@HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar



zugezogener Neanderthaler

kW≠kWh, kW/h ist fast immer Blödsinn

harald.kirsch at posteo.de

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HaraldKi, to random German
@HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

„Demnach will Polen bis 2043 an zwei Standorten insgesamt sechs Blöcke mit bis zu 9 GW Leistung bauen“

Quatsch mit Soße. Was soll man 2043 noch mit fummeligen 9GW überteuertem Strom, für den man Brennstoff braucht? Polen hat 2023 1,3GW Windstrom zugebaut. Selbst wenn man so lahmarschig bleibt, sind das 26GW bis 2043. Und die gehn dann auch … dauernd. Nicht wie Olkiluoto, dauernd Wartung.


array, to Java
@array@fosstodon.org avatar

My project goes on, as a learning practice preparing for $newJob. I have, on purpose, excluded any frontend frameworks, just plain old HTML and CSS, and some JS strictly when needed. I build my templates with JSP, and I'm not using any backend framework. A bit more work? Maybe. But it's crystal clear, less bloated, and so fast! Plus, I get to see behind the abstractions, implementing models, services, factories, servlets, utils, etc. all by myself. In other words: I'm having fun. :)

@HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

@array 👍 for giving it a try. For private projects I ended up doing mostly that, except I started using Typescript and now JSP. And the benefits are as least as you describe a) you know what the software is doing, b) less bloat.
If you're curious, here are some more thoughts:

HaraldKi, to emacs German
@HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

I am having the same question: How and work together in an editor?

The answers given are so la la.

Can anyone add more insight? Would it make sense to let tree-sitter ask the language server for the ast?

Asking, because I am working on semantic token fontification for and not using treesitter.


HaraldKi, to emacs German
@HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

Modern software development is broken, worse by the day.

  • Tried out / to use -jdt-ls for Java.
  • Scarce docs to configure formatting.
  • Want see source of eclipse-jdt-ls, use
  • Import project, 4 popups, but all had all buttons except 'Cancel' disabled.
  • Cancel, install manually, retry from scratch, some tycho-thing still missing, nothing on the marketplace.

And note: this is eclipse to edit an eclipse project. Wow.💩 🤦‍♀️ 🤔
Next try. Most recent eclipse, lets see.

HaraldKi, to emacs German
@HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

I gave up on #emacs #lsp-mode. I am an emacs fan, still. But this got out of hand. It was already hard to get 3 non-gradle/maven projects in, configure key bindings and non-intrusive #flycheck reporting, code suggestions/refactorings as provided by eclipse. Then I tried a small gradle project and got weird error messages: "...is not on the classpath of project , only syntax errors are reported". For fun see the extra-weirdo fixes proposed on the net. 🤦‍♀️ For now I am out.😢 ❓

tux, to linux German

Hallo Freunde der gepflegten Linux Konsole. Gibt es eine Möglichkeit, in einem Verzeichnis alle Dateien mit einem Timestamp eines bestimmten Datums zu suchen? Also zum Bleistift alle Dateien in einem Ordner mit einem Timestamp vom 01.02.2024.
Mit find -mtime kann man doch bloß x Tage davor oder danach angeben, oder?
@linuxforum_de @askfedi_de

@HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

@tux @askfedi_de @linuxforum_de In dem Fall würde ich find und grep kombinieren wie hier: https://stackoverflow.com/a/158074/2954288
Man könnte auch mit größer und kleiner arbeiten, Lösungen auf derselben Seite, aber für mal so eben eintippen viel zu mühsam.

DanyWho, to plants
@DanyWho@nrw.social avatar

Wer noch günstiges Zubehör braucht für seine Pflanzenanzucht, bei Lidl gibt es ab 22.02. ein Anzuchtset mit Licht für 9,99€. @plants

@HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar
HaraldKi, to linux German
@HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

For software development I use .
For version control I use .
To control git I use in .
To start magit out of a for the current project I use:

% type magit
magit is a function
magit ()
emacsclient -e "(kill-all-magit-buffers)" -e "(magit-status "$PWD")"
where kill-all-magit-buffers is based on this: https://stackoverflow.com/a/44119606/2954288

thanks @tarsius for magit

HaraldKi, to aliens German
@HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

. Heute ist unsere Terrasse voll von weißen Häufchen, fast wie einzelne Schneeflocken. Bei näherem Hinsehen bestehen die aus weißen bis klaren Kügelchen von der Größe eines Stecknadelkopfes. Kratz man darin herum, wird es etwas schleimig und zieht Fäden.

Kennt das jemand? Gelegen von Schnecke, Insekt, Spinne? Pilz? Vogelschiss eher nicht. Komisch ist die regelmäßig-unregelmäßige Verteilung auf der Terrasse.

Mehrere weiße bis klare Häufchen, groß wie die Fingerspitze des kleinen Fingers auf Gehwegplatten.

HaraldKi, to ubuntu German
@HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

Why I don't like on :

% snap list
firefox 119.0.1-1 3358 latest/stable/… mozilla✓ -

Current is version 121:

% snap refresh firefox
error: cannot refresh "firefox": snap "firefox" has running apps (firefox),

Yes, stupid. But this is Linux, not Windows. We can reinstall software while it is running for 20+ years. And when do you think I am working with the system without having at least one FF window open? 🤦‍♀️ 🤢 🤮

@HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

@selea Yeah, fun to pay for something I didn't order. The benefits of snap lie somewhere outside of my experience, I guess. Of course I didn't pay for Ubuntu either, so its just me I should address my complaints to I guess. 😞

darth, to ubuntu
@darth@silversword.online avatar


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  • HaraldKi,
    @HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

    @darth Don‘t you see the console on shutdown? I see it on statup and shutdown on my ubuntu after a minor tweak to the boot options of grub, something splash, afair.. Then, on shutdown, I sometimes see the a silly cups daemon not giving in and systemd gives it 90 long seconds before kills it.

    NDR, to random German
    @NDR@ard.social avatar

    Die Schiffe "Verity" und "Polesie" sind am Dienstagmorgen aus ungeklärten Gründen in der Deutschen Bucht kollidiert. Mehr als 20 Menschen befinden sich zwischen Langeoog und Helgoland in Seenot. Wie es zu der Kollision kommen konnte, ist unklar.

    📝 https://www.ndr.de/Schiffskollision-auf-der-Nordsee-Mehrere-Vermisste-vor-Helgoland,nordsee550.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=NDR.de

    @HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

    @NDR Liebe Öffis. Könnt ihr mir erklären warum das eine Eilmeldung ist? Wieso ist das eilig, das rauszuhauen, wem hilft das?

    HaraldKi, to random German
    @HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

    ? Läuft!


    Nein, kein Sarkasmus. Das liest sich gut. Dieses Jahr bereits +10,3GW PV, +2,7GW Wind, -30% Kohle, Strompreise zurück auf Vor-Putinkrieg Niveau.

    Schräg finde ich lediglich, dass mehr PV zugebaut wurde als Wind.❓

    Und weil es so gut dazu passt nochmal der hier:

    jon, to random
    @jon@gruene.social avatar

    Welcome to Autumn 2023 Day 22, 20 Oct, night train, Stuttgart - Darmstadt - Karlsruhe

    Today I’m crossing these borders
    Freilassing 🇩🇪 - Salzburg Taxham Europapark 🇦🇹

    Map of today’s route

    Today’s Live Blog

    @HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

    @jon Sieht ganz klar aus wie alkoholfrei😎

    lydiaconwell, to mathematics
    @lydiaconwell@mas.to avatar

    of a kind

    In they visit far away planets and their computers are compatible and they sometimes comment on a race's knowledge of mathematics.

    But what's to say the distance planet have the same mathematical system to ours? For example we count in tens and our maths make sense based on that. But what if an alien race counts in 13s or 23s?

    Wouldn't that make their maths incompatible to Earth's?

    @HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

    @lydiaconwell Math has nothing to do with how numbers are represented. Computing, though, has.

    jon, to random
    @jon@gruene.social avatar

    Can we have a go at translating Enshitiffication into French and German?

    Here’s the Wikipedia page about it in English

    Note “emmerder" in French is obviously NOT correct…

    @HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

    @jon Vermüllung Don‘t try word by word translation or you end up with similar nonsense as „eine Nachricht teilen“ which is nonsensical but now in common use.

    fell, (edited ) to linux
    @fell@ma.fellr.net avatar

    I am once again considering to write my own window manager

    ...unless the setup I am thinking of is already possible, let me construct this in your head:

    On the top of the screen, there is narrow status bar, which is split into two parts. On the right side of the bar, you have your clock, your battery, your signal strength and so on.

    On the left side, there is a clickable tab for every window you have opened. It's like browser tabs: Every window always uses the entire space below the status bar.

    On the far left, there could be an icon which opens a searchable list of applications, kind of like but vertical. Everything supports mouse input as you would expect.

    Does that exist? Should I make it? It would be awesome for smaller screens, like phones.

    Edit: I should add that I'm planning to run it on a Nokia N900 with a single 600 MHz CPU core, 256 MB RAM and a resolution of 800×480 pixels. Existing full desktop environments like Xfce4, LXDE, and so on are way to heavy to run.

    @linux @linux @linux @linux

    @HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

    @fell Sounds like XFCE4 respectively configured. The thing I am not 100% sure about is whether windows can be forced to always open fullscreen, which you seem to require.

    jon, to random
    @jon@gruene.social avatar

    Question ONLY for followers of mine using Android, Windows and Linux

    What apps are you using to access Mastodon? Are they free? And would you recommend them to others?

    And on Windows and Linux are the apps significantly better than the Mastodon advanced web interface for you?

    (I know the Mac / iOS app environment well already)

    @HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

    @jon I keep using the Webapp and don‘t miss a thing. Differing browsers, the same all over Linux/FF, Android/FF, ipad/duckduckgo. Though it is just private use, not for political work 😉

    stuartmarks, to Java
    @stuartmarks@mastodon.social avatar
    @HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

    @stuartmarks I especially like your hint about the Firefox keywords. I have a handful of those at work to jump to the right places or initiate searches in our gitlab, issue tracking or collab tools and I am sure not many people know of or realize the potential of those.

    gnulinux, to Bash German
    @gnulinux@social.anoxinon.de avatar

    Shell-Hacks für Bash und Fish (Teil 1)

    Unser Gastautor stellt ein kleines Tool zum effizienten Arbeiten in der Konsole vor.

    #bash #fish #Shell #Konsole #Terminal #LF #last_file #Linux


    @HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

    @gnulinux Uff, finding the latest changed file with a loop in the ? Not on Linux right now, beware typos, but

    $ /bin/ls -1t | head -1

    should do.

    publicvoit, to linux
    @publicvoit@graz.social avatar

    If "#!/usr/bin/env foo" is the preferred (for portable scripts) in order to find "foo" independent of its path, why isn't the recommended shebang "#!env foo" which would not assume a path for "env" either? 🤔

    @HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

    @publicvoit The kernel interpretes shebang and does not search at all, either the path is exact or it fails to start. Once env is up and running, env does the search along PATH to find foo.

    itsfoss, (edited ) to linux
    @itsfoss@mastodon.social avatar

    Comment below 🐧

    @HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

    @itsfoss Worst moment with Linux? Forced to use Webex at work, around 2010, while my work computer was all-Linux.

    tagesschau, to random German
    @tagesschau@ard.social avatar

    Wissing prüft Schadensersatzforderungen gegen Ex-Minister Scheuer

    Ein Gutachten soll klären, ob Ex-Verkehrsminister Scheuer im Zusammenhang mit der gescheiterten Pkw-Maut in Regress genommen werden kann. Sein Nachfolger Wissing erklärte, man könne "die Akte bei 243 Millionen Euro nicht einfach beiseitelegen".

    ➡️ https://www.tagesschau.de/inland/innenpolitik/scheuer-pkw-maut-gutachter-100.html?at_medium=mastodon&at_campaign=tagesschau.de

    #PkwMaut #Gutachten #Regressforderung

    @HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

    @tagesschau Pures Medientheater. Der wird doch keinen Präzedenzfall schaffen der ihn in ein paar Jahre einholen könnte. Wäre schön wenn die tagesschau auch so großflächig berichtet wenn das selbstverständliche rauskommt: keine Handhabe.

    islieb, to random German
    @islieb@mastodon.social avatar

    Schönes Wochenende 🌳

    @HaraldKi@nrw.social avatar

    @islieb jo, genau mein Ding😩 ‼️ 😎

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