The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

I think as it grows, we’ll see more and more of the same crowd, but the structure of Lemmy will help the culture feel different.

Nobody can own Lemmy, by design. (Even the creators just have the .ml instance)

No ads, and no corporate pressures to be advertiser friendly.

No weird profit-driven decisions.


Yes, but CAPITALISM!!!


Well said


Well, an instance could decide they wanted to try to make money, but I think everyone would just bail on them. People are more than happy to help out servers with donations, no need to make it a business venture.


I don’t think so. There are very few communities that actually successfully fully left reddit. A good number of them splintered across circlejerkers on multiple lemmy instances with the users remaining on reddit asking “what’s a lemmy” and staying put. The vast majority never left reddit at all, and don’t give a fuck that reddit is trying to build a business.

Where the lemmy hivemind fails is that a bunch of us are reddit refugees that lost our favorite mobile apps, so you get a bunch of delusional people here thinking that reddit is dead and lemmy is the best thing ever. It’s not. Lemmy has a lot of the same problems reddit had, and we’re just repeating history. Wait until you need to squash extremism, prevent illegal content, and people maintaining the main instance (don’t kid yourself, it’s need to eat.


Not really what I was talking about, but ok.

Angry_Maple, avatar

For me, that’s not the case. I enjoyed the amount of content and discussion, but I just lost interest in reddit over time.

I saw the same jokes too often. I got sick of seeing the ads. The admins perma-banned my fiancee’s account, despite her never really commenting or posting. They never gave a reason for banning her, other than going against “policy”, which they never specified when asked. It would be the equivilant of being banned from every single instance. Some of the “helpful” communities were becoming much more toxic over time. I stayed despite that stuff.

Then, the API thing happened. It wasn’t that reddit wanted to profit, but rather how they went about it. Had they been honest with the developers when they asked at the start of the contract year, it would have been much smoother. You can’t change the cost of a yearly subscription halfway through the year. I disliked the provable false rumors that were spread about developers.

I disliked that Spez heavily implied that people leaving reddit would harm reddit employees. He didn’t make that statement about someone who made those threats, but instead he made it about the people leaving. It left a very bad taste in my mouth. I’m not monetarily supporting someone like that if I have any say in the matter.

I disliked the sudden overwhelming toxicity that I saw start against people who were recommending Lemmy. I get being rude to people who are rude, but it’s lame to be rude just because. Someone told me that I would be back, that I should just wait to see them right. That person helped me stay off reddit, tbh.

I don’t understand fanaticism, regardless of the company/platform/group, etc. If I start to dislike a social media, I will move somewhere that I like better. If Lemmy becomes like what Reddit is today, I’ll leave Lemmy too. There’s always something else. I also don’t really care if Reddit sinks or swims. That has nothing to do with me. If I get sick of all social media, I won’t use it. There are lots of other things to do with free time.

squiblet, (edited )
squiblet avatar

I picture the problem being someone doing that low-key. It’s common for app developers to get offers to install privacy-violating code in exchange for very tempting amounts of money - like, have a somewhat successful piano or to-do list app that you make $15k a year from? Wel, how about you install this spyware crap and we’ll give you $60,000. It’s difficult for small developers to say no. I could picture the same thing happening with Lemmy instances - a small change in ToS, some new JavaScript, and many people wouldn’t notice. At this point Lemmy members skew towards tech and privacy aware, but it could happen later on as the membership broadens.


Well except for apps like Boost which are proprietary and has ads.

Kolanaki, avatar

They took way too long to come to town, and now they have and it has ads, I don’t even want it, since Liftoff has pretty much the same UI and without ads.


Yeah, but you can pay a pittance to remove the ads. It’s a one time fee of 3.50. Granted it’s still proprietary, but I chalk that up to the dev not knowing a lot about FOSS. Both the Sync and Boost devs came from developing Reddit apps and you need more cash flow to pay the proprietary API.


Unfortunately they’ll probably hide behind that logic and keep their apps proprietary



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  • Gork,

    I don’t mind the news bot ones as much as the ask Reddit type threads that get crossposted here. If the OP can’t even see our responses (since the discussion is on Reddit), and a bot created the thread here on Lemmy, what the hell is the point.

    ekZepp, avatar

    I filtered off 99,9% of the bot from the setting, the rest seems pretty normal content. The “lack” of user is just what it is for a newly adopted platform. Ofk the small new community needs time but the progress in few months was incredible. We are not talking of social like Xitter/Thread, where all you need is to move the user and recreate the page. Reddit work as a big discussions database with years of old content wich new user search all the time to find guides and info, you can’t replace that overnight.

    The_Picard_Maneuver, avatar

    I honestly just blocked like 2-3 newsbot users, and I barely see it anymore unless I scroll way too far.


    The scenario of companies opting to host instances may happen, just to try to jump into the bandwagon, which could imply they could/would at some point start to run ads but I’d risk the instance would quickly be defederated and/or turned into a hell pit.

    But the notion of seeing an instance being run by GOG, Valve/Steam (not a client or fan but I aknowledge they have put a lot of work towards Linux and gained a lot of support because of it), AMD (fanboy here, give me a pass), RPi (I am aware of the shady turn they have undergone) and other companies that have some degree of respect in the Fediverse could be interesting.


    Say more about the shady turn for RPi?

    Haven’t kept up with them for years but that seems like important info


    Read on one thread here about the RPi5 they took the evil route by funneling most of their stock to enterprise customers, which hurts the DIY hobbyist and end users trying to get hardware for the proposed purpose, which should be experimenting and learning.

    This causes market shortage and hiking prices.


    I’ve loved the thoughtful discourse on Lemmy, I’ve grown weary of seeing news about reddit in the feed. Reddit died long before this last bit, becoming a haven for a particular, ill informed, consensus seeking group.

    Then tonight, I had a reddit moment here on Lemmy where some non socialized, rude, consensus seeking user wanted to snipe and sounded like an over protected , suburban, adolescent boy.

    I haven’t seen one of those here yet and they are the absolute plague of open discourse .

    Please Lemmy, don’t let it go on.


    Sorry OP but this post is contributing to it


    Maybe if everybody gets it off their chest we can move on lol


    Maybe stop using Lemmy to constantly “get it off your chest”


    At one hand, I like lemmy for being smaller and cozier, but on the other, the possibility of reddit becoming unprofitable due to lost users is so awesome to be missed.


    protovack, (edited )

    lemmy is exactly the same. each community has a set of mods who can basically do whatever they want that was always the problem with reddit. express an opinion a moderator doesn’t like? you’re banned say something unpopular? your comment drops to nothing and never gets read Lemmy doesn’t solve that problem. it’s only better than reddit right now, because its new as soon as more people discover it, the exact same story will play out again enjoy it while it lasts!

    Here, we can test it. “I’m a christian. Anal sex is associated with increased transmission of infectious diseases.”

    Some identities are protected, some arent. Even factual statements can be misinterpreted as “phobias” or “discrimination” combine the two, and its easy to get banned.

    all of these online communities are just a method for basement dwelling LARPers to get their kicks and pretend to be thought police. If any genuine interactions occur, it’s by accident, not by design. I’m here for the beautiful accidents, but I fully realize it’s just a countdown timer to me being banned and i don’t care. i could get banned from every lemmy instance right this second and i wouldn’t care. All this is to me, is an opportunity to knock on your door, offer a chance to you to wake the fuck up and realize you’re being manipulated. I learned that I was a christian while I was tripping balls on psychedelics. We’re all the same consciousness, down to every atom, every insect, and every human. Gender doesn’t exist. We’re on a planet that is doomed to end in fire either sooner, or later. And the universe will eventually go dark no matter what we do. And you’re being manipulated into thinking there is no God because you’re easier to control that way.


    How come you became a Christian while tripping? Was it shrooms, acid or something else? Do you act on your beliefs in some way, like going to church or reading Kierkegaard?


    Well it would be great if people could disagree without being disagreeable. Without disparaging others or name calling, belittling etc etc. But people will be people that much is guaranteed

    Albin7326, (edited )

    The is no issues with any platform. The issue happens when, how the users behave/use it.


    Im still mad confused. You cant just search a random sub"lemmy" and add it, you have to add a whole ass lemmy “channel”?

    stevedidWHAT, avatar

    Everyone can have their own Reddit

    A Reddit has subreddits as well (communities inside)

    Your account is made on and tied to a specific Reddit of your choice.

    Your Reddit and its “stuff” can be seen by other Reddits normally.

    However, if one Reddit decided they don’t fuck with your Reddit, they can remove it from their list of reddits they fuck with. This means that Reddit and their users won’t see your Reddit’s stuff anymore

    It’s kinda like instead of having 1 cafeteria with a Bunch of lunch tables, we have a bunch of cafeterias, and each table can decide if they want to block out another cafeteria so they don’t have to hear them anymore. This doesn’t affect other cafeterias or who they do want to hear.

    Reddit = Lemmy instance Subreddit = lemmy community

    Hope this helped! Please correct me if I’m wrong as well

    MargotRobbie, avatar

    No, think of every instance as it’s own independent “reddit” that links to each other, and you can subscribe to and comment on the “subreddits” (called “communities”) of not just your home “reddit”, but the “subreddits” of other linked “reddits” with just one account.


    Most of reddit’s content is user generated to some extent. If there’s bad content, it’s because of people. Most of lemmy’s content is user generated. Same cause same consequence.

    If we want to delve into what could be different… moderation. Made by people (aside from very far-reaching illegal stuff, on both platforms).

    Conclusion: the problem is people, not reddit nor lemmy.

    Thanks for coming to my TED talk.


    If people will be people, the interesting difference will be how the platform works. I guess this is the true test of the federated approach. What does it hinder or facilitate in practice and what are the actual effects?


    Thank you for your contribution


    Most of lemmy’s content is user generated

    It feels like half the global feed is bot posts.


    And half of that is a repost from Reddit, which was also a Reddit repost.


    ITT: “My problem with this platform where nobody is in charge is that it has more extremists than the platform where a for-profit corporation is in charge.”


    Freedom of speech allows for freedom for everybody to speak for better or worse. This is an essential human right and should not be suppressed unless it harms one another.

    antik, avatar

    This not a free speech instance. We won’t give extremists a platform. Please check our CoC on


    Ah sorry, didn’t see this was


    But the comment was about the platform, not the instance.

    Though it’s good that you point this out about

    I do take issue with the label “extremists”. That’s a value judgement, which is a problematic thing.

    Not allowing anything illegal, or clarifying specifically what isn’t allowed, is different than such a label.

    Everyone’s definition of extremist is different. I don’t even use the label because it’s practically meaningless.


    It’s different in the ways that matter.


    Lemmy is a reddit clone with users from reddit. It’s not a bug, it’s a feature.

    killeronthecorner, avatar

    Two of the biggest Reddit apps converted to Lemmy recently too





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  • FeetinMashedPotatoes,

    Can confirm, I am booster


    Can confirm, I am syncer

    Automated_Footprint, avatar

    Also Eternity (infinity for reddit fork)


    It wasn’t this way before. Lemmy had existed for years before Eternal September.


    Ok but how do we set ourselves apart? Almost every new community is just reddit clone. There isn’t innovation. We are better and smarter and more dedicated, but we are just putting up with being decentralized reddit.


    I propose everyone defederates

    Then they become reddit v2, more so than they already are, and the rest of us build something different.

    And the cunty admins can deal with all the BS that comes with that label.


    we are just putting up with being decentralized reddit.

    What’s wrong with that? I didn’t have much issue with Reddit other than the corporate ownership/dick moves by corporate leadership.


    That’s a good retort, actually. Huh. I didn’t like reddit much, and I guess ideally I’d use more of a decentralized tumblr or something else new and experimental. Lemmy is probably the wrong space for me, in that case…

    Haggunenons, avatar

    Last I checked, there is nothing like !digitalbioacoustics on reddit, I briefly ran an animal communication sub there, but abandoned it when I switched over a few months ago. There’s lots of exciting stuff happening at the intersection of AI and animal communication!

    Edit: - I’m not sure which type of link works the best for people


    Oh yeah! Good on you, that community is very cool.

    Haggunenons, avatar

    Thanks! I really appreciate you saying that.


    This blog post makes a point about how the strength of the Fediverse is that things can be decentralized into topic-specific instances instead of general use communities.

    I am on StarTrek.Website. We only host Star Trek communities. It is much nicer there than on Lemmy.World.


    Just about anywhere is better than though.


    Lemmy has just as many terminally online weirdos as reddit, except I’ve noticed there’s a higher concentration of extremists. In my short time here, I’ve been threatened by someone to dox me and accuse me as a pedophile, and another person wishing death upon me because I disagreed with them about policing. Definitely still some weirdos here

    gayhitler420, (edited )

    Was the pedophile accusation in the same thread in which you were claiming drag shows are too sexual for children? Was the disagreement about policing in the thread where you said rehabilitation doesn’t work and the only way to keep society safe is to lock up more people?

    e1: the post wishing death on @cricket97 was in response to their multiple comments defending the dangerous actions of police that resulted in the death of a bystander made in a thread on !thepoliceproblem, which has explicit rules against defending the police.

    here’s the post:

    CW: descriptions of death___ You’re a bootlicking asshole who worships cops. Your idea of justice is catch the “criminal” and damn anyone that gets in the way. Fuck you man. I hope you become some of that collateral damage one day. I hope your family gets to miss you because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time as some careless pig chased a stolen car straight into your driver’s side door.

    and here’s the thread in question in case anyone else wants to read it


    I’m not surprised it was the police problem, they think police should be unable to do anything, companies should accept theft as a cost of doing business, and they will scream like chimpanzees in the comments if you disagree with them.

    Utterly deranged group of people.


    Does that warrant doxxing and death threats?


    I’m not sure. I want to look it up and see what was said to them so I asked about the two threads they were commenting in most recently that it could be.


    In what scenario would those opinions justify death threats and doxxing + fake pedo allegations?


    I’m gonna reply to your other, longer comment.


    Still doesn’t warrant doxxing or death threats


    I’m not sure if it does myself but I wanna read what happened and those were the most recent threads I saw that roughly fit the description.


    He told The Police Problem that police should be able to police people. The result was unsurprising.

    That’s a group of people who are utterly cooked.


    Hahaha I knew they’d have shit takes, thanks for saving me time going to look.


    Haha its fine that they got death threats because they have shit opinions


    You should reconsider your opinion if it prompts people to threaten your life when you express it.


    You are genuinely fucked in the head.


    do you understand how ridiculous you sound


    So what? None of those opinions justify the threats I got. I do think drag shows are often too sexual for children. And I do believe rehabilitation should take a backseat to keeping people on the street safe. That was the basis for which I received those threats for, and predictably people like you come and imply I deserve it.


    I haven’t had time to read the drag show thread but I didn’t see anyone wishing death upon you in the policing thread after a quick glance. Can you link it if I missed that reply?


    I believe both posts were deleted after I reported them. Is there a way to view deleted replies on lemmy?


    You can click on the modlog at the bottom of the page and filter it.

    cricket97, here is the comment wishing death upon me.
    I’ll keep searching for the one that threatened to hack me and dox me as a pedophile who raped kids. It actually wasn’t in either of the two threads mentioned, it was another thread.

    gayhitler420, (edited )

    thanks for providing the link! lemmy modlog can be hard to navigate sometimes so i understand it might take a while to chase the other post down.

    you went into a thread in !thepoliceproblem about an innocent bystander getting killed due to cops actions and defended the police. here’s the other person’s entire reply, for posterity:

    cw: descriptions of deathYou’re a bootlicking asshole who worships cops. Your idea of justice is catch the “criminal” and damn anyone that gets in the way. Fuck you man. I hope you become some of that collateral damage one day. I hope your family gets to miss you because you were in the wrong place at the wrong time as some careless pig chased a stolen car straight into your driver’s side door.

    I do not hope that you die.

    after reading your responses in that thread i do think that person is right about everything else though. you go out of your way to defend the criminal justice system and the carceral state in the context of a discussion about how it’s endangering bystanders in a space that is explicitly about the problems with the carceral state, the criminal justice system and militant policing.

    you’re the problem in that thread, not someone mouthing off because you didn’t read the room.

    the room, by the way, has “If you’re here to support the police, you’re trolling. Please exercise your right to remain silent.” as rule number two right there in the sidebar, so there’s really no excuse for acting the way you did and then snapping back at the person who politely pointed that out to you later in that thread.

    look forward to seeing the other post.


    This all seems like excuses to justify someone wishing death upon another person. Btw, this showed up on the frontpage, and I’m not going to read the novel of rules for every single subreddit (or whatever the lemmy equivalent is) I participate in. Although they do have the right to ban me (which they did and I’m not complaining).

    tl;dr wishing death upon other commenters is fine as long as they are posting something that is disagreeable


    Here’s that novel of rules:


    ① Real-life decorum is expected. Please don’t say things only a child or a jackass would say in person.

    ② If you’re here to support the police, you’re trolling. Please exercise your right to remain silent.

    ③ Saying cops should be killed lowers the IQ in any conversation. They’re about killing people; we’re not.

    Please also abide by the instance rules.

    That’s for anyone reading along, I believe you when you say you’re not gonna read them.

    I don’t wish death on you.

    You seem like a heartless and knowingly thoughtless person who feels entitled to be heard but not to listen or abide by norms, complaining of the wounds others have put upon you but silent about your own transgressions.

    My sympathy lies with the embattled users afflicted by your awful posts rather than you, cursed to know that people who interact with you hate you.

    I don’t think that’s all there is to you. If you want to be seen in a more charitable light, maybe read all those rules before you post, take some time to consider the place, time and context of what you’re reading and of course, remember the person on the other side of the keyboard.

    You can also use a platform that accepts your behavior. Reddit and twitter aren’t closed to new users.


    I’m not complaining about people disagreeing with me, I’m complaining about people wishing death upon me. And to be honest, I don’t really care, but I think the fact that people are willing to stoop that low over simple differences in opinion is demonstrative of the quality of person I’m dealing with. I’m just a dude who has some opinions that would only be controversial on a place as terminally online as Lemmy, who are often completely consumed by the culture war nonsense who believe any criticism of your own side means you are supporting the other.

    You seem like a heartless and knowingly thoughtless person who feels entitled to be heard but not to listen or abide by norms, complaining of the wounds others have put upon you but silent about your own transgressions.

    Get a grip on yourself. This line is hilarious when you consider the context of a disagreement in a comment section.


    It’s worth restating that you gave your pro cop opinion over and over again in a thread about a tragic bystander death caused by cops made in a community for discussing problems and effects of the carceral state that had explicit rules against acting the way you did.

    You’re a lot closer to westboro baptist protesting funerals than some high minded equal exchange in the free market of ideas.

    I don’t hope you die, but I do hope you learn to post better.


    My opinion was “no I don’t think we should let criminals get away because of a freak accident”. It’s not that serious, I saw a post on my frontpage and I commented on it. boo fucking hoo, you’re pretending like my relatively milquetoast opinion is some moral failing.


    A wreck in a high speed chase isn’t a freak accident. It happens all the time. High speed pursuits are dangerous. The police know it, that’s why cops have helicopters and drones to avoid getting in them.

    Further, we’re not talking hypothetically. Cops chased a stolen car into a bystander in the attempt to do just what you’re suggesting. An innocent person died so they could catch the criminal.

    For what? Retribution? To recover the car? Were either of those worth that woman’s life? I don’t think so and i can’t imagine anyone who would!

    The very thing you espoused, the cops not letting the person escape even though they knew it was dangerous to everyone around, led to the loss of innocent life! It would have been better if they had never given chase and the car was lost forever!

    Unless of course a person getting punished for theft and a car being recovered is worth a life.

    So you can crawl down off the cross, your opinion isn’t milquetoast and it’s hard to imagine a world where holding it in this day and age isn’t a moral failing.


    Dude, you are utterly deranged.


    Can you imagine what would happen if the criteria for getting away from a cop after a crime is just “drive fast for a little bit”? Can you imagine the chaos then? The issue is that there’s no distinct line between chasing a criminal and becoming a high speed chase. Are cop cars not allowed to pursue fleeing criminals at all? Just if they’re all going the speed limit? But the moment they go over the cops have to bail? Sure, maybe they should lean into drone technology more, but I really dislike the idea of letting criminals get away, as it will simply inspire more criminal. I believe the amount of carjackings would skyrocket if getting away was as easy as driving fast.

    You can disagree with me all you want but there’s a lot more to this topic and there’s a reason why cops chase down criminals in nearly every country.


    No, they commented on an article about an innocent bystander being killed by a criminal fleeing the law. And I certainly don’t support people forming a rabid circle jerk and banning anyone who disagrees with them, regardless of the topic.

    Both you, and the person you’re agreeing with, need to re-think your lives a bit, because neither of you seem to be able to cope with someone disagreeing with you in a civilised manner.


    I never would have guessed disagreeing is actually worse than wishing death on someone for disagreeing, thank you for the lesson in ethics



    What did you say about policing?


    I said (in the context of violent criminals) that rehabilitation should not be the main goal but rather keeping dangerous people away from functioning members of society.


    Proper hot take there, no wonder they went off at you.


    hey just a heads up, they linked their post that got death wished on them in the replies, it’s in this thread about a bystander death due to police pursuit where they defend the cops actions, not their comments in some other thread arguing about rehabilitation.


    TPP are really, really dumb, and will scream like chimpanzees every time someone disagrees with them. I’m not surprised they sent death threats to someone for saying they’d like to see criminals caught.


    There it is!


    That’s because all the asshats that have been banned for saying shit like that on Reddit are here now and haven’t been banned yet.

    It’s just a matter of time before the nazi mods and wokies take over.


    the Reddit nightmare when someone tells you to go KYS over something as innocuous as a differing opinion on games…and so you report a KYS comment and then the Reddit admin simply send you the suicide hotline and dust off their hands. NAILED IT.


    But then you say something like, “Fuck Nazi scum” and suddenly you’re banned.


    are we talking about reddit here? the entire place circlejerks about how evil nazis are.


    Except for the mods, who will ban you for saying mean things about nazis or racists.


    oh please


    Agreed, watch out for the fuckcars guys 😂, I landed there by mistake once lol


    Yeah, fuck your car. I’m riding a train rn.


    Hahaha watch out for the crackhead over there


    I hope he’s from a civilized country. In europe we have in many countries excellent public transport. If you are seeing crackheads all day long in trains you’re probably from US.


    Yeah Europe is cool, but he said fuck my car so I had to say something back 😂😂

    sour avatar

    you won't die if you didn't


    Lol true


    Well there are no trains where I’m from haha , not from US… But the crackhead image was based on rich US imagery lol


    Yeah once someone on fuckcars found a post of my car in a car sub. The idea I have a car I like, yet dislike the fact I need a car, seemed to break their brain. In true reddit fashion they were instantly in cringe debate-bro mode.

    Childfree is another one full of weirdos who take it to a whole other level.


    Yeah, there’s a few places that get stuck in a purity cycle. It’s not enough to dislike cars and think they shouldn’t have such a special status in our society; they need to be gone entirely, with zero consideration for deliveries, people with disabilities, how to rearrange existing cities to make this work, or other special factors. It’s not enough to resist societal pressure to have children; people who have children are evil for even bringing up a child in a world of doom.

    I’m on board with both. Been building a DIY e-bike conversion to reduce dependence on cars, and my wife and I long ago decided not to have kids (and took steps to permanently make sure it doesn’t happen). The extreme versions of these views aren’t productive.


    What the actual fuck that’s not ok. I like fuck cars content, but yeah motherfucker I drive every day this is life.


    I made the mistake of checking the inbox on my old Reddit account, and there was a new reply from a post I made a year ago. It was one giant paragraph with few punctuation marks and almost all lowercase. It started out with “you sound dumb”, went on to say I need to accept Christ into my heart, and that the devil was using me as a tool and would spit me out when he’s done with me.

    What was it in reply to? I said a guy cited in the article was a crank, and not a real scientist, because he believed the moon was made of plasma.


    went on to say I need to accept Christ into my heart

    I despise people who are so arrogant as to push their religion on strangers. Some of the only people I won’t treat courteously irl.

    SirStumps, avatar

    I mentioned a few ways the Democrats and Republicans are similar and the “open” minded Democrats just started trying to demean me. Not one Republican btw. Blows my mind the irony of these extremists.


    That’s because republicans like it when you say they are the same lol

    SirStumps, avatar

    You may be right. Didn’t think of that one.


    Wait but I like terminally online weirdos, and radicals… Maybe thos with better social skills though rofl. Anyway consider yourself doxxed and swatted and swiftied and your house is being eaten by antifascist carpenter ants.


    Yeah reddit is the mainstream and lemmy is bleeding edge.

    But imgur… those weirdos are just flatlined on crazy lol


    Oh god am i glad. The amount of tankies is insane. Can’t wait for more middle and left leaning people to join.


    I think there’s a few of them but they are highly vocal and unhinged. I only had to block 2 of them, and things seem pretty okay right now.


    Yes, incredibly unhinged. Probably don’t ever talk to normal people.



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  • Nobsi,

    Mhhhh. Yes. Very normal behaviour. Telling others that they are subhuman. Totally making a good Argument to keep talking to you.


    Some apps let you block instances. Lock out Lemmygrad and Hexbear and you don’t see that many tankie takes unless you go looking.


    Landlords are more insane. They’re scum.


    Yep. Landlord are worse than millions of deaths and famines…


    Said the dude, who doesn’t know what the word holocaust means…


    Said the CCP that denies uyghur genocide.
    Sit down loser.


    I never denied anything about it. That’s your fantasy, bro. But that you don’t understand what the word holocaust means and that you are doing holocaust-relativism is a fact. Everybody can read your messages here on the platform.

    Um es noch mal in deutsch auszudrücken: Ich schäme mich für dich, dass du sämtliche Aufarbeitungsdiskurse in diesem Land komplett ignorierst.


    Moving goalpost


    Deine Ziele sind ziemlich bitter. Bitte, beschäftige dich mit Habermas.


    Is your english so bad that you have to switch to another language in an english thread? Wanna switch to chinese?


    Ich finde es lustiger. Außerdem kann ich kein chinesisch, das müsstest du eigentlich wissen. Umso trauriger, dass mir ein Holocaust-Relativierer diesen Vorwurf macht. Du müsstest eigentlich als Vermieter so sehr gebildet sein, dass du wüßtest warum dieser Vorwurf dir gegenüber gerechtfertigt ist - stattdessen kommt nur bürgerliche und liberale Propaganda deinerseits.


    你们不了解共产党有多糟糕,这实在是太可悲了。中国人民应该得到更好的待遇,而不是西方人所说的中国生活很好。你们真可耻。灰色单身汉 剩男


    Weißt du, wir Wessis haben auch besseres verdient als so Vermieter, deren einziges Problem in der Welt China ist. Wir haben hier z.B. zu hohe Mieten, da müsste man mal dran. Aber das geht nicht, weil dann die Vermieter rumheulen, dass sie dann richtig arbeiten müssen. Und richtig arbeiten ist natürlich kacke, dann kann man im Internet nicht mehr über China rumheulen.


    Janfox? Bist du es?


    Wirst du jetzt paranoid?


    What does the Great Leap Forward mean? What is the great Cultural Revolution? What does Tianenmen square massacre mean? What happens to the uyghurs right now?
    The last time we spoke you couldn’t or didn’t want to answer any of these questions.


    Es macht halt keinen Sinn mit jemanden wie dir zu reden.


    动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门


    Was willst du damit bewirken? Kommst du dir nicht dumm vor? Dämonenvertreibung?


    No arguments + L take + coomunist + no sun + no job


    Wo waren deine Argumente? No Job? Says the landlord.


    I provide Jobs to more than 10 People and pay them over median of what that field offers. I also provide housing and the security to not become homeless to over 20 Households.
    What do you provide apart from a moral highground and CCP Propaganda?
    And why yes my net worth is over 2 Million, thanks for noticing.


    That’s what a landlord would say, while he doesn’t work.


    communism is when famine no iPhone vuvizela


    Good Counterargument. Landlord is when slavery capitalism bad.


    L Take + coomunism + okay communist + capitalism is when you’re poor + communism is when our glorious leader makes us all starve + all hail the USSR + over 60 Million Deaths + 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region


    Right like holy shit! I never even knew what the term tankie was till I came to Lemmy.

    It’s like some people here want Stalin back in power, but for the whole world.


    Yep. And everyone disagreeing obviously is just a nazi or doesn’t know history


    You’re like a Nazi, cause you’re doing holocaust-relativism. The fact that you’re german makes it more scary.


    What does the Great Leap Forward mean? What is the great Cultural Revolution? What does Tianenmen square massacre mean? What happens to the uyghurs right now?
    The last time we spoke you couldn’t or didn’t want to answer any of these questions.


    Don’t feed them. If they get enough non-interaction maybe they’ll go outside and touch grass.


    If i did, how would i spend my weekend?
    Lemmy is still kinda empty, i have nothing better here to do than to tell people who dont touch grass how much not grass touching they’re doing.
    I am enough of an ass to keep going. I will stop when we get more normal stuff to talk about.


    I’m sure something’s happening around you deserving your attention more than this guy.


    I lean a lot in many directions but I blame it on the alcohol 😅


    Not talking about you. I’m talking about the genocide deniers and "when you bring counter arguments that i have no answer to i will just argue with you on something else"people.
    Alcohol is fine if it’s your cope or fun method.
    Tankies aren’t drunk tho


    Oh yeah I got it, I haven’t really directly encountered one yet but I’ve heard what they are about. Totally understand


    Seriously block that fucking instance. I havent seen any tankies since the drama blew up.

    Smokeydope, avatar

    The service may change but the people don’t. The average human just isnt terribly bright and there’s always going to be dumbass kids and loser adults with too much free time posting low effort regurgitated content. We hit that point when the nostupidquestions/advice sub’s did in fact start to be filled with stupid questions.


    I think you may be misunderstanding the name of that community. The point is “[there are] no stupid questions,” not “no stupid questions [allowed]”.


    Oh nice. We can finally got some non-tech, non-foss subs going.


    I’m on arch btw


    Can’t we let that joke die? It’s so overused!

    I use EndeavourOS btw


    real big peen energy here


    Have you tried the dos command line setup?


    Dos command line as in… DOS?

    No can’t say i have


    It’s Arch, but not.


    It’s arch, but preconfigured

    Which is nice since i used to roll arch, but i’m terrible at setting stuff up to a usable state

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