@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar



Heinlein is problematic for a lot of reasons, but I've always been inspired by this:

"A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects."


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davidr, to firefox
@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

And speaking of #MuseScore

I paid for a subscription. And they are now effectively blocking #Firefox, at least on #Linux. Every fetch requires me to "verify I'm a human" so none of the images or #javascript load. It works in #chromium (for now...?)

#Web #developers, just say "no" to this kind of garbage.

davidr, to Cat
@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

We got a new-to-us #cat on Thursday afternoon.

Thurs aft: It was under the bed
Fri noon: Under the couch
Fri evening: Spotted briefly coming out from under the couch

It is now Saturday evening and we haven't seen the cat in almost 24h. It's a big house with LOTS of places to hide.

Negligible chance it's gotten out. The other 3 #cats seemed to trigger on it a couple times but we still couldn't find it.

I just hope it isn't stuck somewhere...

davidr, to guitar
@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

omg omg omg omg

18yo started learning #guitar a couple weeks ago and doesn't object to being guitar buddies! I've never played with anyone!

Also 16yo is in chorus and was willing to sing the gospel song the class has been practicing!

So we just had a 3 member family #music #band

We sound awful! But we had fun! And I think maybe intrigued the 23yo...


recursive, (edited ) to random
@recursive@hachyderm.io avatar

Confronted by the only known portrait of Adrien-Marie Legendre

(Marked media as sensitive because it's scaring me every time I see it my notifications)

@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

@recursive the gentleman with the thistledown hair


davidr, to geopolitics
@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

These nitwits still don't get it.

Maybe the economic metrics you've chosen to measure and maximize don't address the actual kitchen table #economy that affect the 99%.

How are homelessness, low wages, unavailable housing, lack of union protection, terror over medical debt, etc captured? They aren't!

"The economy grew" could be like a person building muscle or like a cancer metastasizing.

Measure the right variables.



@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

@flipsideza prices go up? all hail The Line!

davidr, to random
@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

The #NewYork Thruway has an incredibly archaic speeding ticket system

The "ticket" they give you is actually a plea request. You can plead guilty or not-guilty. Either way, you have to mail a physical letter to do it

That's just the plea, you understand. You haven't paid or even seen the fine amt yet.

Then they MAIL back a letter with your fine in it.

Then you mail back the money (handwritten CC deets on a form)

You can get a receipt mailed back via SASE

What year is this?

JoscelynTransient, to ADHD
@JoscelynTransient@chaosfem.tw avatar

#ADHD and #kinetic brains - do you have any good tricks for getting yourself to do mental or intellectual work when your brain is hyperfocused on something else?

Last few days, my brain is completely interested and trying to pull me towards certain entertainment content, but I have a lot of work I need to do for my dayjob that requires my brain to be able to focus and flow, at least a bit. And I am STRUGGLING to get my brain to stop interrupting my work focus every five seconds to tell me to play a game or read a comic.

My usual coping skills ain't working (e.g. basic mindfulness, using music to change the emotional context of work, trying to grab onto the tasks that interest me, etc.), and I'd love new ideas!

#ADHDisaster #WorkWithMeBrain #WallOfAwful

@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

@JoscelynTransient Loud music...oh, you tried that.

How about panicking that you'll be discovered as an imposter who has been slacking off and they will chop your body into tiny bits and then fire the bits?

For me, the main impediment is not a different hyper focus (bc my work is mostly fun and interesting to me, how lucky). The main impediment is overwhelm at the hugeness of effort or a Big Boring First Step.

Finding some route around that initial hurdle often breaks the dam.

davidr, to random
@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

It's really incredible (and I mean very predictable, but still nice to see) how the economic sanctions against #Putin are showing up as #GOP funding problems at every level. The #NRA, state parties, etc.

If we can just freeze out the #fascists for a few years, we might recover and even gain ground.

davidr, to art
@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar
@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar
davidr, to OSINT
@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

I was doing some extremely basic this weekend. Just going through pipe bomber info released by the

One task I set myself was to find the camera each video/photo was taken from. I found them all except this famous shot:


Location: https://maps.app.goo.gl/j9dddxVZSfQQZXL66

Reverse angle shows that the lightpole has to be the camera. Those exist nowadays, but except for a paintjob this light has been here since at least 2007.

@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

The published a lot on the but missing some things


There are vidcaps there that aren't from videos posted. Also videos in some early reporting that aren't on the page

Anyway, the next task was figuring out how tall the bomber is. The obvs place to start is the trashcan, but nope. Too many trashcans look exactly like that except for scale

@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

First stab was via the scooter in the DNC video that the walks right next to. In 2021, there were only a few companies providing scooters and this one looks a lot like one of them that has a known height. I got 5'9"

Second stab was from a video the didn't post but did in early reporting. Bomber walks close to a car of known height. I got 5'9" again

It's worth noting that as much as I don't like her, popular suspect is easily in the clear. She is 5'3".

davidr, to web
@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

I've been following @andybaio links to cool stuff on the #web for probably over a decade. Very frequently awesome stuff in there

However, the top item I see today is the "#DIY off-the-shelf parts #robot". Ooh, neat, perhaps a fun #electronics project!

2x ViperX 300 Robot Arm 6DOF: $5,695.95 ea
2x WidowX 250 Robot Arm 6DOF: $3,295.95 ea
1x Tracer AGV: $8,999.95 ea

$27k for the basic equipment + another $4k for incidentals.

"DIY" is doing a lot of work here

(also, it's a waldo, not a robot)

mekkaokereke, to random
@mekkaokereke@hachyderm.io avatar

Mark Rober is at it again.👍🏿

Either he's the single greatest detective and criminal justice mind on earth or... SFPD is incentivized to not reduce these car break-ins.🤷🏿‍♂️


Everyone knows:

  • which vehicles are targeted
  • what streets they're targeted on
  • about the stolen licence plates
  • where the stolen goods are fenced

We all pretend not to know these things though.🤷🏿‍♂️

He didn't name the neighbourhood that ultimately fenced his laptop, but the Dim Sum there is lit! 👍🏿😋

Google maps screenshot showing Chinatown in San Francisco.

@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

@mekkaokereke Disappointingly few of the thieves got glitter bombed. Why is there a 15s delay with announcement on that?

davidr, to Birds
@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

I came across a meme that showed someone putting oats into a greasy pan to dispose of the grease and then feed #birds.

Since the kids have moved out, we don't go through enough jars to put meat fat into (the drain is out of the question). Win win!

Trying to confirm, google was only giving me #AI garbage, but I found a pretty trustworthy link that specifically called out grease, rendered fat, seeds and oats.


davidr, to uk
@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

I thought I knew that #UK calls lemonade "lemon squash".

However, the #OffMenu #food #podcast has referred at various times (sometimes in a single episode) to "squash" (as a drink), "lemonade", "juice" and "orange juice". So now I don't know what to believe.

WTF is "squash"?

davidr, to python
@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

I have literally one step left on my #python #pyqtgraph "measurement distance #simulator" #data vis project and I'm suddenly like...ugh, can I even go on

Meanwhile, I woke up at literally 2am with an idea for a scheduling algorithm based around a spring network #physics model that I'm excited to try instead

(Obviously neither of these gets the trash emptied, the kitchen organized, the TV movie folder fixed or the plumber called)


davidr, to drinkstodon
@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar



villares, to python Portuguese
@villares@ciberlandia.pt avatar

So nice to see how @rougier used Shiffman's Flocking example as inspiration for the spatial vectorization techniques on https://www.labri.fr/perso/nrougier/from-python-to-numpy/#spatial-vectorization

Such a pity that the Processing Foundation has in all these years abandoned Python... but... now we have #py5 and #Python + #numpy + #Processing has a future!

I'll see if I can remove the matplotlib dependecy and use py5 for boids in the next weeks. I have both a bio-simulation educational demo and a "hey, I'm learning numpy in the context of creative coding" presentation in the coming weeks.

@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

@villares aha, I see that now.

I guess perpend_a/_b are the other points of the triangle. but those are just using individual components, which aren't normalized....?

@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

@villares Right, but individual components of a normalized vector can be any length at all. Or maybe I'm not understanding what '[::-1]' means....

@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

@villares derp, I've been thinking of 3D vectors so I was like...you aren't using all the components.

I agree about the shape apparently meaning it's just the normalization. I wonder if the linalg is doing the wrong direction or something.

numpy makes this hard for no reason, but I usually take row-wise magnitudes like this:

mag = np.sqrt(np.sum(v**2, axis=1))

@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

@villares Oh yeah, this is tricksy as well. You need to tell numpy where the broadcastable dimensions are

norm = v/mag[:,None]

@davidr@hachyderm.io avatar

@villares Oh, it worked? Great!

I've only scratched the surface as well. I just happened to have been working with lots o' rows of data this summer needing to do similar vector ops.

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