What is your favourite Lemmy community, which is not on lemmy.ml?

I've already started seeing a lot of redundant communities being made here that have already existed on other Lemmy instances, and lemmy.ml is at risk of centralization and overload, so now is a great time to raise awareness of other instances.

For science topics, mander.xyz has a lot of good ones set up, and !solarpunk on slrpnk.net has been great!

edit: for new users - you can type ! to begin autofilling a community, even for ones on other instances, like I did for the solarpunk community above. It may take a few seconds for the autofill results to show up if you have a slow connection like me.


I launched lemmy.studio today, with the intent of hosting some music communities (music production, genres, different media, DAWs, etc.).


thank you, I was searching for something like that!

@tmpod@lemmy.pt avatar

Awesome! Welcome :D


Fantastic, I was looking for my /r/ableton replacement. Thanks!


Feel free to create a community for Ableton there, or if you don't want to moderate it I'm happy to create it as well!


While I'm really liking Beehaw, one of the caveats is that users cannot create new communities so I may need to just create another account to assist with making new communities. I did just sub to lemmy@lemmy.studio however


I just wrote out two comments that were deleted - Imo you shouldn't be able to edit or respond to a deleted post if it's not going to work.

I made an Ableton group on lemmy.ml a few days ago..doesn't seem like it's listed though. I'll probably just delete it if you're going to operate a music specific instance


if you have a few members may as well keep it open, we all benefit from variety

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Gotta plug my instance :)

PopHeads and fans of pop music rejoice, I have an entire instance just for you. Come and post all of your pop music theories, favorite tracks, costumes, memes, snarky comments, and all other related things. Hell, create a new community if you like!

Will be creating more as interest demands, or create one of your own, we know there's already a few fans of Camila Cabello there and I know I love CRJ :)

Oh, and to ease the stress, my registration is currently open for any lurkers


Great to see a topical rather than a generalist instance!

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

That's what I thought when I set it up, I could either go broad with a few things I like, but I think if we're going to really see lemmy expand we need to see topical servers. People are welcome to register on my server if they like, but I view it more as a "import this to yours instance to enhance your communities".

@SmokeInFog@midwest.social avatar

Ficsit approves this efficient method of gathering new recreational listening material to motivate greater productivity 🏅

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

eyyyy someone's looked at my history lol. Factory game based instance next?

@SmokeInFog@midwest.social avatar

Well, just your avatar, but hell yeah that sounds great lol

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

duh forgot lol, currently playing my third factory right now. I've been posting regularly to gaming to keep some new content coming in, but when we're bigger I'd love a satisfactory community.

@Theroddd@lemmy.ml avatar

Sounds fun! Looks fun! However I am having trouble subscribing. Nothing is found when I search. Now, I know you aren't tech support but pointing me in the right direction and telling what I am doing wrong herr would be amazing. https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/cf4a038b-a46f-4004-8fb5-c1c9ca975b94.jpeg

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Interesting. You can also try https://poptalk.scrubbles.tech/c/popheads. On the website I know there's a bug where it doesn't show a loading spinner either, so it may take a few seconds after clicking search for it to show up even though it looks like it's not doing anything.

Lemmy.ml is also inundated with new members right now, they're actually 404ing for me right now, so they may be having issues connecting.

@Theroddd@lemmy.ml avatar

Thank you for the fast response. It's really appreciated. When I follow your link I still cannot subscribe. I get "not ogged in" whe. Trying to subscribe through the communities tab. Or I get the enter thing into the search bar prompt. https://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/4b326e49-aa06-4d78-b93d-8e4e41c14f61.jpeghttps://lemmy.ml/pictrs/image/960a618f-6992-417b-9cf5-4268013579fe.jpeg

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Hmmm, I haven't done it through the app before, let me get back to you on this. I've been having some troubles with the app too....

@Theroddd@lemmy.ml avatar

Not on an app, mobile on android here.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Oh don't go to the link, paste it into the search bar from your logged-in instance. (The other one should also have worked, but again lemmy.ml is a bit slow and may be having issues).

This is how it looked to me from the website, make sure "All, All, and All" are selected


@Theroddd@lemmy.ml avatar
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

In the search dropdown can you select "All" instead of Communities? For some reason that's been working for me

@Theroddd@lemmy.ml avatar

I can, and that finds results, but they are all post that Include the link. No actual ability to sub. If I find my way to the community it leads me back to the process that started my discussion here.

Thank you for all the help, you're great and awesome and productive ;), but if it's this difficult for me to sub to thing that want, then lemmy may not be for me. Keep up the amazing work and do what you do. It is appreciated!


scrubbles, (edited )
@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Oh it's in your last screenshot, the Subscribe button, it is very hidden away for sure, I may open a request for them to add it to the main screen there next to Sidebar. Glad you found it though! Those are some of the pain points I think they're working on solving, some of those things you don't think of until you get some users on your app

Edit: Opened an issue for it, hopefully your pain will make it easier for future users!

@Theroddd@lemmy.ml avatar

The subscribe button just tells me that I am not signed in. Once again thank you for all of your time and effort and help. You rock.

@Theroddd@lemmy.ml avatar

And also thank you and take your time.

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Of course! This is new to me, we're all just getting started. There are going to be growing pains all over the place, hell maybe I didn't set something up right. It's new, we're having fun :)

@Theroddd@lemmy.ml avatar

I heard "were having fun" in a very Troy Lavallee voice.


Is there a guide for how to register on multiple Lemmy instances? I am registered here, but noticed that I can't subscribe to communities on other instances? I assume I need to register there as well, but how do I get my subscriptions on both instances to funnel into the same place?

Thanks! Apologies if this is the wrong place to ask this

@scrubbles@poptalk.scrubbles.tech avatar

Nope you can subscribe to other lemmy instances. You just need to know their link. For example, if you want to follow my Taylor Swift community and become a full blown swiftie like me, you can do this: (Make sure All, All, and All are selected when searching)


@iod@lemmy.ml avatar

Small tip: you don't have to search with an exact link there, simply searching for "Swift" would've found your instance.


Thanks for the swift response!

Rhabuko, (edited )

I'm on feddit.de, which is a German server whith a friendly community. There's also feddit.it and feddit.dk for Italian or danish people. Would be cool if we see more European feddits, that work together and help each other out.

And for my favorite communities that aren't on lemmy.ml

!gaming on beehaw.org and !ich_iel (which is the German version of me_irl) on feddit.de

@Phoeniqz@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don't know what I would do without ich_iel. This community is amazing

@Phoeniqz@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don't know what I would do without ich_iel. This community is amazing

@Phoeniqz@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don't know what I would do without ich_iel. This community is amazing

@Phoeniqz@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don't know what I would do without ich_iel. This community is amazing

@Phoeniqz@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don't know what I would do without ich_iel. This community is amazing

@Phoeniqz@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don't know what I would do without ich_iel. This community is amazing

@Phoeniqz@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don't know what I would do without ich_iel. This community is amazing

@Phoeniqz@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don't know what I would do without ich_iel. This community is amazing

@Phoeniqz@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I don't know what I would do without ich_iel. This community is amazing


I quite like that Beecaw doesn't federate the Tankies.

I don't really need a genocide denying group ofauthoritarians in my face first thing in the morning.


you're so real for this

@frippa@lemmy.ml avatar



You're going to need a lot more of those to live up to the great Reactionary Counter-Revolutionaries so widely admired by tankies.


Reactionary counterrevolutionaries like you? You probably work for the monarchists.


What are the tankies?

DudePluto, (edited )

GenZedong and other communities shilling on lemmygrad. Some of these accounts post multiple pro-china, pro-russia, anti-usa articles per hour. I'm all for open discussion, but accounts like that are just propaganda pumpers

To be clear, not everyone and everything on lemmygrad is a tankie shill. We need places that are safe for discussion of political ideologies. But I mention lemmygrad because that's where the tankies seem to be flocking


I had fun scrolling through the posts on lemmygrad.ml/c/moretankie196



  • Loading...
  • lntl,

    Folks who doesn't like to smile are cringe ;)


    Tankies, when you don’t like the owning class exploiting workers, so you make the state exploit workers ☹️


    Radlibs, when you don't know what words mean, so you make up a meaning no one else understands :(

    @balerion@beehaw.org avatar

    You're the ones who don't understand that socialism means worker ownership of the means of production, not state ownership of the means of production.

    @comfy@lemmy.ml avatar

    The first rule of moretankie196 is you do not talk about the first rule.

    The second rule of moretankie196 is you DO NOT talk about the second rule.


    I quite like !privacyguides It migrated from reddit, and the mods run their own instance rather than just making a community on lemmy.ml


    This is really something the proprietary alternatives lack behind. I just digg the option to be able to follow a lemmy community from my mastodon account on my phone.


    How does one follow a community from another instance. for instance, beehaw's gaming community I would like to follow, but when i am there, it makes be create a separate account.


    In addition to what @Barbarian mentioned about changing the filter and searching, you can link it from your own instance like so:


    You can also grab the URL to any community or post on another instance, return to your own instance, and paste the URL into the search bar. If you're the first person to ever search for that server it might not find anything at first, but it'll fetch the data and probably work in a couple minutes.


    I think you may be able to use relative links, eg:

    ^ That one is done with [gaming@beehaw.org](/c/gaming@beehaw.org)
    I don't think !gaming@beehaw.org works alone though?


    Go to Communities at the top, change the filter from "Local" to "All" and search for "Gaming".

    If you're the first one who wants to register to a community from this server (not the case here) it's slightly more complex.


    lol wtf why is the comment bar all the way down here.. anyways id like to see unixporn if it isnt here already :0.


    Was looking for this, thank you!

    pfr avatar

    Should this also be viewable from a kbin instance?




    I started !gamedev for those interested :)


    !gamedev now with proper link :) Tried linking it on mobile using the new Mlem iOS app and managed to crash it. :D


    Do you federate with Beehaw? I have a 404 every time I look for a blahaj.zone community from Beehaw :(


    I'm on Beehaw and managed to join this one ok. I think there's a delay when the first person tries to search for an instance, before it actually shows up in results. Not ideal but maybe try it again now?

    @hellfire103@sopuli.xyz avatar
    @comfy@lemmy.ml avatar

    Oooh, I didn't know about the map enthusiasts one :)


    How do I subscribe to that sopuli one, since it doesn't show up in my local search results?


    It should show up if you type it into your search bar like this !map_enthusiasts

    If that doesn’t work try copypasting lemmy.one/c/map_enthusiasts@sopuli.xyz in your adress bar. That’s how I subscribe to global communities from my own instance since the search can be slow at times.


    The search didn't work for me, coming from lemmy.one. Didn't even show a "no results" message. Copypastaing the whole URL worked, but that is a deeply wonky interface :(

    Thank you though! Subscribed.

    @Dave@lemmy.nz avatar

    If you're the first one to try to search for a community on your server, it seems to get a bit wonky. But if you try to search it again now, it will probably show fine.

    @comfy@lemmy.ml avatar

    Is there an option to do All search results instead of local?

    @sillypuddy@mander.xyz avatar

    +1 for mander.xyz!


    Tip: If you're thinking about making a community, google it first, like this:

    Let's say I want to make a community for dogs. I'll google "c/dogs lemmy" and some variations just to be sure.

    This has been working for me. If it doesn't come up, it probably doesn't exist


    Really wish there was a larger portion of the userbase that wasn't Communist/Tankies.
    Believe what you want to believe, just wish I didn't have to see it/look at it.

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