GrapheneOS, to privacy avatar

GrapheneOS Apps (app repository client) version 23 released:

See the linked release notes for a summary of the improvements over the previous release and a link to the full changelog.

Forum discussion thread:

RadioAzureus, to android avatar

I waned off Samsung phones, ever since they started to ship them without a charger

What is doing now with one Ui 6.1 is despicable

jon, (edited ) to Vivaldi avatar

I have been building browsers for 30 years now. First Opera and now Vivaldi. My estimate is that more than 1 billion have used one of my browsers or both. Have you?

Feel free to share your story!

#Vivaldi #Opera #Browser #Android #iOS #Windows #Mac #Linux

IzzyOnDroid, to free avatar

#AndroidAppRain at today with 11 updated and 2 added apps:

  • NextTraceroute: traceroute app using Nexttrace API
  • Raise To Answer: simply hold your phone to your ear to answer an incoming call

Though Raise to Answer is a 1 year old release, it comes from the wonderful @SylvieLorxu who also brought you Catima, so it must be great! And an update is on its way.

Enjoy your #free #Android #apps with the #IzzyOnDroid #IzzySoftRepo :awesome:

danie10, to android avatar

Android Tasker routine to warn if home WiFi is not functioning correctly

Been experiencing a bit of an issue the last month with everything seemingly on and connected, but my Chromecast device would not connect across Wi-Fi today, and sometimes my wife says her phone is not connecting, and I’d have to reboot the home rou ...continues


br00t4c, to android avatar

Android TV has access to your entire account--but Google is changing that

sharan, to android avatar

I came back to POS today, got autobanned.

I immediately deleted my two channels and logged off. Forever.

Fuck Viber.

br00t4c, to android avatar
IzzyOnDroid, to free avatar

at today with 10 updated and 1 added apps:

  • Linklater: unofficial Android client for LinkDing (a self-hosted bookmark manager)

Enjoy your with the :awesome:

sharan, to android avatar

In Bosnia, most people use instant messenger. It's the shittiest piece of software ever.

I've deactivated my account and reactivated several months later, and I got a message that my account has been flagged as spam.


stefano, to android avatar

I'm reusing my Pixel 7 with Graphene OS using a secondary SIM.
It's truly excellent work; it works wonderfully, and the phone is noticeably more responsive compared to Google's Android.
I suggest everyone with a compatible Pixel device to give it a try; I don't think you'll go back.


AAKL, to android avatar
AAKL, to Cybersecurity avatar
governa, to android avatar

New 'Brokewell' Malware Spread Through Fake Browser Updates :android:

merecivilian, to android avatar

New Blogpost:
● Why I like Android 🤖

Troll, to android French avatar

Vous connaitriez pas une app sur :android: pour programmer des déviations d'appels à des heures et jours spécifiques ?

J'ai pas trouvé en libre et j'ai un peu la flemme de tester une a une celles que je trouve sur le playstore :ablobcatwave:

📲 🔀 ☎️ 📱

br00t4c, to android avatar

Everything Exciting About the Android 15 Beta So Far

br00t4c, to android avatar
br00t4c, to android avatar
IzzyOnDroid, to free avatar

at today brings you 10 updated and 1 added apps:

  • Voyage: a lightweight nostr client with a Reddit-like UI hat 1 updated.

Enjoy your with the :awesome:

matthew, to TikTok avatar

So, anyone know how this ban is going to be enforced? Or attempted to be enforced?

I'm guessing government forced removal from mobile app stores, but then what about people who already have the app? Or who side-load it on their Android phones. Or use a web app?

Great firewall of the USA?


AAKL, to android avatar
kalisz79, to random Polish avatar

To nie jest trochę to co już mamy dzięki wspólnemu logowaniu do różnych usług na via @ftdl ? :)

m0bi13, (edited ) avatar

@kalisz79 @ftdl

Dobrym podejściem są też web-aplikacje starające się integrować wiele profili z różnych serwisów. Np. , który ostatnio integruje i (jego Media-firt UI jest świetne).

Podobnie na integruje profile z różnych usług: Mastodon, , Pixelfed, , , .

Takie podejście mi się podoba :)

Innym tematem jest uparte trzymanie się przez Mastodona obsługi jedynie typu Note (i ułomne wyświetlanie Article). A ponieważ Mastodon dominuje w , nie rozwija się (tak jak mogłoby) wsparcie dla innych typów treści : image, video, audio, artist, album, track, playlist. De facto obrazki czy filmiki albo audio to po prostu załączniki do typu Note, bo Masto tak ma i nic innego nie wyświetli :/

Więc IMO pole do rozwoju jest ogromne, nie trzymajmy się kurczowo jednego konta (to wymysł marketingowców budujących silosy), zostańmy przy jeden login do wielu usług, jeśli już musimy ;)

kubikpixel, (edited ) to internet German avatar

Jetzt wo ihr alle auf eine und offene Plattform für gewechselt seid, das , könnt ihr z.B. bei den weiter machen.

🔎 @MetaGer
🔎 @Mojeek
🔎 @monocles

Ne du, so was wie , & liefern Daten ihrer Crawler wie (M$) und/oder . Pseudonymisiert ist nicht anonym, denn die sind vertraglich dazu verpflichtet.

kubikpixel, avatar

🧵 …danke @narek für das Entwickeln vom Gugle für Android, das ua / * Suchmaschinen unterstützt und über @fdroidorg auf dem installierbar ist. Das App soll später auch noch die * Suchmaschine unterstützen.


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