frauddogg, to usa in Texas professors sue to fail students who seek abortions | Men are using abortion bans to control and abuse women in their lives for "consensual sexual intercourse" avatar

Ooof, sounds like somebody got scratched. It’s always the ones on some constant scaring-the-hoes energy that gotta loudly and vocally separate themselves into the bucket.

LoboTom, to random French avatar

Salut Lézhommes,
Y a @scudery qui t'a fait une liste des trucs à pas faire, je t'invite à lire tout ça.

(et pas répondre , même si tu veux un cookie)
(tu l'auras pas)

sneezycat, (edited ) to world in Pro-Palestine demonstrators in Portugal assaulted by Israeli tourists avatar

It’s not about guilt, it’s about the reality of propaganda radicalizing the population.

Of course not everyone in any of those countries is mindrotten, but that’s like , it’s not about the individual, but the “culture”.

I don’t know if I agree with radical policies like what the parent comment proposes though.

uichelorraine, to random French avatar

J'aurais bien aimé avoir un mec quand même.

Et j'entends, je vois, je lis les copines avec le leur, et jamais de la vie je supporte le quart du dixième (le quarantième donc) de ce qu'ils leur font subir ni des compromissions qu'ils les obligent à accepter.

Est-ce que je suis plus heureuse qu'elles? Certainement pas.
Mais au moins j'ai pas toute cette fatigue mentale là et cette tristesse du truc insoluble pour l'éternité. Je pourrais pas gérer ça, j'ai d'autres charges mentales, et d'autres tristesses d'insolubilité pour l'éternité, je suis à ras-bord je peux pas. Je peux plus. Y a une date de péremption pour ces conneries, clairement.

uichelorraine, avatar

? Je suis parfaitement prête à le croire.
J'attends juste les PREUVES MATERIELLES de ce petit fantasme procrastinatoire.

J'ai seulement 40 ans, y a le temps hein. 😊

nicod, to random French avatar

Frank Zappa and John Lennon, Fillmore East, 1971

Ça m'aurait fait marrer quand j'étais jeune, il y a... (prescription)

Mais aujourd'hui, voire des mecs se foutre de la gueule de Yoko sur une grosse scène, devant un gros public, lui mettre la tête dans un sac en chantant "Scumbag" (littéralement sac à merde, sac à ordures)...
Je trouve ça juste dégueulasse.

En plus elle est super punk Yoko dans sa façon de chanter.

#Zappa #phalocrate #vieuxMacho 👎

nicod, avatar


1/ T'as pas vu la vidéo donc tu supposes dans le vide.

2/ C'est sympa de défendre les bro mais on connait un peu le schéma ()

3/ , désolé pour ses fans, n'était pas vraiment féministe (et même pas du tout).
C'était un incontinent sexuel notoire, et quand il critiquait l'ordre moral, l'establishment, il défendait surtout SA liberté d'expression à lui, c'est à dire en version moderne : "on peut plus rien dire".

fiercekitten, to memes in A bit late

I don’t disagree that both men and women do heinous things, but women don’t almost never physically attack or kill a man when he shuns her advances, but men absolutely attack women every day for shunning a man’s advances, and sometimes women get straight up murdered for it.

, but enough men that many women choose the bear.

synae, to memes in Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻. avatar

No, and I don’t know how you’re getting that from what I’ve said.

In the scenario there is a hypothetical man and a hypothetical bear. There’s no reason to self-insert oneself as the man, except as an excuse to get outraged in a fashion. A (real, non-hypothetical) man taking offense to the answer by assuming they are being indicted is just showing his own narcissism by making the hypothetical about himself.

mmcintyre, to memes in Either ya understand why most women pick the 🐻 or you are the 🐻.

My husband calls in the middle of this and I told him I usually don’t see these sort of shit takes here and then I remember I’d been browsing ALL, for crying out loud. Go to see what fucking community it was… and it’s memes! My bad even commenting here probably, but complaining that memes don’t adequately capture the whole picture and may not be the best way to address the issue seems a little… I dunno but something - here in the literal meme community.

Y’all ain’t being thrown under the bus. My husband gets it. He is also an ally to women. But y’all ain’t there “standing up in solidarity with women” when we are being molested, raped, or murdered. These things happen to women ALL THE GODDAMNED TIME. You weren’t there in solidarity with me any of the times when I was actually harmed, but when I have something to say about how scary men can actually be, you are here to stand against me. Or at best, get me to think of your feelings instead of my own safety.

I would also prefer guys who are not rapists to stand up in solidarity with women against the rapists, instead of being thrown under the bus with the rest of the women that make men feel uncomfortable by reminding them of the things that actually happen in women’s lives.

QasimRashid, to random avatar

Watching the bear vs man in forest stories & I remember when our 9-year-old son said some boys at recess offered to play with him if 'he hugged & kissed a girl.'

He replied, "No, that's inappropriate," & told us he didn't mind not being able to play with those boys after all. Later his teacher shared she was happy he stood up to peer pressure.

Y'all—it's never too early to teach boys about consent & boundaries. Have the convo. Then again. And again. Boys will be the boys we teach them to be.

Vorsos, avatar

@wagesj45 Women are choosing bears based on their real experiences with men. You going #NotAllMen helps no one.

My axiom stands: If you think a broad criticism is about you, it is, so fix yourself.

Vorsos, avatar

@wagesj45 My axiom works on valid criticism and lies. An example of each is “so many strange men have been aggressive toward me that I would rather be around a wild bear” and “Mexican rapists are flooding the Texas border.” Non-aggressive men and Mexican asylum seekers can simply continue existing as living proof that the criticism does not apply to them.

Going out of one’s way to say valid broad criticism doesn’t apply to them individually is unhelpful and suspicious. As for broad lies, no one needs to give them more attention, as a debate would imply the lie has validity.

I’m only bothering to explain this because you don’t yet seem completely irredeemable, but you gotta stop using r/MensRights talking points to dig yourself into this #NotAllMen hole. Instead of invalidating women’s feelings by trying to find logical fallacies in their legitimate fears, just be a good man who women can feel safe around. Saying “I take every criticism about the worst men personally” ain’t it.

golgaloth, to random avatar

The last one of these was, "Women, what would you do freely if all men disappeared for 24hrs?" The answers were simple things like, "Take a stroll at night alone, with headphones on." "Leave my drink at a bar while I went to pee." And, "Play video games with an unmuted mic."

DamarcusArt, to chapotraphouse in Sexism really do be getting me down

So fucked up how common it is for guys to just go to bat for an entirely hypothetical man in an entirely hypothetical scenario rather than just listen to a woman’s concerns about how they don’t feel safe around men they don’t know. I really cast a side eye on any man or masculine presenting person who just wants to dismiss women’s concerns the way some of those people did. They’re a tiny minority of people there, but the fact that they’re here at all is disturbing.

This stuff should have no place here.

Slyence, to feminism avatar

Young men aren’t being forced to follow toxic masculine icons like Tate and Peterson, they’re choosing to consume their content over healthy masculine icons.

Models for healthy masculinity exist. They’re unpopular, because young men don’t want to be healthy. They are choosing to be toxic.

So let’s all remember who is at fault and who needs to change here - it’s the menfolk, not everyone else. Stay fabulous. Get a cat.

#feminism #notallmen #yesallmen #tate #ick

TheDoozer, to theonion in Local woman convinced that misogyny is no longer a problem thanks to man shouting "Not All Men" every time she talks

I think the general mentality is that when a person makes broad, generalized statements about a group while members of that group, who have committed no offense themselves, are part of the audience for that statement, it’s tough to not feel that as a personal attack for something they were born as and have no control over.

Don’t get me wrong, the “” gets overused (e.g. if a woman is talking about violence carried out against women by men, that is not a generalization of all men, that’s just pointing at specifically the men that are violent toward women, and saying is just derailing the conversation).

But having very reasonable feelings and bad experiences doesn’t grant carte blanche to be shitty toward people who have committed no offense. If you’re doing it in a close group of other women, then fine, whatever. But doing it in an audience with men (who have committed no offense) tells those men they have no place here, that they belong to the out group. We’re not talking about violent men, or misogynistic men, we’re talking about men, of which you are a part.

What I think other people have touched on is that in no other circumstance is it okay to generalize a group for things they were born as and can’t change (in humans, anyway), except apparently men. And you may call it just letting people have their feelings, but letting that idea go leads to things like the Duluth Model, assuming any violence between a man and women must be the man’s fault, and prevents men from coming forward about their own instances of domestic violence against them.

And don’t think I don’t understand the argument! Pit bulls can be some of the most loving, caring dogs, but they can also be monsters that could end you in seconds. Is it reasonable to by wary of a pit bull you don’t know well? Absolutely! Is it a well-trained pit bull’s fault that it is physically capable if mass murder? No, of course not, it can’t help what it was born as. It just wants loves. So is it reasonable to say pit bulls are scary? Yes. Is it reasonable to say pit bulls are awful, vicious monsters? No. But the difference is, even if you do, the good pit bull doesn’t understand that you are calling it a monster. Men do.

ciredutempsEsme, to random French avatar

La liste des gauchistes que j'ai du déglinguer face à mes collègues gauchistes depuis 1 mois :

  • Branco
  • Damasio
  • Rabhi

Ils savaient pour Begaudeau et Miller. Ouf

To be continued

ciredutempsEsme, avatar

@VieilOgre @vincentxavier
Oué alors mais qd même vraiment une majorité dans le monde médiatique :/

Zacryon, (edited ) to microblogmemes in Son, we need to have a serious talk!
yuri, to microblogmemes in Son, we need to have a serious talk!

Fucking obviously that’s not what I’m saying, you’re not that dense. Just say and start harassing someone else. I didn’t realize I was communicating with an actual clown this whole time.

Zacryon, to microblogmemes in Son, we need to have a serious talk!

/i marks Irony

/s Sarcasm

/j Joke

In the context of my comment it was an ironic reference to the hashtag wich, as I understood it, was often used by men downplaying the concerns of women and relativising common problems and fears they encounter by saying that not all men are that way. While technically true, it undermined the severity of the issues. As it was the case wih the original commenter here, who meanwhile deleted his comment or got it deleted. Their original comment reminded me of the hashtag.

After a few downvotes I added the irony flag, as I got the impression that my ironic use of the hashtag was not obvious to some readers here.

morayner, to random avatar


Je ne comprends ta relativisation à la #NotAllMen des problèmes de misogynie structurels dans l'orga du #HellFest, apparemment documentés depuis des années.
Si on parlait du traitement qu'impose Amazon à ses salariés, dirais-tu "ça dépend des entrepôts" ou "plein de délégués syndicaux et de gauchistes sont clients d'Amazon" ou encore "Amazon livre les bouquins de Karl Marx et de Bourdieu alors ils ne peuvent pas être si mauvais que ça" ?


Ookami38, to mensliberation in The Perception Paradox: Men Who Hate Feminists Think Feminists Hate Men

To share some of my own experiences:

I’m a cis, heterosexual, white male. I also pretty heavily defend human rights, try not to be a skeeze ball, and like to think of myself as generally a pretty decent dude. During the height of the MeToo movement and the thing, though, it really felt like society as a large, or at least the parts of it I want to occupy, viewed many aspects of my simple existence as villainous.

Believe me, I KNOW that no one reasonable has ever thought it was all men, or all white people, or all straight people, or all cis gendered people. That doesn’t stop it from hurting anymore when you’re walking around the city with a woman you consider a really good friend, and she’s posting pictures of stickers that actually DO say “all men suck” she finds to social media.

I’m also not blind. I know this is the same treatment that marginalized groups have faced since the dawn of time. Maybe it’s finally time for men to get theirs. Or, we can all acknowledge that any condemnation over an immutable human feature just plain sucks. Just my 2 cents on the matter.

vithigar, to mensliberation in The Perception Paradox: Men Who Hate Feminists Think Feminists Hate Men

During the height of the MeToo movement and the thing, though, it really felt like society as a large, or at least the parts of it I want to occupy, viewed many aspects of my simple existence as villainous.

I just stopped bothering. My input was clearly neither desired nor welcome, so I stopped offering it. I’ll happily stay out of the way, but if they want active support I want to stop hearing that my opinion isn’t valid on any given set of subjects, before I even voice it.

uichelorraine, to random French avatar

Ca faisait depuis au moins Twitter que m'étais pas fait traiter de salope ("allumeuse" pardon 😌 ) à cause de ma PP.
Que je garde intentionnellement même si je passe ma vie du moment en baskets dégueus, parce que ça me permet de bien faire le tri.
Et c'est une femme qui m'a offert ce beau cadeau. 🥰

uichelorraine, avatar

C'est pour les mêmes raisons que j'ai reproduit ces codes visuels sur les RS. Pour pouvoir bien cerner mes interlocuteurices.
Et aussi parce que c'est mortel pour parler de féminisme. Le visuel attire les mecs comme un fond de sirop attire les guêpes, et au moment où ils s'y attendent le moins PAF LE RANT FEMINISTE.
Non seulement c'est une technique de communication éprouvée, mais en plus je vois bien les braves qui restent 😁 (par exemple votre copain le grand écrivain il est venu pour les talons aiguilles, il est reparti en hurlant à la première gueulante féminazie, mais il croit qu'il est féministe, c'est rigolo à regarder)

aronow, to random avatar

This morning I found out 76% of women report using less due to harassment and “tinder-like messages”.


JimmyB, avatar

@aronow Well what a charmer. Who does that? Did he seriously think there's a % game where strangers actually give him BJs? Is he right????

However, the thing is deeply annoying. Would be great if a few more of that gang held their mates to a higher standard rather than popping up on every thread about male bad behaviour to explain their own innocence

Was chatting with a lad on this: if you know there are 20 lions hiding behind trees in the forest. You assume every tree has a lion.

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