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aleph, in The most popular metal band (2024) from each country, according to Spotify avatar

Just to be clear, these are the most popular metal bands from each country, according to worldwide listening stats, correct?


Oooooh, that explains why System of a Down didn’t show up in Armenia.


Yeah. I agree it’s fairly confusing. Seems to be the most listened to band from each country according to Spotify.

Blaze, avatar

I edited the title

hungprocess, in Virginia's land claims by year avatar

Good thing that ocean was there or 1600s Virginia would have claimed the entire planet with their innovative “peeling the label off a biscuit can” approach to real estate.


Fucking love that name you gave for the approach


Of course. They couldn’t though, because the Spanish had already claimed the whole Pacific ocean as their territory. (/s, but only on the connection between the two things)


Good stuff hung

mnoram, in Vegetable consumption per capita in Europe (North America inside post)

Shouldn’t have adjusted the scale for the North American graphic.


Yeah, that’s pretty egregious. It looks like North America is no better than Poland in the first graphic.

zksmk, in Global antineutrinos emitted from nuclear power stations

Antineutrinos don’t interact with almost anything. They’re just a bunch of wimps. They’re harmless. Neat for mapping nuclear reactors tho.

stebo02, avatar

are you saying we’re making dark matter here on earth


That’s a good question, but no. It was just a bit of word play.

Antineutrinos are not WIMPs. WIMPs are weakly interacting massive particles. Antineutrinos are anything but massive, they’re almost massless, so massless that they were, for the longest time, thought to be massless. They can be a product of dark matter, as speculated, but they aren’t it tho.

stebo02, avatar

Yeah I thought so. I guess you could call them WILPs instead (Weakly Interacting Light Particles).


Could these be used to locate nuclear submarines and the like?


No. This is a map of estimated antineutrino rates generated from known data.

Data from a theoretical detector that can calculate where its detected neutrinos came from from could be compared to this to find anomalies, but we’re not there yet


Probably not, unless the military is hiding some next level tech.

For example, the current generation of detectors, nearly all of which weigh upwards of a ton, have to be placed within tens of meters of a reactor’s core—inside a facility’s fence.


informative but the name-calling was uncalled for


GenX scientists naming things. Was it a mistake? Maybe, but we’re having a laugh.


Sonic the hedgehog protein has entered the chat

TeamAssimilation, avatar

Nothing personnel scientist

Nepenthe avatar

We can't just talk about the sonic hedgehog protein and not mention that the first sonic inhibitor found was named Robotnikinin

Lojcs, (edited )

How is the map data obtained?

Edit: Looked up the article. It seems they took known geological data and calculated the geo-antineutrino flux map based on measurements from detectors in Japan and Italy. Reactor antineutrinos are calculated from the international atomic energy agency data and assumptions on antineutrino rates.

In short, this is just a distance-from-nuclear reactors map

stebo02, avatar

I suspect using satellites


But they don’t interact with anything so how are we detecting them I think is what he is asking.


they do interact with matter, just incredibly weakly


They do interact with other stuff a little bit. It's very difficult to detect them because they hardly interact with anything, but it's not absolutely nothing so it's not impossible to detect them. This is well beyond my level of physics knowledge, but apparently one such interaction is a process called inverse beta decay. High-energy antineutrinos that crash in to protons produce a pair of particles that is much more easily detectable. A rule of physics called lepton conservation, which is about the fundamental building blocks of particles involved in a reaction not changing, makes this pair of detectable particles identifiable as being caused by an incoming antineutrino.


Are these the same particles they are trying to detect with the big ice detector thingee in Antarctica


Assuming you're referring to the IceCube neutrino observatory, yes (although I think it also does regular neutrinos, not just antineutrinos)



Dasus, in Legal status of cannabis possession for recreational use

Finland is wrong.

“Often unenforced”

Who the fuck made this inforgraphic?

Finnish cops are obsessive over fighting cannabis, and in practice even having a single joint on you will lead to a criminal record, and not for just “personal use” or “possession” but the same crime you’d be charged with if you grow 27 plants at home.

And yes, I’ve personal experience on both, as well as several dozens of other examples, documented and otherwise.

Finnish drug laws are just as archaic as others, and the cops attitude and understanding is way worse than in most European countries.

It’s ridiculous.

So yeah, Finland is definitely wrong, fucking hell.

garfaagel, avatar

Who the fuck made this inforgraphic?

It’s from Wikipedia. Admittedly, I didn’t do much fact-checking and just trusted it. But of course you can always contribute by improving the map.

OhNoMoreLemmy, (edited )

Wow. The map doesn’t even match their own table underneath it (check out the UK, which is yellow in the table and dark red in the map).


It’s like the “happiest country on Earth” bullshit.

Yes, Wikipedia is right that technically there is a way for police to not enforce the law when it comes to personal amounts of cannabis, but in practice that never happens, and the cops make even the smallest bit of weed be a “proper” drug crime. Medical use is technically legal, yeah, but there’s like at most a dozen people in the country, and most doctors would never ever even consider cannabis to be medicine, and even tiny use admitted to a doctor might lead to a loooot of discriminatory bullshit.

Basically the education material for the police and the doctors seems to have been “reefer madness”.

Just google “police prevented filming” in Finnish, “poliisi esti kuvaaamisen”, and see how many articles come up where you’re not allowed to even film protests or even when the police conduct a search at your home, you’re not allowed to film that, according to the police.

I had to set them straight about that.

That’s an article from when the police illegally searched my apartment and prevented me from filming them by grabbing my phone away from me. The supreme court decided they were wrong. But for 90% of the things they did wrong that day, the grabbing of my phone was the only thing I got them on, because I still had the clip of them actually grabbing the phone.

Finnish cops are undereducated authoritarians. Good in comparison to other countries police in a lot of things, but still not something to be desired when it comes to cannabis and matters of personal rights.

So even though I know the map is wrong, Wikipedia wouldn’t allow me to change it because on paper there’s a reference to a possibility of not being charged for personal use, even though that never gets utilised in practice.

Maggoty, (edited )

Wikipedia operates in a very specific way. You’ll need a web article that says what you’re trying to tell them. They don’t accept first person accounts. For similar kinds of things in the US good places to look would be, NPR, Pro Publica, or the ACLU. If you have groups like that in your country then check them out.


If you have groups like that in your county then check them out.

I have very much exhausted all of the options available to me in this matter, but thanks.

PhlubbaDubba, in Some countries whose endonyms are not like their English exonyms

Funny part is so many folks get Greece wrong it actually tells you what major geopolitical influence they have.

Greece comes from the Romans calling them “Graeci” or “Like Graia” because the first greeks they had significant contact with were Graian colonists in Cumae.

But everyone from Turkey to India calls them something along the lines of “Yunan”, because that’s how the Persians started refering to them, because the major greek city state they first had significant contact with was Ionia.


So very similar to Germany then. Every language refers to the country by the name of the tribe that was closest to them when Germany wasn’t a thing yet.


Except for slavic tribes, when referred to them as “the mute ones”.


This is the kind of treasure I love to find in map-post comments—thank you.

Retrograde, avatar

Agreed, this is dank knowledge

ininewcrow, in Mississippi basin avatar

There’s a reason why indigenous people called it Mississippi, a word that came from Ojibwe and Algonquin languages, which are related.

I speak my language of Ojibwe Cree in northern Ontario and it’s very clear for me to understand the word.

Mishi … is a word we use to describe something as big in size

Sipi … is the word for River, a major River, as opposed to a small creek or channel.

In my language and dialect, Mississippi literally translates to just ‘Big River’

And by the look of this map … it is definitely a ‘Big River’


Big River River. This is like in the UK when the Romans arrived and asked for the names of Rivers, they were told Avon. But that’s just the Celtic word for river. So we have 5 separate river Avons and they are all called River River.


Naming a place just once is trash. They must be given a second name or even third appellation, and in the case of Pendleton Hill, a fourth christening.

odium, in Annual hours worked per engaged person in Europe and in Asia. (Sorry for different color scales.)

Japan and South Korea seem low, but keep in mind that they have a huge issue of people being expected to work overtime without documenting it.


First thing I noticed as well. Unreported overtime I guess.

lasagna, avatar

I don’t think this accounts for unpaid hours and the not at all voluntary socials in some countries such as Japan.


In South Korea you are not allowed to work more than 52 hours a week. Generally, you work approximately 40 hours a week.


Are there strikes in KR regularly?


40 is what you are allowed to report, and doesn’t count compulsory participation in dinners and karaoke/noraebangs


There is a large part time worker population in Japan. If you remove part timers the average is around 2000 hours for 2019

snooggums, in In addition to clocks moving forward by 60 minutes in many parts of these 48 states next week avatar

0 minutes of daylight is gained from daylight savings time.

60 minutes is how much is shifted to later in the day.


I don’t know what exactly this is measuring, but the amount of daylight in a day does change throughout the year. If this is measuring the amount of daylight gained from dead winter to the shift, then it actually is increasing the amount of daylight.

snooggums, avatar

“In addition to” makes it sound like it is being added.


It’s definitely in addition to dst, look at the southern states… the blue/cyan is 50 minutes (plus 60)

snooggums, avatar

If you are counting the shifting of 60 minutes to the evening, then you o ly add half of the increase in actual daylight per day to the evening because that is split across noon. You don’t add the whole of both to the evening.

It doesn’t make sense to add those two numbers together in any context.


I completely agree with this point. But using the conventions of “business hours” to drag people out of bed earlier allows them to get off work earlier and utilize the daylight they already have more fully. But it is without a doubt a psychological shell game.


There is no amount of daylight I can utilize as I’m not a farmer. Where the sun is has almost no bearing on my life but forcing me to suddenly wake up an hour earlier certainly does


Sounds like somebody needs a soma holiday

snooggums, avatar

The main problem is that the old 9 to 5 business hours puts three hours before noon and five after, which is why DST moves time later in the day.

Just change ‘business hours to’ 8 to 4 and call it a day. or 7:30 to 4:30 if it needs to be 8 hours plus lunch.

jqubed, avatar

Logic and sense? Get out of here! Obviously what we need to do is make daylight saving time permanent year round!

/s, if that wasn’t obvious

snooggums, avatar

Every time I get in an argument with someone who wants year round daylight savings time, they think it happens in the winter.


Useful daylight is gained. Daylight before I wake up is useless to me. Daylight in the evening after work is useful.

snooggums, avatar

Making the sun come up later screws with my sleep schedule and so I don’t get the benefit of the later light.

Daylight when I’m tired is useless to me.

drolex, in A map of North America using countries with comparable climates

Ah yes China or Russia, countries famously small enough to have a single simple climate.


The map shows Russia as having climates similar to Nebraska as well as Greenland. I don’t think that’s really a single simple climate.

CanadaPlus, (edited )

Yeah, I think the concept might be mapping them so there’s some kind of scale proportion between the countries their NA equivalent, as well as a climate one. There’s still some misses, though. I’m not sure how “Eastern Europe” compares to the continental divide, and Ukraine has got to be larger than Japan.


Ah yes, India is Mexico


To be fair, there aren’t a lot of areas around that size in the world with deserts, jungles, and monsoons. It’s a pretty good comparison, as much as it’s possible for there even to be one between regions that large.


I dont think it snows in that area, i might be wrong


To be fair, those areas of North America don’t have a single simple climate either. It is pretty unhelpful though, I’ll grant you that.

apfelwoiSchoppen, in Mississippi basin avatar
Blaze, avatar

Thank you!


Louisiana is truly the US’s urethra. No wonder its always so stuffy


I was going to point out the OP includes the Red River which is not part of the Mississippi basin as well as a few other smaller errors. Like your post more.


This one also includes the Red River. But I agree, I like this graphic more

tourist, in Where Easter Monday Is a Public Holiday avatar

USA: We are a proud Christian nation 🥰✝️

But jesus didn’t die so you can slack around. Back to work 😤😡

yeather, (edited )

The US is not a proud christian nation, the constitution explicitly says it.

tourist, avatar

Oh. The rhetoric of some of their politicians gave me a different impression.


It’s actually the Treaty of Tripoli that lays that out explicitly


I believe the Treaty of Tripoli reinforces the First Amendment and helps to clarity its intentions.


Fair enough. The fact that it was passed within 10 years of the constitution passing, unanimously by the US senate, helps that interpretation a lot too.


Jesus was killed on Friday and resurrected on Sunday. If he can go back to work after being crucified you can after eating too much ham


I need this as a motivational poster

AllNewTypeFace, avatar

We no longer have kings, so Jesus is the CEO of CEOs now.

TeaHands, in The most popular metal band (2024) from each country, according to Spotify avatar

Somehow genuinely had no idea Gojira were French so, TIL!

Also wtf South Africa.

Obi, avatar

Check out Benighted! The new-ish guitarist is my old high school friend.


Benighted has always been my favorite franchement band, above Gojira. Living in Lyon, I see Julien (the leader & singer) at nearly every gig that happens in that city.

Obi, avatar

Super, moi je parlais de Manu le gratteux. Le mec était déjà un génie dans notre petit groupe de pre-ados/ados, tu lui mettais une track il l’écoutait une fois et ensuite on la remettait et il jouais pratiquement nickel avec le morceau, un monstre.


N’étant pas musicien, j’ai jamais compris comment c’était possible ce genre de choses. Mais c’est sûr que ce ne sont pas des manchots, leur batteur est excellent aussi par exemple. Et nouvel album dans 2 semaines !!!

Obi, (edited ) avatar

Je suis musicien mais moi non plus je ne comprends pas, je te rassure ^-^’

Je n’écoute plus trop de métal mais j’irai regarder ça.

johsny, avatar

Speaking as a South African, never heard of them.


You have, it’s just that that name fits in nobody’s memory. /s


I’ve checked them out on Spotify and that is some dirty, filthy grindcore

NielsBohron, (edited ) avatar

So in other words, nothing you’d be able to find on Encyclopaedia Metallum (unless they also got classified as some genre without “core” in it)

Edit: just joking. Mostly. I am still pretty salty about the fact that their gatekeeping is denying Every Time I Die their rightful place among the metal greats


They’re also declining Lorna Shore from being added as well.


Looked up the site and it seems like they also don’t have Between the Buried and Me or Protest the Hero so it seems like it’s one of those “exclusionary to be pretentious and no other reason” kind of sites

NielsBohron, avatar

They’re great at finding new bands as long as the bands are properly “metal,” but they arbitrarily exclude any genre that includes the term “core” which seems like a miss to me.


They have a pretty narrow definition of metal I don’t always agree with (like cocktail and ball torture missing), but I’m sure glad it’s not flooded with -core bands.


That’s so stupid who the fuck can even begin to claim they’re not metal

NielsBohron, avatar

There are a few surprises here, tbf. I had no idea that Pentagram was Turkish (although, maybe it’s a different Pentagram). I kinda remembered that Sepultra that was Brazilian, but I’m not really a fan, so I had mostly forgotten.


You’re probably thinking of the Pentagram from Virginia.

NielsBohron, avatar

considered one of the “big four of doom metal,” alongside Candlemass, Saint Vitus and Trouble

Yep, I was thinking of the VA Pentagram.

tetris11, avatar

I was somehow thinking of Phantogram and wondering “huh, never knew they did heavy stuff.”


Check out Alcest. I’m obsessed with them

TeaHands, avatar

Actually will, cheers for the recommendation!


Also wtf South Africa.

Yeah, can someone help me out with a pronunciation guide on that one?

synae, avatar

Xavleg (zav-leg) is the accepted “short” name for when you need to say it out loud or write it and can’t be bothered to put the whole thing

The whole thing is an abbreviation for a bunch of gross shit with X’s on the front and end.

AnUnusualRelic, avatar

Good thing that it’s an abbreviation. It wouldn’t have fit on the record sleeve otherwise.

synae, avatar

Oh it fits just fine:



It’s pronounced just like it’s spelled.

morrowind, in World Time Zones Map avatar

Makes sense why time zones drive programmers insanse


Since no one has posted it yet…

The Problem with Time & Timezones - Computerphile


I would love to see this map animated. If it looks insane now, imagine it changing every year.

Where I used to live, the time zone would change by city and county, some of which (but not all) followed DST as well.

aeronmelon, in Some countries whose endonyms are not like their English exonyms

Nippon is the Chinese word for Japan (derived from the Chinese characters which became Japanese Kanji). Nihon is the Japanese word for Japan (which is the way modern Japanese pronounce said characters). Though there are Japanese who still prefer to say Nippon.

The word Japan itself came from Marco Polo, who heard the Chinese read the characters for Nippon literally (Zi-pang, sun origin - which is where the slogan Land of the Rising Sun came from) with a heavy accent. Japan was so widely used by the time it was discovered to be incorrect that it just stuck and even the Japanese government doesn’t care enough to issue a formal correction.


Nippon is the Chinese word for Japan

Isn’t the Chinese word for Japan “Rìběn” (日本)?

Salix, (edited )

You can read about the Chinese name for Japan here


So if I understand correctly, the Chinese pronunciation used to be closer to the Japanese pronunciation of those written characters, but over time the Mandarin pronunciation diverged while the written word stayed the same?

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