
They both use hundreds megabytes of RAM just to render my static page. But for hydrogen web chromium use ~35M. This is shitty.

(w3m use 10M and in most case for searching we only need text-based browser)

cupcakezealot, avatar

i love firefox but honestly right now i find edge to be much more aesthetically pleasing, especially with vertical tabs and grouping. if firefox can add these two items, i’d switch to firefox in a heartbeat (and they’re already adding tab groups)


Somewhere in this thread is a userchrome.css file on how to remove the “tree style tabs” header bar.

Install that addon.

Place that file in ~/.mozilla/firefox/XXXX-default-release/chrome as UserChrome.css (create that folder).

Enable legacy customization in about:config


aren’t there extensions for this?

cupcakezealot, avatar

there is sidebery but i just like the edge version more. the extension wasn’t as fluid, plus i like how i can have native profiles for work, uni, and personal built in without extensions like profile switcher, which relies on a third party program. nothing against it; and i still donate to mozilla and firefox. i’m looking forward to seeing mozilla’s approach to tab groups though.


yup vertical tabs are the dealbreaker for me, edge got me hooked. Floorp is a fork that has it, haven’t used it a ton yet but i keep hearing more about it. I’ve been using Arc which i’m enjoying.


You know that famous The Dude meme? Applies here.

Not a chrome fan and I use Librewolf and I like how I’ve customised it. But that’s just, like, my opinion, man.

Daz, avatar

Librewolf doesn’t respect your choice in system fonts if you uncheck “Allow pages to choose their own fonts, instead of your selections above”. I don’t use it for that reason.


Cant you set a custom font within Librewolf?

Daz, avatar

You can but it won’t be respected. It will continue to default to their included Noto fonts despite whatever font you select. You can test this yourself. I’m sure they do it for some “privacy reason” but if I wanted that trade off I’d simply use the Tor Browser or one of those hardened firefox profiles.


Strange, no local font should not be fingerprintable.

VinesNFluff, avatar

Source: One person’s opinion on their personal Fediverse account

… Not that I disagree, mind. I’ve been on FF since like. 2007? Which was the moment I figured out that other web browsers besides IE7 existed?

Never saw reason to hop to Chrome(ium) even before I knew/cared about datamining or enshittification or any of that stuff. Back then it just looked like “another browser, that does things a bit different but has no features that entice me that Firefox lacks”. Then as I learned about the political side of things I was like “Huh, guess I’m glad for myself then!”


What would you consider an authoritative source on if something looks nice?

VinesNFluff, avatar

Me, I’m the certified niceness decider


I used Netscape “back in the day”. With some interim transition attempts including the likes of Opera, I eventually switched to Chrome because it was genuinely more featureful and faster.

I was a happy Chrome user until they decided to deprecate manifest V2 and fuck up my ad blocker, at which point I switched to Firefox and haven’t looked back.

Everything in this industry is circular I guess.


I used Opera when it used Presto instead of becoming a yet another chromium. I miss that one.


Or just use multiple browsers? If one size fits all for you then good for you but there is no Firefox based browser that can replace Vivaldi for me. So I use both, one for my power user needs and other for private browsing (hardened Firefox, normal FF isn’t great for privacy either)


Havent used Vivaldi in some time. Have a look at floorp but of course they dont have all the addons vivaldi has like notes and stuff.

And yes, regular FF is simply a “just works” browser but with lots of stupid bloat. Librewolf is actually great as they have a modern CI/CD build pipeline and do all the hardening for you, its more sustainable and secure to share effords.


Why don’t I use Firefox he says? Because Edge is better than both!


It’s objectively worse than Firefox. For example, Firefox recently passed all minimum security requirements by the German Federal Office for Information Security. No other browser meets them.


Where those tab groups at tho? Sounds like your hot dog is objectively small.


Go back to kindergarten.


For the second time


Firefox’s extensions actually let developers do stuff, so we have tons of tab groups extensions. My favorite is Simple Tab Groups. But if you dont like that one, you can swap it out for a different one! DO YOU GET THAT KIND OF CUSTOMIZATION IN EDGE?

harrybo93, avatar

lol did you forget to see which sub you walked into here before shouting?


I knew what I was in for lol

TotalSonic, avatar

Edge is better if you are wanting to always have your data mined by Microsoft, for sure.


If you use Edge than you probably use Windows, which means that Microsoft can already mine your data. I guess it’s better to have your data mined by only Microsoft than to have it mined by both Microsoft and Google?


Not sure of this is still true, it often feels like edge is the main spyware feature of windowless in general, integrated into windows search.

Everytime you search for an app or file it doubles as a edge search query to present in the results. You can try disable all the spyware on windows if you want. Edge still stores it in the microsoft cloud so you can sync.

Copilot is a golden ticket for them now. Its literally an edge based application.


As opposed to your data being mined by Google or sold by Mozilla? Dude you’re cracking me up.


Mozilla literally doesn’t do that. If you’re concerned about them lying about it you can compile the browser yourself.


You can packet inspect and watch them do it in real time. I think you mean Brave.


I can packet inspect and watch them sell data? No lol they collect telemetry but you can use a derivative that doesn’t because it’s open source. That’s not the point though, the point is they don’t sell data. You can look at the finances yourself


Hmm guess they’re running a charity then. Your tracking is not data? I guess you and I have different definitions of what data is. Sure, you can lock it down if you really want. But so can every other browser.



TotalSonic, avatar

Or you can use browsers that can be set to not “phone home” - e.g.Brave, Librewolf - there are in fact a few privacy respecting options in this.


This is a joke right? There is not a single feature it could have that weights against the fact that its still Chromium-spyware.


Edge works better with specific vm coursework but not sure why. On Firefox I would press a key and it would input 0-2 times. On edge, it worked just… Normal. That’s the one up that edge has had for me.

Some people Firefox and some people just love to edge. They get close but don’t really get it all the way.


I like my Firefox more: … got rid of the title bar


Did the same thing, though I’m handling the tabs with Sway


I’m doing that in arch.

randint, avatar

<span style="color:#323232;">#sidebar-box[sidebarcommand="treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action"] #sidebar-header {
</span><span style="color:#323232;">  display: none;
</span><span style="color:#323232;">}

Add this to your userChrome.css file to hide the “Tree Style Tab” header at the top of the sidebar.


authed, (edited )

thanks! works great… here is my new userChrome.css:

/* hides the native tabs */ { visibility: collapse; }

-box[sidebarcommand=“treestyletab_piro_sakura_ne_jp-sidebar-action”] -header { display: none; }



maniacalmanicmania, avatar

Double thanks.


Except Firefox’s bookmark system on android is absolute crap and looks hideous.


Mobile browsers all suck.

What is your alternative? I want E2EE sync. Is vivaldi better? But honestly I wouldnt use their browser.


Firefox has E2EE??




Do you have a link to that info? Would that also work with Mullvad browser?



ColdWater, avatar

Use iceraven, it’s a 🍴 of 🦊


Iceraven is a mess. Their extension list is totally random, has tons of duplicates and more. I went through all of them and testes them and reported what was broken and what was missing.

That alone is enough to convince me not to use their browser. Mull is based.

You can use my extension collection to get everything

FatCat, avatar



Full of nonremovable crypto stuff, and it comes from a very shady company and CEO


It’s also running on Chromium

FatCat, avatar

Nah its free software


Their building docs seem way easier than Firefoxes.


Not really, they sued a group of students because they forked it.

So, no, not really.




Can Firefox install websites as web apps?


No and thats not nice. Webapps work really well, I use hardened Chromium for Element until Firefox gets their shit together.


Just use Floorp. Gives you even easier UI customisation by allowing you to switch to the old UI via the settings, and also includes Webapp support and support for Workspaces.


That support sounds very interesting, can you attach screenshots of the webapps and workspaces?

There is a tool called webappmanager or something that I used in the past. Pretty overcomplex but works well.


I use GNOME Web for webapps.


Well, there’s PWAsForFirefox

starman, avatar

Desktop? No

Android? Yes


Yes, but in an unsupported manner.

Or as an extension:…/pwas-for-firefox/

TCB13, avatar

I have no idea why people use . looks so much better,

Reason n1: Firefox’s font rending sucks; Reasons n2: Chrome dev tools are better and way more supported by whatever ecosystem you develop in.


For frameworks treating Chromium as app development platform like Android. Firefox dev tools are much better for typical web development.

TCB13, avatar

Firefox dev tools are much better for typical web development.

Not true, not even close. That was true like 15-20 years ago, but nowadays, especially when I’m debugging Angular (yes the extension for chrome is better) and developing stuff that will be used by people who go for Chrome.


You say Angular. But what else can we expect for a framework for making WebKit/Chromium apps. Angular working in Firefox is an afterthought because it has very much similar featureset.

TCB13, avatar

I’ve to work with what I got :P Either way even if I was doing jQuery or Vue (like I did in the past) I wouldn’t ever use Firefox because even without the Angular extension, just plain JS/CSS debugging I like Chromium dev tools more.

Besides the fact that my target users are always Chrome users and by using Firefox for development in the past I run into issues because specific features would work in Firefox but not on Chrome and vice-versa… or some piece of CSS rendered differently Chromium offers a level of polishness on small details that Firefox wasn’t ever close to. Firefox’s dev tools are always playing catch-up time to Chromium’s, that’s what I see.

Maybe I’m biased like you seem to be, but in the opposite way :P


Chrome dev tools are better and way more supported by whatever ecosystem you develop in.

But what if you’re not a web dev?

TCB13, avatar

That’s fair, but I still wouldn’t trade the amazing font rendering that chromium offers.

amju_wolf, avatar

Chrome dev tools are better for JS debugging, but Firefox wins with everything else, IMO. Especially their flexbox, grid and font visualizations and debug tools are amazing.

warm, (edited )

Try these settings on Firefox in about:config

gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.enhanced_contrast = 100
gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.pixel_structure = 5
gfx.font_rendering.cleartype_params.rendering_mode = 5
gfx.font_rendering.fallback.always_use_cmaps = true

I cannot use Firefox without them. They adjust the text rendering to be more... normal, I don't understand why they aren't default, but maybe things change at higher resolutions (but I don't own a 2160p monitor to test).


Cleartype is not there on my Fedora Firefox on KDE?


I've accidentally fell into a Linux space, my bad! This will work on Windows, I'm not sure of alternatives on Linux, I gave up using it before I could play around with Firefox.

Try looking for aliasing options under gfx.font_rendering and trying them out.


Sooo you mean “Windows has horrible font rendering” ;D I think on KDE its fine, some say GNOME is better but idk.


No, Windows has good font rendering actually. It's very much just a Firefox issue on Windows.


Strange, I always find it extremely ugly when using Win10 and I think Win11 has improved a lot but not entirely. Its so square-ish for some reason

Thorned_Rose avatar

No offence, but I used to think Windows had good font rendering while I was using it. That was until I started using Linux distros. Now every time I boot into Windows, I again remember how awful Windows looks in comparison - washed out, pixelated, gives me eye strain....


Linux's looks more blurry to me, Window's is much sharper. Maybe at different resolutions it changes though, you need less aliasing at higher res.

Thorned_Rose avatar

I have the inverse - where Windows is so fine and pixelated it looks blurry. Linux is sharp and legible. It may be to do with with sub-pixel rendering. And this has been the case for across multiple computers and laptops, windows versions and Linux distros.


never in my years of using Linux have I ever thought that it was rendered clearer. let’s be honest with ourselves, no need to lie.

Thorned_Rose avatar

There's no need to lie when I can tell the truth lol.

Static_Rocket, (edited ) avatar

It’s a function of PPI, hinting settings, font face, etc. The both of you can be correct in your own right…

Objectively there is a long history font rendering issues under linux though, so… eh.

TCB13, avatar

That’s interesting… it makes a difference indeed.


And Waterfox looks even better also by virtue of preferences to change userChrome.css


Mind sharing screenshots?

Aatube, (edited )

I'll have to get home. shows all the options, and Waterfox by default uses the older (initial quantum release) look for Firefox tabs. As a TreeStyleTab user, I love hide sidebar headers and auto-hide tabs


Sounds to me like a bit too many promises. Not convinced tbh


not using Gnome Web smh /s


Falkon Ultras!


Mullvad Browser is another good option that is privacy focused. FF based.

Use a few to isolate different activities.



Mullvad Browser is torbrowser without tor. Its basically the same as Librewolf, afaik Librewolf uses arkenfox user.js which is based on torbrowser.

But the Torbrowser has a “disk avoidance” principle, which means they always use “private browsing” mode as that never saves data on your hard drive.

This means it always deletes everything, session, cookies, tabs, searches, …

MullvadBrowser is not more private than Librewolf and ALSO has these things making it basically unusable for daily usage.

This may lead to people using it “for the private stuff” and a shitty browser for the rest. Which makes no sense, as Librewolf is the same.

And also, private browsing doesnt allow containers, meaning “multi account containers” and “temporary container” are nonfunctional. You dont need to run multiple damn browser sessions, just use containers.

And dont use Mullvad Browser its BS.


Different people have different use cases. I am not sure what point you are making beyond that it does not fit your set up.


That’s exactly right.


What I wrote?

  • no container support
  • no stored session = not a browser normal people will switch to
  • not more hardened or privacy optimized than librewolf
  • no profile support too I guess, because private browsing.

But sorry your statement is correct, it is a privacy focused version of Firefox.

But not sure what the “use more to separate activities” means, I try to do that with containers and mail aliases and its already complicated. Running and updating 2 browser engines will not help here.


Such as using socials on 1, banking on another.

Also, a browser for your searches. I guess containers could do that but my understanding you still can get finger printed easily plus I could not get to use them consistently. Having different browsers made it easier, at least for me.


Containers are persistent and you can also use 2 profiles of the same browser and add a desktop entry to launch them separately.

Using separate browsers really is no good practice.

Fingerprintability may be already given by your IP.

Also the fingerprint defender addons help with randomizing some identifiers and fool naive scripts


Good VPN for IP issue.

"Using separate browsers really is no good practice." can someone provide some support for this?

Mullvad Browser lets you reset the finger print with a click of button.


No that clears browser data, the fingerprint is very complex. If you mean cookies, Librewolf and Firefox can delete all but you can add exceptions where you want to stay logged in. Very handy, also not there in private browsing.


For me its way easier to use a different browser for each use case. Librewolf for something, Mullvad for something else, also Brave, also Vivaldi. 4 different browsers are making my life seriously easy. Why would I stick to 1 browser with many profiles? If something breaks in that one browser (which happens quite often) all I have to do is fire up a different one and try again. Different people different use cases, different streamlines.

Pantherina, (edited )

If your browser breaks I hope another profile is not broken? Running 4 browsers at a time is seriously problematic for RAM, attack surface, updates etc.

I will do a post on introducing firefox profiles (as they are hidden away) and GUI integration into desktops


Cool. Thanks man. I’m always willing to pick other brains to lessen my ignorance. Looking forward to that post.


In the meantime look at this post about konsole

Use about:profiles in FF to create profiles, run them with firefox -p NAME


Pretty cool read. I just moved away from Gnome to KDE, so this is spot on with the timing. Thank you.

keiko, (edited ) avatar

Tor Browser is based on Firefox-ESR, while Librewolf is based on Firefox-Release. Because of this, they do not have identical features and preferences. Tor Browser and Mullvad Browser are designed for stability and minimal customization for the purpose of blending in with other users. Librewolf is designed to receive new features, better privacy defaults than standard Firefox, and allow users to more easily configure preferences. All of these browsers are valid options for privacy-minded people, depending on personal preferences, including separating activities/identities between different browsers. Container tabs are certainly good for privacy, and hopefully the feature can one day be used in private browsing mode.


All of these browsers are valid options for privacy-minded people

However they are bad options for those looking to switch from chrome. Even to myself it was very annoying that it always deletes everything, to someone who “already makes life hard on the web” for itself as some like to note in real life.
Mullbad Browser is fine for systems like Tails (not sure if they have it) and maybe for environments like libraries and such public places, where everything is our should be volatile anyway.

keiko, avatar

Well yeah, people still using Chrome probably need to take baby-steps to reclaim little bits of privacy for themselves. For those users, switching to Firefox is probably the best option. But technically, Mullvad Browser and Tor Browser can both be configured to disable private browsing mode and be non-volatile. It's just that normal users are unlikely to know that or to know how to do it.


Good points. I guess Librewolf will be a little more unique. ESR is a secure base, just pretty outdated soon.


These are not the only two available browsers, you know?


Do you mean Safari?

Name one other browser that is not based on Chromium. If it is based on Chromium, it has to deal with what Google throws at them.

I say this as an enthusiastic Brave user. Brave is great at what it does currently, but the more terrible stuff Google builds into Chromium, the more patches they’ll have to maintain. This can make it harder to maintain their fork.

Worse than that, most Chromium-derivative users aren’t Brave users. Many web apps already don’t work as well with Firefox’ JavaScript Engine (Gecko) as they do with Chromium. This gives Google immense power.


Brave is extremely shady. Really, I used it and even created a script to install it on rpm-ostree distros, but damn that is shady.


That’s a solid criticism. Firefox + uBlock Origin or Librewolf are good desktop alternatives. But what’s the alternative on Android? Last time I checked, there wasn’t any on privacyguides.

Btw I do always turn off all their rewards and wallet stuff and follow most of the recommendations.

Thanks for your help in making privacy-focused software available on Linux btw!


I use Firefox + uBlock Origin on Android. You can still install add-ons for the app the same way you do on desktop.


Fennec, F-Droids fork with proprietary bits removed. & uBlock of course.


Mull is even better, it’s hardened Fennec. It’s basically like LibreWolf but for Android.


Cromite has adblock. Vanadium too but it may break on on-GrapheneOS as it has security patches that break on regular android.

Mull is very fine for me, I use Vanadium and Mull, Vanadium for crappy sites (because mobile hardened firefox doesnt support as much sites as desktop for some reason). Vanadium is very likely more secure, unlike on Desktop where that is not easily said.


Cromite is the best recommendation I can give. It is currently under consideration to be added to (you can find it on their issues page on the GitHub), and it is expected to be added (as was Bromite, which is where Cromite forked from after development on Bromite was stopped). The main developer of Cromite (uazo) has actually asked the evaluation to be paused until the licensing for aac and h264 are figured out, as licenses are very expensive, and a recommendation on the PrivacyGuides website would likely draw many more users to the project, potentially causing legal trouble. You can track progress on this issue here. It’s worth noting that the dev of Cromite was an active dev of Bromite before Bromite’s lead dev abandoned the project.

Anafabula, avatar

GNOME Web technically, based on WebKit. Idk if anyone uses that though.


Of course there’s other browsers! There’s Opera…uhh that now based on Chromium. Oh, how about Edge…that’s Chromium based too now. I know, there’s the KHTML engine!, that’s been officially discontinued.

RmDebArc_5, avatar

GNOME Web, qutebrowser, Konquerer and Falkon. While they are pretty obscure, I personally use Falkon regularly on low end systems/RPi


Both qutebrowser and Falkon run on the QtWebEngine, essentially Chromium.


qutebrowser uses chromium


Both OP and the author of the linked post explicitly say “Chrome”, not “Chromium”, and seem to imply those are the only two choices available to users.

If it is based on Chromium, it has to deal with what Google throws at them.


Fair point, but the engine is important.

I understand their blog post, and if I were to build a browser today, I’d probably do the same.

But that doesn’t mean this situation isn’t problematic. It’s similar to car-centric infrastructure: in this situation, for any individual, choice X makes sense, but that will make the situation even worse for the whole population. A cumulation of many tiny Prisoner’s Dilemmas.


I wrote Chromiun in the description too. Chrome is simply what people use.

Plain Chromium, even with all GUI settings, all degoogle policy configs and flags enabled, contacts Google like hell.

I tried googeeteller and its scary.

Have not tried Vivaldi for a long time, but its fingerprinting resistance was nonexistent, it is filled with useless features and has no container support, so nah.

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