
db0, to reddit in /r/AccidentalRenaissance moderators have all resigned. The subreddit has permanently shut down and moved to Lemmy.
@db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Argh, why make 2 communities? >_< Pick one damnit :D

I’m going to the blahaj one

Anyway well done for recognizing the ship is rapidly disintegrating.


We weren’t sure which to go with; also… there was a whole thing with the creator of the OG sub; we were a bit concerned that they would create those and just sit on them, so we wanted to go ahead and have at least one or two places for AR.

So we did one on lemmy and one on kbin (I think I put one on like… squabbles too?) (I should check that…) and will kinda go with whichever takes off.

I_Miss_Daniel avatar

I'm sure eventually there'll be a means to merge them at the client end.


The problem is that if you have two communities with exactly the same purpose, then that will encourage people to duplicate posts to both. This splits up discussions into two separate comment threads. Also, merging these communities at the client end will cause you to see any duplicated posts twice 😅


Duplicate posts can be filtered at the client level too.


I mean it was like that on Reddit too. I would see the same articles posted on r/gaming, r/gamers, r/truegamers, etc. It’s not really a problem unique to Lemmy/Kbin

I_Miss_Daniel avatar

True. But if the client can see the duplicate and merge the post plus the comments from both posts into one on the user's device, it would be transparent to the user. We're just not there yet.

I think the same would also be useful where the same article (post) is made on multiple subs (communities / magazines) within a certain time window. It's annoying seeing the same post multiple times in /all.


Yeah, I really hate the fragmentation because of that. Reddit admittedly had this problem too, but it didn’t feel like the same degree.

I think it also is a barrier to growing a community because it can sometimes take some time for it to be clear which community is the biggest one. To avoid duplication, I usually only join the biggest community of each “type” and it’s not always obvious which one that is.


Why not both? I like twice the content.

@db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

It’s not going to be twice the content though. It’s either going to be split between the two, or, most likely, just seeing double-posts as one is crossposted to the other

@SgtSilverLining@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

Yeah, kind of a strange choice to split like that. Are they intending to start crossposting to both communities?

livus avatar

Maybe they didn't realize lemmy and kbin can all visit the same community?

I subscribed yesterday. Will have to check which one it is!

@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

This is most likely it. They sound like 2 different sites before you get here and realize how interconnected everything is.


There’s a quote from them further up someone posted. They just weren’t 100% sold on any site because they said neither quite fit what they wanted. So they started up two to see how they develop and which they prefer down the line.

@The_Picard_Maneuver@lemmy.world avatar

Well, more power to them. I’ve subbed to the Lemmy version at least.

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

I understand their feelings about that, but that seems like a dumb idea in the long one.

They’re dividing up their user base, and they’re going to have different conversations on each of those two servers that they’ll have to hop back and forth on if they want to get the whole experience.


I just checked out KBin for the first time. Yes there’s a lot of duplicated communities on there but the site itself has quite a nice UI. Like a more updated version of Lemmy keeping the simpl9icity but not going balls-to-the-wall modern like Reddit.

I’ve signed up and think I’ll be using both. I don’t see a problem with this. Sometimes I get a bit bored of Lemmy’s stories not updating so I’ll switch to KBin and see what’s going on.

It’s no different than when I used to get bored of Reddit and would check out BBC News or YouTube for stuff.

I like choice.

@db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

Nobody said anything about choice. But you can use your kbin account to read lemmy communities through kbin, and you can use lemmy account to read kbin communities through lemmy. There’s just no reason to have 2 communities.

@TeaHands@lemmy.world avatar

Given that one of those resignations talks about Beehaw like it’s a separate platform entirely, I think it’s just some good old fashioned misunderstanding. Looks like they’ve set up separate user accounts on Lemmy and Kbin too.

discodoubloon avatar

Now setting up separate user accounts isn’t a terrible idea…

@CosmicCleric@lemmy.world avatar

Don’t think you should divine the community though, right?


Given that one of those resignations talks about Beehaw like it’s a separate platform entirely

They might as well be, honestly.

Pamasich avatar

I got a response from them on Reddit:

We didn't know which platform would take off, and we were nervous that because Kbin and Lemmy are so similar one platform might shut down in some sort of consolidation down the road. Also when we made them, each had very serious drawbacks for our media (Lemmy needs a lot of clicking to access the media, while kbin turned any media that wasn't in a 3:4 aspect ratio into a funhouse mirror.) So each of us took a community and somewhere down the line we'll re-evaluate.


That makes a lot of sense.

I was tempted to go with kbin when I switched, because it just looks cleaner and better designed. I’m not sure why kbin isn’t more popular, but I’m sticking with the pack right now on lemmy.

@Desistance@lemmy.world avatar

From what I understand, /kbin is not as mature. It’s still an early beta. I’m not sure who designed Lemmy’s ui but it could use some spit polish.


Personally I started with kbin and think the dev of it is great. But it’s simply not as far along IMO. At least when I was using it, it was critically missing the ability to collapse comments. That single feature is huuuuge for me and probably the most prominent thing that got me to switch to Lemmy.

It also doesn’t have an API yet, which means that mobile apps aren’t likely to target it. Though I’ve personally been using a browser cause I haven’t found any apps to be good enough yet.

Also, the notifications of kbin felt very buggy to me. I missed a lot of notifications and even when they worked, they don’t show the notification or even what the thread title is, so you have to click each one individually. IIRC, clicking the notification also didn’t work if your comment wasn’t on the first page of comments.


It’s still lacking the collapse a comment ability! I am like when are they going to fix that?

But it’s a much much newer instance. We’ll see, but I think it has potential.

@meldrik@lemmy.wtf avatar

I like how Lemmy looks simpler and more lightweight. Also Kbin is trying to do 2 things instead of focusing on one thing and I don’t think that’s a good idea.


I was thinking the same thing, it’s counterintuitive to the whole point of Lemmy lol

@overzeetop@lemmy.world avatar

It’s “broken by design.”

[deleted rant]


it’s counterintuitive to the whole point of Lemmy lol

Actually no, it is not. Having multiple smaller communities works to the benefit of users in the Fediverse. One server might be down, and people in those communities can find another community on a different instance to continue discussion until the community of their instance choice comes back up.


Yeah I think people are trying to force/recreate Reddit in its entirety on a single platform, and that’s not going to happen.

And I didn’t think of it, but yeah having one to check out when the other one’s down is good.


By that logic it makes more sense to have one community mirrored over multiple instances. If one instance goes down the others just take over. No hassle for the users.


But the point is to have different people in charge in case anyone gets full of themselves. See: reddit


It’s a good idea actually and I could see maybe having some different mods and/or handing over one to someone else at some point.


I do think it would be beneficial if there was a way to have “super communities” or “sub-federation,” where communities with similar topics can opt in to the feature. Thus if a person subscribes to one of the communities with that feature, other communities with similar topics will appear in that thread.

Ultimately, this would retain decentralization while increasing community discovery, which is a benefit to end-users.


Yeah people have thrown around the idea of eventually doing something like that. So like you’d subscribe to “AccidentalRenaissance” and get all communities with that name as one feed or whatever.

Hope that happens.


It’s kind of a massive part of Lemmys design, so I would disagree.

We’re going to end up with duplicate instances all over the place. That’s just the reality of things. Some of them will become the more popular versions and others will be abandoned, but there’s little point to complaining about it.


Yeah I understand that duplicates will pop up from different people, just found it weird that they would create 2 separate ones themselves. It’s hard to find which one to join when both are similar levels of active and I don’t love the idea of having to subscribe to both and go to both if I want to see what’s being posted. I assumed it was unfamiliarity with how the instances worked but didn’t think about seeing if kbin or lemmy would end up being more popular, that does makes sense.


What’s wrong with subscribing to both? Then you’d have both in your feed; you wouldn’t have to go anywhere.

But yeah we also wanted to make sure to get the name in a couple of places. Didn’t expect our resignation letters & whatnot to go a bit more public and get influxes of users and all.


I’m assuming seeing duplicate posts from the two all the time would be the reason why you wouldn’t sub to both. Unless there’s like some extensions or something that stop that kinda thing? I’m fairly new to this kind of thing so educate me if I’m wrong


They aren’t connected except that the same mods run them. We don’t, or haven’t so far, posted duplicate posts. So that shouldn’t be an issue.

And then we’re also paying attention and when it seems appropriate, we will likely close down one and redirect traffic to the one we keep up.

cryomancer20x6, to lemmyshitpost in rule

I must eat beans. Beans are the shit-bringer. Beans are the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face the beans. I will permit them to pass over me and through me. And when they have gone past I will turn the brown eye to see their path. Where the beans have gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.

@NothingSpecial@lemmy.world avatar


guyrocket, to pics in Rude
guyrocket avatar

...of shit.

Stamets, to risa in Beltalowda in Starfleet?

Been just sitting here today looking at the Expanse memes like


Also really annoying how Amos is the only character on that show I fuckin identify with most of the time. However he sexy… so…

@JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

Amos Burton is one of the best science fiction characters ever put to paper. That’s a hill I’m definitely willing to die on.




I watched an interview with Wes Chatham (the actor who plays Amos) and something he did to play the part better was asking a psychologist to read “The Churn” and explain what someone who grew up in that situation would act like.

@JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

The Churn is so good.

Fun fact: Wes is in Ahsoka.



I haven’t watched that, is it any good? The only Star Wars series I’ve been able to get into is Andor.


Kind of too early to tell. Season one was heavy on setup. I personally enjoyed it. You really need to be familiar with The Clone Wars and Rebels, though.

@JoMiran@lemmy.ml avatar

Good? No, but it’s not bad either. It is very weird. Most of it is meh and forgettable, full of nostalgia baiting, which is too be expected from Disney’s Star Wars. It also is full of good character portrayals by Ray Stevenson, David Tennant, Lars Mikelsen, Claudia Black and more on one side. On the other is literally some of the worst acting I have ever forced myself to endure in my life by Natasha Liu Bordizzo. Mary Elizabeth Winstead and Rosario Dawson weren’t great but at least they didn’t make me want to throw my shoe at the TV. Another painfully bad thing about the show is the dialogue. Whoever wrote some of the dialogue really needs to reevaluate their career choices.

On the plus side, it has some of the best light saber fights you’ll get to see anywhere.

So, overall it would be a passable yet forgettable show were it not for the bad dialogue and terrible acting (by some).


Amos Burton and The Wire mashups are next.


I’ve actually never watched The Wire…

Will support though.

krimsonbun, to privacyguides in A end-to-end encrypted survey tool - Purplix, now in early alpha
@krimsonbun@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

I’ve always wanted a proper alternative to google forms, thank you!!

XCraftMC, to dadjokes in Quite proud of this one

your username is something else my guy

@ChewbaccasClitoris@lemmy.nz avatar

rustle squelch

ComfortablyGlum, to cat in can we get some tortie love

She has no idea that being so primmy annoyed makes her that much more enticing.

klemptor, to cat in can we get some tortie love

What a beauty!! 😍

Rainmanslim, to asklemmy in Is The 1975 'new' punk after the kiss in Malaysia?

These guys are a bunch of narcissistic assholes who screwed over everyone else at that entire concert for a publicity stunt. The event was cancelled midway through, Tthe attendees, didnt get their money back, the vendors had to shut down and surrender the merchandise they were gonna sell so they didn’t get compensated for that and the venue itself has come under investigation and can’t host any more shows till the owners are either replaced or the investigation is concluded which could take years.

They did zero research, didn’t give a rats ass about how this would effect anyone else, all they thought was “hmm, Malaysia isn’t big on the gay, what if we made a spectacle about a gay kiss? We could pull a Lil nas x and really monetise this!”

Fuck em.


Yep that sounds about right after getting the full context. Disappointing.

assassinatedbyCIA, to 196 in Rocks Rule


Voyajer, to reddit in /r/AccidentalRenaissance moderators have all resigned. The subreddit has permanently shut down and moved to Lemmy.
Voyajer avatar

Oh nice, they're on kbin

CIWS-30, to best_of_mastodon in ka-chow

Johnny Bravo hasn't aged well for this and other reasons. The character himself was funny in the way he acted like a dorkier, blonder version of Elvis though. I remember thinking it was funny in the past, but then again, I was a child.


Well the show taught us not act to like him because every episode is basically him getting the consequences of his behaviour.

x7tYnC6c, to functionalprint in Bowden tube cap

Neat idea for keeping it in place!

TagMeInSkipIGotThis, to rugby in Superb Rugby Pacific - End of Round 12

Just admitting that I used to think the top 8 qualifies was lame too; but i’ve realised this season that it kinda gives the drama of bottom of the table matches without promotion/relegation. I think its actually pretty cool.

Maybe SR could go the whole way and have the bottom 4 play off for the wooden spoon as well - though im not sure if all of us down under have the right sense of humour to cope with “winning” the award!


I’d love to see wooden spoon playoffs, for the world cup too. Give those 5th position pools some more game time! But nobody wants the loser stays on, so realistically it has to be a tier 2 shield competition for the world cup. In the leagues, the URC has a top 6 I think, so top 2 get byes, next 4 play off, and so on. And top 8 is needed for Champions Cup positions. But after that, nothing left to play for either. The relegation top fight of the premiership has been scrapped too. Just the Top14 with it left, so they are the odd ones out really. It would be good to have some sort of seeding system in place, but that needs a cup format and play-offs. Perhaps we should have all teams qualify for play offs, and position determines who you play, I like the top 2 get a bye also, means winning the league gets you stuff still also


Yeah, I suppose at some point its about what’s affordable; maybe if the crowds for Super Rugby were still averaging near 20k+ there would be appetite for running additional tiers of playoffs with extra trophies.

TheSlad, to 196 in Well Hung Rule

Imagine choosing to look at a picture of this shitstain everytime you drive because youre trying to be edgy.

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