batman654987, to mineclone2 in MineClone2 is now called VoxeLibre

I like this new name, its better than mine “clone” 2 definitly 😊👍 You cant release a serious game if its gona be called mine clone 😏 Great move, full steam ahead. 🤗

potentiallynotfelix, to linux_gaming in MineClone 2 will switch to a new name, VoxeLibre

yeah I wanted to try out minetest but the fact that every single mod that exists for it is in the aur pissed me off cause I dont want to parse through 50 mod names to find the binaries and base data

Oha, to games in MineClone2 (based on Minetest) changes name to VoxeLibre avatar

good. their old name was horrible

Nelots, to games in MineClone2 (based on Minetest) changes name to VoxeLibre

That’s neat, never heard of this or even Minetest. Might have to check it out at some point.


Yes you definitely should. It’s great that we have an open alternative to the classic Minecraft with easier modding!

Ephera, to mineclone2 in MineClone2 is now called VoxeLibre

Interesting, do they want to be less of a direct clone or what’s the motivation here?

I know that Wuzzy (project initiator) once said they got tired of working on MineClone pretty fast, because you can only do what the original has done. There’s pretty much no creativity allowed when cloning…

Dark_Arc, avatar

I don’t know the answer, but I hope it’s because they want to do some more creative things. Minecraft itself has been fairly stagnant since bringing the voxel genre to the mainstream.


Fully agree. I‘m torn on it because I personally use copying to learn. The more faithful I can be to the original, the better. Also, because its a good way to get folks who want the original but without microsoft (which is me).


Pretty much. Yes.

The game has always had differences and sometimes the contributors can get a little firm on folk for differing because it’s called MineClone2. Well now it isn’t. The term inspired by rather than clone has been used for a while now.

smileyhead, to linux_gaming in MineClone 2 will switch to a new name, VoxeLibre

Personal opinion. VoxeLibre should be the name of MineTest, because MineTest seems like it was a temporary name for experimental ‘learn a programming language’ project. And MineClone is exaclly what this is so maybe not best for advertisement but it fits.


Im fine with the name change here, but also agree that MineTest is a bit of a lame name for what is pretty much a game engine.


oh I rhpught that was the case! yea definetly it would make way more sense for minetest to become voxel libre


VoxeLibre has intended to not be Minecraft clone for a long time now. There has been burgers in the base game for 17 months now. Unfortunately, every time someone tries to do something different, they get a hostile reception. The name is a liability, and not representative of what the project plans to be. The name change is about where the game plans to be, not where it was in the past. MineClone2 is a dreadful name. It’s like calling it rubbish MC rip-off 2.

pennomi, to linux_gaming in MineClone 2 will switch to a new name, VoxeLibre

Don’t really roll off the tongue does it?


It does for me. It’s a portmanteau of voxel and libre wit the last l of the first word and first l of the 2nd word shared. If you don’t pause at the caps and just roll straight through. It rolls just fine and is rather clever.


I think Libre in general is an awkward sound for me

1917isnow, avatar

Why? Most people’s last names are more cumbersome.


I’ve not heard it pronounced, but it seems some here are verbalizing it as lee-bruh. In my head it’s always been lee-bree which is just an awkward pair of syllables.


Lee-bruh. I don't really see a problem.



You’re still saying the L twice.

Atemu, (edited ) avatar



I see. Yes, that makes sense. Thanks for clearing that up for me.

gun, avatar


This is how I always sounded it in my head. Issue is, it sounds exactly like “libra”


Depends really. I say it this way, but talked to a Spanish speaker who said it was Lee-bree.


In Spanish it would be lee-bray


As a Spanish speaker, this makes me uncomfortable. Not saying you’re wrong, just… English is weird


Maybe I got this wrong, how would you pronounce it?


I don’t know, I’m not a native English speaker.

Rustmilian, avatar


Dirk, avatar

It really doesn’t, yeah. But the vocal minority decided.

AncientMariner, (edited )

It was done by a poll on Discord, Matrix, and our issue tracker. I think over 120 votes were cast. It was a polling majority…

Dirk, avatar

Why have a poll on a proprietary closed-source software, though? Why not exclusively in the MT forums where the most users are?

AncientMariner, (edited )

You seem to not like the name or the things we do. Maybe tell us more about what you like…

We had the poll on Matrix also which is FOSS, and our issue tracker built on Gitea. The minetest forums are notoriously sluggish and many there don’t play VoxeLibre. We reached out to players in all areas. The fact remains that 80%+ of our players choose discord and ignoring them is not a helpful. A lot of people do not check the forum frequently, and that policy would be exclusionary and unjustifiably dogmatic.

We make extra efforts to reach out to our members in FOSS communities and do more than most to keep away from non-free software like Github and keep our channels bridged to matrix.

I can assure you the effort is non trivial and takes away from actually writing open source software. Very recently it lost all the data and we had to manually bridge 15+ channels again when I had waay too much other stuff going on. Many projects abandon these bridges because they are unreliable.

Dirk, avatar

You seem to not like the name or the things we do. Maybe tell us more about what you like…

I’m a programmer, so by nature I am bad at naming things 😄

I just know what names I don't like ...____ For Minetest game names I came up with personal “rules” * Don’t name it anything with “test” or “mine” in the name * Don’t name it after a game item or a game mechanic * Make the name googleable * Make it easy and unambigous to say

We had the poll on Matrix also which is FOSS, and our issue tracker built on Gitea. […] The fact remains that 80%+ of our players choose discord

Gitea is corporate-owned nonfree software. (There was a hostile takeover of the project, they also changed to a non-free open core release and made mandatory to remove all copyright headers from changed or newly added files.)

For the Discord debacle: Maybe make it an unrecommended channel and endorse people to use Matrix instead. Everyone who cares even a little bit should not explicitly or implicitly suggest using closed-source or corporate-owned software.

But I guess that’s a topic for another discussion …


Very aware about Gitea, and unfortunately when we tried to migrate to Forgejo on Codeberg, the migration script got stuck in a repeating loop. Apparently it’s a known issue and we got very little help with this so unless we abandon all our issues including 850+ open ones, we’re in a bit of a pickle.

The new name followed those rules.It’s voxel and libre, sharing an L. Only debate is about how people pronounce Libre, and we ain’t that precious.

I would love everyone to use Matrix. I created the space and maintained it. We are now up to around 45 users ish. Discord has over 500. In gaming, it just operates at a different scale.

I’m as much of a FOSS enthusiast as you, but when you run big projects, you have to represent more than just your own personal view. You represent your players and contributors. Now and in the future. If you want new FOSS users, you have to reach them where they are. Best way to further FOSS software is to get new people using it. With over 350k downloads. I think we’re doing a pretty neat job.

It’s tempting to think your views are right and everyone else is wrong, but it’s no basis to be functional and collaborative. Are you running any large FOSS communities? Want to share info on how you’ve done these things and how effective it was?

Dirk, (edited ) avatar

Semi off-topic naming discussion 🙃> The new name followed those rules.It’s voxel and libre, sharing an L. Is it Voxe-Libre, Voxel-ibre (not everyone knows that “libre” is a word), or Voxel-Libre, or something else? This is not clear at all for every language that is not English. “Voxe(l)” is also, to a certain extend, a game mechanic. It would be like naming a game using a polygon based engine PolygonRandomame :) But Since the name change already made it into international news it cannot be changed anymore without causing mor disturbance. People will get used to it like they got used to “Minetest” (which is an absolute stupid name that was never meant to be permanent).

As for the Forgejo issue, have you started a discussion here? You also shouldn’t need a script, because Forgejo can clone from Gitea, including issues if an access token was provided.…

Matty_r, to linux_gaming in MineClone 2 will switch to a new name, VoxeLibre avatar

Why did they want a new name?


Might be to reduce risk of legal action by Microsoft (not that they’d have a legal leg to stand on, but that doesn’t seem to matter these days)

jaykay, avatar

You can copy my homework but don’t make it obvious… MineClone

ininewcrow, avatar

Submits a photocopy of someone’s homework to the teacher


Because MineClone2 is a dreadful name, and unfortunately, when ever anyone tries to differ anything slightly, a head can be taken clean off. The project doesn’t want to be a full clone, but heavily inspired by, but with it’s own direction. It needed to go.

django, to linux_gaming in MineClone 2 will switch to a new name, VoxeLibre

Interesting. Fuck Discord though.


You’re too edgy for me. 🙄


It’s a double edged sword. The channels are bridged across to Matrix, and the poll ran in multiple places, but 90%+ of the player community are on Discord.


I’ll never understand why certain people don’t like this message. I use Discord every day, and have been for years, but I still hate it. Other than the fact they collect so much data and does god knows what with it, I despise the fact that SO many communities rely on it for things like support, instead of using publicly accessible websites and forums. I don’t want to go through my list of servers to find one to leave so I can join yours just to find the answer to a simple question, or to be involved in the decision making process.

ObviouslyNotBanana, avatar

I use it too when I need to talk to people. It’s a good tool, but it is absolutely nothing else positive. I would love a better tool to come and replace it.

Why people have decided to keep information I used to be able to freely search for there is unfathomable to me.


are you me? Cause I was confused as fuck cause i could not remember making this post.

Cause I’ve been saying the same exact shit.

Discord is fine for friday night fuckaround with your gaming friends.

it is not a repository of information, and shouldnt be treated as such, because it can not be indexed and archived… So the overwhelming bulk of people that need that information will never find it, and that information will be lost when the discord disappears.

same reason it shouldnt be used as a support system.

Or anything else.

supersquirrel, to opensourcegames in MineClone2 (based on Minetest) changes name to VoxeLibre

I think VoxeLibre is a great name. MineClone needed to go as a name and I honestly don’t like Minetest either since it implies that the game is janky and half finished, which it isn’t but even if it was there is no sense cementing that longterm as the name of the game in people’s minds.

Anyways, great news in my opinion!


Yeah I also think VoxeLibre is a better name since it’s not just a Minecraft clone (anymore) but more of a own thing.

But Minetest is a tougher question imo, because many people think it is the whole game while it’s mostly just the engine for other games, e.g. VoxeLibre. So maybe a engine themed name would be better for Minetest?


I think a reasonable touchstone here is the open source rts engine called the Spring RTS Engine.

There have been lots of games (mostly but not limited to total annihilation-likes) built on the Spring Engine over the years, and I think the engine has a name well suited to an open source platform for building games on. It is short, easy to remember and crucially though the obvious motivation to build the Spring Engine was to make a spiritual successor to Total Annihilation in a 3D engine with arbitrary camera movement…. the name “Spring Engine” doesn’t artificially limit the suggested possibilities of the engine to just TA clones (see Zero-K or Spring 1944).

I would go with something really simple like Block Engine or Blockworlds Engine and just toss out the Minecraft association anyways, but that is my own two cents no one asked for lol.

GrappleHat, avatar

I like that. How about leaning into the “sandbox” gameplay? “Sandbox engine”? Or " SandEngine"? Or “OpenSand”?

x4740N, to freegames in MineClone2 0.85 – Fire and Stone avatar

So it’s a rip-off of Minecraft

uis, to linux_gaming in MineClone2 0.85 – Fire and Stone avatar

Imagine writing your own Minecraft client that can connect to any 1.12.2 server(including Cuberite)

768, to mineclone2 in MineClone2 0.85 – Fire and Stone

Thanks to all the contributors and maintainers

haui_lemmy, to linux_gaming in MineClone2 0.85 – Fire and Stone

Are there minecraft clones that are compatible with minecraft mods? Or would that be a licensing problem with the mods?

WIPocket, avatar

Im not aware of any. Most clones have a very different architecture (and programming language, most clones dont run on the JVM) than Minecraft, even tho some projects go for feature parity and support the original Minecraft multiplayer protocol.

So, no licencing problem Im aware of, mods are free to be shared under whatever licence and many are FOSS, but a technical problem.


Thanks a lot for the heads up! The was very informative. I‘ll definitely check it out because I‘m pretty sad how MS treats minecraft these days.


I think the other response was quite accurate. Different language and architecture makes it harder. There are mods made for minetest that can work with MineClone2, so there may be some stuff you’ll enjoy, but usually they have to specify it’s available for MineClone2. Here is a page if you want to have a look:…/hub/

Minetest modding is actually quite nice to do from what I’ve heard.


Thanks a lot! Will check it out!


itd be easier to port the mods if anything, since Minetest is meant to be a lot easier to mod and extend than Minecraft. In fact, many of these Minecraft-like games for Minetest are an amalgamation of dozens of individual mods


Thanks for the heads up! I appreciate it. I will check it out. Am an old school minecraft player from the beta days, a server admin and so on. Since I switched to linux and the foss world, microsofts minecraft really rubs me the wrong way. „Look what they did to my boy“ style.


I’ve said goodbye to the MineCraft I once knew, if we want something better, we make it, improve it and share it! :)


Yeah, its sad. I‘m still playing from time to time but the telemetry and the regular „authentication servers down“ sh*t is really trying to tell me something I suppose.

Will get into minetest soon I believe.


considering most Minecraft mods directly mess with the Minecraft code as opposed to going through a well defined API (forge and fabric only provide so much) you can’t really make that work without outright stealing Minecraft code

the best you can make would be resourcepack and datapack compatibility. maybe whatever molang stuff bedrock’s up to


Thanks for explaining. This helps understanding the situation. It kind of makes me sad that microsoft is ruining minecraft bit by bit it seems. I recently got „informed“ that minecraft is now collecting telemetry without my consent. It was kind of the breaking point tbh.

PropaGandalf, to opensource in MineClone2 0.85 – Fire and Stone

Looks like a pretty solid release. Can’t wait to test it.

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