@kusuriya@infosec.pub avatar

If Biden ended the war on drugs it would nearly completely clench at least his party’s re-election, probably swing the congress on over too.

@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

And lose the +Police demographic. Imagine how many other demographic groups that spans. Not to mention, the voters who would go for that are in most part disenfranchised and can’t vote due to prior convictions. Which is a human rights scandal in itself, but that is neither here nor there. Except it is there.


Not to mention it’s absolutely the correct decision.

jayrhacker avatar

Honestly, people being able to get tested known doses of various drugs of choice would save a lot of lives and create a lot of opportunity to intervene and help people recover. Making drugs illegal just causes miser and funds crime.


For politicians, the morality and ethics around policy are more of a consolation prize.

@Ghostalmedia@lemmy.world avatar

Maybe for weed, but I don’t think that would be so clear cut for other substances. Even here San Francisco, the public is only willing to go so far with decriminalizing.

I would wager that weed, and maybe certain hallucinations would be bump in the polls, but for narcotics and opioids, ending the war on that stuff would hurt him. But maybe I’m wrong.

anarchy79, (edited )
@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

I can’t even fathom the rationalization process going on with you folks with the fent and other substances, it really looks like a dystopian Ridley Scott shot when you look at it from the other side of the Atlantic…

Edit: I mean, we’re feeling with you homie


I’m not necessarily against legalizing other drugs, but I would need a lot of time to research it and understand what studies have been done. There’s some substances which are outright harmful and people shouldn’t take, and I don’t think criminalization is the solution. But, I also don’t know that complete legalization is.

Off the cuff, I think I’d support decriminalized possession, but the material is still confiscated. Manufacturing however should remain illegal (other than for weed) because it’s way too easy to make snake oil and impurities. I’d favor official govt meth versus making manufacturing it legal.

@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

I mean we know people will do it regardless, no matter the substance. Substances are being thoroughly tested, and finally seeing serious academic and clinical research on their therapeutic uses, so that is actually going pretty great and showing awesome results (yeyy drugs!!), and I will never get over the argument that prohibition only strengthens the mafia.


Yeah you really cut out the leg from cartels if you get rid of prohibition.

I think as long as we can positively ID a substance as coming from a safe manufacturer, it’s fine. Street products cooked up in a trailer are what need to go away. That probably means the government subsidizes drug companies to provide them at low cost.

@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

Fuck it manufacture it in government labs, make it taxable. How could that possibly ever be worse than the street wars we have right now?


Agreed. For that to be politically viable though we need to first render Republicans impotent.

@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

Look, we can’t be adjusting our ideas to take morons into account, one has to have a clear image before one’s eyes want one want to achieve, or it ain’t gonna get beyond the idea stage.

Is this what we want? Is this what I want? Fuck yes, so we can fight for that, it is well defined and without bullshit, that’s a platform easy to defend, you know what I mean? Don’t give a shit what some would think or say, wars are not won by appeasing the enemy.


Oh I agree completely, I’m just saying the first battle in the war is triumphing over the GOP. It’s more a logical first step than a necessary one. We don’t have to give any quarter, just recognize which battles we need to face and what milestones we need to achieve.


You know that there’s government legal meth, right?

Its brand name is Desoxyn.

@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

Do you know what the first legal government meth was?



Desoxyn is literally a brand name for methamphetamine, so you’re not saying anything different.


Wow I just went down a rabbit hole… I feel (pray) so many things would have to fail for you to actually get that Rx filled tho


It’s a very effective medicine, though. For example, in small doses it’s more effective than adderall or Ritalin for ADHD. It’s less common than either of those drugs because there is a higher abuse potential, but there is nothing really wrong with it either.

The key here is small doses taken orally. Taking it in a medical context is a very different animal than recreational methamphetamine.

@anarchy79@lemmy.world avatar

Hm? Widen your scope of semantic salience my friend, I do say something different, but that’s just academia, don’t take it too seriously it’s not a challenge.


Our air force crews are often given one of these during combat missions. I imagine other military units use them when necessary, too. They also prescribe it to people with severe narcolepsy.


Huh? Sorry, I fell asleep. Could you say that one more time?

@kusuriya@infosec.pub avatar

you know all of those “illegal” drugs are legal if you have enough money? There isn’t a single “illegal” drug that you cant get as long as someone slaps like a Pfizer, Novo Nordisk, or Bayer label on it and signs their name to say you can have it. Prohibition doesn’t work, we have a lot of history to show that, we also have a lot of history to know that treatment, rehabilitation, and social safety nets go a really long way towards stopping addiction and substance abuse.


Yeah, I think I mostly agree. Don’t think material should be confiscated though, that could cause people to avoid official harm reduction resources. But, I wouldn’t want to see private business, like gas stations, liquor stores, or “dispensaries” making profit from selling and pushing fentanyl, tranq, krokodil and stuff like that. I do think more drugs with low addiction and harm potential should be legalized such as shrooms, LSD, and probably most psychedelics.

All that being said all legalization and decriminalization must coincide with massive investment in addiction treatment, harm reduction, and probably housing. Ideally, the root causes of the drug epidemic should be addressed, such as poverty, lack of adequate healthcare such as therapy, people generally feeling hopeless because of their material conditions, etc.


Completely agree on everything except confiscation – which I agree is tricky. I think you confiscate anything that’s “off brand” to keep them off the streets, but that’s it. I don’t want some shitty chemist making impure drugs that cause serious harm. Those need to go. We’d need a free certified container program.


Check zeustrippz on Instagram he got all Psychedelic products Shrooms 🍄,Dmt, LSD, acid,Adderall,vape, molly, cocaine, Valium, Benzos, MDMA, Ayahuasca,weed sell and ship discreetly, he really got good stuffs🍫(https://instagram.com/zeustrippz?igshid=ZGUzMzM3NWJiOQ==)


All you need to do is look at Portland Oregon. We decriminalized possession with Measure 110 and everyone rejoiced. Now most people are done with it. Used paraphernalia every where, homelessness everywhere. (Yeah I know housing prices is the major factor). Crime… Fuck me. The amount of people that have been “assisted” with their drug habits are dismal. In part due to government hindering the financial support. The major part is the lack of desire from users wanting to be saved. ( This is the alternative to jailing of persons) Decriminalization of possession of hard drugs was/is a major fail here. Just my anecdotal “research”.

@kusuriya@infosec.pub avatar

Ending it would involve more than lel drugs are legal have fun. It would be a shift to focus on treatment, rehabilitation, and prevention by treating social deficits that tend to breed addiction, those are proven consistently effective treatments. If prohibition ever worked we wouldn’t have weed, alcohol, and coke would sell completely caffeine free beverages.


would be bump in the polls

Yeah and Biden could really use a bump

But enough about Hunter


I’m voting for Hunter Biden for president, because he is the politician that I support.


You’re right, it was wrong to make fun of an incredibly comic figure. Doing so clearly means that I’ve never voted for a Democrat and that I want Biden to lose. Certainly can’t be that I’ve consistently voted for dems in every election since turning 18 yet think their failures still deserve to be mocked. Good insight 👏


I’ll bet good money that if he tries it it’ll be closer to August

Because you fucking know it’s gonna get challenged and that the Supreme Court is gonna be all brow furrowey trying to invent a reason why it’s unconstitutional to not pursue a drug policy based in exactly zero medical science.

At least if it’s near the election the topic will still be fresh by the time SCOTUS chooses that laws are for binding Democrats and protecting Republicans.


It would be extremely hard to argue that, but given the three clowns trump appointed who knows.


SCOTUS is extremely unpopular. If they tell Biden to throw more people in jail and he replies with a very public, “get fucked you corrupt prison lobby shills” his poll number would go up even higher.


If Biden reschedules (or even better legalizes — I know this is a larger challenge legally) cannabis and takes a harder stance against Israel, I think he would win most of the key states he needs to win the election. Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Nevada, Michigan, Arizona, and to a lesser degree Georgia will determine this election. The rest of the states are locked in. A 1% swing can mean the difference to prevent a dictatorship.

@Zuberi@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

If the DNC had a backbone it wouldn’t be Biden to begin with.


You mean if they were stupid enough to try nominating any of the candidates Biden beat 4 years ago? Stupid enough to gamble on a new candidate, ignoring the fact Biden already beat Trump once? Stupid enough to ignore the fact the fact that the incumbent president more often than not wins reelection?

You’re right, democracy is on the line, now’s the best time to fucking gamble it away.

@hark@lemmy.world avatar

Biden didn’t beat shit. He had the DNC machine tell all the other candidates to drop out and put their full support behind Biden and have the media machine pump out story after story about Biden’s miraculous turnaround. Biden beat the other candidates in the same way Putin scored 8 goals in a hockey game.


Well said

@Zuberi@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

“now’s” as good a time as any

“this time for sure”

“can’t believe how easily this will be to beat trump”

“better of 2 evils! don’t worry we’ll just go further left in 4 years :)”

“oopsie dead babies :(”

[repeats ad nauseam until the libs are dead or go further right]


don’t worry we’ll just go further left in 4 years :)”

But we did. The Inflation Reduction Act was not only the most climate friendly bill in US history, it bolstered domestic green energy companies so much that Canada and Europe had to pass similar legislation to stay competitive (and keep companies from relocating).

The unfortunate fact of the matter is that Israel is going to keep killing babies, and the US president is going to support Israel, no matter who it is, for the foreseeable future.

Your choice is if you’ll willingly accept the burden and do whatever you can nonetheless to help the most people domestically and globally – or if you’ll pretend you aren’t carrying the burden, and you’re willing to throw women, black Americans, brown Americans, gay Americans, trans Americans, etc under the bus to maintain that delusion.

No matter what you do, if you pay taxes in the US, you’re funding infanticidal Israeli weapons. Democracy is shitty like that. The majority of people are uncomfortable with all the civilian deaths, but a majority still wants to fund weapons for them. Don’t like it? Grit your teeth, try to make a difference, and minimize any unnecessary support to Israel.

There will be no leftist utopia except from the labor of blood soaked hands from those who understand there’s no other choice. I can only hope that one day my kids or their kids will be able to judge me without any hypocrisy, because we successfully made a world free of these awful realities.

@Zuberi@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

I can only hope that one day my kids or their kids will be able to

Libs over here acting like they’re going to have GRANDkids let alone kids. SMFH

Burn down the MIC

There is no other way


Going to tell you: History is not kind to leftists who kowtow to Fascists because they’ll “burn it down” (Look up Social Fascism)

They end up with bullets in their heads rather than glorious revolution.

@Zuberi@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

All I see is you boot-licking for the USA’s genocide 🤷‍♂️


Ah yes, pointing out historical facts is bootlicking. You’re not a serious person.

@Zuberi@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

The “MAGA will shoot you in the streets” is not really the Lib selling point you think it is


In case you’re wondering, for future reference, the reason why you never seem to find progressives who’ll vote for Biden or support the mainstream Democrat candidate is because when we try to earnestly explain our viewpoint and how we think we can help the most people, we just run into non serious memelords.

But on the bright side, it wasn’t wasted time on my part. People still saw what I had to say, and you made it look all the wiser. Shame that you’ve only continued to drain supporters from your “burn it down” caucus though.

@Zuberi@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

You still live in a delusion that playing by their rules will somehow fix any of this shit (not to mention the selfish act of having 2 generations into WWIII)


Playing by their rules may not be the fastest or most efficient way to fix our problems, but it is the method that will hurt the fewest innocent and poor people along the way. I refuse to sacrifice the working class so that we can save the working class. Especially since human nature is likely to just make modest improvements for the working class and just establish a new ruling class.

You really need to lighten up a bit. Are we headed for turmoil? Yes. But are we headed for mass human extinction and world war? Likely not.

Having kids is what forces society to be selfless. I find myself willing to personally sacrifice a whole lot for today’s youth, and I don’t have any kids of my own. I’m probably not going to reap the full rewards of our efforts to fix climate change. The kids are though. Children force us to have hope for the future, that things can get better, because it makes us want things to get better. I want my trials and tribulations today to only be in textbooks in the future.

Once again, you need to lighten up. You’ve lost sight of what you’re even fighting for. You aren’t trying to save or help people, you’re trying to win against the capitalists at all costs. Without the former, the latter just makes you a different flavor of them.

@sxan@midwest.social avatar

Don’t underestimate domestic pro-Israel agents’ ability to assassinate a US politician’s political career. Lemmy is not the American media, and the latter is still largely supporting Israel’s campaign.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Wow that’s some straight up antisemitism right there. Sorry, but there isn’t some secret Jewish Cabal controlling the world.

Go outside and touch some grass, ok?



Saying there’s a strong pro-Israel lobby is not antisemitism.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar


Promoting conspiracy theories involving Jews being puppet masters that control your government is textbook Goebbels kind of shit.


They weren’t claiming that jews are puppet master overlords that control our governments

They were claiming that Israel has a strong political lobby that can do a lot of political damage to politicians that don’t align themselves with Israel.

They do this by doing exactly what you’re doing. Claiming or implying that anybody against Israel or the pro-Israel lobby is an antisemite.

I’ll remind you that “jewish people” and “Israel” are not the same thing.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I’ll remind you that “jewish people” and “Israel” are not the same thing.

You need to tell that to the people that are shootiing at synogogues, trying to burn down jewish businesses. There is a Pro-Palestinian movement in my city that are protesting a Jewish community instead of protesting the Israeli consulate that’s in this city. Maybe tell them they should be protesting the consulate not the jewish communtiy because they don’t seem as enlightened as you are to understand the distinction between Israel and Jews in other countries.

But you aren’t going to do that, are you? Could upset your friends in your movement if you criticize their actions.

The Palestinian movement has proven the need for a group to lobby for the well being of Jews in the US. If you won’t speak out against the antisemitic activity that’s occurring in the Palestinian movement because you’re too busy spreading conspiracy theories on the internet, then yeah there needs to be some group that’s able to talk about these issues to those in power that are able to protect communities that are in danger from your allies in your movement.


I never said antisemitism doesn’t exist. Neither did the person above. Nor did anybody else.

You’re bringing that up now as a distraction. Criticising the actions of the regime in Israel, a regime that has openly stated they want to see the eradication of all Palestinians, is not antisemitism.

“My” friends in “my movement”? What are you talking about? I’m not involved in a movement against Jewish people.

If you’re referring to me being against the genocide being carried out by Israel, then yes, I’m against that.

But it’s not really a “movement”, it’s the default. I guess with that line of thinking I’m a part of all kinds of “movements” - the “anti-paedophilia movement”, the “I don’t like kale movement”, the “people who think alligators are scary movement”, the “people who dislike chores movement”, etc.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

You’re defending the propagation of antisemitic conspiracy theories.

Ah and here you are making false equivalencies between what Hamas did (Genocide) and what Israel is doing (War one which was started by Hamas). You’re trying to “both sides” actual genocide to give cover for what Hamas did.

A big part of this whole conflict is the propaganda campaign. When propaganda works on you don’t actually know it’s working on you. Genocide of Jews, look the other way, those Hamas guys had their reasons, right? Look at this photo from a war zone, now that’s genocide! Repeat it to everyone you see, just like all right thinking people should. Hamas being run by billionaires in Qatar? Look the other way. It’s a rag tag group of freedom fighters. Repeat it until you believe it. Talk more about how Jews are controlling the government. The Hamas leadership is hiding underground leaving the Palestinian population at the mercy of an army that according to the Hamas leadership is committing genocide? Demand a ceasefire because as soon as the IDF gets a little too close to those Hamas tunnels. Wouldn’t want those Hamas guys come to any harm, amirite? Ceasefire now! Hamas forever!

Of course you’re going to say you don’t support Hamas… BUT … There’s always a “but” isn’t there? But anything you say before the but doesn’t matter.

You’re spreading propaganda even if you don’t know it. Doesn’t feel like propaganda when you believe it. All fascist movements have their useful idiots. Only an idiot thinks they’re a peaceful person while repeating the words of a violent movement.


I’m not spreading any conspiracy theories, and calling out Israel for committing genocide is not antisemitism.

You are brainwashed. You are sympathetic of literal Nazi behaviour.

You claim others are falling for propaganda and yet here you are saying that Israel’s genocide isn’t genocide. I guess you think Russia’s invasion of Ukraine is merely a “special military operation”, too?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Wow I bow to you’re impressive use of tautological fallacy.

I think Russia started a war to send young people to die to restore some old map that never existed in their lifetimes. Just like Hamas is doing. I think Hamas is using the same Iranian made weaponry that Russia is currently using. You’re so obsessed with bullshit internet conspiracies, you aren’t even seeing the obvious.

You are brainwashed. You are sympathetic of literal Nazi behaviour.

The Nazis were the antisemitic guys in WWII. Maybe crack open a history book an read things other than what the internet is pushing at you. You may see some parallels. The Nazis talked a lot like Hamas talks now. Look at the photos of German cities at the end of WWII. Were the people dropping the bombs on those cities the ones committing genocide? Or were the people that were living in those bombed out buildings committing genocide? If you’re only looking at images and repeating what you’re told to say, you might say the allies committed genocide because look at the destruction of those cities! Look at the number of civilian casualties! If you said that Goebbels would be proud.

OR maybe this is just something that happens in places that put a genocidal regime in power.

Remember the strongmen of Hamas are right now hiding underground leaving the population of Gaza at the mercy of an army they claim to be committing genocide. Why would these brave fighters that say that becoming a martyr is the thing they want the most be behaving in this way? If Hamas came to the surface for a final glorious battle with the IDF it would all be over wouldn’t it? So why don’t they do that, if as they claim, Israel is committing genocide?

Not even Hamas really thinks Israel is committing genocide. So why do you?

Or maybe Hamas does think Israel is committing genocide and they’re choosing to hide underground and just let it happen. Then why do the Palestinian people not turn against them?

Propaganda tends to fall apart when you think about it for five minutes.


Israel is committing genocide. You are a Nazi.


You’re just throwing shit at the wall man. You slap together strawmen in the form of a rhetorical question assigning a obviously weak position to the other commenter, over and over again. Why?

They weren’t defending the targeting of civilians in WWII.

They weren’t arguing that Hamas is not antisemitic.

They weren’t claiming Hamas is brave or pure in spirit.

They don’t claim Hamas has justification.

They don’t justify acts of destruction and terrorizing Jewish communities.

On and on and on. Do you always operate this way?

@Riccosuave@lemmy.world avatar

On and on and on. Do you always operate this way?

Yes, yes they do. You are dealing with someone who has fashioned there entire rhetorical style after the Gish Gallop. They will absolutely never engage honestly with any of your arguments or criticisms because they want to poison the well by using a constant barrage of heavily regurgitated arguments interwoven with new, but equally myopic ones. Then add on top of that a delusional sense of intellectual superiority sprinkled with a pathological need to justify the “obvious moral superiority of the zionist movement”, and you can see where this person is not a good faith actor.

@jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

Removed, implying OP is a “useful idiot”.

Rule 3 - Be civil, No violations of TOS. It’s OK to say the subject of an article is behaving like a (perjorative, perjorative). It’s NOT OK to say another USER is (perjorative). Strong language is fine, just not directed at other members. Engage in good-faith and with respect!


Did you misread end a political career for murder? AIPAC absolutely holds political sway in this country. It is no theory or secret.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Hi there. Jewish person here. The people you are accusing of being antisemitic are 100% right. AIPAC has controlled the American political stance on Israel for decades.

If you care about American Jews, stop associating them with Israel. That is what is getting us harassed and attacked, being automatically associated with Israel.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah this is the internet and I can claim that I’m a Palestinian that thinks that Netanyahu is completely in the right. Which proves what exactly?

Also note that racism towards “Cosmopolitan Jews” was a way a certain group used as a gateway for people that weren’t willing to be antisemitic towards all Jews. But we know how that ended.

So today it’s considered to be good and correct to hate “zionist jews” by those who would normally think antismeitsm is wrong. Meanwhile in my city there’s an Israeli consullate, but the protesters don’t go there, they protest in the middle of a Jewish community, and have attempted to burn down Jewish businesses. While you’re distinguishing between “cosmopolitan zionist jews” and other jews, there are many people in the Palestinian movement who are not.

We need to stop looking the other way about what this is really about. An antisemitic movement that wants to restore the ethnic makeup of a geographic area to the way it was in a history book by the use of extreme violence. “Blood and soil”, “from the river to the sea” same shit different century.

I’m not a Jew but my grandfather fought in a war against people that did the same things the Palestinian movement is doing right now. Jews went along with the movement my grandfather fought against too, you know. So the same bullshit from a century ago and how it affected my grandfather means a bit more than your unverifiable claims about being a jew. This ain’t about you, this is about fascists trying to burn down Jewish businesses in the city I live in after my grandfather sacrificed a lot to fight against that kind of evil.

Now go on and make excuses for the violent actions of the fascists in your movement like a good useful idiot.

@DeadHorseX@lemmy.world avatar

The only sane comment in this entire thead.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

You are welcome to look at my comment history and see how many other times I have talked about being Jewish.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I really don’t care. There were Jews that joined the Nazi party. Historically being Jewish hasn’t exactly been a prophylactic against being a part of antisemitic movements. You may think you can win over the violent elements in a movement to only hate a subset of Jews so you’ll be fine. But when there’s a night of the long knives you find out only the opinions of those with the knives really count in these kinds of movements. And they aren’t going to care that you were “one of the good ones” when the knives come out.

They already don’t seem to care what kind of Jew goes to the synagogues they shoot at.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

So first I’m not a Jew and now I’m a Jewish Nazi?

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

On the internet nobody knows you’re a dog.

You can be whatever you want to be. Not sure why you’re playing the role of useful idiot for an antisemitic movement, but if you want that to be your internet persona, then no one can stop you. Just like no one can stop me from pretending from posting what I want even if I might be a dog in real life. Woof!



@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

A lot of people think that how they identify makes them magically immune to propaganda. The reality is thinking you can’t be scammed because of who you are makes you more vulnerable to being scammed.

“I’m a good ole country boy, some city slicker can’t fool me!” says the guy voting for Trump.

@FlyingSquid@lemmy.world avatar

Got it, so I’m a Nazi Jew who’s a useful antisemite. Fascinating.

deweydecibel, (edited )

Also, I genuinely don’t think most Americans care all that much to the degree it would affect their support of Biden.

I’m struggling to think of anyone I know who is so upset about Israel they would consider throwing the country to Trump, and I know a lot of people that have very strong opinions on Israel.

It just doesn’t track. If you’re against Israel’s actions, you’re probably also not keen on fascism, racism, and authoritarianism…so logically, you’re not keen on letting Trump win.


Yea sadly. Even just looking at israel/gaza Trump would do at least as bad as biden and probably worse.


According to the census, 1.1% of Americans are Muslim and many Muslim leaders are encouraging their base not to vote for Biden. They aren’t voting for Trump either but since Muslims lean heavily democrat, a non vote is the same as voting for Trump in a swing state. It isn’t that they want Trump and authoritarianism, it’s that they are protesting against the US support for Israel.

Source: apnews.com/…/muslim-swing-state-biden-vote-fb3b93…

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

Well that there is a failure of Muslim leadership.

Hatred is often a self destructive thing. Not voting for Biden increases the probability that Trump will win which will be a very bad thing for Muslims in the US. So they’re willing to cause themselves harm over their hatred of Israel.

Maybe it’s time people stop listening to leaders that want to sacrifice the people they lead to make themselves look like strong men?


I certainly do not disagree with you. What the Muslim leaders are doing is certainly stupid as Trump will be far worse for their people in the Middle East. I am just relaying the information that is out there about their current agenda.

@SpaceCowboy@lemmy.ca avatar

I think it’s too soon to tell really. There’s people saying a lot of things out of emotion but emotions tend to fade. It’s easy to say you hypothetically won’t vote for Biden to exert pressure right now, but when facing the cold hard reality of the potential for a Trump presidency which emotion takes precedence.

Mostly this thing is dependent on Hamas being decisively defeated a few months before the election so people will no longer have the most documented war in history on their screens making them upset.


How the fuck is refusing to support genocide “hatred”?

US foreign policy over multiple decades has hammered home for Muslims that both parties froth at the mouth to murder them and their families. It’s only natural that we won’t vote for either of those murderers. I know I’ll personally be voting for the Green Party, and the only thing that could get me to consider voting for a Democrat ever again would be if the President turned himself, Obama, and George W. bush over to The Hague to stand trial for their murderous wars.

@Scotty_Trees@lemmy.world avatar

My looming thought is* we prevent a dictatorship…for now.

@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

C’mon Dank Brandon!

@return2ozma@lemmy.world avatar


His campaign promise 7 days before the election…

“As president, I’ll work to reform the criminal justice system, improve community policing, decriminalize marijuana, and automatically expunge all prior marijuana convictions.”

@LopensLeftArm@sh.itjust.works avatar

Let’s hope he keeps it up!


Dank Brandon


Miniature American flags for others

@Ozymati@lemmy.nz avatar

They legalised cannibis in NY and now my 79 year old mother is getting high at parties. Thanks Obama.


But if he legalizes weed democrats lose the “Vote for us cause THEY’LL never legalize it (neither will we but we bat the idea around when elections come up)” which makes up half of their whole political platform of “We’re not them (just real close!)”


Not sure if you meant that to be satirical, but do you think that Biden hasn’t passed good policy before?


Biden also sidestepped congress to fund genocide. Cannabis has gotten lip service from dems for decades, what makes you think mid right Biden would actually be the one to give that up?


Ah, the Andrew Cuomo gambit. I’m familiar.


My state turned blue and legalized 🤗


No amount of bribery with drugs can make me vote for this genocidal fascist


Every politician says they will legalize weed if it gets them votes. No politician will ever actually legalize it though because then they lose one of their biggest platforms to draw voters. The single-minded boomer vote also disappears if he does legalize it.


I dunno, I sort of feel like Roe is the real holy grail here. I don’t think that most conservatives actually care about cannabis, but they are happy to enforce it because it causes people to suffer.


You’d be surprised what kind of policy gets passed in an election year.


That’s what everyone thought about abortion until those maniacs did it. This would be different though since there isn’t as much backlash and then they can also say they have to protect it next election.

@M0oP0o@mander.xyz avatar

What?! Weed is popular? When did this happen…


People are funny.

Biden will probably get this done. He said he was going to, seems like the administrative steps to do so are happening.

But here’s what will happen: the Supreme Court is getting ready to shred another longstanding precedent known as the Chevron Doctrine. Without Chevron, any federal court will be able to enjoin any action of any federal agency just by saying that the agency’s interpretation of the statute, even though it’s reasonable, isn’t what Congress really intended. In other words, agencies will no longer be able to regulate much of anything because corporations will just file a lawsuit in some backwards ass federal court district and the judge’s interpretation of the statute will carry more weight than the agency that administers the statute.

That’s the Republican plan, here. They give half a shit about DEA administrative scheduling, they can’t wait to destroy the FCC, SEC, IRS, EPA, FTC, FEC, etc. If the DEA reschedules cannabis, and the Republicans cannot lock up enough black and brown people, they will judge shop until they find one to say doing so isn’t what Congress intended with cannabis prohibition statutes, and enjoin the rescheduling.


You know, without Chevron, it won’t matter what the DEA thinks and there will no longer be a schedule… Just like our stoner founding fathers intended!!

Ok but really you’re saying like all this destruction is necessarily bad because all government is necessarily good. These agencies all have legislated remits that will largely be unaffected. DEA and ATF will hurt the most which I’m okay with. FTC will be hurt in a bad way, and I’m pretty sure in fixing one congress will grant more power to themselves and these agencies anyway, so with or without Chevron we’re fucked.

JustZ, (edited )

Nah you clearly have no idea how many things these agencies do that keep you safe every day. You will be way more fucked without them.


lol found someone who lives on Fox News or worse


Latest ep. of Strict Scrutiny podcast (“AITA? SCOTUS Edition”) has a good deep dive on this.


Thank you!


Where exactly is this poll? I would like to add to this statistic

@return2ozma@lemmy.world avatar

The link is in this article to the poll



This pic is so great! 😀

image description: THAT‘S why Biden is smiling so much!

@steelrat@lemmy.world avatar

I thought that this was binned because too many GOP types were for it.

sweeny, (edited )

I’m rescheduling my marijuana to 4:20 to fuel the rise of dank brandon.

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