@gun@lemmy.ml avatar



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@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

There are some things that do change. In my case, it says my window manager is sway when it is actually river. So certain things will stop working as expected if it is not maintained. This is different from a game, because as systems change, it doesn’t affect how the game works if the platform it runs on can be emulated. In a sense, the game is still being updated because the emulators required to use it are being updated.

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

I’m not against bloat, I just want it to be MY bloat

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

Russia can then ingest Ukraine, continue to seed political distrust in Western countries and then potentially start another war in Europe a few years later.

Holy shit this is the most mapgame-brained comment of all time. You mean Russia will get enough war score to annex Ukrainian territories, wait a few years for aggressive expansion to die down, spend some admin points to press the “sow discontent” button, then war when the casus belli is ready? Like a classic EU4 blob?

Stop gaming and read some books.

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

Ok, I’ll bite

  1. How has Russia invaded Transnistria? Transnistria was a breakaway region during the collapse of the Soviet union, similar to Gagauzia
  2. No one disputes that Chechnya is Russian territory. Russia cannot invade its own territory.
  3. Georgian military intended to genocide ethnic minorities. Russia supported the autonomy of said minorities.
  4. Crimea was given to Ukraine by Kruschev very recently. It is almost entirely ethnically Russian, and those ethnic Russians voted overwhelmingly to secede during a coup/constitutional crisis as the alternative was staying in a country where there culture and language are banned, or worse become the target of hate crimes from neo-nazi battalions as many cases are well-documented
@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

Now do another one and make them high-five

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar


This is how I always sounded it in my head. Issue is, it sounds exactly like “libra”

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

The Luke Skywalker one? Yes. Notorious shitlib

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

At that point, we may as well just return to monke and speak in grunts and ooks.

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

Russia is the biggest reason the baltics joined.

The Baltic states joined in 2004. Long before Putin was made into a pariah, and Russia was still seen as part of the West and publicly aspiring to join NATO

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

New to linux. I tried this same thing in a virtual machine. I got a lot of stuff to work, but it seems like any services and daemons have to be installed on xbps because the ones from nix can’t be enabled for Runit, or at least require doing that in a different way. So I would install those services through XBPS and everything else with Nix-Env which was enough to get a WM up, but I kept running into issues installing other things.

Now I’m running Void directly on my computer and I’m sticking to XBPS and so far it has gone a lot smoother, but I’ve heard about this Void + Nix thing a lot, but never really seen mentioned what the recommended approach to that is

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

Ok, that’s sort of what I figured. I’ll probably do that going forward. Thanks

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

I wish I could upvote something twice

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

This should apply to Windows 10 as well right? How soon will this take affect?

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

This is making me reassess Russia’s prospects in an all out war with NATO. If they can’t supply Ukraine alone as it is, how will they supply a war machine for an entire continent when trade is even more limited?

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

How else can it be interpreted?

Exponential increase that has been slow for decades, but is just now starting to ramp up?

I find the """man up""" school of thought generally works for me when faced w a tough situation but 97% of the time it's presented as an obnoxious show of bravado. What are better ways to phrase this?

like, if i’m feeling bad but force myself to do something, i usually feel better. how to maintain the usefulness of this advice without presenting it as ‘fuck your feelings’, in that usual arrogant right wing sort of way

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

Walmart frozen burritos. They are incredibly cheap, by weight almost comparable to cheap staples like pasta or rice. I can toast them on the pan and add some fire hot sauce. Tastes good. Easy to make. Inexpensive. Only downside is that there’s no way it’s good for you.

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

What are the odds Elon would bring it back if pressed?

Seriously, why is the USA supporting Israel?

The US is supporting Israel through what we can mostly all agree is a genocide of the Gazans. Clearly, Biden isn’t a genocidal maniac, yet he’s all in with unwavering support. Why are we doing this? There has to be a logical reason that isn’t just “we want Israel to kill everyone in Gaza and take their land a la...

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

Because history is never the result of good or bad intentions, as much as propaganda would try and convince you otherwise

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

We really don’t know what she said because we’re relying on only one POV

@gun@lemmy.ml avatar

It’s hardly a whataboutism if I’m simply pointing out the selective outrage that give people a skewed and one-sided view of reality. I wouldn’t have to bring up Assange if people gave him half as much attention, something that could actually help lead to his freedom and do something instead of demonizing happenings you have no control over aside from starting WW3.

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