
themeatbridge, to politics in War on Gaza: US courts must hold Biden accountable

What even is this?

Even if the DCI wins this judgement (which, spoiler, they won’t) it won’t stop the US government from transferring more weapons to Israel. It would merely un-dismiss the case, which they would still lose.

And even if they won their lawsuit, it would in no way hold Biden accountable, legally, politically, or economically, for anything at all.

Why is this author trying to draw parallels between Trump’s felony convictions and this relatively inconsequential appeal of a dismissal of a lawsuit that isn’t going anywhere? I understand to the DCI and Palestinians, this is an important cause, but it’s not at all relevant to the presidential race.

Trying to shoehorn a comparison makes it seem like a right-wing hit piece. Either way, it’s garbage journalism.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Biden being proscecuted for Genocide is very relevant to the presidential race. Maybe even more relevant than Trump bribing porn stars.

@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

Biden is not committing genocide. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you this. Israel? Absolutely. Bibi? Without a doubt.

Biden is not ordering it, not acting on it, and not telling a single soldier to pull that trigger.


OK, but that’s not what this is. Not even close.

And Trump wasn’t convicted for bribing a porn star to not tell the embarrassing story of their tryst. He was convicted of engaging in fraud to hide the payments. That’s the sort of casual attitude towards the law that makes him unfit for office.

I’ll grant you that Biden’s support for Bibi makes it difficult to support him, but Trump is an even stronger supporter of Netanyahu, and would be far worse for the Palestinian people.

@Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

Yes hiding payments for pornstar bribes is significantly worse than being complicit in Genocide.


Not remotely what they said.

You, sir, debate in bad faith and should be shunned for the troll you are. You, sir, may fuck off.


You say that like Trump isn’t complicit in genocide.


1 million Americans.

Actually, more than 1 million Americans died because Trump took the pandemic playbook written by Obama and threw it out the window and refused to follow any of the protocols.

We don't know how many lives it would have saved but it would have saved many more likely than not.

Israel is committing a religious and greed-based genocide.

Trump committed one just out of pure spiteful racism.


It’s also important to realize that if Trump were currently the president it’s likely we’d be sending even more support to Isreal to enact genocide.


And how many have died after Biden took the Ron DeSantis approach to COVID control and stopped testing, stopped counting new infections, push herd immunity, and open everything back up?

JimSamtanko, (edited )

This right here is CLEAR evidence that you’re here in bad faith to support Trump.

Because the rest of the world knows that trumps crimes amount to FAR more than payments to a porn star, and the mere suggestion that you’d compare this with being “complicit in genocide” shows plainly what your intentions here are.

disguy_ovahea, (edited )

Also, intelligence from foreign bodies is not recognized in US courts. Unless the evidence is submitted directly in trial or substantiated by the State Department, it is considered hearsay, and inadmissible.

The entire foundation for their argument is flawed. It absolutely reads like a propaganda piece.

anticolonialist, to politics in War on Gaza: US courts must hold Biden accountable

The court needs to do something, voters sure as fuck wont hold him accountable


Voters will either elect Biden or Trump - which of those options do you think will stop the genocide.


The those voters are idiots for supporting a system like ours


Eh, someone is going to be the president and everyone with the right to participate in the election bears some responsibility for the outcome of the election. If we were living in Russia with literal sham elections you can’t do shit… in America we can’t do much but we can do something.

Given the choice you own the responsibility of how much worse whoever is elected than the other.


but we can do something.

And what is that? Study after study has shown our votes mean nothing and politicians only listen to the donor class.


In the long term we can vote for better local and state politicians so we can get generally better people in to the Senate and House.

In the short term you can ask yourself who would be a less awful president out of Biden and Trump and vote for that person.


Ive been hearing ‘in the short term’ all my life. It’s always ‘the most important election of our lifetimes.’ In the mean time the DNC keeps shifting the party and the country further to the right, while we lose rights.

Voting for either right wing fascist is gonna be a hard pass, if they want our votes they need to earn them or continue to lose.


I see a lot more progressives in the house and senate than I used to. We’re slowly pushing out the blue dog democrats… We’re just not there yet.


Progressives that are given no power until they parrot the party lines. OR ones that are allowed to speak differently but vote in line with the party

jordanlund, (edited ) to politics in War on Gaza: US courts must hold Biden accountable
@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

Whoever wrote this is completely ignorant of everything we’ve been talking about since the Trump crimes broke:



“A sitting president of the United States is granted immunity for Official Acts taken as President.”

Biden, supporting Israel, is an official action.
Ergo, whatever Israel chooses to do with that support is NOT on Biden.

Trump, making porn star payments, or witholding secure documents, or trying to overthrow an election, are NOT official actions.

JimSamtanko, (edited ) to politics in War on Gaza: US courts must hold Biden accountable

Hey look! It’s the person who constantly gets their posts/comments removed for misinformation and op-ed hit pieces, here to share yet another op-ed hit piece!

“Remember folks! Be sure not to vote for Biden. And here’s why! But ignore the fact that if you don’t, it’ll be FAR worse for everyone up to- and including Palestine! But don’t back me into a corner and make me have to show the math on this, because if you do, I’ll accuse you of ad hominem!!!”

By the way, didn’t you accuse the mods of being Zionist genocide supporters and threaten to never post here again?

RidderSport, to europe in Faiza Shaheen dropped by Labour for liking pro-BDS, Corbyn and Green Party posts

Well to be fair IIRC Corbyn is quite the anti-zionistic asshole, which was part of the reason Labour did so poorly and the last elections.

WhatAmLemmy, (edited )

Yeah… I’m sure it had nothing to do with Israeli lobbyists and their PsyOps campaigns.

Zionism is religious and ethnic nationalism, implemented by colonial powers dictating control over foreign lands and people, denying them their basic human right to democracy — a “right” they codified the same year they annexed Palestine and enabled the ethnic cleansing of 750k people. Corbyn was on the right side of history and you are not.

TheFonz, to politics in War on Gaza: US courts must hold Biden accountable


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  • OccamsTeapot, to world in Israeli jets kill two paramedics in Rafah after ‘deliberately’ bombing ambulance

    Israel is so bad that this isn’t even shocking anymore


    Israel / USA


    Just like Putin.


    I wondered what the point of the comparison was, then remembered the Russian tactic of "double tapping".


    Nah, Putin is bad but this is worse than Putin.


    Not necessarily. I mean the comparison doesn't serve much purpose but double tapping to kill first responders has been a commonly used Russian tactic in Ukraine.

    @rammer@sopuli.xyz avatar

    It’s not a competition.

    @UnderpantsWeevil@lemmy.world avatar

    The number of people with Ukraine/Israel flag mash-ups in their bio is definitely a head-spinner, though.


    Mehh. Both are war crimes, not sure if there is such thing being worse at that point.

    Evidence must be collected and perps will need to be hunted down in due course.


    We can get an idea by looking at stats of number of children and civilians killed.

    One country should be definitely worse than the other. Those stats are not the same number between Israel and Russia.

    So one is worse than the other.


    Genocide is not a crime that goes by the numbers. It’s not about the number of children and civilians you killed. Those are just “regular” war crimes. Those are being committed by both of those countries, and arguably Israel is bigger on mass murder right now.

    Genocide is where you kill or displace people to erase their cultural or national identity. In that, they are committing the exact same crime. Genocide is not when you kill Ukrainians or Palestinians, but when you declare that they do not have a right to exist, and effect that with force. Bombing a Palestinian hospital or a Ukrainian one is “just” a crime against humanity, mass murder, war crime, goes against the Geneva Conventions.

    If you make one Palestinian leave Palestine, or take away one child from a Ukrainian family and raise them as Russian, so that there are less Palestinians / Ukrainians in the world, that’s genocide.

    Both Russia and Israel are committing one single count of genocide each right now, with Israel committing a lot more murders, though Russia is trying their best too.


    Russia is not committing a genocide. They re committing many war crimes, but they do not amount to a genocide.

    And also in regards to numbers. Israel murdered more women and children in Gaza in 8 months than Russia did in over two years in Ukraine. Relative to the population Israel ethnically cleansed far more people. Israel destroyed the entirety of civillian Infrastructure in Gaza including almost every house.

    Russia is committing terrible war crimes in Ukraine in an illegal war of aggression. But what Israel is doing is magnitudes worse.


    This is genocide.

    And the ICJ agrees.

    It does not diminish the genocide Israel is committing, but Russia is definitely committing genocide in Ukraine, insofar as one of the aims of their war of aggression is the erasure of Ukrainian identity.


    The main difference is Ukraine can defend itself, Gazans cant. Given that Russian forces have been constantly attcking power and food infrastructure and have even breached dams I think its fair to say they would do what Israel does if they could.

    cosmicrookie, to world in Israeli jets kill two paramedics in Rafah after ‘deliberately’ bombing ambulance
    @cosmicrookie@lemmy.world avatar

    I don’t know what Israel is trying at any longer… It’s just like they are actively trying to become the villain as fast as possible!

    livus avatar

    They are trying a genocide, looking like the villain while doing it kind of comes with the territory.


    They’ve been the villain for 75 years. Only difference is that now the mask is fully off.

    mightyfoolish, to world in Israeli forces spark devastating fire at Ramallah vegetable market

    Has nothing to do with Hamas.

    @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar



    According to the Israeli government and its supporters ,its’s always Hamas.

    • The thousands of dead kids in Gaza? They were Hamas.
    • The fruits? Hamas.
    • Global warming? Hamas.
    • Covid? Hamas’ made.
    • Your lost sock? Hamas.

    Over cook fish? Believe it or not, Hamas

    @Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    Stubbed your toe? Obviously Hamas


    There’s a Hamas headquarters under the IRS


    Expired bread? Obviously hamas.

    Starb3an, to politics in War on Gaza: US courts must hold Biden accountable

    The US courts? As in the US supreme court? Then one that’s bought and paid for?

    Take money out politics and our court system or they will continue to do whatever they and the corporations want.

    …I just looked up and read “world court” so my rant is a tangent, vut I still stand by it.

    TheDeepState, to politics in War on Gaza: US courts must hold Biden accountable

    All genocide supporters must go to jail!

    solsangraal, to politics in State Department official resigns after Biden administration says Israel not blocking Gaza aid

    i hope these people are happy if they succeed in torpedoing biden and getting trump elected


    Are you talking about the state department losing Biden the election? It would be amazing if they stopped lying to cover for Israel. That would increase Bidens chances of winning.

    @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

    Trump is a nightmare and must be stopped at all costs.

    That doesn’t mean there can’t be calls for Biden to do better or call him out for blatant lies.

    In what reality is the person refusing to lie to cover up human rights abuses the bad guy?


    if biden wins the election, i’ll carry on shitting on him right along with everyone else.

    at this point, people need to internalize the AT ALL COSTS part of of your first sentence. because drawing attention to biden’s problems does nothing but help trump

    @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

    So Biden can do anything he wants up to the election? Why would he give a shit after the election?

    solsangraal, (edited )

    apparently any president can do anything they want ever. i don’t know why the concept of biden > trump is so hard to grasp

    seriously why the fuck is this even a debate right now? maga troompa loompas are calling for mass murder of all non trump supporters. and here we’re talking about “i WaNnA cRiTiCizE bIdEn ThO”

    @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

    We can do both things. We can criticize Biden and recognize that Trump is the devil.

    Saying that Biden can “nEvEr Be CrItIcIzEd!!!” is the exact same behaviour Trump supporters get demonized for.

    solsangraal, (edited )

    i specifically never said biden could “NEVER BE CRITICIZED.” in fact, i said i would be more than happy to join in AFTER trump doesn’t take over the whole country.

    exactly wtf do you think you’re accomplishing by spending >0% of your day shitting on biden rather than trump? do you think biden will all of a sudden say “you know what-- fuck israel”? because he’s literally already doing all he can do, which isn’t much. you know what he’s NOT doing? deporting protesters, like trump promises to do. so again-- what the actual fuck do you think you’re getting done here?

    edit: this is why democrats lose. this is why trump happened. maybe the great american experiment has run its course. everything that’s going on right now is absolutely fucking absurd, and it would be a laughingstock of the world if it weren’t such a dire threat to the world’s very existence. learn how to say за Родину кириллицей with gusto, i guess

    @CileTheSane@lemmy.ca avatar

    edit: this is why democrats lose

    “Should Politicians try to be better?”

    “No, it’s the voters who are wrong. Biden can do anything he wants as long as it’s still not as bad as Trump and nobody should say anything about. THAT is a functional democracy!”

    ChillPenguin, to politics in State Department official resigns after Biden administration says Israel not blocking Gaza aid

    Biden, what the fuck are you doing!? Can you do the right thing when it comes to genocide, please? Just hand the election over to trump on a silver platter. How hard is it to… not support genocide? Wtf

    @match@pawb.social avatar

    At least take some kind of useful stance on fucking anything.


    Historically he never does the right thing when it comes to religious motivations.


    You know when the ML’s say “scratch a liberal and …,” it’s that. That’s what you are seeing. Liberals will always defer to fascism in support of corporate interests.


    What do ML’s say about Khmer Rouge and Xinjiang?




    If you pressure them long enough they admit they consider them justified genocides


    Wow, really? I certainly wouldn’t want to hang around people who consider the Khmer Rouge’s genocide to be justified, maybe I made an account on the wrong instance. I mean, assuming that actually happened.

    In fact, I promise I will not only delete my account right now, but also never post on the fediverse again if you can provide a link to what you just claimed regarding the Khmer Rouge. Should be easy, right?


    Sorry, I don’t want to be responsible for you leaving the Fediverse


    Liberals and making shit up to punch left, name a more iconic duo.

    Y’all never have the receipts for anything you say. Bunch of messy little drama queens.


    Providing a link is easy. Providing something you’d yourself strictly agree with is harder. Providing a link that the opponent won’t discard if they want to discard it is possible, but unlikely. I’ve reached that last point with ML’s for a few times.

    I mean, assuming that actually happened.

    That’s just what fascists say.


    Providing something you’d yourself strictly agree with is harder. Providing a link that the opponent won’t discard if they want to discard it is possible, but unlikely

    No idea what you’re talking about. Have you, or have you not, seen an ML call the Cambodian genocide “justified?” There’s nothing for me to “strictly agree with” or “discard,” if you’ve seen someone say that, then all you have to do is show me, and there’s no room for disagreement.

    I’ve reached that last point with ML’s for a few times.

    Great, where’s the link?

    That’s just what fascists say.

    Fascists question whether ML’s call the Cambodian genocide justified? Wtf are you talking about?

    Oh, I get it. Now that you’ve been caught in a lie, you’re trying to pretend that I was asking for proof of the genocide itself, as opposed to what I actually asked for, which is proof of an ML calling it “justified.” Nice bit of weaseling.

    Let’s be absolutely clear - the Cambodian genocide happened and was not justified, and @nonailsleft and @rottingleaf are blatantly lying and making things up by claiming to have seen MLs call it justified.


    Have you, or have you not, seen an ML call the Cambodian genocide “justified?”

    Yes, after calling it “putting unfavorable elements\burgeoisie\vermin to the wall” or something like that.

    Just like I have seen the same with Stalin’s repressions in USSR.

    Great, where’s the link?

    I don’t keep links for things I don’t need.

    Do you keep links of your conversations on the Web?

    Oh, I get it. Now that you’ve been caught in a lie, you’re trying to pretend that I was asking for proof of the genocide itself, as opposed to what I actually asked for, which is proof of an ML calling it “justified.” Nice bit of weaseling.

    Weaseling is what you are doing in this quote. I openly say that I don’t respect you and thus don’t bother following your turns.

    are blatantly lying and making things up by claiming to have seen MLs call it justified.

    Almost everybody has seen MLs call it justified, it takes only one case. Maybe you are bad with math and probabilities.

    You could argue about this being commonplace or not, but since you are accusing others of lying in the same comment you are asking for proof in, I think everybody reading this has a measure of you.

    Objection, (edited )

    I don’t keep links for things I don’t need.

    This website has a search function. Searching “Khmer Rouge Justified” returns precisely 5 comments, none of which were claiming it was justified or responding to someone claiming it was justified. “Khmer Rouge Wall” likewise turned up nothing of note. Liar.

    Almost everybody has seen MLs call it justified, it takes only one case.

    Great! Anyone is welcome to chime in and provide evidence. Where is it? Liar.

    accusing others of lying in the same comment you are asking for proof in,

    That… that’s not at all contradictory lmao. Liar.

    I think everybody reading this has a measure of you.

    Given your comments about how drowning puppies is justified, which everyone’s definitely seen but which I have precisely zero evidence of, I think you’re the one everyone has a measure of.

    How could you say that?

    Puppies? Really? Wow.

    Ofc, I won’t provide evidence, because as you’re a puppy murderer, I don’t respect you and won’t play by your terms. Liar.


    This website has a search function.

    Now think further. You are so fucking close to the answer. This website.

    Also why waste time looking for something? I’ll still be right, it’ll only affect what you think.

    Ofc, I won’t provide evidence, because as you’re a puppy murderer, I don’t respect you and won’t play by your terms.

    Well, because I don’t respect you, I don’t care. So dunno what was this supposed to tell me. That you are running around asking from people evidence of what they’ve seen a few months ago and they won’t? That’s expected.




    Something a liar always says first




    What do ML’s say about the Khmer Rouge? Haven’t seen discussion of it myself, maybe you can provide me with a link?


    Generally they say that it was Vietnam, a socialist/communist country, that went in to stop the Khmer Rouge, which is true.


    Here’s some cream for that itch.


    The Democrat’s strategy to appeal to their base really seems to be, “Look, we’re not as bad at the other guys.” And they really aren’t realizing that that isn’t enough, because it’s not just about Israel/Palestine anymore. I really don’t think the people who are also repeating this party line (including the ones on Lemmy) are realizing how out of touch this sentiment is especially the younger Millennials/Gen Z.

    I’ve seen my friends get attacked, arrested, and get criminal records from the university encampments and protests, and nothing was done to protect them. In their eyes, Trump would never protect them, but neither did Biden or any other Democrat in power. How can they be trusted to protect the people in the future? Seen from this lens, I don’t think it’s unreasonable to think that there might be people out there who find voting for Biden unpalatable.


    Mother should I trust the government?


    If nobody is going to protect you, maybe pick the one who’s not promising to deport you.


    I’ve been saying for a long time that Democrats basically sell themselves on the idea that you should be afraid that the Republican might win, and vote for them to prevent that. Sometimes they get something done, often only after compromising heavily, but for the most part that’s not the message they’re selling on.

    To put it another way, if someone asks you why they should vote Dem instead of third party, the answer isn’t about how great the Dems are and why they deserve your vote it’s about why you should be scared that the GOP might win. It didn’t work in 2016 because most didn’t actually think Trump might win and it did in 2020 because they knew he could.

    It might work this time (I’d give it better than even odds, even given the Israel/Gaza stuff is going to hurt Biden some), but eventually it won’t and when it fails and we get another GOP president the Dems won’t win another election for a while - either we immediately fall into Christo-fascist super-Nazism and there are no more elections where we could vote for Dems or we don’t and Dems are at a loss on what to do for votes.


    Our current political structure and the two party system makes even the best politician look feeble.
    I’m not sure how to do it but represent.us proposes to fix it in the near future (if we all bought in, I suppose).

    One thing that sticks out on that sit is that whether all of voters agree or very few of us agree on a policy there’s about a 30% chance of the policy becoming law.

    It goes without saying that the rich and corporations benefit from the current system. It will be tough to change. And makes our system pretty pathetic in practice.


    It’s one of the first modern democracies and as a result, I think needs a major update. It’s way too hard to get things done, filibustering is too easy, money has an outsized influence on politicians and elections due to lobbying, there’s no real way to recall certain powerful leaders (from the President to Congressmen to judges), lifetime appointments were an interesting idea but terrible in practice, and all the compromises made for slave states, including the Senate and electoral college, need to go. When are the devs going to put out a new patch?

    Oh, and gerrymandering needs to be stopped. Almost forgot that one.


    Democrats basically sell themselves on the idea that you should be afraid that the Republican might win, and vote for them to prevent that.

    Pathetically, that’s what Republicans said for the 4 years Trump was in office. “Please overlook his faults, a Democrat would be worse!”


    Wtf did you think Biden is? Dark Brandon?

    It’s his job to do US policy - ie, enabling Israel’s genocide, just like all the other mass-murder US policy is responsible for.

    He is facing a lot of resistance amongst his electorate for doing his job - therefore he will be handing over to a regime that can perform this sacrosanct aspect of US policy without meeting any resistance from it’s electorate.

    It’s “liberal democracy” working the way it’s supposed to in all it’s pseudo-democratic glory.


    Everyone who votes for trump because they think he is better for Gaza than Biden really deserves Trump


    That isn’t really an effective strategy to convince someone to vote for someone else. That just pushes someone further entrenching them into their view.

    If we want anyone and everyone left of center to vote for Biden even though he’s fucking up Gaza. We’re going to have to convince them. Having that type of attitude only hurts us in the long run.


    Why do you think Im trying to convince anyone? People who are not convinced now that Trump is a fascist are completely lost and trying to reason with them is a lost cause. Same with people who vote for the fascist party AfD in my country. All we can try is to fight against these people at every point attempting to make them hide in shame again instead of publicly puking out their shit.


    I’d suggest picking other issues to discuss where the average progressive/leftie would agree with the direction of the Democrats, esp where a Trump win would likely mean a severe worsening. The right to bodily autonomy, LGBT+ rights, student loan forgiveness, progressive tax brackets (that may be a stretch for importance to the morally disaffected, but still), unions. Democrats may not be the best on those topics, but they at least move things a couple ticks in the right direction in the face of the alternative, which would be a very fast reversal of those gains (see recent supreme court rulings for evidence of that).

    Just my $.02


    America deserves Trump. Period.

    Y’all love your violence outside your borders. How about within?

    @JoeBigelow@lemmy.ca avatar

    Frankly, I’d feel better about it if we could just have the violence at home instead of at other people’s places.

    @p5yk0t1km1r4ge@lemmy.world avatar

    No, we don’t. We aren’t all meatheads, thanks.


    I actually don’t love violence anywhere. Outside or inside our borders. I’ve voted every election since I became eligible. Unfortunately, it doesn’t seem to be enough.


    Idk if anyone is saying they’ll vote for trump over Biden because they think he will be better for genocide or for people in the states.

    Saying Biden and the Democrats are enabling genocide and watching it happen is not the same thing as saying “we will vote for trump”

    It’s calling out people and hoping they do better.

    But I guarantee you if Biden loses the election this November, all the pieces will be about why black and brown and Muslim voters didn’t come out, rather than examining why an absolutely massive proportion of white people vote for trump and the Republicans at every turn even though they’re destroying the country.


    To be fair, the Muslims would have a pretty good excuse.


    Oh they’ll blame all the demographics they can. The youths. “Progressives”. I doubt they’d go so far as to blame “wokeism” but I imagine some other made up demographic would apparate.

    I mean I’m voting Biden in the fall, swing state and all. But still, The DNC needs a lot of overhaul for sure.

    pyre, (edited ) to world in Israeli jets kill two paramedics in Rafah after ‘deliberately’ bombing ambulance

    trying to platinum war crimes

    NooBoY, to world in Israeli jets kill two paramedics in Rafah after ‘deliberately’ bombing ambulance

    Just another whoppsy do. I did not mean it. /s

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