@rolle@mementomori.social avatar



CTO, founder of @dude, admin of many servers like this one. Web developer, CSS wizard, *nix user, an advocate for open and ethical Internet. Creator of the Mastodon Bird UI. I do WordPress and open source for a living.

This profile is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

My son has been coughing four days straight. Fever and couch mostly. He said he don't taste the candy just now. Might be COVID-19.

In Finland they didn't offer vaccines for kids under 10 so he doesn't have any. He had COVID-19 last year, wen't over in couple of days. But now it's been ongoing from Tuesday.

As long as he is happy and playing it's all right I guess, but I'm still worried.

rolle, to fediverse
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

The big contradiction of the is that people want e. g. to be more popular and accepted than e. g. or but yet they are ANTI EVERYTHING; No companies, no this and that, no federation, "I will fucking block you all" for even looking at the mainstream popular culture.

How is that going to work?
Why so hostile?

rolle, to random Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Nyt tulikin sitten pohdittavaksi tulevaan Mastodon-versioon (4.3.0), että kuinka käännetään "Mutual" lyhyesti ja helposti suomeksi.

@mustikkasoppa ehdotti "Ystävä" tai "Kaveri", mutta ovatko kaikki randot oikeasti kavereita? Merkitys muuttuu ehkä tässä liikaa.

"Mutuaali" on yleisesti käytetty termi, mutta onko anglismi huono juttu? Ei tuossa voi lukea kuitenkaan mitään "Seuraatte molemmat toisianne", napissa ei kuulu olla pitkää tekstiä.

Nykyinen käännös "Molemmat" on tönkkö ja virheellinen, mutta ei uusi ehdotus "Yhteiset" ole myöskään kovin hyvä.

Crowdin: https://crowdin.com/editor/mastodon/54/en-fi?filter=basic&value=0&view=comfortable#q=molemmat

rolle, (edited ) to internet
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Best discontinued social media service in your opinion?

rolle, to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Mammoth has recommended follows in the onboarding and the app. It also has algorithmic feeds. On Mastodon. I wonder why this is not built-in yet?

Recommended follows on Mammoth for Mastodon, an app for iPhone

rolle, (edited ) to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Other thing that comes as a surprise is that Mastodon folks (as of right now) are mostly fact and discourse oriented people instead of feel-good photo diary, travelling and such - those don't get much "likes" or "attention" or comments here, at least that's what I have noticed. Many care about those superficial metrics.

Statements, discussion about tech, social media, AI and politics get more traction but if you saw a butterfly and posted a photo of it, that is "meh" for many. It's a turn off for grandparents who just want to post pictures of their flowers. #X

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Birthday coffee. 🎈

rolle, to opensource
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Mastodon Bird UI 1.7.5 is now released! :neon_skull:

This release adds support for Mastodon 4.2.0.


  • Recognize mispelled GitHub and add an icon
  • Recognize empty field and remove pipe
  • Hover effect missing in menus, Fixes (Thanks @Roboron3042!)
  • Profile view on mobile leaves kebab menu out when the localized "Unfollow" label is longer, Fixes (Thanks @ikke!)
  • Support for Mastodon 4.2.0

Release and the most notable changes with screenshots: https://github.com/ronilaukkarinen/mastodon-bird-ui/releases/tag/1.7.5

Live demo (single column layout only): https://mementomori.social

Source code and installation instructions: https://github.com/ronilaukkarinen/mastodon-bird-ui

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

This is the way.

rolle, to mastodon Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Olen miettinyt ”yleisinstanssin” pystyttämistä. Näitähän on jo monia, mutta tietämättömien kanssa keskustelu typpää aina siihen, kun pitää päättää lähteekö kertomaan Mastodonin ja Fediversen ideasta ollenkaan, vai pitääkö Mastodonin simppelinä ”somepalveluna”. Yleensä jälkimmäinen toimintamalli toimii hienosti siihen asti kun henkilö sanoo ”Okei, kuulostaa hyvältä, miten aloitan palvelun käytön?”. Jos alan tähän sönköttää ”No menepäs mementomori.social ja sieltä Create account” niin vastapuoli: ⁉️⁉️⁉️ ”Memento… mikä? Eikö tämä ollutkaan Mastodon?” ja ojasta allikkoon…

Tähän on kaksi ”ratkaisua”:

  • ”Mene mastodon.social”
  • Luodaan joku oikeasti käyttäjäystävälliseksi räätälöity (esim. :lla tai jopa täysin uniikilla ulkoasulla varustettu) suomalainen yleisinstanssi, jonka nimessä on Mastodon. @anton:n https://mastodon.fi olisi täydellinen tähän, mutta hän on päättänyt pitää palvelimen pienen resurssin yhden henkilön palvelimena. Olisi helppo sanoa, että ”mene Mastodon piste fi”, eikä tarvitsisi selitellä mitään.

Toisaalta, tarvitaanko enää yhtä uutta yleisinstanssia, meillä on jo esimerkiksi https://mastodontti.fi ja https://suomi.social jotka eivät nimensä puolesta herätä liikaa hämmennystä. Ja sitten toisaalta, muuttaako hyvin brändätty ”twittermäisen”/”blueskymäisen” käyttöliittymän omaava Mastodon-instanssi lopulta mitään, jos yleisasenne suomalaisten keskuudessa on nuiva, ja kaupallinen some jo vallannut tilaa suomalaisten mikroblogikäyttäjien mielessä? Onko effortti vaivan väärti…

Olisin hyvä markkinoimaan uutta somepalvelua. Minulla on varattuina verkkotunnukset mikroblogi.fi ja somepalvelu.fi, joille en ole vielä toistaiseksi keksinyt käyttöä. Jos ei muuta, rakennan tuonne infosivun, jossa ”tietopankki” eri palveluista avoimen somen kulmalla. Toisaalta tässä elämäntilanteessa en kaipaa yhtään uutta sivuprojektia, aikaa ja energiaa ei oikein juuri nyt irtoa. Yleisinstanssi vaatisi paljon efforttia mm. moderointiin. Mukava kuitenkin viihdyttää itseään ajatuksella.

Mitä ajatuksia herättää?

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I'm occasionally seeing random "500" notifications in the web interface, but the logs are okay, no errors whatsover. Sidekiq queues are constantly 0, everything is running smoothly.

Sometimes RAM consumption is high, perhaps it's just that? It seems not to affect in using Mastodon in any way. Have other admins seen this?

rolle, to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

:mastodon: What's new in the upcoming version:

  • Alt indicators
  • Threaded lines natively! No more hacks.
  • Follow buttons instead of follow icons
  • Local and Federated are now combined as "Live feeds", under it there are tabs Local, Remote and All
  • Direct messages are now "Private mentions"
  • Three dot menu is now a burger
  • Context menus are more clear
  • Emoji menu is now slightly smiling instead of lol emoji
  • Banner notification bars have now border radius and are more clearly visible with bold text
  • Lists can now be accessed directly without the frustrating side step
  • Admin user interface is more logical
  • When replying, compose form has animated focus to clearly state it's appearing there

These are the ones I spotted for now! Perhaps there's more.

Please note the screenshot has enabled, it's not the official UI.

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Well, that’s a first.

rolle, (edited ) to UI
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I absolutely LOVE the customization options of @MonaApp for iPhone. I can actually make it very close #MastodonBirdUI because I can pick the hex colors, change profile photos to circular, make breathing space more relaxed etc. Good job! #BirdUI #Apps #UI #MastodonApps #iPhone #iOS #Mastodon

rolle, to internet
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Is the future of microblogging divided between Twitter, Mastodon(/Calckey/Akkoma/etc.) and Bluesky in the future? It certainly looks like it.

#SocialMedia #Centralized #Decentralized #Fediverse #Bluesky #Blueskysocial #Twitter #Mastodon

rolle, to random Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Langattomat nappikuulokkeeni (OnePlus Buds) häviävät aina mystisesti ja löytyvät jostain todella oudosta paikasta talon toiselta puolelta.

Eilen illalla ennen nukkumaanmenoa varmistin pari kertaa, että kuulokkeet ovat pöydällä. Nyt lenkille lähtiessä niitä ei löydy mistään. Uskomatonta. En ymmärrä.

rolle, to OCD Finnish
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Hitto, miksi ostin kalliin puhelimen tarkemmin miettimättä. Ei ole minun tapaista näin ja nyt ahdistaa. Ehkä en tällä kertaa jaksanut miettiä pidempään. Olisi pitänyt jaksaa. Siis loistavahan tämä on. Mutta miksi kaiken pitää olla aina niin täydellistä ja kontrolloitua?

rolle, to mastodon
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I love the extended search of my instance. I don't get it why this isn't implemented by default. https://github.com/VyrCossont/mastodon/pull/8

rolle, to random
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Any idea why doesn't your own server link generate any URL preview? On other server it shows up, but not here: https://mementomori.social

rolle, to Finland
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

This might be my most Finnish post yet. I want to tell you about something we absolutely love and are crazy about. Sauna.

Did you know there are about 3 million saunas in Finland? (The current population of Finland is 5,5 million). The last 5 of the 6 apartments I’ve lived in have had saunas in them and the one that did not, it had a sauna space you could go twice per week.

Sauna is something insanely calming and meditative. For us Finns sauna is not that spa-like ”steam room” they have in other countries, it’s all wood, rather small and hot, during summer we use birch leaves to whip each other with, we use tar as a herb and we just sit quietly in near 100 degrees Celsius (212 Fahrenheit). It’s supposed to be so hot you want to go out after ten minutes, breathe and relax. In the seventh floor I don’t have an icy lake but if I would I’d go right in, and then back to sauna… Sauna is not only to be enjoyed in the cottages, it can be enjoyed anywhere, any time, any way. It is a state of mind.

I love having sauna in my apartment. It is something otherworldly. It’s a luxury that I have without being a millionaire. It’s something that warms me during the winters and cools me down during the summers. Sauna is something I, like many other Finns, cherish and love. It stops time. It’s literally epic.

Sauna reminds me about the fact we are all human. We go there naked without thinking about it. Sauna cleanses the soul.

I wish everyone would have access to sauna multiple times per week like I do.

Btw I took that photo before throwing more steam, I do not want to ruin my phone. Lissee löylyä!

rolle, to ads
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Fuck yeah I'm blocking ads now and forever. I also use VPN, Tor, NextDNS filtering etc. and I do not appreciate your tone here, sir. I value my privacy and mental health.

Can we please stop these desperate and annoying money-begging tactics?

rolle, to fediverse
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

Former CEO of Twitter wanted to build a social protocol no-one can control, like SMTP or HTTP for social media. Bluesky’s ATProto was supposed to be an open source protocol that Twitter could eventually utilize, but then Musk happened and Bluesky started taking it to the wrong direction and everything fell apart in Dorsey’s mind.

A very revealing interview. I now see even more future in W3C’s ActivityPub.


#ActivityPub #JackDorsey #Bluesky #Twitter #X #SocialWeb #SocialMedia

rolle, to twitter
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar
rolle, (edited ) to iPhone
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

I have now concluded my personal Android phone vs. iPhone study and finished my Excel about the matter. Most of the people I asked use Android or something else rather than iPhone: https://mementomori.social/@rolle/110867030805742171

Android: 12 pros, 11 cons
iPhone: 7 pros, 7cons

TL;DR: In reality when digging into it in a more detailed matter with pros and cons, it's pretty much 50/50, a tied match with these two. It's more of a personal preference. If you want to spend less money to a phone, like to control everything, develop your own things or use command line on your phone, go for Android. If you like everything easy and ready to go without any thinking, go for an iPhone.

From apps and services I personally use, 95/95 are available on Android, 81/95 on iPhone, but practically all apps that are Android-only have iPhone-only alternatives.

Android pros:

  • Open source, mostly
  • Generally cheaper devices
  • Native Chrome/Chromium for developers, better support for PWAs
  • More apps
  • Freedom to customize from colors, icons to UIs and launchers
  • More options in system level
  • Termux: Native unix command line is something beyond awesome if you need local packages up and running on the fly
  • Flag ship phones have superior hardware
  • Custom apks, F-droid, 3rd party apps or develope your own without dependancy on Google Play store
  • Generally updates regurarly
  • Custom ROMs
  • Openness, access to file system

Android cons:

  • Newest Android (13) have limited even customizing the lock screens, so that's for the freedom
  • Newest Android-phones don't have Custom ROMs, so you have to depend on the often bloaty manufacturer updates
  • App quality is generally not that great when compared to iOS apps
  • The quality of operating system varies a lot between manufacturers
  • Usually contains a lot of bloat, unnecessary apps that you need to clean up right after purchasing the phone
  • Google. It's an ad company, spammy trends etc. you need to get rid of
  • Too much customizing to get it right. Some love this, I'm getting tired of it especially now when it's not like before, not everything can be customized.
  • Rooting and customizing lowers the lifespan of the device when you notice there will be no further updates or in between of Android version changes you need full wipe again
  • Official OTA updates generally exist shorter amount of years in the future when comparing to iOS updates
  • The phone is slowing down over time after updates, because the software is hardly optimized for the hardware, naturally varying and depending on the model and the phone price tag
  • Android 13 for example on OnePlus headed to a wrong direction with OxygenOS updates that are crippling the system. Even swiping things is slower than on PixelExperience, it's notable. - Too much varying in the quality and performance of the operating systems, it's wild

iPhone pros:

  • Very well optimized sofware for the hardware, works smoothly
  • Superior camera
  • The UI: Everything is pretty
  • Long life span of the updates
  • Generally better apps when compared to Android, the quality is way better all around (good example: Mastodon apps)
  • Some apps simply exist only for iPhone
  • It "just works"

iPhone cons:

  • Apple is controlling everything
  • Barely any customization
  • Everything you browse is on Safari, which sucks as a browser
  • App store is the only way to install apps. If there is no app you need, you are out of luck.
  • No memory card or other extensions to the phone. You buy it "as is". When you face the limits, you have to buy a new phone.
  • Expensive
  • No access to file system

There are probably more small nuances, but these are the most important pieces for me.

I might just buy an iPhone next, after 15 years of Android.

rolle, to fediverse
@rolle@mementomori.social avatar

My experience so far with microblogging services:

Threads: I'm in a wrong party and don't know what to say. I feel awkward, everyone is so happy with their gym selfies. Everyone asking endless questions and asking things from the algorithm. Lots of people use it like Instagram, every post is a selfie with a meaningless caption. Some are copy-pasting the same sentence over and over again for each line. Endless quote-post memes... What the fuck is this shit I don't even...

Bluesky: A Twitter clone, but still very barebones. Notifications are still not working, there are no hashtags and I don't find any relevant content to me in any of the feeds. It's mostly Facebook-like what's up in life, furry scene and AI photos. No news, no tech/web scene, no nothing. Not to mention it's still invite-only and won't support ActivityPub (yeah I know the reasoning behind that but for me it's mostly bullshit, I look forward to trying bridgy fed).

Mastodon and the Fediverse: Here I'm at home on my own server. Most content, most features. A community is friendly but has also lots of nitpicking, some angry dudes. Still the most safest, most healthy and most customized, but somehow the most hated network elsewhere. "Too techie", they say. "Too difficult", they say. "No algorithm", they say.

Nostr: Kinda promising, but way too obscure, strange and even techier than Mastodon. Too much crypto shit.

Well, that's that. Sometimes I feel like Internet is ruined. But I believe in the open social web movement and I want to see this grow.

In no other place I can write a status update as freely as this, as long as this or with a low bar as this. I LIKE this 100%. The same can't be said in those other places I'm experimenting with out of curiosity. There I'm the weird kid. Here I feel like myself.

#Fediverse #SocialWeb #SocialMedia #Bluesky #Threads #Some #Mastodon

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