@bull@aussie.zone avatar

I made my parents jealous with my weekend up on the border last weekend so they’ve taken off for there and I’m dog/housesitting for the weekend. I just rocked up with $9.95 for 24 nuggies to split with the doggo. Happy doggo.

@Nath@aussie.zone avatar

Coming into the last two months of this project. Watching the “go-live” dates of different components getting nudged back and back. Six months ago, we were going to be in Production for everything by May 31 and have June for documentation etc.

We’re now at the point where the last Prod deployment is June 21, and we get the last week of June for documentation. I half expect the go-live to be June 27, with one day for documentation at this point. Either that, or I’m going to be working the weekend of June 29/30.

Something about the whooshing sound of deadlines rushing by.


What sort of project if you don’t mind me asking? Sounds very IT


So, I’m coming out the other end of this sick, my lymph nodes don’t hurt as much, and I feel a bit more clear headed. Helps that the cat let us sleep last night lol.

A few days ago, when it was bad and quite painful and I was having a weird lightness in my chest and kinda heart palpitations (the night I passed out), my partner kinda rolled his eyes and was a tad dismissive.

Well, guess who’s in the throes of it now and just called to apologise profusely and unreservedly?

I just said “as an afab, it’s par for the course to be disbelieved, but apology accepted haha.” We laughed and it’s fine, but man, I don’t complain for attention, I’m just telling him my symptoms in case I need to be taken to the hospital and am incapable of advising the professionals of lead up symptoms.

I love him, but he is such a man sometimes lol

@SpinMeAround@aussie.zone avatar

It’s Friday and I am very, very ready for the work day to be over. 7 minutes away from being half way through…

Nothing I have to do this weekend, except dinner with my sister tomorrow night. After over a month of moving, cleaning and just life in general, this feels WEIRD. I can’t wait!

@imoldgreeeg@aussie.zone avatar

I admit defeat. My head congestion is slowly clearing but I can’t hold a thought in my head. Coffee helped for about 6 mins. I am going back to sleep

@useless_modern_god@aussie.zone avatar

We spread mustard. We spread mayo. Why aren’t they in the “ spread” section?

CEOofmyhouse56, (edited )
@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

We have breakfast spreads such Vegemite, peanut butter, honey, jam etc, which you will usually find around the breakfast cereal aisle.

Then we have non breakfast spreads such as mayo, mustard, sauce, pickles etc.

All are condiments but can be sub divided into breakfast and non breakfast.

The only exception is Maple syrup which can be found with the pancake mixes which is in the baking aisle. That needs to change.

@useless_modern_god@aussie.zone avatar

But they’re all in the sauce section? Mayo is not a sauce.

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

It’s a condiment. Sauce is a condiment. Mayo is a condiment. They do belong together.

@useless_modern_god@aussie.zone avatar

Vegemite is a condiment though

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

Yes. Correct that is why they are placed with all the other breakfast condiments.

@useless_modern_god@aussie.zone avatar

You mean “spreads”😂

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

I’m gonna hang up now.

@Thornburywitch@aussie.zone avatar

Teknikly it is- the original name in French is Sauce Mayonnaise - that is, sauce from the city/region of Les Mayons. Like Bearnaise sauce comes from Bearn. But opinions differ on this.

wiki entry


Where does the goopy cheese spread fit in? Maybe it’s just Vegemite’s plus one

Edit: Does every shop put them together or does the layout vary?

@RustyRaven@aussie.zone avatar

I refuse to accept the goopy cheese spread exists.

CEOofmyhouse56, (edited )
@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

I found the cream cheese, cheese sticks, mac & cheese, processed cheese, laughing cow etc same aisle as the breakfast spreads at Coles. I don’t know why they are there. I guess they have to go somewhere.

If it’s not a solid then it’s a condiment. Usually.


I must have been thinking of Aldi or Woolies? I actually never notice due to lactose intolerance ;-;

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

Hahaha. I only know because my daughter likes Mac & cheese and it took me forever to find it. My understanding is that people like putting cream cheese with Vegemite so you might as well put all the other cheese products there too. 🤷‍♀️


Unpopular opinion: Each supermarket needs a map like Ikea

@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

Fuck you all I’m now craving Fondue!

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

Yodel lay he he.

@RustyRaven@aussie.zone avatar

I believe the separation is based on the vinegar content. Sauces, pickles etc. all contain vinegar and are therefore separated from the less acidic spreads. Maple syrup is separated due to its excessive liquidity meaning it can only be poured, not spread.

@CEOofmyhouse56@aussie.zone avatar

Maple syrup is a condiment. A breakfast condiment. It should be next to the honey where all the other breakfast condiments are.

@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

Ahem, my cola maple ribs could be a breakfast thing but are typically much later in the day

@RustyRaven@aussie.zone avatar

If it wants to be with the other breakfast condiments it needs to thicken itself up.

@useless_modern_god@aussie.zone avatar

This delineation seems to work a little better. It’s nearly perfect except for the mint jelly.

@RustyRaven@aussie.zone avatar

Actually apple sauce also messes the system up. My theory is that these are false sauces, snuck into the dinner repertoire in place of mint sauce and apple chutney, most likely a ploy to sneak breakfast into more meals by the type of deviant who consideres cereal for dinner to be a desireable thing. I do have concerns that these are just the start of a trend to have non-vinegar condiments take over the sauce space.

@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

Hot sauce is breakfast!


I had to jump onto a win 10 machine for a couple of weeks. Came back to my new gaming rig and I have to say… I HATE windows 11. The right click menu sucks, the task bar is shit even if it is aligned to the correct location. Actually looking back, I think the last windows I liked was 7.


When I use 11 I feel like I’m using my left hand. That’s the best way I can explain it.

@Bottom_racer@aussie.zone avatar

I’m a leftie and offended.

Believe it or not I can’t use a mouse with my left hand.

@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

I am ambi with a mouse after retraining myself from RSI. I get really shat at computer training rooms that have everything tied down to the right.


YES!!! That’s exactly it isn’t it! I just aligned the start to the left of the screen and my brain is just throwing co-ordination errors.


And now they’ve put ads in the start menu. If I ever have to use 11 I’m going to use one of those ISO stripper apps to debloat the fuck out of the install.

@bull@aussie.zone avatar

I love Win11. Whenever I go back to previous versions they feel clunky to me now. I prefer the center-aligned taskbar and I prefer the start menu now. Search is good enough that I never have to go into “All apps” aka the traditional start menu which lists everything. I just press the windows key and start typing what I want and hit enter. Usually that just means 1 or 2 letters of the app I want.


That’s how I interacted with 10 yeah. 11 feels different. I think it’s my work computer switching that’s really forced me to confront its shortcomings. If all it ever does is launch steam games it’s fine.

@just_kitten@aussie.zone avatar

Win 11 is dumb on so many UI levels. I feel stupider for using it. Am forced to at one workplace and it legit slows me down so much. Why the fuck is it auto pinning things to Quick Access?? And why is paste an ICON with no text???


It’s the changing of things that don’t need to be changed that pisses me off. So much of windows is muscle memory and now they’re fucking with the basics.

@underwatermagpies@aussie.zone avatar

I can’t say I have strong opinions on different Windows systems, but I did notice the Finnish Eurovision entry is Windows95man.


I swapped to Linux last year and haven’t regretted it at all. I can even style it to look like my favourite older windows designs. My laptop has vista style desktop widgets, which are just as useless as they were back then but I love them.

@imoldgreeeg@aussie.zone avatar

This is the way 🙂


I’ll probably end up doing this on the laptop, but on the gaming rig sadly it’s just not an option.


Isn’t steam OS still a thing?


It’s totally an option. Valves steam deck runs arch Linux and steam proton usually works out of the box to make games run.


I might end up doing that. It works really well for basics. Unfortunately it limits the options for games and I’m not hugely good at doing any further stuff with commands


Nah, gaming these days is on par with Windows. The steam deck runs Linux so valve put a lot of work into games in steam just working.


That sounds promising. I just saw fewer options. Maybe it’s time to head over to Linux Gaming and see what they have there

@Nath@aussie.zone avatar

I still haven’t used Windows 11. Given that I’m an IT nerd with 25+ years in the industry, and essentially live and breathe this stuff, it’s a little remarkable. My computer’s hardware doesn’t officially support it, and while I’ve gone through the checks I need to disable in order to upgrade, I haven’t seen what Windows 11 offers that makes me want to upgrade.

Other than turning the Start Bar into something more like the MacOS/Gnome dock, I haven’t really seen anything the new version brings to the consumer. It’s more of the same, but give us money please.


It offers nothing at all. Honestly.

Not a single feature or reason to upgrade whatsoever.

melbaboutown, (edited )

It won’t even let me upgrade to 11 on my old desktop. Why is everything requiring more and more power… cough Planned obsolescence

Edit: Huh. I thought my old computer was just a bit crap (it is) but someone more knowledgeable is also complaining aussie.zone/comment/1904977


I feel like I’m the only person who hasn’t had issues with win11. My crappy laptop apparently isn’t so crappy since it had no issues with win 11 and in fact got the update about 7 months before my main PC. During the transition, I was working with manually renaming a lot of old trip photos so it did break my workflow since the rename button was removed from the context menu (then later added back as an icon rather than a text box called rename), but then I discovered I could just single click the title of a file and it would rename in less time than it took to rename through the win 10 context menu anyways.

And before I get comments, I have used various Linux distros and also MacOS for periods of time, including as primaries. I’m not a big fan of windows, if I had more money, I’d probably daily an Intel MacBook Pro with MacOS but with Windows in secondary for the few things I use that will not work on Mac or Linux, even through wine or proton. But for my circumstances windows does what I need it to do, and if Microsoft would stop being a little bitch for longer than 5 seconds, I would probably even feel positively about windows


I would love MacOS on a laptop. It would be perfect for music production. It’s just so damn expensive for what you get hardware wise.

If the major audio applications and plugins ran on Linux without an emulator I’d switch immediately.


I think by this point the last generation of Intel MacBooks should be somewhat affordable. I think the 2017 airs are going for like $200-400 nowadays, depending on condition


That’s actually pretty good. I’ll keep an eye out. Would love to be able to add a laptop doing live music but windows is too sketchy.

calhoon2005, (edited )
@calhoon2005@aussie.zone avatar

RDO today, yay… Dentist also today, boooo

Edit - lo-fi beats and Morgan Freeman narrated Netflix doc on the ceiling TV. Would recommend


Our fire extinguishers got replaced yesterday and the dude who replaced them replaced them with longer and thinner ones. The extinguisher in the kitchen lives just above and next to the kitchen drawers. Any guesses why this is a problem?



@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

Not quite the same, but I’ve got a wok burner that would set fire to the top cupboards if you actually used it

@dumblederp@aussie.zone avatar

I use my wok burner outside like my Viet friends told me to.

@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

Not portable in this case. I do have a movable induction one from IKEA : house stove deemed unsafe and it took forever to get landlord to replace.

@dumblederp@aussie.zone avatar

Mine is a cast iron thing plugged into a gas bottle.

@Bottom_racer@aussie.zone avatar

there is no spoon


No spoon for you!

@MeanElevator@aussie.zone avatar

Early nominee for the ‘Not my job mate’ award for 2024


He didn’t even know we had a 2nd fire extinguisher in the laundry. that one was due for replacement 2 years ago

@Nath@aussie.zone avatar

That’s not on him. That’s on the owner/agent. If the job request doesn’t mention the laundry extinguisher, how is he meant to know it’s there?

@dumblederp@aussie.zone avatar

Can you move the mount up a bit? Can you get the agent to move the mount up a bit? Can you leave the extinguisher on the floor because if there’s a decent fire, get down low and gogogo, will lead you to find the extinguisher on the way out.


Stop being logical. I’m just here to dog on tradespeople with the IQ of a misshapen door knob.

@Nath@aussie.zone avatar

Oh, you think the tradie didn’t notice the drawer issue? That’s cute. Of course he noticed. But by ‘accidentally’ doing precisely what the job sheet asked for (replacing the extinguisher and nothing more), he gets called back a second time. $$$


Dude. He replaced the entire mount plate with a new one which he mounted lower down…

@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

The obvious old screw holes might be a tiny clue



@Thornburywitch@aussie.zone avatar

A fire extinguisher in the kitchen! Fancy plus!!!


ha just wait til you hear the smoke alarms and see the evacuation lights. I genbuinely can not communicate how loud the smoke alarms are. The best way I can describe them is that they’re so loud you can hear the air. Like on top of the high pitched squealey beeping they are so loud they cause the air inside to rumble. I’m surprised they don’t shatter a window


What did that cost you?


Me? $0.00

Someone? Probably many hundreds of dollars. Wouldn’t surprise me if they paid almost a grand for it. As soon as tradies hear “government job” the prices have a funny tendency of quadrupling


Breakfast 🍏🍎🍐🍊🍋🍈🫐🍓🍇🍉🍌🍒🍑🥭🍍🥥🥦🥑🫛🍆🍅🥝🥬🥒🌽🥕🥐🍠🫚🥔🧅🥯🍞🥖🥨🧀🧇🥞🧈🍳🥚🥓🥩🍗🍖🫓🍕🍟🍔🌭🥙🧆🌮🌯🥗🍲🍜🍝🥘🍛🍣🍱🥟🦪🍥🍘🍚🍙🐠🍤🪼🦀🐙 🍗🥮🍢🍡🍧🍰🧁🥧🍦🍨🎂🍮🍭🍬🍫🥜🌰🍪🍿🍯🥛☕️🍵🍺🍶🥤🧋🧃🥂🍷🥃🍸🍹🧉🔋

@useless_modern_god@aussie.zone avatar

I’ll have some cake please. Nothing fancy, no frosting, just plane.



@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar


numberfour002, (edited )

I’ll have some cake please. Nothing fancy, no frosting, just plane.

Unless your life insurance policy is all paid up and your Earthly affairs are in order, I hope it’s not a Boeing.

@Thornburywitch@aussie.zone avatar

An apple please.



@RustyRaven@aussie.zone avatar

A crab and a pineapple please.




Lots of eggplant please. Make it bland and soggy



@Bottom_racer@aussie.zone avatar

Could I please have a samosa with tamarind sauce but also the mint and coriander chutney.



Catfish, (edited )
@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

There is manflu in the house. An ambulance and some sorcerous chicken soup please.




23 minute response time. Tsk tsk tsk, bacumblance

@RustyRaven@aussie.zone avatar

Services are all underfunded at the moment, be grateful you got a response at all and didn’t get your breakfast ramped for 4 hours.

@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

No kidding. I’ve never had to call one in reality but bloody hope someone properly slept and paid is available if that happens.

@SpinMeAround@aussie.zone avatar

Steak (medium rare, please), with mushroom sauce, veggies and a glass of 2017 Barossa Shiraz. Please and thank you!



@SpinMeAround@aussie.zone avatar

Delightful, thank you!


Ooh, is today mediaeval combat day?

@dumblederp@aussie.zone avatar

HEMA go brrr-clangggg

@Catfish@aussie.zone avatar

SCA scream too many insurance issues; and then permit horses….


May the Fourth be with you, young Baku-wan

Edit: damn, I am sick, it’s the 3rd still 😭

@Seagoon_@aussie.zone avatar

yes, I have been watching and listening to lots of Beowulf

@oztrin@aussie.zone avatar


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