matthew, to php avatar

This is the fix that I was looking for to mitigate the "PHP" glibc vulnerability in Ubuntu server:


paragon, to random avatar

Does anyone need the Brainpool curves implemented in PHP?

ramsey, avatar

@paragon Edit this and add the hashtag, and it’ll reach a lot more people. 🙂

matthew, to sysadmin avatar

Question on the PHP glibc vulnerability:

Does anyone know a blog post or other documentation for how to turn off the character set that allows the vulnerability in Ubuntu and Debian?

Here's a good blog post by Rocky Linux on the subject, but I'm not sure how to translate the instructions to Debian and Ubuntu.

ramsey, avatar

@matthew There’s some information on the official @php website that might be helpful:

sirber, to python avatar

I think it's better to learn than catch up on ? 🤔

dseguy, to php French avatar

doesn't allow float as index in arrays.

It is possible to use them as such by casting them to string. Later, type juggling will allow adding to another float, seamlessly.

ta1da, to javascript avatar

It has been brought to my attention that mocking as a dev is why the saying "don't throw rocks when you live in a glass house" exists

phpmd, to php avatar

We are working on version 3 for PHPMD.

The new major version will not only drop all PHP versions from 5.2 till 8.0 but also cleanup the internal code and lower the maintenance cost.

You can follow the proces in the milestone:

pdepend, to php avatar

We are working on version 3 for PHP Depend.

The new major version will drop support for all PHP versions from 5.2 till 8.0. And it will cleanup the internal code and lower the maintenance cost.

You can follow the proces in the milestone:

robotalien, to php

What IS this??? A colon? In my ???

robotalien, to php

has yield??? What the... I'm truly living in the future!

Jfillian, to php avatar

So, I returned to a project that i put on hold for a few months because .. life. There are some 12000 lines of #code and many #php Classes for a #wordpress plugin. I'd like to finish this thing, and I am the only #developer. It has only been a few months but, why do I keep asking myself "Why did i do that?" "What was I thinking?" "Where is the hook into that function???" Sheesh! Right now I just want to make it presentable and clean it up down the road. Am I normal?

governa, to php avatar
meuon, to random avatar

JSON is usually beautifully simply and useful. I'm starting to see the same un-necessarily over-complicated nesting of simple data by API vendors as the XML crowd. All I'm missing is Base64encoded JSON inside of Base64encoded JSON.

(Used to see that in the XML world)

meuon, avatar

New WTF?!? that has me wanting to thwack an API providers team:

In one place it needs (without quotes)

"invoiceTotal": 17.37,

In another it needs; (with quotes)

"invoiceTotal": "17.37",

but if I pass 17.37 (bare) to PHPs json_encode it wraps it in quotes. I can't use JSON_NUMERIC_CHECK because it breaks the things that should be strings like "01" instead of 1.

There are kludgy work arounds... or I can hand code my JSON, but WTF?!?

cabbey, to php avatar

ok brain trust.... say you wanted to automate some code changes. Simple stuff like "find all the instance methods that call self::staticFoo() and change them to call $this->foo() instead"... what static analysis tool would be the first one you would reach for to do that? Before anyone says "a grep and perl pies pipeline" note that static methods that call self::staticFoo() must remain as is. Next up would be "find all the places ->info['foo'] is read and replace it with ->getInfoFoo()."

thgs, to php avatar

Writing #php without a framework can be fun.

Of course I am going to pick something for this pet project but while I am exploring, writing like that is fairly quick and malleable.

ericmann, to wordpress avatar

Thanks to a quick Docker build change, my blog is now running on 8.3.6.

symfonystation, to Symfony avatar
mobileatom, to Symfony avatar

Explore today's @SymfonyStation Communiqué of Symfony, Drupal, PHP, Fediverse, and Cybersecurity news. 🇺🇦

Crell, to Kotlin avatar

Another day, another way in which the / ecosystem is weaker/worse than the ecosystem.

I'm kind of tired of finding these.

grmpyprogrammer, to php avatar

Was very happy to be in Chicago with many of my #php community friends.

simonhamp, to php avatar

A few hours ago I managed to get a statically-linked build of PHP for Windows working on a machine with no prior installation

This build is a single-file distributable executable that can run a application

This is a major milestone for as it will now be able to support all the major desktop platforms 🎉

jbzfn, to opensource avatar

💰 Sovereign Tech Fund Makes New Investments Into GNOME & PHP, Bug Bounty For systemd

kboyd, to php avatar

Here's how to pretend that array_map supports passing keys in

$keys = array_keys($data);  
 fn ($values, $key) => ... ,  

Keys tend to be important in PHP because they are often strings that contain relevant data, rather than index offsets.

Dropping the array_combine would result in losing all of the keys from the resulting array & reverting to int offsets.

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