features for it to work reliably.)



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  • mcdanlj,
    @mcdanlj@social.makerforums.info avatar

    @ivfall I should have said "which also installs" to be clearer. 👍


    @feditips Official apps just aren't as good as third-party apps.



    If you want the general public to come to Mastodon, that official app needs to give them everything they want without any effort on their end.

    Maybe start them in the Federated feed as well.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    Having everyone using an official app tends to concentrate power in one place, which makes that one place vulnerable to Musk-type takeovers.

    It's safer for the long term sustainability of this place that we use third party apps. Mastodon used to be 100% third party apps, the official app was only released last year.



    This is true, but if Mastodon wants to grow being niche, you need the general public, and they're not techs.

    The standard for a UI is "Don't make me think," because if most people have to stop and think to use it, they won't start again.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    It's about sustainable growth.

    There's no point in unsustainable growth, it will just end up in a dumpster fire as we can see on Twitter right now.

    The UI on Tusky, Ice Cubes etc is very good, they are available from app stores... I don't see how they are more difficult to use than the official app.


    @feditips @TheActualBrian
    I haven't found how to follow hashtags though, and I'm using Tusky.

    Would also love to add accounts to lists without having to follow them, which someone said was possible, but...


    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar

    @Jiriki @TheActualBrian

    You can follow hashtags on Tusky by searching for a tag, then clicking the + icon at the top of the screen. It's got a little silhouette of a person next to it.

    You can't add people to lists without following them. It is on the roadmap, but it hasn't been done yet.


    @feditips @TheActualBrian thank you, for some reason that little person didn't show up any of the previous times I tried. Probably me.

    Oh okay, I thought the list thing maybe was something that could only be done on a computer and not on my phone.

    That would be so great though, sometimes the news just gets to be too much and it's nice to have the option to read or don't read.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar

    @Jiriki @TheActualBrian

    Lists of unfollowed users (or muted users) is a popular request:


    I think the original concern was about trolls using lists to share targets, which happened on Twitter, where people were being added to lists without their knowledge. This was why the following requirement was brought in, to give people control over who can list them.

    The solution suggested is to still require following, but you would be able to mute them on your Home timeline.


    @feditips @TheActualBrian Oh yeah that would work great! Especially posts that take up a lot of space in the timeline.


    @TheActualBrian @feditips I saw someone on here compare Mastodon to email (I'm sorry I don't remember who!). Instances are just like the email provider you use (Gmail, Yahoo, etc). They're different and have their own rules but they all communicate together. I thought that made a lot of sense and helped to simplify the concept for me.


    @MeganThomasPA @feditips


    That doesn't even begin to describe how it works.

    That has zero to do with what I'm saying.

    It looks like the Cult of the Open Source (No corporations allowed!!!) has made its choice and missed their one shot.

    If/When Meta decides to federate, hide in obscurity or allow yourselves to join a larger world without giving up your data.

    Your choice.

    It's a pity so many are too scared to see that.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar

    @TheActualBrian @MeganThomasPA

    Could you please stop being so nasty in my thread?

    People have very patiently tried to discuss these topics with you in a calm way, and you're consistently replying in a very angry and hostile way.

    If you know what you're talking about, you should be able to talk about it without being so hostile to folks that have done you no harm.


    @feditips @MeganThomasPA


    There's no tone. You hear what you want to hear. That part is on your head, period.

    I'm not angry or hostile. That's also just your confirmation bias, what you're imagining, in your head.

    "Your" thread? 🙄

    I do know what I'm talking about, no one has been "discussing," just trying to push their limited views, and you're awfully pushy for a "help" account.

    I'll do you a favor. I'll just block you and continue to spend my time on Threads with normal people.


    @feditips The pot calling the kettle black since the app change was made. Yes the federation is important, but time after time the community has mentioned that "normies" need a lower barrier to entry, and Threads will be that gateway, for my friends, family, colleagues, classmates, etc.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    It's not a gateway, it's just another centralised social network owned by Meta/Facebook. You will not be able to move off Threads to another server, and it will probably never federate with most servers.



    Definitions for "gateway":

    an opening that can be closed by a gate.

    a means of access or entry to a place

    By that definition, Threads will be a gateway into ActivityPub. Remember that just because ActivityPub is open, does not mean each server and client software has to implement every single feature or be compatible with each other.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    This place isn't ActivityPub, this is the Fediverse.

    The idea of this place isn't to promote a specific protocol, it's to have a decentralised social network.

    All that Threads will do is drive people onto Meta and keep them there, and centralise as much as possible. It's the opposite of what this place is supposed to be about.


    @feditips Every instance is allowed to do that dude. I can make a mobile app that exclusively interfaces with my CalcKey instance, and expose the features I deem appropriate. There's no governing body saying how the Fediverse has to function, and if the Fediverse thrives like centralized email providers and SMTP. If that's the way the ecosystem goes, then so be it, that's the freedom of this ecosystem.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    Yes you technically can, and then others can block you for trying to centralise a decentralised network that thousands of people have built without compensation.

    Swooping in and taking advantage of other people's effort is not very nice.

    @Tearcell@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @TheActualBrian @feditips Pre-fed-feed is sooooo important. It wasn't until I started just following people randomly that this place got fun.



    When I was using the Mastodon app, there was no way to switch.
    Little to nothing was happening.
    I was also on rando server.

    Once I switched servers and got Fedilab, I have control, but I needed to have knowledge about how the back end works.
    A vast majority of people don't know, don't care, and won't enjoy themselves if it looks like no one is saying anything because their in their local, random server.

    @Tearcell@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @TheActualBrian @feditips see it's crazy! I joined a big server, but didn't get the whole local/federated thing at all.

    Like people kept saying about my games original tutorial... 'this sucks and why should I care anymore'


    @Tearcell @feditips

    Right? I did the same thing. Had no clue why nothing was changing, ever.

    They're not invested in building a new concept in distributed social media is whatever nerdy people, like us, find interesting.

    They want social media that isn't hostile or toxic or whatever they're running away from.

    You get one chance to make that first impression and if they're staring at a dead timeline because they're on local and some tiny server, they'll leave.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar

    @TheActualBrian @Tearcell

    "They're not invested in building a new concept in distributed social media is whatever nerdy people, like us, find interesting.

    They want social media that isn't hostile or toxic or whatever they're running away from."

    This is the problem, you're treating these as two unrelated things, when in reality they are the same thing.

    The reason this place is less toxic is because it is on many servers, and because it has various anti-addictive features.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar

    @TheActualBrian @Tearcell

    That's why there's hashtag searching, to reduce the ability of trolls to find victims.

    And even small things like the colour of the alert icons being light blue on dark blue is designed to lessen the artificial alertness of the red dots you see on most social networks.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar

    @TheActualBrian @Tearcell

    The Fediverse structure means vulnerable groups can own their own servers, it costs about $10 a month for a five person server or $100 for a 2000 person server, with all tech stuff done by the hosting company.

    They can set their own rules, and block other servers they consider hostile or abusive. It's giving them the power instead of leaving it up to some billionaire to say stupid things like "cis gender is a slur".

    Actual power here is with ordinary people.


    @feditips @Tearcell

    If. They're. Also. Technical.
    If. They. Want. To. Hide.

    FFS, division isn't what "vulnerable groups" need or want.
    They need to be in the open, treated like they're normal, because they are.

    Being able to build a bubble and hide is exactly what those billionaire run ones are about.

    Yes, federation is a good idea.
    It's not the solution to all of life's problems and there are realities you can't ignore.

    You'll never be main stream if you don't build for everyone.

    @toni@blahaj.zone avatar

    @TheActualBrian @feditips @Tearcell Speaking as a member of a 'vulnerable group' yes I want to be out in the open, and treated as normal, and because I am. But the only way we can have that is zero tolerance of bigotry and zero tolerance of those that enable bigotry. It is the Nazis, Tankies and other assorted bigots that need to be driven into hiding, and not seen as 'normal'.

    feditips, (edited )
    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar

    @TheActualBrian @Tearcell

    "They need to be in the open, treated like they're normal, because they are."

    I think it's up to vulnerable groups to say what they need. My point is that this place gives them options and powers which do not exist on Twitter, Facebook etc.


    @feditips @Tearcell

    You're the one who claimed your technology was best for them.

    You're just arguing to argue.
    Responding only to the last thing I've said with no recall of the overall conversation.
    You've drifted so far off topic that you've forgotten what I was initially saying.

    This platform will never grow beyond obscurity if you don't embrace the general public and cater to them.
    Period. Dispute that.

    @Tearcell@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @feditips @TheActualBrian which is perfect... If those who need it most realize it's there and how to do it. But many give up before they find the beauty in the ideals. I know I did on my first try here.

    I know there are solutions, just hoping we get there and other people can come and help build something great.

    @Tearcell@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @feditips actually thinking about it if I had just know about or see your account, I probably would have been much better off. Your tips DO make a difference.


    @feditips @Tearcell


    Moderation. That's why. Moderation is why.

    Maybe many, smaller servers makes moderation easier, but it does not, inherently, create a better place.

    Also, I'M not treating anything like anything.
    I'm talking about the perception of average people.

    You're getting lost in the weeds.
    Trying to find technical "arguments" just to oppose me at this point.

    Simple. If you want a mass audience, build for the masses, or remain small and insignificant.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar

    @TheActualBrian @Tearcell

    "Maybe many, smaller servers makes moderation easier, but it does not, inherently, create a better place."

    In my experience it does. Having human moderators on small servers that you can actually talk to directly is far better than massive billion-person servers with unreachable robots making inexplicable decisions.

    "Trying to find technical "arguments" just to oppose me at this point."

    These aren't technical arguments, they're human arguments.


    @feditips @Tearcell

    "In my experience it does. Having human moderators on small servers that you can actually talk to directly is far better than massive billion-person servers with unreachable robots making inexplicable decisions."

    Thanks for agreeing with me!

    Like I said, it's not the federation of the server size, IT'S THE MODERATION.

    Twitter could do the same if:

    They wanted to
    They hired enough people

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar

    @TheActualBrian @Tearcell


    On a grassroots level, where each server is small, the people who run it are more invested and have more direct control over it. That in itself provides better quality.

    Twitter can't do the same because it's a vast corporation whose job is to make money for its shareholders. It doesn't care about anything else.

    If you want a real world example, who is more committed: a small family that own a restaurant, or some random people at a random branch of McDonalds?


    @feditips @Tearcell

    Yeah, you're ignoring reality just to argue.

    🟡 "are" No. Being small DOES NOT ensure this and you know it.

    🔴 "can't" No. They can. They don't.

    🟢 Logical fallacy. I guess you couldn't do this without logical fallacies.

    You're disingenuous with a cult like obsession to this place.

    This will grow beyond the control of its creators. Deal with that. Try to guide it or get left behind. Trying to keep it just the way you imagine it should be isn't an option, though.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar

    @TheActualBrian @Tearcell

    Also the numbers just don't add up for large servers. The average server on here has about 500-1000 people. Let's say 1000.

    Even if they had just one moderator, that's a ratio of 1:1000 staff per user.

    Twitter has about 300 million users, so to get a ratio of 1:1000 they would need to employ 300,000 moderators. Depening on who you ask, the actual number of total staff at Twitter is 2000 to 7000, and only a small fraction will be moderators. That's why they use algo.


    @feditips @Tearcell


    Like a large, for profit corporation is the same as some guy running an instance from home.

    You really can't do this without logical fallacies.

    @sayonaraminasan@urusai.social avatar

    @feditips @TheActualBrian @Tearcell anti-addictive features such as what? New here.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar

    @sayonaraminasan @TheActualBrian @Tearcell

    For example, at least on the web version, you cannot see how many replies a post has, it says either 0, 1 or 1+. The alert signs aren't red. There's no algorithm constantly feeding you new things to provoke you into an instant response.

    Some platform on here hide the number of followers, to prevent clout-chasing.

    @sayonaraminasan@urusai.social avatar

    @feditips @TheActualBrian @Tearcell Yeah that last sentence is probably the biggest one there. Have yet to see that but pretty good idea all told.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar

    @sayonaraminasan @TheActualBrian @Tearcell

    Those aren't the only things, just my brain isn't functioning right now 😁

    There are additional safety features too such as hashtag searching instead of full text searching, it means people opt into discussions by including hashtags and it's harder for "reply guys" to strike on random people.

    Also Lists require you to follow people on them, so that you can stop people adding you to lists by blocking them.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar

    @sayonaraminasan @TheActualBrian @Tearcell

    Most of the features that people find complicated here are for safety or anti-addiction purposes.

    The biggest safety feature is being spread out on many servers, there are many reasons for it: https://fedi.tips/why-is-the-fediverse-on-so-many-separate-servers/

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar

    @sayonaraminasan @TheActualBrian @Tearcell

    Oh yeah, another anti-addiction thing: you can't see post stats when browsing a feed. This means you're judging posts by their content, not by the numbers under them.

    (You can see stats if you enlarge a particular post though.)

    @sayonaraminasan@urusai.social avatar

    @feditips @TheActualBrian @Tearcell I’m on ivory so I actually can see how many boosts and likes a post has, but that is still a cool feature to add in on the main site.


    @feditips I've tried fedilab a couple times, and it definitely has more features, but... something about the notification system on it could use improvement, I think. Maybe the 'read' part of notifications was a bit buggy for me? Idk.

    Also, local repost counts would be nice. Its extra effort for the servers, but even if incomplete it is a very useful signal.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    Ping @apps, some more feedback for you :)

    @apps@toot.fedilab.app avatar

    You can enable counters in settings, also the read part can be customized:
    Colors, remove the left margin, change the layout, etc.


    @feditips I prefer . The interface and the possibility to check the trending hashtags are really cool.


    @feditips I found out this yesterday and I immediately uninstalled the app and installed the web app from the web that's actually really good


    @feditips already using it, thanks for the tip

    @etherdiver@ravenation.club avatar

    @feditips I use Tusky, it's solid!

    @villares@ciberlandia.pt avatar

    @feditips I've been trying . It works quite well. @megalodon


    @feditips hashtag following works on the official ios app right?

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    Yes it does.

    Click "Follow" on a hashtag search results page to follow that tag.

    To see which tags you're already following, go to your profile page and click the # button at the top.

    @mcpinson@mas.to avatar

    Tusky has been working great for me.


    @feditips switched to mashidon. Def recommend.


    @feditips omg thank you for this. I was using the official app and kept seeing advice to follow hashtags and couldn't figure out how to. Just installed and love the feel. So much easier to find what I want to see on my TL!


    I can second the fedilab recommendation, a small cost, but I like the UI and customizability better than Tusky.
    Tusky is more "set it (install) and forget it, if that is more your speed though.

    @johnb48@mastodon.online avatar


    Fedilab is very seriously broken as of the Android June update on at least Pixel 6! I've had to switch to another app.

    Very long (multi second) delay after tapping, crashing with translation settings. Occasional blank screen.

    Unusable at this point.

    @Edelruth@mastodon.online avatar


    Will the hashtag follow become available in the Mastodon app anytime soon do you think/know?

    Since a huge update was just released, I'm thinking not, but I would love to have it without having to learn some other app.

    Old folk don't like change.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    If you switch to Tusky, I think you'll find it very easy to use. It's one of the apps that Mastodon officially recommended before they had an actual official app.

    Having said that, the Mastodon roadmap does include putting hashtag following on the official Android app. It's already on the iPhone app.

    @Edelruth@mastodon.online avatar



    Thank you.


    @feditips Moshidon, a fork of the official app, is nice as well. I don't know if Moshidon is available for iOS but I know it is for Android.

    @johnmark@freeradical.zone avatar

    @feditips I use @elk on mobile Firefox. It's awesome.


    My iPad doesn’t seem to have this option.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    You have to choose a particular hashtag in order to see the follow option for it.


    @feditips ok. You mean the … on individual posts?



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  • feditips,
    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    I think you're using Mastodon's advanced mode with its pinned tags.

    That's a totally separate system from hashtag following.

    If you've been away a long while, it may be that you are seeing the advanced mode by default. Multicolumn was replaced with a simpler single column interface as default, with multicolumn made an optional mode.

    You can switch modes by going to Preferences > Enable advanced web interface, tick/untick to activate/deactivate, click Save Changes


    @feditips Yes, I'm using the advanced mode with multiple columns. I very much prefer the multi instead of single (on desktop). It's also the only way I've found so far that groups multiple hashtags together in a single column instead of switching between one for each. Switching would be a pain for hashtags such as , , and which all give different results for the exact same topic.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    If you follow hashtags in single column, they are all grouped into your Home timeline.

    Pinned tags and followed tags work totally separately, as pinned were there a long time before following was introduced.



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  • feditips,
    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    Fair enough! All good points.

    Sorry, didn't mean to patronise!


    @feditips I looked for the hashtag but did not find it. :(



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  • feditips, (edited )
    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    If there are people spamming or misusing a hashtag, mute or block as much as possible. It is fine to mute or block, it isn't seen as a personal insult on here.

    On most tags there shouldn't be problems anyway (for example , , etc are wonderful), but obviously tags related to controversial things will attract more problematic posts.

    @LGS@friendsofdesoto.social avatar

    @feditips Thanks for all the tips!


    @feditips hashtags are silly. It's better to have simple text key word searching.


    @feditips But for the love of god don't follow any cat hashtags, you will never find anything ever again as your timeline is drowning under the glorious flood.

    No, wait, I meant "do", it's great.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    is consistently one of the top tags on here :blobcat:


    @feditips where can I find a list of tags I'm following?



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  • feditips,
    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    Are you using the Android official Mastodon app?

    It doesn't support hashtag following yet. I would strongly advise using Tusky or Fedilab instead.

    @staidwinnow@mastodon.social avatar


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  • feditips,
    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    I'm not sure what you mean?

    Do you have a screenshot you could post?

    @staidwinnow@mastodon.social avatar


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  • feditips,
    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar



    Yeah, that's not hashtags as such, though the # symbol is used for that section of the website.

    Those are picked either manually by the server admin and/or by how many people are following them.

    I've never found the "People" tab to be useful, to be honest. I would just ignore it.

    @staidwinnow@mastodon.social avatar


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  • feditips,
    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar
    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    @staidwinnow I'm much more fun than those other people. 🙃 @feditips

    @staidwinnow@mastodon.social avatar

    @GottaLaff @feditips

    Yes, you are.

    I find a distinct lack of news, especially the live update variety. So I tune into the Laffy stream. It is informative, and it's like an oasis in a desert. While you occasionally have opinions interjected in some posts, it does not muddy the news.

    Plus, you are pretty thick-skinned when it comes to gentle ribbing. I mean it as playful humor, not malice.

    So, once again, thank you.

    @GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

    @staidwinnow That was one of the kindest replies I've ever received. Thank you sincerely, Staid.

    (And for the record, my pinned toot warns against my snark-infestations)



    @feditips I only wish I could have separate feeds for hashtags and people

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    You can do this if you're using a computer, there's an Advanced website mode where you can add lots of separate columns with each column containing multiple hashtags. Here's how to activate it:



    @feditips the mastodon app on Google play doesn't seem to have this feature. At least, I don't see a way to do this as you've described.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    Yeah, the official Android Mastodon app doesn't have this.

    I would strongly advise switching to Tusky or Fedilab instead, or alternatively you can do the tag following by logging onto your server's website.


    @feditips thanks for the tip I've downloaded Tusky


    @feditips super useful, thanks!


    @feditips Is search logic different between Mastodon instances? I find that the infosec.exchange search yields more (and usually better) results than the one on mastodon.social. Makes quite a difference in the early stages as I'm looking for people to follow and content to interact with.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    Yeah. There is no central server for searches, your search results depend on which parts of the Fediverse your server sees.

    It sounds like infosec.exchange has connections that are more relevant to your searches than mastodon.social, and it's one reason why it's good to join a server that matches your interests.

    If you want a detailed explanation, here's a list of how a server "sees" the Fediverse:


    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    p.s. You can bypasss the search logic completely if you use Groups for discussions instead of hashtags.

    All posts on group accounts are actively pushed to every server that has at least one subscriber:


    Hashtags aren't actively pushed, they are passive filters for a server's Federated timeline.


    @feditips Very interesting, thank you!


    @feditips That last one is the most important. Without it, none of the others mean much. And I've seen hashtag use going down lately.


    @feditips I don't have a follow or + button when I search up hashtags it's just the hashtag at the top and all the results underneath

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    Are you on the Android official Mastodon app? That doesn't have a follow button yet.

    If so, I'd strongly recommend switching to the third party apps Tusky or Fedilab.


    @feditips that would explain it

    @joenepraat@todon.nl avatar

    @feditips here! 👋 But I really hope so that in the next Mastodon version (not 4.1.3, but 4.2) the will have their own timeline.

    cc @Mastodon @Gargron

    @qblueheart@smutlandia.com avatar

    @feditips Following hashtags is a great way to find content that interests new users! Thanks 💙


    @feditips I started following several hashtags but the posts I was getting were in German and not English. Is this because of the server I chose or because the users of that hashtag just happen to be German speakers?

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    I'm not sure, it depends on whether the German speakers were choosing the correct posting langauge in their preferences.

    If they are on a server where English is the default language, they may have not changed it to German.

    Don't be afraid to mute accounts if they are showing you irrelevant content. If you're nervous doing so, you can use a timed mute instead of a permanent one.

    @paulcox@toot.wales avatar

    @feditips is there a feature planned to rate limit hashtags at all? e.g. show me 1 in every 10 posts from a hashtag. Some can take over the timeline

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar


    No, but I think they are going to introduce hashtag following in Lists so you could have separate timelines for different tags.

    Also, if there's a profilic account spamming a tag you can mute or block it.

    An alternative approach if you're on a desktop computer is to use the Advanced web interface which lets you pin multiple tags in separate columns:


    @paulcox@toot.wales avatar

    @feditips cheers

    @shaulawalko@sfba.social avatar

    @feditips @paulcox
    I would love to be able to make lists of my hashtags.

    @feditips@mstdn.social avatar

    @shaulawalko @paulcox

    You can already do that on the Advanced interface but it only works on large screens like computers or tablets in horizontal mode.

    @shaulawalko@sfba.social avatar

    @feditips @paulcox
    Okay, thanks. I’ll try it out on the desktop. Cheers

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