




India news, focused mainly on hindutva violence. Until the Scrolls and The Wires decide to show up on the fediverse.


I figure I can rewrite my bio to attract more followers as many times as Kevin McCarthy loses the Speaker's vote. I'm a retired adjunct professor, recovering journalist, practicing poet, published novelist and memoirist, and occasional book reviewer. Won't you join me? Or buy my new book of poems, please? avatar


We fight for digital rights (UK). Join us.

#privacy #freespeech #surveillance #censorship #dataprotection avatar


Interested in building a better world and standing in solidarity with others who share that goal.

For biographical information, please see

"Writing is the way I fight." ~ James Cone

#solidarity #democracy #HumanRights #LGBTQ avatar


Woke Antifa Mobster. 24/7/365 stream of: news, salty commentary and vitriol from a mostly leftist/progressive perspective. News feed is my own custom, hippie-biased algo. Commentary is me. I try to answer in a somewhat timely manner but often fail, so... sorry. #fedi22 #news #resist #antifa #woke #politics #socialjustice #fbr #ifb #science #openscience #openaccess #opendata #reproducibility #opensource #foss #privacy #based


Fresh IT news from a variety of sources. Public service by @emanuel avatar


Software engineering contractor/consultant in Florida specializing in .NET C# #WebDev, plus #Indie #GameDev in #MonoGame, #Stride, and #Godot.
I like complex simulations and enjoy writing procedural generation algorithms for fun.

#Pilot in training. Burgeoning fan of #Aviation in general.

Fan of #1A jurisprudence and the kind of #FreeSpeech that applies to everyone equally.

Pro-Democracy. Pro-Rights. Pro-Freedom. In that order.

He/Him 🏳‍🌈

High risk of rants, especially with the lack of character limit. avatar


🌈 Just another #gay, #atheist, left-wing SocMed refugee from the Rocky Mountains. 🇺🇸 🏳️‍🌈 ⚛️👽

⚠️ I have ZERO tolerance for personal attacks, insults, ad hominems, or other expressions of incivility. If you can't separate the argument from the person making it, then we can't be friends.

🎯 Follow me... I post daily! 💯

#LGBTQ #Denver #cannabis #IT #politics #gunControl #transRights #atheism #humanism #popCulture #UFO #deepThoughts #dogs #cats #bigotsFuckOff #VoteBlue #VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy avatar


Free human being of this Earth. Be excellent to each other! All my posts here are CC BY-SA 4.0 (or later).
#Vegan #Permaculture #Transition #PeerProduction #FreeCode #CreativeCommons #SciFi #Comedy #Juggling

Timezone: UTC+12 avatar


PhD. Rhetorics of terrorism, media, and AI. Taught at Johns Hopkins, Dartmouth, UC Davis. Independent. avatar


Founded in 1954, the Texas Observer is a #progressive #nonprofit news outlet and print #magazine covering the Lone Star State.

Follow Interim Editor-in-Chief
McHam Investigative Reporting Fellow

Become a member and support our work:

#Texas #Politics #Culture avatar


Husband/father with faith that democracy is the way to go; still idealistic enough to believe it's achievable. The only thing I'm selling is democracy. Banned (3x!) by the fowl site for calling out GOP lies. Migrated from

#VoteBlue #TwitterRefugees #WashingtonDC #FightFascism #NoRepublicans #Ukraine avatar


A voice for peace, social justice, and the common good! Since 1909.

April / May Issue OUT NOW


Innovator, entrepreneur, (ex-Aldus, Apple, RealNetworks, mobile/social SU's).
Current: Founder/CEO Forty Walnuts,
a Family-Patient-Privacy-centric #HealthTech startup and home of...

"Trysh: The Fitness Tracker for Mental Health"

enabling evidence based precision medicine for the Behavioural Sciences via WATCH
#Toronto 🇨🇦 🇺🇸 🇦🇺

• dignity
• agency
• individuals
• patients
• families
• researchers
• institutions


Former Journalist📰 and occasional Librarian 📚, #IndigenousAlly living on #Wabanaki land🌄.
#NonBinary :nonbinary_flag: #Queer :QueerCat_Aromantic: #ActuallyAutistic :QueerCatHeart_Autism: Pronouns: They, them, per, person, human.
#Green🌳 #Socialist🤝 Student of #Archaeology 💀& #History 📜
#NoNukes☢️ Anti-#Oligarchy🎩 #NoWar☮️ #GetMoneyOut💰#HumanRights🕵️‍♂️ #BLM✊🏿 #IndigenousRights 🌿 #WaterIsLife💧Anti-#Corruption🔍 #ClimateCrisis🌍 #RightToRepair 🪛 avatar


great american humorist. non-aesthetic socialist libtard. proud appalachian-american. avatar


Posting my #NowPlaying and music-oriented articles helps create more tags.

If you happen to enjoy some of the same tags, right on, we have something in common. 🤘

Direct-follow the account for all the B.S.

Follow #TheMetalDogIsNowPlaying for everything I'm listening to, across multiple genres. Fair Warning: It's not always metal.

Follow #TheMetalDogArticleList for misc articles.

#TheMetalDogAIArtList for AI Art

Otherwise, stick to the targeted band or genre hashtags.

#TheMetalDogToots avatar


Founder: How To Be Books
Ex- NationalWorld, Dataminr, ITV and Channel 4 News editor. Expertise:

📰 Breaking and world news
🌐 Tech and internet trends
ℹ OSINT and conflict
✊🏾 Feminism
♻️ Climate change
🇨🇳🇮🇳 China and India watcher, analyst
♿🧠 Disabled, mental health advocate
📚 Book nerd
🎙🎧 Podcaster
🎸 Guitarist
🎨 Painter
🎞 Movies and TV (horror, true crime, docs)
🌎 Traveller

Podcast: My views. (She/her) avatar


Gay Furry Male Techno-Socialist avatar


Han der søppel-fyren.

Free software/standards and federation advocate since and before/beyond.

Posts in Norwegian and English.

Linux. Green party. Freeganism. Solarpunk. Midtermism. Ethical culture movement. Library socialism. Cooperatives.

Older toots available at æt octodon.


An #ActuallyAutistic Latino trans man in St Louis, Missouri (Midwest United States).
Recovering from PTSD.
Default tones of voice: Big Gay Platonic Compliment, Solemn Moralizing, Earnest Joy.

An intensely personal blog with a LOT of shared social justice, tech, learning, and weird links - mute those boosts at will, but please check back if you ever want to find a fundraiser or cause to donate to! Charity makes others feel cared about. avatar


Activist & Advocate in #Ohio.

#Author and editor of over a dozen books.
Admin of Left of Left, Evangelically #Atheist, & #Secular Ohio.
#Actor in film under the name, Steven Hudson.
Avid reader.

Tags you'll see from me:
#DSA #Coffee #Writing #FTP #Atheism #LGBTQ #ACAB #AI #Science #BLM #HumanRights #Comedy #Gothic #Crypto #Cults #Religion #History #Humanism #HomeImprovement #Acting

Donate via PERA

Header art is mine.
#fedi23 avatar


The means of memorisation must be seized and distributed.

NEW: With 100% less fascism!


This is my general purpose aspect. avatar


EFF's mastodon presence, please visit us at Do not message this account with confidential information or to seek legal assistance; for legal help email or visit avatar


"All mimsy were the borogoves..." Avid reader, occasional world traveler, raises chickens in Texas.
Interested in #Journalism #News #USPolitics #Books #SFF #Photography #Travel #Nature #Science #Ukraine #Etymology and other things.

I create threads of news articles I find interesting, and occasionally share a #GiftArticle so those without subscriptions can read the whole article.


Twitter refugee; Ukraine supporter 💙💛; swing voter—socially liberal and fiscally conservative (classic style, not extreme); prior cookbook reviewer who now eats primarily plant-powered (some fish, eggs and yogurt); BBC devotee; former librarian - you show me your research skills I’ll show you mine. AI generated avatar from pic - way flattering! She/her or they/them The best thing we can do is be kind. avatar


Law professor, philosopher, progressive. Committed to rule of law and pluralistic democracy. Interests include art, books, history, science, cats, sharp wit. Boosts are not necessarily endorsements. avatar


A nonprofit news organization dedicated to sharing the knowledge of experts with the public, in accessible, trustworthy articles drawing on their research.

Pictured: just a few of our recent writers.

Free to read, without paywalls or ads (and free to republish, too, under Creative Commons license).

We combine academic rigor with journalistic flair.


Loves Ms Liberty - United in Diversity
Authentic Us, You, Me!

Check out:

Your Voice Matters! #DefendDemocracy avatar


We share stories, explainers and analysis to offer context for the top news of the day. All posts are created and curated by Flipboard’s editorial team especially for Mastodon. Not a bot.

Boosts do not imply endorsement, but are used to highlight posts we think the community might find interesting.

For much more news, follow Flipboard's federated News Desk ( and Politics Desk (

Header photo: A newsstand. Photo by AP.


Working for open access to research.

#openaccess #openculture #opendata #openeducation #openinfrastructure #openlicenses #openscience #opensource

#scholcomm #copyright #publishing #research #universities #libraries #socialmedia #fedi22

#politics #democracy #philosophy #nomic #climate #maine

Dad of daughters

Actively #antiTrumpist

For #OA news, also follow the Open Access Tracking Project ( I aim for comprehensive coverage there, not here. avatar


Activist, dad, husband, UX designer, technologist, researcher, writer, soccer fan, musician, vegetarian, meditator, competitive gamer, lover, hater, potty mouth, actually ADHD. He/him/his. moderator.

#BlackLivesMatter #AbolishThePolice #Antifascist #UX #Research #InformationArchitecture #Design #Code #Tofu avatar


Retired researcher living in Nottinghamshire, England.

Also at

#Socialist #Politics #Environment #Cats #Gardening #Wildlife #Opera #ClassicalMusic #Refugees #HumanRights #AlcoholFree #WearAMask #NoBridge


Avatar: Me, a white woman with short, greying brown hair. Wearing a large pair of red spectacles.

Header: Climate Stripes going from blue on the left to terrifying red on the right. avatar


Overeducated, underqualified. Always a dabbler, never a professional. He/him/his. I am in #Denton TX USA

#sdf #powerpop #pcusa #economics #geography #cartography #transportation #ActiveTransportation #policing #SocialJustice
I love #cars but would rather be riding the #bus and #trains

Just an opinionated SDF member for 18+ years.

[Profile header is person using 1980s vintage computer] avatar


Nervous energy. Resonance fields. Scarcity is a myth. Future reimagined, let's keep all the good parts.😴😪 Who looks inside awakes. 🚸

I'm thrilled that we're all becoming "woke". It means self awareness to what is happening to ourselves, others, and our world around us. How else are we going to redeem humanity?

Stalemate. Life is fleeting. avatar


Tuta is the secure email service with automatic encryption. We protect your emails from everyone - even from us! Committed to privacy and open source. avatar


Actor. Writer. May have been in that thing you saw that one time (Dependent's Day, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Second City/Chicago Shakespeare). Vaccinated and boosted.

ORCID: 0000-0002-8304-5874

#actor #writer #actingcoach #producer #director #Shakespeare #film #tv #movies

Was on #Twitter as

I sometimes write playful screenplays about very capable people in extremely high pressure situations often playing out their internal damage on the world. avatar


Gadfly. Flying through life as a gadget geek and theatre artist...commenting along the way. Every day I learn something new is a good day. Boosts offered without endorsement. Comments on the other hand…

#theatre #arts #culture #apple #tech #chicago #chicagosports #comedy #politics #chicagopolitics #politics #socialmedia #music #mobiletech #OldPeopleofMastodon #photography #history #diabetes


Criminal defense attorney and First Amendment litigator. Lawsplainer and podcaster. avatar


Semi-retired commercial artist living the life, painting, hiking, biking and spending way too much time on politics.
I post on a lot of different things, but mostly politics.
I don't automatically follow back. There has to be some info on your profile.
hee-haw avatar


Real me. Scholar & Expert on #Propaganda; Associate Prof @ Monash Uni, Melbourne; Fellow @ Bard College, US; Associate @ U of Cambridge CFRA; Maven of Persuasion LLC; Key expert on #CambridgeAnalytica; Senior Researcher Oscar-shortlisted doc The Great Hack; Researcher for #peopleyoumayknow; Public #Speaker; Literary Agent: @Inkwellmgmt #fedi23 #AoIR #disinformation #polcomm #infoops #media #surveillance #humanrights #polisci #commodon #communication #conflict #infowar #military #psyop & #dogs🐕❤️ avatar


Jeffrey Phillips Freeman

Innovator & Entrepreneur in Machine Learning, Evolutionary Computing & Big Data. Avid SCUBA diver, Open-source developer, HAM radio operator, astrophotographer, and anything nerdy.

Born and raised in Philadelphia, PA, USA, currently living in Utrecht, Netherlands, USA, and Thailand. Was also living in Israel, but left.

Pronouns: Sir / Mister

(Above pronouns are not intended to mock, i will respect any persons pronouns and only wish pronouns to show respect be used with me as well. These are called neopronouns, see an example of the word "frog" used as a neopronoun here: )

A proud member of the Penobscot Native American tribe, as well as a Mayflower passenger descendant. I sometimes post about my genealogical history.

My stance on various issues:

Education: Free to PhD, tax paid
Abortion: Protected, tax paid, limited time-frame
Welfare: Yes, no one should starve
UBI: No, use welfare
Racism: is real
Guns: Shall not be infringed
LGBT+/minorities: Support
Pronouns: Will respect
Trump: Moron, evil
Biden: Senile, racist
Police: ACAB
Drugs: Fully legal, no prescriptions needed

GPG/PGP Fingerprint: 8B23 64CD 2403 6DCB 7531 01D0 052D DA8E 0506 CBCE avatar


Official account of Japan's most widely read English-language news source. Est. 1897. avatar


Husband, father, US Army veteran, IT specialist, school bus driver, diesel mechanic, tech, security, Linux and free software enthusiast, gamer, dog lover.


Independent BC-based journalism that swims against the current. Paywall-free since 2003. avatar


The Center for Democracy & Technology (CDT). Shaping technology policy and architecture, with a focus on equity and justice. avatar


… paring down time on social media … ?? Fully migrated to mastodon now that the bird self destructed. Though if you want to view my old posts, same username.

#BabySquirrel avatar


Just another desperate #Objectivist #Perl hacker. Lately into #cosplay and #dance, sometimes simultaneously.

Sorry libertarians, you can’t have #AynRand:

If you block me because you don’t like what I say, I win.

Other interests: #music, #Commodore #RetroComputing, #DoctorWho, #drag

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