aeva, avatar

so I'm trying to work out what the exact flags cmake is setting for gcc for a debug build, and the docs just say "the usual ones", and my searches are saturated with stackoverflow posts that are topically adjacent but unfortunately irrelevant to my problem at hand because I'm trying to work out why my debug builds have horrible numeric issues or something but my release builds don't

and so I get the clever idea of looking at what cmake generated, and oh my god that is a lot of cmake

aeva, avatar

shocking, I know, but trying to work out what exactly cmake is doing is not making me feel less stressed out.

aeva, avatar

ah I see, CMakeCache.txt is the file that has what I want to know in it.

It's just passing in -g for debug builds and -O3 for release builds. sigh I guess that's a reasonable thing to do.

aeva, avatar

-O3 being the thing that seems to make it work is a bit foreboding


@aeva 😱

aeva, avatar

ok this is seriously haunted. I narrowed it down to a simple test case. I have a SDF that is just a cube function with no transform applied.

If I just eval it at the start, I get this if it's a release build:

Eval(vec3(0, 0, 1)) == 0

And if I do the same for a debug build I get:

Eval(vec3(0, 0, 1)) == -1

The correct value in this case is 0, so that's super weird.

If I try some other known surface points it'll give me the correct answer though, but if it's not z=-1 or z=1

aeva, avatar

stepping into this mess with the debugger in a debug build is just too much "zero cost" abstraction to step through because I'm using GLM. So I put in some print statements. First step is transforming the point into the shape function's local space. The shape is at the world origin, so the transform is an identity matrix.

Applying that transform to point (0, 0, 1) somehow returns (0, 0, 0) !!!!!!!!!!

aeva, avatar

forcing my program to run single threaded doesn't help, so I think I can probably rule out spooky concurrency stuff at least.

IDK maybe there's just too much "zero cost" going on in glm and gcc fucks up the codegen when its not all optimized out? I certainly don't remember seeing MSVC have any problems with it.

TomF, avatar

@aeva I mean obviously it's not actually "zero" cost, but the harder you work, the closer to zero it becomes.

aeva, avatar

@TomF the cost is fucky long callstacks in debug builds

agersant, avatar

@aeva you probably already thought about this but just in case: could there be missing initialization for some struct or variable and the undefined behavior kicks in differently for debug vs release. (Eg. Some field zeroed out vs not)

aeva, avatar

@agersant as far as I can tell it seems to be constructing fine. The contents of the matrix being multiplied is as expected:
1 0 0 0
0 1 0 0
0 0 1 0
0 0 0 1

aeva, (edited ) avatar

Ok I narrowed it down, but I'm no less baffled.

vec4 tmp1 = Identity * vec4(0, 0, 1, 1);
... produces vec4(0, 0, 1, 1)

vec3 tmp2 =;
... produces vec3(0, 0, 1)

vec3 tmp3 = tmp2 / vec3(tmp1.w)
... produces vec3(0, 0, 0)!!!!!!

but only in debug builds. wtf

mcc, avatar

@aeva What is tmp

aeva, avatar

@mcc a typo

mcc, avatar

@aeva okay. Here's a silly question. If you take that code and you put it in its own program. Apart from all the tangerine stuff. Do you see the same thing.

I'm wondering if something that appears unrelated could be in fact related (worst case scenario stack/heap corruption, which could be accidentally avoided in debug builds by different offsets). Or if there could be a step where data is transferred between stack frames in a way your post doesn't have rlomt k convey.

scottmichaud, avatar

@mcc @aeva Only thing that stands out to me -- what is the dimension(s) of Identity?

aeva, avatar

@scottmichaud @mcc identity is a 4x4

aeva, avatar

@mcc the math in isolation does the right thing in both build configs :|

this is the function that's messing up

In optimized builds it is fine, but in debug builds the return value is wrong.

Stack weirdness sounds plausible, though I'm not sure what I'd do about that if its spilling because the codegen is too verbose or something

mcc, avatar

@aeva And… just checking, I assume you have tried replacing "Tmp.www" with "Tmp.w"?

aeva, avatar

@mcc glm is fussy about the type mismatch but it does the same if i change it from Tmp.www to vec3(Tmp.w). I don't think it accepts somevec3 / somefloat.

mcc, avatar

@aeva I'm looking over the GLM manual trying to find an explicit definition of multiplication of two vec3s. I'm bothered I can't seem to find it

mcc, avatar

@aeva Can you humor me, and attempt


Surely it allows left-side scalar multiplication, at least

aeva, avatar

@mcc sure one sec lemme see if I can break it again.

Somehow adding target_compile_options(tangerine PRIVATE -std=c++17) to the cmake thingy and changing nothing else makes the problem go away ._.

mcc, avatar

@aeva CURSED !!!!

aeva, avatar

@mcc wait no false alarm, I'm just tired and am making silly mistakes. 1 sec

aeva, avatar

@mcc ok good news I reverted the "what if I just remove the w divide" work around that I added confirmed and then promptly forgot about and it's broken again. gonna try the thing you suggested now

aeva, avatar

@mcc ok (1/Tmp.w)* results in an error message that is long enough that my terminal emulator craps out, but it looks like it's a template arg type deduction/substitution failure.

vec3 Tmp3 = float(1.0 / Tmp.w) * Tmp2;

prevents the error but now instead of occasionally getting some values right it gets all of them wrong and no verts are generated

sorry mismatched names of "tmp" between the example and this

mcc, avatar
oblomov, avatar

@aeva @mcc PROGRESS!

aeva, avatar

@mcc oh I made a silly mistake again. 1 sec

aeva, avatar

@mcc ok your proposed change works perfectly

aeva, avatar

@mcc I am very interested in any theories you have as to why this might be

mcc, avatar

@aeva I think @tess had the right of it, that the language magic involved in making the swizzles work may have been valid C++ but hit a GCC bug. It's possible the problem would have gone away if you'd upgraded your compiler.

I would recommend filing a bug on GLM, although that might be hard if your attempts to make a more minimal use case have not succeeded.

aeva, avatar

@mcc @tess yeah so far I can't repro it in isolation

mcc, avatar

@aeva @tess since tangerine is open source maybe you could just point them at a commit and give them building instructions

oblomov, avatar

@mcc @aeva @tess
might be too big, but maybe creduce manages to get something reasonable out of it.

tess, avatar

@aeva @mcc I suppose it's silly to ask if there's any chance your LastFoldInverse is horked from a different operation?

Also, have you tried breaking out the operations, something like this?

 vec3 Tmp2 =;  
 Tmp2 /= Tmp.www;  
 return Tmp2;  
aeva, avatar

@tess @mcc this variation also works.

Also in both this and left multiply by rcp, it fixes only some of my models without an obvious pattern :| likely because there are more surprises like this elsewhere

tess, avatar

@aeva @mcc yeah I guess I would probably play it safe and avoid using more than one swizzle per line of code? I dunno. Clearly between the library and the compiler there is something bad happening.

mcc, avatar

@aeva @tess What about upgrading GCC? Is that possible?

tess, avatar

@mcc @aeva how old a version we even talking about? I saw these kinds of issues like 15+ years ago. I would have assumed they'd been resolved by now.

If the compiler version is fairly new I'd say the solution isn't "get latest"; it's "switch to LLVM".

aeva, avatar

@tess @mcc
I just have whatever GCC version is packaged in Debian Testing, which I should hope is current. gcc -v says it's "gcc version 12.2.0 (Debian 12.2.0-14)"

aeva, avatar

@tess @mcc I'm down for switching to clang, but it seems that clang is missing std::filesystem sigh

I don't suppose msvc can cross compile to linooks ._.

TomF, avatar

@aeva @mcc
<loads pistol>
Compiler's haunted.

oblomov, avatar

@aeva @mcc would it even be possible that this was due to some obscurely missed dependency that caused debug to be linked against release files?

Specialist_Being_677, avatar

@aeva @mcc honestly that might be the over alignment for simd thing... Also there is a separate variable and property to choose standard version, something like CXX_STANDARD_VERSION

aeva, avatar

@mcc nobody really knows how glm works. I think it just appeared one day.

mcc, avatar

@aeva It's just sort of logically implied by the universe, like prime numbers.

tess, avatar

@aeva @mcc after looking at both the GLM documentation and source code: this tracks

Holy shit, www appears to be them using macros to implement a poor man's version of extension methods from C#; this is EXTREMELY CURSED

(Also, vecN appears to support /= with a scalar, so you could just do Tmp /= w; return Tmp?)

tess, avatar

@aeva @mcc I mean, it's also likely they have defined scalar operator/ in some equally absurd sort of way, so honestly I'd just go for it and let the compiler tell you know.

tess, avatar

@aeva @mcc but based on 20+ years of dealing with gcc I would say that it is almost certainly some sort of cursed interaction of a macro referencing the same object several times in the middle of a return statement, interacting with local destructors in a way that's not technically incorrect under C++ rules but also extremely unintuitive*

  • by which I mean "wrong for any sensible definition of wrong created by a human being who has read the C++ spec, but not to the kinds of people who code gcc"
tess, avatar

@aeva @mcc the fact that compiler optimization seems to eliminate the issue adds some strength my conviction on this; the ordering (or even execution) of destructors/memory cleanup would depend heavily on what kind of build configuration you were using.

aeva, avatar

@tess @mcc I updated my isolated test case to include a return, but it doesn't reproduce there.

tess, avatar

@aeva @mcc I mean frankly, I'm also riding with andi on the "what the hell does dividing two vec3s do?" train; it really feels like you should be dividing by a scalar

xgranade, avatar

@tess @aeva @mcc I'll third that; I don't know what that means in terms of linear algebra other than possibly the Hadamard (aka pointwise) product?

tess, avatar

@xgranade @aeva @mcc it's clear glm is from the OVERLOAD ALL THE OPERATORS EVEN IF IT MAKES NO SENSE era of C++, but the net result of that is that a lot of them end up just kind of being mystery operations

mcc, avatar

@tess @xgranade @aeva I mean I think probably it does whatever glsl does, which might not necessarily be a coherent linear algebra operation. But I do wish it were explicitly in in the documentation.

aeva, avatar

@mcc @tess @xgranade it is supposed to do what GLSL does. vec3 / vec3 is componentwise divide

aeva, avatar

@mcc @tess @xgranade so it's equiv to vec3(x1 / x2, y1 / y2, z1 / z2)

aeva, avatar

@mcc @tess @xgranade except when spooky stack ghosts do spooky things or something

xgranade, avatar

@tess @aeva @mcc Makes a lot of sense. There can be some use for like SIMD processing, but yeah, needs to be documented.

tess, avatar

@xgranade @aeva @mcc I created a string library in middle school where unary + was "to upper case" and / was "remove all occurrences of the second operand from the first".

It was extremely stupid but I felt very clever.

xgranade, avatar

@tess On one hand, that's not much worse than << and >> being relabeled the "stream insertion" and "stream extraction" operators. Of course, I'm also the fool who overloaded &amp; not to mean bitwise AND but tensor products.

tess, avatar

@xgranade to be fair, << has the benefit of being lower precedence than all ref/deref and arithmetic operators, and more or less make sense in context.

They were also added way before variadic templates, which is how you do that sort of thing today (though in some ways they are more elegant).

The thing that was gross about my library wasn't so much the operators, but the ring buffer it used for intermediates, so you could overrun it with too complicated of an expression.


Unh huh, and?

aeva, avatar

@ipd seems to be a code gen bug w/ gcc, maybe


Hmmmm... interesting.. what else?

aeva, avatar

@ipd glm does some diabolical template metaprogramming magic to make glsl's semantics work in c++, and for some reason the component-wise divide between two vec3s produces the wrong output with controlled inputs so idk. I haven't dug into how it expands because it's quite verbose for being a debug build.


You dug into the logs? How's this working out for you?

aeva, avatar

@ipd I solved it. The way GLM emulates GLSL's swizzle syntax and/or the SIMD stuff does the wrong thing in debug builds. Easily worked around, just annoying to track down.

TomF, avatar

@aeva The usual culprit here is initiialisation. Debug builds often init to magic numbers like 0xCDCDCDCD and release builds default to "what is your security clearance, citizen?"

aeva, avatar

@TomF the constructor is setting the matrix to the correct identity

lisyarus, avatar

@aeva Maybe there are some defines that mess with constructors or smth? I recall quaternions with WXYZ order (or maybe XYZW) being completely broken because it was turned on by a macro and half of the lib supported it and the other half didn't.

aeva, avatar

@lisyarus I have a header that sets up all the defines before including so that everything is coherent

lisyarus, avatar

@aeva In my case it wasn't a coherence problem, all the code was in just one file. It's that half of the quaternion class implementation didn't support that macro at all :(

aeva, avatar
gob, avatar

@aeva I tried to repro but can't (debug mode, gcc 11.3.0, latest git glm)

gob, avatar

@aeva i suspect there's some undefined values making it in the identity matrix or something, maybe fsanitize=undefined can help ?

aeva, avatar

@gob the value should be set by the constructor, but it's worth a try

aeva, avatar

@gob I wasn't able to repro in an isolated test case either. I'm not on the latest GLM, so that might be part of it. Some people have commented that I'm probably hitting a GCC bug

aeva, avatar

I updated GLM since it was a few versions behind anyway, but the debug build behavior remains the same ._.

I was kind of hoping I could use optimization pragmas to selectively opt files or functions into -O3, but I wasn't able to get that working, and iterating on it is too tedious.

Maybe I should give up on GCC and switch to clang :/

ruby0x1, avatar

@aeva GLM_FORCE_CTOR_INIT maybe? at some point they stopped initializing by default, if you wanted that behaviour, you gotta force it back on. this leads to garbage in memory?

aeva, avatar

oh good, this issue also repros w/ clang debug builds 😩

mcc, avatar

@aeva uhhh

If it reproduces with clang then possibly GLM really is doing something outside the language spec

tess, avatar

@mcc @aeva yah that's my read too. (Also ew.)

What does the code in question look like if you expand all of the layers of macros?

If I can see it exploded I can probably formulate a theory as to what exactly is happening.

aeva, avatar

@tess @mcc how does one do that?

tess, avatar

@aeva @mcc by hand, usually. Unless you've got a very smart code editor.

Also there appear to be two different implementations of swizzle based on a value; you might try setting the other one in your makefile and see if that resolves your issues.

tess, avatar
aeva, avatar

@tess @mcc I think that ended up being the thing. I got there from a different direction though. Switching to GLM_FORCE_PURE to use constexpr instead of intrinsics also seems to opt into the swizzle function variant. I had to hack up a polyglot glsl file to compile w/ it, but it seems to all work now.

aeva, avatar

ok! it turns out this was GLM's fault, probably. Experimenting with GLM_FORCE_PURE (replaces intrinsics w/ constexprs) also opted into the swizzle variant where swizzles are member functions. Some hax to update the polyglot glsl parts of the code base later, and now debug builds are doing the right thing.

fell, avatar

@aeva This is really interesting. I would try and step through the assembly to see where it goes wrong.

Also, try disabling some GLM features like accessing the XYZ members as RGB. (there is a define for that)

aeva, avatar

@fell that's going to be so verbose. the callstacks for unoptimized GLM code in the debugger are awful

fell, avatar

@aeva I would try. It can't take that long.

Specialist_Being_677, avatar

@aeva are any of the variables members of a class, and are the types getting used to build vectorized code?

(Over alignment for simd stuff needs annoying hacks or super new c++, and when it breaks it looks really hard to understand like this.)

aeva, avatar

@Specialist_Being_677 if simd is happening it's news to me

Specialist_Being_677, avatar

@aeva ok, the mention of optimization near a computer desk just reminded me, as I've personally had that problem a bunch of times and it's annoying to debug.

jalcine, avatar

@aeva man this makes me wince in cmake_commands.json heh

be, avatar

@aeva cmake --build build-dir -v will print the full commands as it builds

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