

Haskell. Its tool chain and version management pose significant hurdles, admittedly.
While the language itself inspires wonder, I must confess that the tooling falls short when measured against the high standards set by contemporary languages like Go and Rust.
In all fairness, we should recognize its historical context, where Haskell competed with C. From that perspective, its advancements were indeed commendable, and it's miles ahead of the rather "horrible" tooling in C.

@dottorblaster@fosstodon.org avatar

@Amirography oh well I have to say that to me C doesn't simply have tooling. There are some things, but I've never seen a C project actually effectively managing dependencies and doing linting the proper way, for example.

Taking this absence into account of course makes Haskell look like the cool kid on the block.

Actually the thing that irked me a lot at the time wasn't Cabal itself or Stack for example, but the fact that you had to know by heart which extensions for GHC you were using.

@kosmikus@functional.cafe avatar

@Amirography @cjk I think SPJ's perspective on this will probably have changed a bit. In this talk, he's basically reflecting on the early history of Haskell, and it's certainly been one of the principles of Haskell evolution not to get dragged into maintaining compatibility too early.

I think there's much more emphasis on stability now. The Haskell Foundation has a Stability Working Group. For user-facing changes to GHC, there is a clear GHC proposals process that has to be adhered to. Nevertheless, there are still ongoing problems: one of the main problems is that the base package, which provides many of the most fundamental functions, is locked to GHC, so if you upgrade GHC, you have to upgrade base. Other libraries then depend on certain versions of base and are incompatible with others. This can lead to scenarios where a security fix in one package you need goes along with a dependency on a later base, which then means you have to upgrade GHC, which then means you have to make other changes. This sort of stuff isn't great. It's also not trivial to fix, although it's clearly identified as a problem, and people are working on improving this over time.

Another potentially annoying problem is that lots of things are sensitive to compiler versions (also tooling such as HLS). This is unlikely to be solved ever, but can be worked around by other tooling such as Nix relatively effectively. But the underlying point is that GHC has an aggressive optimiser including all sorts of cross-module optimisations, and that means that internal formats change essentially all the time.

@penwing@wandering.shop avatar

think I've set up my environment for Advent of Code 2023 starting tomorrow... I'll see you nowhere near the global leaderboard...

I'll be arsing around with again...



18+ penwing,
@penwing@wandering.shop avatar

@tshirtman You haven't spoiled anything - I'd seen this in others' solutions already, but couldn't quite believe it so was choosing to believe I'd missed their offset calculating bits

Cheating is that this information on the cycle periods being what they are is vital to a simple solution but not easily obtainable...

18+ tshirtman,
@tshirtman@mas.to avatar

@penwing yeah, i've seen (and you probably as well) people use dot to produce graphs of the paths, making it slightly clearer what's happening, but getting the idea to do that? I fear there might be more data exploration in the future, rather than relying entirely on problem description.

@aeveltstra@mastodon.social avatar

I may bitch and gripe a bit about the insane learning curve of programming languages like ... but I cut my teeth on and : I've seen worse. Of all the languages I've used, my favorite by far is , but only for processing. What's yours, and why?

@RyunoKi@layer8.space avatar

@aeveltstra For personal use I jump between Python and JavaScript. (Sorry not sorry).

Design wise, Ruby is beautiful.

I've learned a little bit of Go, Lua, uxn/Forth (?) and others but I come back to interpreted language with a dynamic type system because I love Rapid Prototyping too much.

I feel like it encourages me to write better documentation and tests to compensate for the compile step.

With my background in math I should have looked into Haskell and Lisp but haven't done so.

@ljrk@todon.eu avatar

@aeveltstra For me the biggest issue is finding bugs at compile time: I despise Python, it's even worse to debug than "proper" C. I simply cannot accept syntax or other weird type errors at runtime.

So it's mostly Rust (for serious stuff), Go (basically just a better Python), Kotlin (for JVM), C (for exploits/PoC) and Haskell/PureScript/Clojure (when the libraries around it allow it). I dislike about Clojure and anything Scheme/Lisp that typing isn't as native as it could be, as strict, explicit types usually help me catch errors early. I spend a lot of time fighting the type checker, but if I reflect: All those errors would have been undebuggable without.

I find Haskell/PureScript pretty easy to learn, it's simply taught pretty badly IMHO. Most of the time I don't really think about the monadic aspect of Monads.

Outside of the language aspects, I love the tooling around Rust and Clojure. Also, Haskell's Hoogle is awesome.

@rml@functional.cafe avatar

#Haskell: composable code
#Scheme: decomposable code

@rml@functional.cafe avatar

if you think the former is more desirable than the latter, then I got a theorem prover to sell to you dressed as a programming language

@ocramz@sigmoid.social avatar

@rml #python : compostable code

@SusanPotter@mastodon.social avatar

I have just been requested to commute three days a week 135 miles away each way from my home (I have not moved) to an office I was never required to attend before the pandemic starting end of September.

If anyone needs remote product/infrastructure/platform engineering or backend developer who has 15 years cloud deployment experience and data center to cloud migration experience, email me on spotter@referentiallabs.com.

@SusanPotter@mastodon.social avatar

I forgot to also mention the other tags relevant to my expertise:

@SusanPotter@mastodon.social avatar

I have been working full-time remotely from home since 2012 and part-time since 2006.

I wrote about how I separate work and home lives almost three years ago deep in the pandemic days when people were asking me about it here:


Haskell Interlude 36 - John Hughes (haskell.foundation)

In this episode, Matti and Wouter are joined by John Hughes. John is one of the authors of the original Haskell Report and talks about why functional programming matters, the origins of QuickCheck testing, and how higher order functions and lazy evaluation is the key that makes functional programming so productive, and so much...

@abuseofnotation@mathstodon.xyz avatar

I haven't written any in years, so I decided to do one little shell script, just to see if I remember.

Some random thoughts:

  • The tooling and documentation still leaves you feeling stupid (unlike, PureScript, for example)
  • I hate this packing and unpacking of strings.

Oh, and here is the script, feedback and questions are welcome:


@abuseofnotation@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@BoydStephenSmithJr @ordish

nub by itself doesn't work for me, since it's type is List a, while I need something that works for Shell a (which is a custom Turtle type).

Like I said, I can use it, if I precede it by some function that does Shell a -> List a, but there is no point, as I can go Shell a -> Set a directly.

btw, the set fold isn't custom, I copied it from Gabriella's foldl lib https://github.com/Gabriella439/foldl

@BoydStephenSmithJr@hachyderm.io avatar

@abuseofnotation @ordish We have both been suggesting Turtle.Prelude.nub which is Shell a -> Shell a, no List involved at all.

jaror avatar

The GitHub repo of the basement and foundation packages was just archived, while it currently has 3764 indirect reverse dependencies including cryptonite, pandoc, and accelerate. I don't know why and I don't know what will happen now, but I am concerned.

@mangoiv@functional.cafe avatar

@jaror ouff. probably one of the depending orgs will have to take over?

jaror avatar

@kosmikus @mangoiv

The thing I'm concerned about is that there are still a lot of packages depending on it and there doesn't seem to be a fork yet. So, important fixes like making all these packages build on 32-bit platforms are now in limbo.

Also, I'm concerned that this goes unnoticed. Hackage does not currently show maintenance status very well, so people might think these packages are still suitable to use in new projects.


Scheme - SICP - Is Scheme functional?: compsci

You don't need side effects for I/O. Purely functional languages like and 1.0 got along just fine with dialogues for I/O, although whether they could be feased is another matter. But 'side effect' is short for 'side effect of evaluation'; i.e., the computer calculates the value of this expression and oh by the way it does this I/O while it's doing that (as a side effect). The side effects of a drug are everything the drug does that's not its intended purpose; the side effects of an expression are everything the code for that expression does that's not 'calculate the value'. So you don't need side effects to do I/O. Just make the I/O part of the value and have the computer calculate the value, then do the I/O it calculated.


@rml yes basically Development of a Haskell-EDSL Optimized for Open-Source Hardware (read risc V, and networked) , but I am realizing , my hsl may lie anywhere in the spectrum of nix and scheme ( given delay and force , vs let-rec of nix)
basically here's the updated view , after feedback of some learned haskell, nix folks


@kosmikus@functional.cafe avatar

Later today, 2024-05-15, at 1830 UTC, join Edsko and me for the 25th episode of the #Haskell #Unfolder "from #Java to Haskell" live on #youtube.


@kosmikus@functional.cafe avatar

@mangoiv @maralorn Yes, I agree with this view. I don't think Maybe is the right analogy. The MVar being empty is not a case you have to explicitly deal with, it already has a behaviour attached to it (blocking). Regarding the missing entry in the square, isn't that just an IORef?

@maralorn@chaos.social avatar



Yeah, It's kinda IORef but I thought that doesn't count because it has less concurrency guarantees.

But I think I get now why MVars are much more useful. I have even used TMVars myself as locks when the action I wanted to do with it contained effects.

clementd, French
@clementd@framapiaf.org avatar

Me when people complain about lenses being too complex /
Me when people complain about trees that grow being too complex

A weimaraner baring her teeth

@DismalManorGang@mastodon.online avatar

@clementd @amyfou
A pair of stout field dogs! A church friend and her daughter are Willow Run Vizslas and have shown at Westminster show in NYC. Ania was best junior handler with a English cocker veteran. Rachael’s hounds are dual track conformation and trials dogs.

@DismalManorGang@mastodon.online avatar

@clementd @amyfou

My friend’s kennel website


@nomeata@mastodon.online avatar

Someone once said that laziness is what kept pure, and that's the actually relevant feature. This makes we wonder: will theorem proving languages like , where logical consistency is what keeps them pure, deliver the same elegant experience, while avoiding some downsides of laziness (complex runtime, complicated performance characteristics)?


@nomeata for one you can give an infinite domain to haskell and theoretically it can compute it

@kripkejoyal@mathstodon.xyz avatar

When I read coq'Art, I encountered the book saying "coinduction is implemented with kind of laziness". I think it's the key to the answer.

@underlap@fosstodon.org avatar

Non-deterministic behaviour in a specification can be a headache for testing. This updated post explores the non-determinism in the JSONPath RFC 9535, describes how the Compliance Test Suite is being upgraded to deal with non-determinism, and shows how non-deterministic tests can be generated automatically. There's also an "explosive" challenge for Haskell programmers.


#Haskell #SoftwareTesting #SoftwareStandards #PerformanceOptimisation

@underlap@fosstodon.org avatar

Found a couple of trivial optimisations of my Haskell code which sped it up by a factor of over 20,000 (for the "explosive" example mentioned in the above post). That's sufficient for now. 😉

@FenTiger@mastodon.social avatar

@underlap This is my approach too. First, make a mess. Then make a well-tested mess. Then tidy it up.

@mo8it@fosstodon.org avatar

I did read this article about purely functional languages:


You could replace with and for me all problems presented remain solved.

From my understanding, the biggest two problems mentioned in the article are:

  1. Side effects
  2. Null

Rust solves the first more efficiently with the borrow checker. The second is also solved for example with enums.

I want to understand: What advantages do purely functional languages have in comparison?

@mo8it@fosstodon.org avatar

"Sadly, the hardware of the time often wasn’t powerful enough to make use of the solution. But today’s processors can easily manage the demands of Haskell and other purely functional languages."

Even today, software that requires performance is not written in purely functional languages like Haskell.

Maybe because purely functional languages are not designed with hardware in mind?


@raichoo @achim @mo8it I agree and I'm going to plug my book here because I think it can help make this process easier and quicker for Haskell https://lhbg-book.link

@terrorjack@functional.cafe avatar

ok. sparks is indeed a nice way to get work stealing nested parallelism for free in , as long as you work with spark# directly and don't use par, pseq or anything built upon these combinators

@leftpaddotpy@hachyderm.io avatar

@terrorjack oh no lol, why is the lib so unfit for purpose?

@terrorjack@functional.cafe avatar

@leftpaddotpy spark# is state# passing so you can explicitly spawn a spark as a monadic operation in io or st which feels natural. on the other hand, par's purity is an undesired burden because you now have evaluation order to worry about and litter your code with pseq. the entire "Strategy" thing and "Eval" monad in the parallel package is a huge distraction in the same sense

@hl@social.lol avatar

but programming language names:
Ghost in the
Is For Heros
In The Name Of The
Star Wars: The Awakens
Manchester By the #C
The Truman
Bringing Up
Anyone get any other good ideas?

@hl@social.lol avatar
@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

@hl Max and ( and Max)

@kosmikus@functional.cafe avatar

Day 22 done in . After the rather weird previous two days where the exact nature of the input played a large role, this was finally a rather straight-forward and enjoyable programming task again.

@mindshoot@mastodon.xyz avatar

@aoanla @kosmikus yes this is my first year too, and funny you should mention that - some of the people on the work leader board have GitHub repos and I can see those extra years. And their solutions often start by importing helpers as you describe. I had actually initially planned to use this as a chance to learn a new language (lisp) but that’s just a step too far for me now!

@kosmikus@functional.cafe avatar

@mindshoot @aoanla It's the first year I'm really doing it as well, in all the previous years I've usually given up after just a day or two. Overall, yes, it's been costing time, but I'd say I've also been enjoying it and I've been learning quite a few things (using new libraries, writing algorithms I usually rarely end up writing), and the more annoying parts have been comparatively rare.

I would say that there's a danger though to let it become a massive time sink and not enjoying it at all anymore. It somewhat sounds like you may be in that situation. Don't let peer pressure get to you. I totally understand lack of time. If it becomes a chore, it's probably better to just let it be ...

@Profpatsch@mastodon.xyz avatar

on, the most useless function in base. There’s really never a situation where inlining it doesn’t make the code easier to understand.

@kosmikus@functional.cafe avatar

@Profpatsch Hmm, I quite like it.

jaror avatar

@Profpatsch compare `on` length to me seems much nicer than \x y -> compare (length x) (length y)

@underlap@fosstodon.org avatar

There are plenty of descriptions of Haskell's do notation as syntactic sugar for stringing together sequences of operators such as >>=.

There are also "laws" that define the semantics of the do notation.

But I haven't found any decent description of how to use do notation as if it was a first class language construct. That would be especially useful for beginners.

Anyone know of such a description?

Boosts appreciated!

@kosmikus@functional.cafe avatar

@underlap I am not sure you can get very far with that approach? The semantics of do notation is defined in terms of return / pure and (>>=). So in order to understand what a do block means for a concrete monad, you have to look up the definition of the Monad and superclass instances, and be able to relate that to what the do-block says. So you basically have to be able to do the desugaring in your head.

Treating do-notation as first-class could still be useful if you limit yourself to one fixed type, say IO where the definitions are built-in anyway. But while I agree in principle that introducing IO before talking about monads (at all or in general) is the correct order, even for IO I am not sure that introducing do without talking about its desugaring helps much.

@glocq@mathstodon.xyz avatar

@underlap How about:

Let m be a monad, and a be a type. The do keyword allows you to define a value of type m a in an imperative style: it starts a context where you can write code as a sequence of statements.

In this imperative mini-language, you can bind names to constants (no variables allowed!) in two ways:

  • If the value you are binding can be deduced from constants already in scope, just use the let keyword.
  • If the value you are binding is the result of a monadic action, use <- to perform the action and get the resulting value. If the statement is of type m b, the type associated with the name is now b.

Any name bound in this way can be used in the statements that follow it.

You can also perform a monadic action without assigning its result to anything (just write the monadic action as a separate statement).

Finally, the last statement must be the result of your monadic action, i.e. a value of type m a. Just write the action as your last statement.

I feel like it's a pretty simple thing to write, and that most Haskell texts/courses feature that explanation, so I probably misunderstood your request 😅

@someodd@fosstodon.org avatar

Could I get some love, please?

I feel I'm developing lots of software in for and cool things.

A showcase of some of my projects: https://www.someodd.com/showcase

My GitHub (please follow, star): https://github.com/someodd

@someodd@fosstodon.org avatar

@jaror I edited the link in the original toot or whatever. Is it not updated for you? Thank you for your help.

jaror avatar

@someodd Yeah, I think kbin.social doesn't federate edits yet.

@someodd@fosstodon.org avatar

Please share with me your wisdom on packaging and distributing software made with .

@simonmic@fosstodon.org avatar

@someodd, here's a few thoughts on #haskell packaging/distribution:

  • Support the widest range of GHC versions, deps, and all related tools you can reasonably manage, reducing unnecessary friction.

  • Get your packages and their dependencies into Stackage nightly and keep them there. From there they will trickle into Stackage LTS, which is a starting point for many packaging systems.


@simonmic@fosstodon.org avatar
  • When you need to provide assets other than the executable, embed them eg with file-embed. The file lookup mechanism provided by Cabal is too fragile.

  • When you want to be cross platform: check your deps, avoid unix-only packages, avoid packages that require external C libs if possible.


@DiazCarrete@hachyderm.io avatar

AFAIK, there's not an easy way in Haskell to inspect at the type level what type a field has in a record.

What I mean is that that there doesn't seem to be a type family like

type FieldType :: Type -> Symbol -> Type

that we could invoke in ghci like

:kind! FieldType Person "age"

Why would I want this? For libraries like servant and rel8 that use parameterized records where the types of the fields vary heavily with the type parameter.

I guess I could hack it using generics. 🤔

@DiazCarrete@hachyderm.io avatar

"hack it using generics"
^ oh god, my poor memory. I actually did already implement something like this back in the day, using generics.


@DiazCarrete@hachyderm.io avatar
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