
sgibson5150, in The FBI has formed a national database to track and prevent 'swatting'
sgibson5150 avatar

Or maybe we shouldn't go storming into people's houses with guns and tactical gear at all.

ivanafterall avatar

Yeah, and the solution is to create an entirely new tracking database/registry, thus extending power even further. So backwards.

yesdogishere, in It’s Time to End the Tyranny of Ultra-Processed Food

we need population control. a good way is to let people enjoy life fast, work harder, and pass away earlier. hence, processed food, stressful lives, high mortgages etc etc all create a good and compliant workforce. the billionaires need u guys to work for them.


I think most people are missing the sarcasm here


Learning process. If you're going to be sarcastic, be funny, otherwise you just look like an asshole.


For me, the last sentence was great. I think most people didn't make it that far.


Thank you for making this comment because i totally missed the sarcasm 😂

swope, in John Roberts Begs the Liberal Justices to Stop Criticizing the Court
swope avatar

Let me know when Roberts begs the others to stop taking massive gifts that look like bribes.

sab avatar

Tsk, they only look like bribes if you're looking. You should stop doing that as well.

Girlparts, in Italian government offer Mark Zuckerberg and Elon Musk the opportunity to fight at Colosseum I hate this timeline
Girlparts avatar
Hairyblue, in The Supreme Court strikes down Biden's student-loan forgiveness plan, blocking debt relief for millions of borrowers
Hairyblue avatar

I voted for Bernie in the primaries in 2016, then for Hillary when Bernie lost the primary. If Hillary was president when we replaced 3 Supreme Court justices, we would still have choice for abortion and student loan forgiveness.

Don't vote for Republicans, they don't care about women's rights, minorities, LGBTQ rights, worker rights, non Christians, and our democracy.

artisanrox avatar

Too many people fffked up that decision and voted for the guy with the misogyny, racism and entitlement because his name was slathered on watches and ties.

keeb420, in The Wagner Mutiny Hit Russia's Air Force Hard. Really Hard.

I disagree. Russian on Russian violence benefits ukraine.


Russian on Russian violence is good for pretty much everyone except Russia. The only thing keeping Russia relevant is the threat of their military power. The weaker their military gets, the weaker Russia gets.

Flaky_Fish69 avatar

while I agree in principle.... my issue is that the russia hasn't been a conventional military threat in ages. they wanted us to think they were- and we maybe believed them.

The real issue isn't the conventional weapons-those are dangerous to Ukraine, and any other they choose to invade (Which is unlikely... they have their hands full with Ukraine...) The real issue is the nukes that may or may not be in decent repair. I would expect at least a few are capable of being detonated- maybe not loaded onto a ballistic missile, but you can always truck in a nuke and set it off that way.

The closer they get to ceasing to exist... the more likely those nukes come out to play. because Putin et al are fucking cowards.


I still don't believe theres much chance the current Russian administration would use Nukes. Even if Putin got desperate enough to give the order, few others would commit to a suicide pack for their entire nation short of actually being invaded. Much easier to just replace the top man in such a dire situation.

My worry for a weakening Russia is if it splinters and local warlords get their hands on Nuclear weapons. Nobody benefits if they end up on black markets.


I'm curious at what point China will get involved. I don't think they would want to live next to an unstable mess and it might be bad for business


They'll never admit it, but you know China has to be eyeing Outer Manchuria. The Chinese have been developing and populating their side of the border and the Russians have done little outside of Vladivostok.

If the Russian state collapses, they have to make a play for it, right?

ripcord avatar

I mean, all those Ukrainian families the Russian military keep killing probably think that they are a military threat.

They not be a threat to a major power but clearly they can still do horrifying damage even without nukes

printerjammed, in Reddit is in danger of a death spiral
printerjammed avatar

I think Reddit will be fine from the exterior. IPO may not go so well. But what really matters is the soul of Reddit died long ago.


It's going to be Facebook's little cousin.


So I haven't used Facebook in ages but what's its relevance? Do people share articles, memes, etc. on Facebook? What about celebrity AMAs?

I think Reddit won't fail in a long time, being so established now. And say what you will about Fediverse but shared "front page of the internet" is really useful when every other popular social media spews garbage customized just for you. (And I hope I'm wrong but quietly afraid I'm not.)

JoeCoT avatar

Facebook being used as a way to keep up with friends has been fading for a while. It's mostly only older people left on it, Elder Millennial and older (I'm an Elder Millennial fwiw).

Facebook's real social media power is in its groups and pages. There's usually local town groups, like you'd have with NextDoor. But there's also giant meme groups. New Urbanist Memes for Transit Oriented Teens (NUMTOTs) is huge, and is basically posts about trains and hating landlords, but it was big enough to the notable when the group endorsed Bernie Sanders in 2016. Another huge one is Wild Green Memes for Ecological Fiends, which is memes about nature and wild animals. Facebook has become a lot like reddit, in that it's what you make of it in terms of weird friends and niche groups.

The current go to joke about facebook goes like this:
"Facebook is lame, there's no one on it anymore and it's no fun."
"Facebook is still fun if all your friends are gay communists."

niktemadur avatar

Facebook is still fun if all your friends are gay communists

Or anti-vaxxers. Or qanon cultists. Or "friends of January 6" or whatever.


FB is mostly used by the 40+ crowd.

IG is mostly 25-40

Tiktok is predominately under 25.

Cylusthevirus avatar

I use Facebook to talk to about a dozen or so people I wouldn't otherwise. I know, because I dropped off for a couple years and didn't really connect with them, which sucked.

But on a day to day basis? It's the absolute worst dregs of boomer humor and low effort, brick stupid content. It took a long time to screen out the political garbage I hate and slowly unfollow the various people who've gone insane in the past 8 years. I was left with like ... purposefully bad cooking videos, advertisements, the occasional comic book page (why?!?), more advertisements, old/bad memes, more advertisements, and most important of all, advertisements.

In fairness my wife uses it to coordinate with other parents from our kids school. Why we can't use something else to do that coordination I don't know, but eh.

tldr: It's for older millenials on up and mostly garbage algo promoted content thoroughly seasoned with advertising.

sorenant, (edited )

Facebook relevance is that a shit ton of people still use it regardless of how good or useful it is.

Reddit is likely going for the same path. Lots of peope doom scrolling through its ad ridden content posted by bots.

JoeCoT avatar

Yeah, it's been a slow boiling pot of water, but the problem has been the same basically the entire time.

  1. Community: reddit, we do not like this thing you are doing. Insert thing here. All of ViolentAkrez's messed up porn subreddit stuff, r/jailbait, r/thedonald, firing the woman in charge of AMAs, Ellen Pao's drastic attempts at monetization (which was just her being the scapegoat for Huffman and crew) and now these API changes. Stop doing this thing that is hurting your community.
  2. reddit: Here are a lot of words to say that we don't care about what any of you think, and we believe we are making the right decisions. While we understand you are all upset, we do not care and do not plan on changing.
  3. Community: OK, well we're going to continue protesting this and escalating until you change it.
  4. reddit: that's all great but we still don't care.
  5. repeat x5 escalations
  6. The matter finally hits mainstream media. Gawker, or a major online news site, if we get really lucky, there's a CNN segment on it.
  7. Within 30 seconds of mainstream media coverage, reddit caves and does the thing the community asked for the entire time.

This is why the protests for this escalated so quickly. We've done those steps over and over again, for over a decade. The point of protests at this point is never to get the reddit admin's attention or change their minds. The point is to cause a big enough stink to get major media attention. The protests ramped up so quickly because there were only 30 days to change reddit's mind, they showed no indication they wanted to change, and we needed the media attention. We got plenty of media attention this time. Unfortunately, media attention isn't going to be enough to change their minds now, because this is all for an IPO and the execs want their bag of money. Even if reddit folds entirely, they'll get to walk with the bag.

But in reality, we should've ditched years ago. Because, does any of that cycle sound healthy? It's not that reddit's admins don't care. It's that they haven't cared in a long time. Huffman doesn't care. I don't think Alex Ohanian did by the end either. Aaron Schwartz cared, but too much. But if a community can only get a site's staff to stop actively harming them by putting a gun to their head every time there's a problem, there's no future for that relationship. This was just the exclamation point. Even if reddit staff totally caves, we should not go back.


Man you just made me realize that I fell complacent to all of this. When the API thing first came about I was completely indifferent and just annoyed. It’s wasn’t until u/spez opened his stupid mouth that I got upset. But I should have never been that ambivalent to begin with. Your right, this was a long time coming.


I’ve purged a lot of my social media footprint in the last 6 years and I have regretted it zero times. This too shall pass.


Well said. Boosted and upvoted... whatever those two things mean. Internet points to you, good sir!

I'll edit to add that the main thing you point out that I think most fediverse folks want to avoid is the investment that leads to the IPO bag of cash. When the incentive is profit, I think social media can only ever get worse for the average end user. Keeping these things small and non-corporate is great in theory, but who pays for the servers and other costs when/if it needs to scale?

GizmoLion avatar

There's still a big difference between making money to survive, and the insane cash grab that was this new API pricing...


That's kind of the problem, though. That insane cash grab is profit driven. Spez said it himself in the AMA: Reddit is profit driven. That goes beyond makiong money to survive. That's investors seeing a return on their money. That's generating value in preparation fo that big IPO. That doesn't usually mix well with the way a site like Reddit generates value: free community created content. Right now, Reddit is banking on enough users not caring about the protest, or the fact that the site is arguably on a downward trajectory. Looking valuable is more important than being valuable at this point.

Thanks Jack Welch for that kind of mentality. I hope you're burning in Hell.

GizmoLion avatar

No argument with what you said, I'm just saying there's a big difference between paying for a server, and paying your shareholders.

h0usewaifu avatar

This, a lot of the people who remained on reddit don't seem to understand that this wasn't a single incident, it was the culmination of years of smaller problems. I found it easy to leave because these newfound spaces are much more like the reddit I remember in 2012.
I don't really care either way if reddit stays or goes. I'll be on kbin and lemmy regardless.


It's not going to instantly die, no. But once the power users and the ones who truly cared start leaving the content will start dwindling to the point that the normal users start noticing and leaving as well. It's a slow spiral that will likely take a few years and reddit probably won't truly "die" for a while, but it will never be the same again. Time will tell what rises to take its place, whether it's kbin or lemmy or something else.


"Maybe we should have checked where content is being created from before we cut that off." - Some guy before getting fired at Reddit.
How delusional is that stance though? Charging someone to post their created content on your platform then turn around and sell access to that content to users through advertising. Did Mac come up with this plan?

CookieJarObserver, in Elon Musk says he withheld Starlink over Crimea to avoid escalation

Fucking asshole. USA should size starlink as its objectively used in favor of Russia.

wetnoodle, avatar

yeah plus he was making the Pentagon pay for it to be available for Ukraine’s defense so pulling like this is somewhere between fraud and treason. fucker better get what’s coming to him


Straight to prison for treason



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  • bedrooms,

    In a news article I read the hostility has been understood as the US officially engaging in a war. So, treason doesn't apply actually. At the same time, the current Russia-US relation can be as hostile as possible due to nukes.


    The hostility from cold war never stopped…


    If it isn’t treason, its at least fraud right?


    He's far to rich to ever face the consequences of anything.

    skulblaka avatar

    If he continues the way he's going, that's not going to last all that much longer. One does not retain their financial security by crumbling every project you touch into dogshit. Tesla and Twitter are both on the fast slide into the gutter.

    Itty53 avatar

    He is being propped up by Saudi investors, which are aligned with Russians on more fronts than one.

    Don't think for a second that his wealth is connected to the success of his businesses, never was. It's always been connected to his investors. His investors own him. His investors are the Saudis.

    Musk is America's new 9/11, just, in slow and prolonged motion. Same money, same people behind it.

    NatakuNox, in Former Trump adviser blames Jews for dying in Auschwitz avatar

    The Christan right only supports Isreal because they believe all jews need to be in Isreal to bring about the rapture. I shit you not.

    cedarmesa, (edited ) in US Navy joins Army, Marine Corps in having no Senate-confirmed leader, in historic first avatar


    style99, in "Wind and solar power pollute the Earth and make life miserable:" DeSantis's Florida Approves Climate-Denial Videos in Schools
    style99 avatar

    Conservatives pollute the mind with their lies and make life impossible.

    Girlparts, in Texas charges prisoners 50% more for water as heat wave continues
    Girlparts avatar

    How we treat prisoners is a reflection of how that society views this tracks for Abbot and Texas


    Woah america really fucking hates his own people.


    Texas is not all of America. It is an especially shitty part of America, and Gregg Abbott is particularly evil.

    Arotrios, in Abortion Pills Are Now *Free* in States with Abortion Bans, Through Community Support Networks - Ms. Magazine
    Arotrios avatar

    Y'all would make Harriet Tubman proud. Here's the direct link to Red State Access for those looking for the community support networks mentioned in the article.

    MaxVoltage, avatar

    Wow when are y’all going to start giving out free insulin ?


    That would be awesome! Good thing it’s incredibly cheap to make :).

    Judgy_McJudgerson, in Alabama woman calls 911 to report unattended toddler walking alone on interstate. Police arrive to find woman's vehicle abandoned, no sign of woman or child.

    Update for those who don’t read it but had questions: she’s alive and in the hospital. No word about what she went through or what happened to the baby as of this comment.

    Pandantic avatar
    Flaky_Fish69, in 70 House Republicans voted to cut off all US military aid to Ukraine
    Flaky_Fish69 avatar

    I wonder if the FBI would be interested in a list of Us Representatives that are receiving bribes from foreign powers.

    I got a list!

    TheDeadGuy avatar

    Unfortunately the FBI is not the beacon of trust either these days

    Ganondorf avatar

    Under the current leadership too? Obviously James Comey helped sway a democratic election in favor of an authoritarian sociopath, but I've not heard of any post-Comey scandals worth noting. I don't like the surveillance state the US has frustratingly subscribed too, but technically the FBI is not breaking the law by snooping on citizens (not advocating for forgiveness, just being factual).


    What's disappointing is that the US Military Industrial Complex can't be bothered to outspend Russia on this, even though allllll that aid goes into their pockets.


    FBI is classically Republican aligned


    My thoughts exactly, these guys have been bought by Russia.

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