Aesculapius avatar

Physician here. Masks absolutely reduce transmission and the chance of contracting COVID.

Here is the definitive study on the subject.

Here is a video of a presentation by one of the authors along with some demonstrations and explanations.

TLDR: Here is the Abstract:
There is ample evidence that masking and social distancing are effective in reducing severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission. However, due to the complexity of airborne disease transmission, it is difficult to quantify their effectiveness, especially in the case of one-to-one exposure. Here, we introduce the concept of an upper bound for one-to-one exposure to infectious human respiratory particles and apply it to SARS-CoV-2. To calculate exposure and infection risk, we use a comprehensive database on respiratory particle size distribution; exhalation flow physics; leakage from face masks of various types and fits measured on human subjects; consideration of ambient particle shrinkage due to evaporation; and rehydration, inhalability, and deposition in the susceptible airways. We find, for a typical SARS-CoV-2 viral load and infectious dose, that social distancing alone, even at 3.0 m between two speaking individuals, leads to an upper bound of 90% for risk of infection after a few minutes. If only the susceptible wears a face mask with infectious speaking at a distance of 1.5 m, the upper bound drops very significantly; that is, with a surgical mask, the upper bound reaches 90% after 30 min, and, with an FFP2 mask, it remains at about 20% even after 1 h. When both wear a surgical mask, while the infectious is speaking, the very conservative upper bound remains below 30% after 1 h, but, when both wear a well-fitting FFP2 mask, it is 0.4%. We conclude that wearing appropriate masks in the community provides excellent protection for others and oneself, and makes social distancing less important.


Just took care of my 80 year old dad with the new CoV-SARS variant in NJ. Despite being out if date for boosters, I managed to not catch it by following the recommended protocols. Social distancing, regular cleaning, and masks inside do work to reduce the spread.

ForestOrca avatar

TY! Also a physician. So tired of this discussion. Everyone is masked in my clinic. Anecdotal, and my partner and I are still covid free, and hope to continue. Masking, distancing, hand washing, and isolation when sick, these simple, time tested, behavioral changes can significantly reduce risk of infection.



Sadly, a huge portion of the American public don’t have this word in their vocabulary. Masks and vaccines either eliminate all risk, and “work” or don’t completely eliminate all risk and therefore “don’t work.”

This lower ape thinking inflicted so much unnecessary death and suffering here.


It’s the forced tyranny that is a problem. Why Covid is such a big deal. The sheep need to go hide in their bubble and stop imposing their will on others. Do as I say or suffer is their way of operating.


That’s a little problematic when one person can infect everyone else. People, including you apparently, need to understand that personal freedom ends where it starts causing consequences for others. It’s an interconnected society more than ever, not just a collection of separate, independent heros, like some enjoy believing. If you think asking people to cover their cough is tyranny instead of just good sense and manners, then you are the problem. If folks could behave responsibly, we wouldn’t need mandates. But you can’t, and routinely think your freedom entitles you to put others at risk, so mandates you get.


It’s an intentional thing, pushed by propagandists. Thinking in absolutes reduces the need for critical thinking skills as whole. When you can make people boil everything in the world down to a binary, its very easy to tell them how to think, and equally easy to define the “out” group you all hate.

To wit, when masks “work or don’t work”, you can look at the people telling you to wear masks, and because masks “don’t work” they’re wrong, and if they’re wrong, then the people we aren’t telling you to wear a mask are right. You should always follow people who are right… right?


There are definitely people who pushed this thinking and benefitted from it. But it takes root because it has essential appeal. The brain is an expensive organ and people go out of their way to eliminate complex thought, because it’s hard work. Humans instinctively look to other humans because that provides a shortcut: why spend those 200 calories figuring something out when your neighbor already has and you’d just be reinventing the wheel.

I think something like 30% of the US have an IQ below 80. This is a very real issue with the public itself. It is preyed upon, but it isn’t totally imposed by a shadow conspiracy. It’s the way people are.


Was following you until you brought up IQ. IQ tests were invented by racists to do racism. I.e., the tests were geared towards white people purposely to skew results when POC took them. Look up the history. It is equal parts horrible and fascinating.


Make one that black people will do better on to test the theory.



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  • scarabic,

    I just learned all about the IQ test from Veritassium, a source I trust.

    There’s definitely more to it now than racism. I recommend watching the video. Not to deny what you are saying as history but if you are still entirely dismissing the IQ test because it’s racist, then you don’t know what’s in it.



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  • sweetviolentblush, avatar

    ⭐ <– my lemmy gold for you, excellent writeup


    I’m in Australia and half my kids class was sick last week. Me and the kid both tested positive today. It is pretty rough.

    Nobody here cares at all any more. This is my first but most people are on their 2nd or more go around. Its not even discussed, there are zero masks, and people are sending their kids to school sick.

    All our care and caution just in the bin because people just don’t give a shit



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  • 0ddysseus,

    Yeah and dickheads without a clue or a sense of morality will continue to take other peoples lives to save themselves a minor inconvenience. Murica!



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  • 0ddysseus,

    There are 7 million dead people who I’m sure would argue that point if they could. Do you think a respiratory disease spreads through some other means? Or do you just not understand anything about the situation?


    People die, and covid isn’t going anywhere. Both are facts of life. Get over it, accept it, and keep your hands off my freedom

    sweetviolentblush, avatar

    “yall should accept covid killing people cause I want the freedom to unmask” is quite the shit take

    sweetviolentblush, avatar



    Americans are a fucking shitstain on our society man. Douchebag



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  • Turkey_Titty_city,

    because wearing masks did shit. that's why.

    vaccines did.


    wearing masks did shit

    Citation needed.


    it's not about science. it's about public perception. masks didn't stop covid. vaccines did.

    people will not wear masks again. they would probably get another vaccine though.

    ending covid = getting rid of mask mandates, in the publics viewpoint.


    Ok, in this context you are right in spiritt. Masks are stoping tje spread, but in the grand scheme of things it is mostly about slowing it down.

    However I don’t think saying the masks do nothing is right at all. Masks are still useful.


    Except he’s not right in any sense with that logic. “masks didn’t work because people feel like they didn’t work” is not a valid argument.


    He is right in sense that vaccines “stopped” covid, while masks were mostly just slowing it down but not enough to “stop” it. That’s what I meant by being right in spirit. Otherwise I agree he is wrong.

    snooggums avatar

    No, vaccines slowed covid even more than masks, but covid is still around. "Stop the spread" is a more catchy slogan than "Slow the spread" would have been.


    Yeah, it “stopped” covid only by slowing it down significantly. Also, more people have better immunity so many who wouuld have strong symptoms won’t have them and hospitals would not be overflowing.

    Covid is not really stopped, that’s why I used the quotation marks. But the worst things about it pretty much stopped thanks to it.



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  • Unaware7013,

    It's funny, I didn't get COVID while I was wearing a mask, but caught it after we were vaccinated and I stopped wearing them.


    I’m not just going to downvote you here, because I think this is an information problem.

    Here’s a cool video about mask efficacy:

    And a study on the topic:

    The tl:dr is that masks are ac5ually extremely effective at reducing infection by respiratory diseases if both the infected and uninfected parties wear them.


    It might have to do with the fact that by far most of the population has some degree of immunity now due to infection or vaccination, making the disease much less lethal than it was, and now completely comparable to other flu viruses. I don’t want everyone to freak out every time some mild disease is in season. Yes, it sucks to get a cold, and it sucks to get the flu, but if nobody ever catches them we will have very low levels of immunity in the population, making it far worse when people do eventually catch them.

    After covid I was bedridden a couple weeks because of common colds. Thats never happened before. The amount of people hospitalised due to other diseases than covid also spiked (we have statistics for this). The reason was that very few people had gotten sick for two years, so nobody had any immunity agains anything they weren’t vaccinated against (which is most cold- or flu viruses).


    So your standpoint is that you want people to walk around making each other sick regardless of the consequences? And your reason for this is that you spent two weeks in bed? That’s whacky man


    So your standpoint is that you want people to walk around making each other sick regardless of the consequences?

    I never said that. I said that if nobody ever gets sick, the consequences are much larger when disease does spread. Just check the statistics for any country post-covid lockdowns, and you will se a spike in non-covid related respiratory disease. Plenty of doctors and researchers have pointed out that the reason was very little respiratory disease during lockdowns/quarantining periods leading to low immunity in the population. I want to minimise the consequences long-term, and I’m saying that I prefer to get mildly sick once or twice a year over getting extremely sick every other year.

    And your reason for this is that you spent two weeks in bed?

    It seems like you didn’t even read the whole paragraph. As I said, what I experienced wasn’t unique, but something we could also see in statistics over hospitalisations. I’m lucky enough to only have been in bed, but for people with preexisting conditions, the same infections could have been much worse. Again: If most people get mildly sick every now and then (as we always have) we prevent outbreaks from wreaking havoc and hospitalising a bunch of people when the do happen.

    starlinguk avatar

    No, most people don't have some degree of immunity. They found out very early during the pandemic that Covid damages the immune system and that you can basically assume you won't gain immunity. Stop pretending it's the flu.

    Fun fact: if you got sick during the first wave, getting it again will not result in any immunity.


    I’m not pretending coronavirus is literally a type of flu virus. It just happens to be a novel flu virus that we don’t have as much exposure and immunity to yet. There are plenty of historical examples of what happens when a population is hit by a virus that it has little or no immunity against, even though that virus is relatively harmless to those with immunity.

    That is not an argument against vaccines, and it is not an argument against all the precautions that were taken when Covid-19 first hit. Those were both necessary for the population to build as much immunity as possible, with as few as possible deaths and as little as possible sickness.

    It is an argument for the fact that Covid-19 must be treated differently now and in the future vs. how it was initially treated. It is now a virus that most of the population as some degree of immunity against (due to both infections and vaccines). If you doubt that that’s the case, just look at the reproduction numbers for Covid-19 outbreaks, which are still ongoing. In the initial waves, just a handfull of infections were capable of spreading to entire countries, killing thousands, within just weeks. If a handfull of people get Covid-19 now, that is no longer the case, even though we aren’t quarantining people. This is a direct result of herd immunity. Just like we have flu season, where different flu viruses spread in local epidemics, Covid-19 will continue to spread in local, seasonal epidemics in the foreseeable future (likely “forever”), but it is no longer the same threat as it was when nobody had any immunity to it.


    That is not how the immune system works. There is lots of info about it and it is very complicated, but stuff that has been around for literally ages, that coincided with humans evolutionary path, have been basically added to a permanent watch list and so our immune system goes haywire at the slightest hint of one of those invaders presence. Covid is still considered a novel virus, regardless of it being a few years since it’s existence, and our immune systems haven’t had time to find a good defense against it. This is a simplification, but think of covid or other viruses like a key, but a rapidly changing (mutating) key and the immune system as a really elaborate lock, that also changes (but incredibly slowly, comparatively) and yeah that’s all I’ve got. Source: I’m in undergrad studying to be a microbiologist.


    Yes, Covid-19 is still considered novel, but saying that we are dependent on evolutionary-scale changes to develop immunity is just wrong. The immune system learns to recognise infections relatively quickly, which is literally why vaccines work. It’s also why people typically only get infected by seasonal epidemics once in a season, because we quickly build a short-lasting “immunity” to the virus that is in season. Source: Masters degree in chemistry/biotechnology.

    unabatedshagie avatar

    IMO people should wear masks if they have to go out with any cold/flu type illness. Stops them spreading their germs to other people.


    Why hear mask? Dont leave the house. But the police should make sure this happens!

    starlinguk avatar

    Covid spreads easily because people who have it are often asymptomatic.

    For god's, sake, it's been 3.5 years. How do people still not know this?


    Sure, but still, if you’re visibly sick you should wear a mask. It’s respectful. I mean shit the Japanese have been doing that shit since forever and you don’t see their asses complaining.

    matter, (edited )

    To be fair, they also don’t complain about all sorts of stuff they probably should complain more about


    No, if your sick you stay home. If you might spread of dangerous disease of which people and their immune systems are largely unused to dealing with and you otherwise cannot tell if your sick, then you wear a mask.

    SirStumps, avatar

    While I understand your sentiment life is not as black and white as that and some people cannot just stop everything they are doing because they are sick. I believe there should be more protection for people who are sick so they can recover.

    SirStumps, avatar

    When I feel ill I wear a mask at work or when I have to get food but otherwise I try to stay home.


    Why would you go to work if you’re feeling ill??


    I would presume because their work insisted?


    In the US a lot of workers don’t get paid if they don’t show up to work because they have no paid time off.

    In the US they often combine sick days and vacation days, so if you miss work while sick, you are using your vacation days, which are very limited.


    I’m recovering from my first bout with Covid after dodging it for 3.5 years. Pretty mild, a couple shitty days of fever and congestion etc nbd. Wore a mask to the grocery store today in a red state and got stares. I seriously considered not wearing it at all because none of these mouth breathers would do the same for me during peak Covid pre vaccine, but ultimately decided to do the right thing. If only that were as contagious as the virus.


    You wear a cheap mask to protect the community, but if no one is wearing then you should wear a n95 to protect yourself


    “Pre vaccine” lol


    You know, even before COVID-19, there would be flu, rsv, etc. outbreaks and there would barely be a blerb about it. People would send kids to school sick, literally everyone would catch it, and it sucked. Maybe less lethal, but it still sucked. And I always caught whatever was going around cause we just didn’t have the culture here.

    At least now there’s more recognition, some people might wear masks, and there’s a fighting chance I don’t catch the thing everyone gets that season (at least in California where it’s still ok to wear a mask without ridicule).

    Except my sister gave me COVID two months ago since I let her stay here to avoid homelessness. Can’t fix bad habit family members, and getting a false negative on a test gave her confidence to get me and my baby sick. Ugh, bad times.

    snooggums avatar

    Those outbreaks didn't kill a million people Ina year, and did not strain the hospital system to the point of breaking.

    Well, there was the Spanish flu which also lead to mask mandates and other social safety measures as covid.


    It’s certainly more deadly, yes. That’s why it got more attention. But I’m young and the risk to me is about the same, plus that’s not really my point. I’m mostly saying that I’m grateful people actually care about hygiene for once, 2020 the first time in my life I didn’t catch “the thing going around” since I didn’t have a jackass coughing on everything at work or school.

    snooggums avatar

    Mask mandates are not about protecting you, they are about limiting the spread throughout the population. You may have even had it with no symptoms and gave it to someone else, and the spread in the population as a whole is the threat.

    I haven't seen a trend towards people caring about hygiene around the midwest.


    I am mostly referring to the shift here in voluntary masking, but yes, Midwest would be a bit different. When the mandate ended here, people continued to mask up if they (1) are at risk, (2) feel a little ill, (3) just felt like it. If I tried to mask up in 2018, I’d get weird looks!

    And yeah, hand washing picked up, too, although not sure if it kept up. One perk of living in a blue area of a blue state in any case.

    I’m not sure if there will be any more mandates because of masking fatigue, but the science does say that one way masking is still effective.


    Flu absolutely killed a grip of people when it was new.

    It eventually became endemic and what we live with now. More or less what we have with covid. It will rear its ugly head every year as it mutates. Some will get it and have a rough time, some people’s immunity or vaccine will help make it less deadly contagious as it was in 2020.

    Life goes on. Wear a mask or don’t, but we are way past the point of putting the genie back in the bottle

    snooggums avatar

    If half the population wears a mask during a pandemic, it won't slow the spread very much.

    Leaving safety measures as a personal choice for contagious diseases is like letting everyone decide whether or not they want to stop at red lights based on personal preference. Sure, you can be in a rural area and pretty much ignore most stoplights without a collision, but in a city the negative effects will be rapid and deadly.


    Sure but I don’t think we are in the pandemic anymore.

    Again wear a mask or don’t. I don’t give a shit. I’m personally done with them until rates start to spike again, or for when I travel on an airplane.


    Some 40 to 70 thousand people in the US die every year from the flu. I think the big thing is most people don’t care until it affects them personally. It’s been weird seeing covid coverage be all, “THINK OF THE DEATHS” as if that meaningfully would change much


    the issue with covid was that the entire medical system would have collapsed, leading to crazy amounts of deaths.


    1 million+ vs 70k… hard to compare COVID to flu


    Meth is hard.


    40k to 70k isn’t even correct.



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  • sturmblast,

    you can’t say that in that provided any context to what you disagreeing with. I simply repeated numbers from other people a million plus people have died from covid flu number apparently doesn’t line up with reality but I didn’t research it before I responded


    You’re repeating lies


    A million COVID deaths isn’t a lie.



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  • sturmblast,

    Bury your head some more.

    Globally, as of 6:30pm CEST, 16 August 2023, there have been 769,774,646 confirmed cases of COVID-19, including 6,955,141 deaths, reported to WHO. As of 15 August 2023, a total of 13,498,570,620 vaccine doses have been administered.

    Global Situation


    where it’s still ok to wear a mask without ridicule

    Serious question, why are people being ridiculed for wearing masks in the US? Is this generally how it goes in all of the US?

    I’m from Asia and most countries here have been wearing masks even before the pandemic for multiple reasons - pollution, not wanting to spread sickness including the basic cough and cold not just flu or COVID, when at a clinic or hospital, etc. I wear a mask even when I just have allergic rhinitis just so that I don’t accidentally blow snot all over somebody else. No one would bat an eye here if you wore a mask.

    I don’t understand the negative connotation to wearing masks and why anyone would care if you’re wearing one.


    Politics, the party in charge decided that the best response was to pretend the problem didn’t exist and maybe it’ll go away. Wearing a mask is a very public sign that there is a problem.

    snooggums avatar

    US culture is founded on individualism at the expense of everyone else. A lot of people buy into the idea that any kind of government imposed action, even as minor as wearing a face covering that even helps the wearer, is a horrible tragedy and assault on their ability to make bad decisions. Those people are belligerent and numerous.


    The US government were also months late to handling COVID, and the conservative leadership in power was actively demonizing safety protocols such as masks, vaccines, social distancing, etc not to mention their own Center for Disease Control, to the point that a fair percentage of the population is distrustful of medical science and unwilling to consider those safety protocols.

    A lot of the news media (left and right) focused on things like getting people back to work in spite of the ongoing pandemic so it really forced the narrative away from collective safety and survival into economic prioritization and the illusion of normalcy.

    snooggums avatar

    The news media also focused on the demonizing by conservatives for more advertising clicks instead of promoting the safety measures by the CDC as reasonable and worth listening to.


    But abortions must be banned, because 'murica.

    There is no logic, just very bad people.


    You either seem to have people who just care about themselves and their comfort and beliefs only, or people who pretend to care about others, only to satisfy their ego and beliefs in the process, sometimes at the expense of the group they pretend to care about.


    Or just people who want to control other people for their own feeling of power.


    because wearing a mask is for pussies.

    it's really as simple as that. it's seen as weak and pathetic and makes you an object of ridicule.


    Is this you saying that or are you quoting some other people?


    Comment history is looking like they are serious lol

    starlinguk avatar

    Protecting others is weak and pathetic? Alrighty then. Bet you're a "Christian" too.


    Maybe before the pandemic someone somewhere might have said something but not now. Even living in a rural area people don’t say anything at all. I don’t know where that user got the idea that you’d be ridiculed.

    jecht360, avatar

    I still frequently wear a mask in busy/crowded areas and have probably received a dozen comments about it in the last week alone. So it definitely happens.


    I don't wear a mask anymore, but people glare at people that do. I also got a lot of harassing comments when I was wearing a mask last year.


    That’s interesting, guess it’s different around here. No one says shit and I’m in the rural south.


    Yeah. In Malaysia before covid, every flu season i could see some people(not a lot) start wearing mask, and people masked up as well in hazy season. Just before Covid become the pandemic i can see people already started to wear one before the mandate. Of course, nowadays some butthurt netizen will still jab at those wear mask here and there, but other than that, i still see people wear mask everywhere i go, which is a great thing. Sanitary and personal health shouldn’t be something that get ridiculed.

    But then again, it’s Asia, and SARS is pretty big back then.


    And notably they’re not really two entirely unrelated things. “SARS” is SARS-CoV-1 and “COVID” is SARS-CoV-2.


    Hmm I mean thousands of people (mostly the old) still died of flu every year. So kinda lethal.

    JungleGeorge avatar

    Hey everybody! Lets all return to the office! Quick! Commercial real-estate landlords aren't rich enough. We need to fill those buildings ASAP!

    snooggums avatar

    Office buildings are either test tubes or petri dishes depending on the height to width ratio.


    Office buildings are test tubes, schools are petri dishes.


    Where does that leave nursing homes?

    snooggums avatar


    cupcakezealot, avatar

    I’ve never stopped but it’s made me depressed when I was seemingly the only one doing it :/

    wide_eyed_stupid, avatar

    Oh definitely, it was really such a depressing eye-opener, to see so many people around just not give a fuck about anyone else.

    Dinodicchellathicc, avatar

    Id be surprised if anyone actually does this. I don’t think anyone cares anymore.

    I am worried about my grandma though, she’s old and covid has a way with old people.


    I was just in Japan a month ago and they have somewhere around 99% mask usage.

    And still people were catching COVID.


    I know two people with COVID who don’t know each other at the moment. I don’t remember the last time that happened. It’s BACK.


    Caught and fainted twice. Rough go this stuff.


    Never stopped wearing them. COVID never went away.


    Thank you. Being with someone who endured a hard cancer treatment and having a weak immune system since then, I really appreciate it if people wear masks where appropriate to protect themselves and others.


    I mean… It never will.


    Was there a bacterial pneumonia trend that happened like during spanish flu?


    COVID will never go away. What has happened and will continue to happen even further is the lethality and severity of symptoms will go down so it’s not as worrisome. Also we have defenses and medications for it now. But what I do hope that COVID has done for us is that if you’re sick or have symptoms, you’ll mask up, but masking all the time now is not necessary.

    01189998819991197253, (edited ) avatar

    The masks they peddle in stores are labeled as “not for medical use”. I mean, damn! They have holes in them that I can see through with my bare eyes!

    Masks that are protective, are called respirators and are part of a class of equipment called PPE (Personal Protective Equipment). The word “Personal” is in the name, because it is designed to protect the wearer, not those around the wearer, and is limited by the rating (P100 being the rating that will actually reduce the risk of some viral infections a reasonable amount, while N95 is for larger particulates like airborne dust and pollen). Will they (including those rated for dust) help reduce the risk of spread from the wearer to others around her/him? Of course, but only as long as the virus didn’t go airborne and, even then, “only” up to 20% reduction in risk. Airborne viruses, like the coronavirus family of viruses, are able to penetrate the fibers and travel, but the layers of the respirators and non-medical masks slow that travel considerably.

    I don’t think that people should be required to wear masks. If you want to wear one, please do so and protect yourself with your PPE. If you’ll see me around, I’ll be wearing mine. But if you don’t want to wear it, I believe that that’s your freedom over your own body. It’s your choice not to wear one, just as it is my choice to wear one. If someone makes fun of you for wearing a mask, I believe it to be your freedom to punch them in their throats.

    The issue, as far as I’ve noticed, is that people think they know something, when none of us really do. Even our scientists are waffling back and forth on the subject. We all do what we feel is best for us and ours, and we should allow others to do the same to them and their.

    Additionally, if someone around you is terrified, and would prefer you wear a mask, I think you should wear a mask (or not be around them). As I’ve said, we’re flying blind, and, sometimes, we need to feel safe whether or not we really are. Just be a good human.

    Lastly, up to 20% reduction in risk of spread isn’t anything to sneeze at, after all (pun intended). Do the right thing, whatever you feel that is, and respect others as they do their right thing.

    [E] You don’t have to agree with me, but it is scientifically accurate. I hope you don’t disagree with the “be a good human” part, though, since… why would you not be a good human?


    Fuck, I’m pro mask and all, but… that’s gonna be a hard sell. And tbh I fucking enjoy not wearing one anymore (unless I’m sick or something).


    Maybe “something” = “at high risk of getting stick?”

    skizzles, (edited )


    Edit: maybe I should have noted that I agreed with “Maybe “something” = “at high risk of getting stick?”” But just thought it was funny that he had to point that out.


    I was just typing up the same thing. I the UK this would need to get really bad for any sort of compliance to take place


    Imagine being scared of a cold with a 99.6% survival rate. 😂😂 newsflash buddy the masks never did anything and never will. God the people that freaked out over a cold are just pathetic, you all wasted years of your lives hiding from a cold that will get to you eventually anyway. The rest of us continued living our lives perfectly fine.


    Ah a medical expert as I can see. Please go ahead and enlighten me: where is your systemic proof of the ineffectiveness of masks as a precaution to reduce the spread of Covid?

    If it’s not too much to ask, please be so kind to provide the statistics regarding the different severity levels and corresponding number of cases of Covid while comparing that to the common cold.


    From “Physical interventions to interrupt or reduce the spread of respiratory viruses” Jefferson Et Al 2023 Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews masks compared to no masks

    We included 12 trials (10 cluster‐RCTs) comparing medical/surgical masks versus no masks to prevent the spread of viral respiratory illness (two trials with healthcare workers and 10 in the community). Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of influenza‐like illness (ILI)/COVID‐19 like illness compared to not wearing masks (risk ratio (RR) 0.95, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.84 to 1.09; 9 trials, 276,917 participants; moderate‐certainty evidence. Wearing masks in the community probably makes little or no difference to the outcome of laboratory‐confirmed influenza/SARS‐CoV‐2 compared to not wearing masks (RR 1.01, 95% CI 0.72 to 1.42; 6 trials, 13,919 participants; moderate‐certainty evidence)


    Imagine the survival rate without precautions. (e.g. look at Italy 2020)


    Okay and look at Sweden they didn’t do anything for Rona and were better off than everyone 😂


    they didn’t do anything for Rona

    You’re wrong.

    Swedes were encouraged to work from home if possible and limit travel within the country. In addition, people aged 70 or older were asked to limit social contact, and people with COVID symptoms were asked to self-isolate. The goal was to protect the elderly and other high-risk groups while slowing down the spread of the virus so the healthcare system wouldn’t become overwhelmed.

    As the number of cases surged, some restrictions were imposed. Public events were limited to a maximum of 50 people in March 2020, and eight people in November 2020. Visits to nursing homes were banned and upper secondary schools closed. Primary schools did, however, remain open throughout the pandemic.

    Face masks were not recommended for the general public during the first wave, and only in certain situations later in the pandemic.…


    I think the way you put it is blunt but a lot of people feel this way.


    I’ll always speak my mind, and these people will never accept the fact they got played. They will all just listen to every little thing the gov tells them to do, like the good little sheep they are. If they brought vax camps and train rides to them, all these people would jump on with out hesitation.


    You don’t do much critical thinking in your free time, or do you?


    Coming from the one who is scared of a fucking cold. You have a higher chance of dying from the flu than you do Rona, but keep living in fear see where that gets you. 😂


    Have you heard of the psychological condition of paranoia? Maybe you should look into it and talk to some professionals.


    So all of you that are scared of a cold just suffer from paranoia? Shit you could have just said that from the beginning. Well shit good luck G.


    I love how he feels the need to put the smily face on every comment when it is crystal clear that he is malding behind the screen


    "High five everyone! We got these guys to wear MASKS! LOLOL! Hey, why’d my stocks go down? Oh well, MASKS!!! 🤣 "


    Maybe instead of speaking your mind you can speak with facts next time.


    Lmao I do not give a single shit what you dumb fucks on the Internet think or say. Y’all got played and you’re scared to admit it. You’ll learn eventually, otherwise have fun living the rest of your pathetic lives in fear of a cold. 😂


    Yeah, the way you speak and argue clearly shows how much of not “a dumb fuck” you are. Veeeery convincing.


    Wanna try that again in English?


    So what’s the survival rate of a cold?


    Like 120%

    Balroy, (edited )

    The question is why are you so scared of the cold in the first place? 99.6% survival rate. How is that scary? Genuinely curious, explain why that’s scary to people. Bunch of downvotws but no one to explain why the cold is so scary? Hmm


    If I answer, will you actually listen? I’ll believe you if you start by answering my question of what the survival/mortality rate of the common cold is.


    Either way you’re not gonna change my mind and I’m not gonna change yours, but I’ve always been curious why people are so scared of that bullshit when you face hundreds of other ways to die every single day with out batting and eye. You have a higher chance of being hit by lightning than dying from Rona. So what’s so scary about a cold?


    Where the fuck do you live that more than 1/200 people get struck by lightning?

    Fuck it. You say 99.6% survival rate, as if you can effectively round it up to 100% and say it’s totally harmless. What it really means is that about 1 in 200 will die. Here in the Denver metro area, where I live, that’s almost 120,000 dead. No doubt they spend time in the hospital first. We don’t have the hospital infrastructure to support that kind of influx, and that’s not even counting those who need medical care but survive.

    My daughter was born just over a year ago. She was 3 months early, and I WISH she were 2 pounds because that would’ve been more reassuring considering her actual birth weight would be rounded down to a single pound. She only got fully released from needing oxygen about a week ago. I can only imagine how things would’ve been if all the wonderful doctors and nurses we were fortunate enough to have were assigned to COVID units because the world ran the way you wished it did. Hell, I’m thankful we didn’t have to deal with it the way things actually were in 2020. Because what gives us a cold could send her straight back to the hospital and hopefully she gets out.


    Yeah, its endemic now. When will it stop being news the way flu is, that kills people too


    You’re right. The flu should be more present in the news as well.


    “press X to doubt”


    Fuck off back to reddit.

    obinice, avatar

    As somebody with family in the extremely high risk of death category twice over, I’ll make sure we’re all extra careful.

    Unfortunately, masks only protect others, not yourself, and so we must rely on the intelligence of others around us to wear masks to protect their loved ones and the at risk British population.

    So, we shall see. Mark my words, if these people kill my family, I will never forgive them. Right wing antivax tossers and left wing apathetic idiots, I’ll never forgive either group. On my deathbed in the 2080s I won’t forgive them.

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