
“When I ran for president, I was told that the days of bipartisanship is over and Democrats and Republicans could no longer work together. I refuse to believe that. The only way American democracy can function is through compromise and consensus.”

Thank you, President Biden



@AgentCarter That's why I think Biden's approval ratings are bogus. The man is performing political miracles and it still ain't good enough? No younger, inexperienced person could have pulled off any of what this man's pulled off.


@claralistensprechen3rd @AgentCarter

I think that’s the most presumptuous of statements. It’s also authoritarian.

citizencat, avatar

He thinks that he can work with fascists. No thanks

Sunspot, avatar

@citizencat @AgentCarter Ok, enjoy being suspended by this instance. Again.

hosford42, avatar

@Sunspot @citizencat @AgentCarter Did I miss something?

citizencat, avatar

I am being jumped on for criticizing Bidens comments over being bipartisan, I think. One person wants to block me. Am I not allowed to politely disagree?
@Sunspot @AgentCarter


@AgentCarter Compromise in our time.

The GOP has long disposed of that idea. The do not represent they rule. Trying to negotiate with those of bad faith is a fool’s errand. Look how history looks upon Neville Chamberlain.

JoeQuinlan, avatar

Biden chose not to exercise his Article 14 authority, and made concessions to fascists. His bipartisanship fantasies date back to the days when he was chummy with GOP segregationists.


@JoeQuinlan @AgentCarter Biden managed to wrangle inert concessions from the GOP. My issue is Tx, Florida and a clutch of other states are operating in full violation of the Constitution. They are not republics (ie where the people are sovereign) and they are failing to protect life and liberty of their residents (women, trans, bans on 1st amendment etc).

Biden has along track record of accommodating business to harm citizens (bankruptcy). There is only right wing and right of center in the US



Is he trying to appeal to a few repugnantcon voters?


TonyStark, avatar

@soc_i_ety @AgentCarter No. He’s trying to one, avoid a collapse to a system that would be catastrophic to the country, let alone the world. And two, he’s trying to settle down animosity and division. Those are two significant and important goals.



@TonyStark @soc_i_ety
Thank you for explaining that so succinctly, Tony. I had a very long day at work& haven't been able to respond to all the naysayers in my replies.

TonyStark, avatar

@AgentCarter @soc_i_ety I’m not surprised to see them and most are just going to get blocked. Nobody here has time for stuff that isn’t based in reality. Government will always need to function by negotiation and compromise, no matter who’s involved. And even saying what you won’t accept is a negotiation tactic.

Thank you for your positive post, Peg.

Joe Biden’s refusal to bargain over the debt ceiling, explained -

darnell, avatar

@TonyStark @HopeVanDyne @AgentCarter @soc_i_ety I actually was worried the was going to cause fiscal chaos over this stupidity. Yeah, I am not a fan of government overspending, but I would prefer that over tens of millions being without the ability to feed themselves (humans before politics is what I say).

I wonder how the presidential candidates voted‽ Well, I think for now it’s just .

joeinwynnewood, avatar

@darnell @TonyStark @HopeVanDyne @AgentCarter @soc_i_ety
Darnell - as you allude, the question for government spending is not how much, it's on what is it being spent.
Investments to accelerate the transition to renewables will generate enormous returns on that investment.
Same for Medicare & Medicaid. People getting preventive & early intervention are healthier & save a lot of $.

darnell, avatar

@joeinwynnewood @TonyStark @HopeVanDyne @AgentCarter @soc_i_ety For me, it's about what you value. I value human life above politics. It's that simple.

But to risk numerous lives to forgo bending on a political perspective is irresponsible & the height of folly.

I am unhappy with & the regarding government spending. But we must never lose empathy for the common human.

TonyStark, avatar

@AgentCarter @darnell @joeinwynnewood @soc_i_ety @HopeVanDyne One party values investing in human beings, which does include spending (which is really investing) in such things as dealing with global warming and investing in community infrastructure. Those are also for the common human. That spending is important. That party is the Democrats.


@TonyStark @soc_i_ety @AgentCarter Plus, it’s just good politics. While the former guy is still out crying about stolen elections and the DOJ being mean to him, Biden is saying ‘I get shit done and can negotiate a deal when it didn’t seem possible.’


@raddude12 @TonyStark @soc_i_ety @AgentCarter

Throwing the poor and public education under the bus may be temporarily politically expedient, but it’s a fucking awful long-term decision.

Educated people vote Democrat. The uneducated vote Republican.


@dawnfry @TonyStark @soc_i_ety @AgentCarter You know what would hurt the poor & public education even more? An economic crash.

I worked in public education the last time the economy crashed and it sucked ass.

VedaDalsette, avatar

Yes, Dems will never stop giving in to GOP demands.

mentallyalex, avatar

That isn't helpful nor true.
The Dems didn't "give into the GOP demands". They negotiated with a hostile entity to prevent further damage and catastrophic failure.

It wasn't the best solution. That one involves morphing our ecosystem into a Utopian definition. But it was a solution that kept the lights on and allowed us to live to fight another day.

I get the frustration, truly I do. We're all exhausted and tired of dealing with the garbage they keep throwing over the wall. But now is not the time to add your fury to the fire. Now is the time to turn our mutual fury into action. Get out and vote, build up local resources with your voice and your efforts.

Find prolific democratic accounts and help them boost action plans they find. Bolster their articles with your community and feed. Tony, Peggy, et. al. are constantly posting ways we can all engage and push the messaging forward in a positive way. Focus your negativity there. Spin it into useful action and help us remove these bad actors and monsters from hurting everyone.



@mentallyalex @VedaDalsette @AgentCarter

I've been hearing this my whole life. It's baloney. Sorry but it is
It's exactly why we are here now.

TonyStark, avatar

@Mary625 @VedaDalsette @mentallyalex @AgentCarter Hearing what all of your life? What Alex said? That can’t possibly be true.

mentallyalex, avatar


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  • Mary625,

    @mentallyalex @TonyStark @AgentCarter

    Yes. And for most of my life I parroted it. I believed, before 2000, that democrats were just weak and trying to get things done by working with the other side.

    I have known now, since 2000, that is just an excuse to do the wrong thing.

    Do I know that the GOP are outright fascist, misogynists, racists? Yes. But the democrats are corp whores

    mentallyalex, avatar

    I appreciate you clarifying your point.

    I would ask that you consider the fact I'm not dead or in prison as evidence that Democrats, while they might be corporate whores, are the people with whom we should be supporting.

    Are they perfect? No. Other than my cat who is?

    But they are at least willing to have conversations that involve logic and science and conversation.

    When the lines in the sand are "fascists" or "working on a solution", there are two sides.

    I've been saying it since far before 2000 - so I'm unsure why that specific metric has weight. I believe the average age of Mastodon is around mid-30s? I'm above that curve.

    I'm not showing off, I'm simply allowing you the information you might need based on your time frame declaration.

    Republicans are killing us. With guns and laws. They removing your rights. You claim to have lost hope for this country, I can't make you hopeful.

    But your dismissive attitude and negativity is less than useful. It's dangerous and doomsayer.

    I understand the desire to want to be above it all and look down and say, "I told you so" with haughty indifference. But the democratic party is the majority.

    But fortunately for the GOP - apathy will help them. They don't need to win, they just need enough people like yourself to stop showing up.

    isn't some softspoken chant or roar to the crowd. It's the only logical choice to people who choose freedoms over gulags. I'm notbeing hyperbolic.

    @TonyStark @AgentCarter


    @mentallyalex @TonyStark @AgentCarter

    Vote blue no matter who is why we are here. I'm not ever going to parrot that idiotic saying. I'm never going to vote for someone who voted for the war in Iraq. And if you don't think that being a corporate whore isn't what has gotten us to this fascist point, you're just kidding yourself.

    We had the house and the Senate and the WH and minimum wage is still in the toilet. Health care is a fucking joke

    TonyStark, avatar

    @Mary625 @mentallyalex @AgentCarter Wow. First, Alex didn’t even say “vote blue no matter who.” For some reason, Mary, nearly every interaction with you involves you putting words into people’s mouths they never said. Second, we didn’t- Kyrsten Sinema.

    I see no need to do anything but block you at this point. You constantly ignore reality and the good work people do and try and undermine them.


    @TonyStark @Mary625 @mentallyalex @AgentCarter

    Block her? Seems like a gross overreaction.

    TonyStark, avatar

    @AgentCarter @boojit @Mary625 @mentallyalex Nobody owes you an explanation for who they block or asked for your opinion.


    @mentallyalex @Mary625 @TonyStark @AgentCarter If we go full fascist, instead of voting for our rights, we'll be fighting for them in a whole different way...


    @Mary625 @tismark @mentallyalex @TonyStark @AgentCarter

    We have fascists trying to take power and impose their will up all of us. We need to use all tools in the tool chest of resistance. Relinquishing your vote is not the answer. A choice between people, or parties, will always be a compromise, as imperfect as people. A choice against promoters of fascist ideologies is about as clear a choice as there is.



    I wish this were true. I wish stomping out the left weren't a fundamental priority of the institutional Democratic Party. But wishes ain't horses.

    The FDR wing is permanently dead. The Eisenhower wing of the GOP is permanently dead.

    No matter how hard you vote, you cannot defeat the influence of the Democratic donor class. You have to engage in civil disobedience - period.


    @mentallyalex @GhostOnTheHalfShell @VedaDalsette @AgentCarter If the Dems were really interested in not giving into GOP demands, they would have pursued the Constitutional challenge to the debt ceiling.

    TonyStark, avatar

    @TonyStark @mentallyalex @AgentCarter So don’t even take it to SCOTUS and make them rule?

    TonyStark, avatar

    @AgentCarter @michaelgemar @mentallyalex Everyone knows how it would go and then we’d be starting all over from square one while the economy crashes (really, the instability Republicans caused already damaged things like interest rates which directly impact things like housing prices). We’d be further extending that damage for nothing. It’s putting people above some useless posturing. The interim damage isn’t worth it for average people who can’t sustain it.


    @TonyStark @AgentCarter @mentallyalex It’s not posturing to determine the legality of the limit.

    TonyStark, avatar

    @AgentCarter @michaelgemar @mentallyalex Did you read the article I attached? Do you want to understand the situation or just bash? Please read it. Thanks.


    @TonyStark @AgentCarter @mentallyalex Apologies, but I don’t have a subscription to the NYT.

    TonyStark, avatar

    @AgentCarter @michaelgemar @mentallyalex It’s a gift link which you can discover by clicking it.


    @TonyStark @AgentCarter @mentallyalex Thanks again for the article. However, I don’t find Klein at all convincing. He offers little in the way of legal analysis, and others have argued that there is indeed a case for the limit’s unconstitutionality. As for his “normalcy” plea, that’s just his centrist inclination (imagine if Lincoln had prioritized “normalcy”).


    @TonyStark @AgentCarter @mentallyalex That said, I do believe that the time to litigate this is not when the deadline is so close. There is nothing preventing Biden from doing so now, with the immediate crisis passed, and thus potentially eliminating such hostage-taking in the future.

    TonyStark, avatar

    @AgentCarter @michaelgemar @mentallyalex One thing people need to get better about on social media is to admit they can modify their incorrect take with further information. It’s a more progressive, real attitude and isn’t a reflection on anyone in a negative way. It’s the human thing to do. I’ll just leave you with that to consider and also the this deal heads off any other hostage-taking by the Republicans until 2025. Which I guess you’d know if you’d read it.

    TonyStark, (edited ) avatar

    @AgentCarter @michaelgemar @mentallyalex It’s okay to admit other people know more than you and move on. It’s not a bad reflection on you to do it. I did it yesterday and modified a toot in response to a comment. My point needed an update in light of further information. It doesn’t make you less of a person to say Ezra Klein might know more than rando posters. Something to think about. Have a good day.


    @TonyStark @AgentCarter @mentallyalex I generally like Klein, but he’s not a constitutional scholar, and many of those who are say the debt limit is unconstitutional. See, e.g., Mark Graber:
    and Laurence Tribe:


    @TonyStark @AgentCarter @mentallyalex I thought we were engaging with the arguments. And yes, I did know the deal runs to 2025, but Biden is also running for re-election, and debt-limit shenanigans have regularly been used by the GOP to stymie Dem administrations. Why not end that once and for all?

    TonyStark, avatar

    @mentallyalex @michaelgemar @AgentCarter This will just go in circles now and I have a family, a life, and a dog to get outside. This just goes back to the fact that SCOTUS strikes it down.

    Their are valid criticisms of the deal, and Democrats who didn’t vote for it had good reasons. I’ve already written about it. But this is the only way until we get big enough majorities to do more. I think you know that.

    It cannot be ended once and for all at this time.


    @TonyStark @mentallyalex @AgentCarter Ok, we’ll leave it there. I appreciate the exchange.

    barney, avatar

    @VedaDalsette @AgentCarter

    Perhaps the problem is that you're not familiar with how our federal government operates. Bills have to be passed by both the House and the Senate, and then they can be signed by the president.

    barney, avatar

    @VedaDalsette @AgentCarter

    And yet, this is how bills become law! When one party controls either chamber of Congress, they can influence the bills that get passed.

    The GOP held our economy hostage. As this article explains, Biden negotiated their demands down to minimal changes, and managed to drive a wedge into the GOP in the process. That's pretty damned good. It'll be better, if we show up to vote in 2024, so that the Dems control both chambers and the White House.

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