@YoBuckStopsHere@lemmy.world avatar

We hit the post threshold for reports. Locked

erranto, (edited )

Did they find the body to confirm the beheading. or is this the same story as the 40 beheaded babies propagandized by mass media.

Why the mess if one bullet could do a cleaner job. I don’t think they have a fetish for beheading despite all other cruelties they can be capable of.

Edit: for those who are asking why I am talking about beheading rumors because NBC Titled its video with “Beheading” and refer to Israel’s President saying: youtube.com/watch?v=ICR5ml2YPkI


The article explains the details. Just like you said. Shot in the head.


According to the title of this NBC video it says “Beheaded” , youtube.com/watch?v=ICR5ml2YPkI

So we don’t know Who to believe


Who said she was beheaded? All it says in the article is she had a severe head injury and if you watched the video of her being paraded, you can clearly see she has a head injury most likely being shot in the head.


Western Media as in the title of this video by NBC : youtube.com/watch?v=ICR5ml2YPkI


So nice that she was able to travel from Germany to party in Israel.

I wonder what the travel logs for Gazans are like, and why that is.


You are all ridiculous with your dirty propaganda. “paraded, raped…” too big, like the story about beheaded babies. So, Hamas would have the time and leisure to do that under intense fucking bombing and fighting. What a joke! Israelis confirming every single jewish clichés that we heard on history channel about Nazi’s vision on them!

Between, Yocheved Lifshitz, elderly recently freed has another story.

@Neil@lemmy.ml avatar


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  • goat,

    She was one of the women raped to death and then paraded through the streets. That and she was a foreigner.

    intrepid, (edited )

    I’m not familiar with the story. Are you saying that she was paraded after her death?

    Edit: Nevermind. I saw the video just now. I’m at a loss for words to describe people who do this to innocent civilians.


    Hamas. Terrorists.

    The same people who use gaza as civilians and then blame Israel for the casualties. Their bosses are currently in Qatar, the same Qatar that has an explosion of meetings with different media mongrels during Fifa, particularly elon musk.


    Imagine you have an invisible man in the sky who approves of everything you do and will make sure that when you die you go to a happy land forever. Now you understand.


    This is exactly why I hate organized religion. Want to believe in God? That’s your concern. But don’t come to me peddling your sky daddy.


    I think it’s rather because Hammas produced the video with her being pressed into back of their truck in unnatural position half naked and paraded trough the Gaza streets while tens or maybe hundreds people were celebrating her humiliation . But i might be wrong. 🤷‍♂️


    Sad ! Thats the world we live in

    @snek@lemmy.world avatar

    I think it’s news because her body was taken around on a truck while people spat on her.


    This is news because she was one of the first videos that went viral that day. And to this day there are still people denying it that she died and that she is home safe. There was even a so called interview with her mother who said she was alive. They even went so far to say the truck video was them bringing her to a hospital (ya know because you beat half naked in her underwear body with your sandals to administer first aid).

    The Internet used “her being alive” as one of the first propaganda pieces to try to paint the photo that nothing happened Oct 7 and Israel are all liars.

    Turns out it’s exactly as the videos made it look. Just like the woman being led into a jeep with dark drried blood all over the ass of her pants was probably bleeding from mass rape even though the Internet tried to find every excuse for their behaviors.


    I think the mother was just in denial


    bleeding from mass rape

    Prove this.


    You don’t think that’s happening?


    So you don’t have any proof that she was raped? Apart from white supremacist propaganda?


    I think she sat in blood, but that’s just me. I’m no professor of internet study. There could have been more ass rape than blood on the ground that day for all I know.


    The way I remember it is her mom said that Hamas claimed she was still alive. Not surprised it was a lie. Her mother must be even more devastated now after having that little bit of hope.


    the terrorism deniers/excusers are pretty disgusting on the internet


    Please, add more add more, we must make the most of Hamas! Did Hamas ate her too? You know, we still have room for Israeli delirium.
    You are all so ridiculous with your tabloid stories to hide the criminal acts that Israel is committing.
    “A german-israeli woman dead”
    “+3000 children smashed under bombings”

    “yeah, but Shani Louk! and you, come about people without name and sexy photo!”


    nobody here is hiding stories about the criminal acts israel is committing, and in fact a lot of thr folks talking about killing and raping random women being bad are not pro israel

    do you ever have a moment of clarity between frothing over folks saying torture is bad and think ‘am i a bad person’?


    I don’t know when the truth became your enemy nor do I particularly care. Both sides have and continue to do bad things.


    More importantly, in one of the few countries with actual walls on their borders to keep out Palestinians, why were the guards missing that night and how did Hamas find out ?


    Israel ignored the warnings from Egypt


    Nope it ain’t, and it’s mostly sensors and cams. Guards weren’t missing, it was religious holiday and most of the IDF came back home. A lot of paragliding recreations occur often and Hamas used this opportunity to their advantage. I know these things because I know few people who work in the IDF. I’m not jewish but I live in Israel for my job. The wall is mostly fence, and only in important places it’s a wall.

    I assume you know that more than half a million Palestinians cross that border every day… it’s not that strict. Although from now on it might be


    The “wall” is a chain link fence, Hamas just cut it down where they wanted to sally out through


    I googled the wall earlier, in some places it’s an actual wall, yet its chain length with rows of bar wire in others. Doesn’t change the fact it’s one of the most patrolled borders in the world guarded by one of the world’s most advanced army. How could this happen.


    Perhaps the thousands of rockets fired at Israel that night and several attacks at multiple sides at the same time on a Jewish holiday had people distracted?


    i assume a lot of it is high tech and sensor based, that can all fail with hacking or bad interpretation of the data. Also, the infiltrators likely first flew over the fence and possibly disabled parts of it once they were inside to allow others to come in the conventional way.


    A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths are a statistic-

    Everyone’s favorite statistician


    Well the important thing is you get to be superior to everyone else.


    Hot take: making an astute observation for the purposes of having a conversation about media literacy isn’t being narcissistic.


    Here’s one right here: www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-67266873

    Post it, upvote it, give it it’s own thread. Both tales are appalling.

    @doom_and_gloom@lemmy.ml avatar


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  • 1847953620,

    Hmm, that would certainly change things nothing


    Critical reading is the only skill we need to teach in school. We are clearly failing. This is getting ridiculous.

    The IDF confirmed Shani’s death. The IDF has been caught lying already.

    Shani’s mother who as I understand it has not actually seen the evidence told a news station “a piece of her skull was found”

    Remember Shani’s mother said just a few weeks ago “Shani is alive”

    This is far from actually confirmed.


    Good thing Hamas never lies or we would have no idea who to trust.

    Like when “500 people” died in that hospital parking lot from that IDF bomb that totally didn’t look like a failed Hamas rocket explosion. /s


    The “500 people killed” thing isn’t actually due to Hamas but Al Jazeera: Directly after the explosion, before the dust had settled, a Health Ministry spokesperson spoke about “500 casualties”. In the context of “there are killed and wounded”. And as it was so early, and it’s a round number, obviously an estimate, and not an official number. Al Jazeera turned that into 500 killed in its English edition, and the whole fucking western media ran with it.

    Now I dislike Hamas like I dislike any fascists but the Health Ministry is not just Hamas, plenty of Fatah and generally people from the PA in there, and their numbers have generally been pretty accurate (even if they don’t distinguish between civilians and combatants, they simply count the dead). Possibly not as accurate in this case though as once Al Jazeera put that number out there it’s probably hard to correct them down while Hamas’ propaganda finger of the military arm is holding an AK to your head.

    @Dremor@lemmy.world avatar

    Actually we aren’t sure about the rocket origin yet. Investigations are still ongoing, and some recent evidence, including more geolocated video that allowed to do a trajectory analysis through triangulation, and which tend to suggest it was launched from the Israel side. Hypothesis being it may have been a defective iron dome missile that went rogue and unfortunately dislocated and which explosive payload fell on the hospital parking.

    Still, before accusing either side it would be best to wait for more proofs. Either way it is going to be considered as a major war crime, and no matter if it was intentional or not, someone has to pay for it.


    Even if it was an iron dome rocket, which is not impossible; it was not targeting the hospital. It was targeting a hostile missile launch.

    I also trust international orgs fatality reports more than local sources on this one.

    Y’all keep talking about war crimes, but Hamas is not even distinguishing themselves from civilians which is the basis from where almost every other IHL rule stems.


    Even if it was an iron dome rocket, which is not impossible

    If it was an iron dome rocket then Israel knows they’re lying when they say it’s PIJ. You don’t think that’s an issue?

    @Dremor@lemmy.world avatar

    What Hamas does is indeed considered as a war crime (taking the population as human shields). But Israel’s riposte is way too disproportionate.
    The fight isn’t about good vs evil, it is just about two brands of the same evil, trying to stay in power by feeding the stalemate while disregarding the lives of the civilians caught in the crossfire.
    They are each other’s best asset.


    While i do not wholly agree with your last sentence, i do respect your balanced view. Making any war one of “good vs. evil” is dangerous a step toward dehumanizing the enemy and it only gets worse from there.

    Also i agree Israel’s response has been very strong and cold, but i believe they were not left with many choices.

    Things could not return to status quo with Gaza after the attack on the 7th and there was no clean option left for them. Diplomacy failed over and over for decades. Both sides share blame for the diplomatic breakdown, but Israel has no allies and many enemies in the region and must project strength to keep opportunists away.

    @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar


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  • Dremor,
    @Dremor@lemmy.world avatar

    Which isn’t a reason to be paraded half naked nor killed for the sins of the power hungry leader of both states. There is no excuse good enough to indiscriminately kill civilians.

    @Linkerbaan@lemmy.world avatar

    She was paraded in the outfit she was partying in. They didn’t need to strip her she did that herself.

    Also when people have a rave party on Crimea are they just innocent civilians that should be completely harmless from Ukranian attacks? Unless Israel forced her to be partying on Palestinian land why was she there?

    shadowspirit, (edited )

    I’m very saddened to hear about the death of this young woman. I’m also sad to hear about deaths of many, many Palestinians. I do not think it’s coincidence that Hamas decides to launch a major offensive in the midst of talks with between Saudi Arabia and Israel to normalize relations between the two after many years of relative peace. We can’t have peace in the Middle East because it doesn’t serve the ends to the major regional powers.

    Both sides in this conflict are used as pawns for the political ends of others. Innocent people are those that get caught in the midst of it all. Hamas didn’t do this without a green light so as much vitriol being spilled in this thread we have to take a step back. These fights have been brewing and going on for generations. If you take the short term view much of the strife we see today is the fallout from WWII and that is used as leverage by other nefarious parties.

    It’s not the Israeli people’s fault they do not have a home. It’s not the Palestinian people’s fault they do not have a home.

    Some of the comments in this thread are sickening, hateful, narrow, and short-sighted.


    I don’t think it’s right to nonchalantly compare the Palestinians as the citizens of a nation and Jews as an ethnic group. It seems a bit… racist?

    From what I understand it’s not the Palestinians fault they don’t have a home, and that’s in large part due to Israeli Zionists.


    Not my intent. I made an edit to address that.

    I don’t disagree with you if that extends beyond borders. External forces seem to dictate what happens there.


    they have a home, and they’d have a country if they just said “yes”

    Jews are most assuredly an ethnic group. One Hamas intends to commit genocide against.


    "I invaded your land and occupied it and killed your family, but you didn’t say yes when I offered you a piece of your land! You’re a terrorist! "


    you murdered, raped, and defiled the corpses of innocents, unprovoked, and with no aim but the act itself, so you’re by definition a terrorist



    Palestinians weren’t citizens of a nation and than got invaded by Zionist Jews someday. Israel, Gaza and Westbank (now called Palestine) were created in that area which was called Transjordan at the time. And Israelis and Palestinians come from a similar group of people who has ancestors in the area.

    The influx of Jews to the area was a result of World War 2 and the exile of Jews in some of the surrounding countries.

    You are seen as a “Palestine refugee” btw, when your father was a Palestine refugee. It’s not exactly a citizenship.


    1 vs 3000 kids


    Multiple things can be bad simultaneously you equivocating shitbag.

    @jordanlund@lemmy.world avatar

    Removed. Keep it civil.


    A+ insult


    Two of my other favorites,

    “You’re the reason your teacher was a day drinker weren’t you.”


    “All the sharp wit of a pickle ball.”


    Well more than 1… but also form and motive are important here.

    The “1” was an innocent woman who was raped, tortured, and murdered slowly and publicly to spread terror because she was at a music festival.

    The “3000” are civilian casualties of war because said terrorists are hiding behind them as a combat strategy.

    Both are horrible, but you are making a false equivalency.


    Who is his right mind goes to a festival when your country is “at war” though


    That’s like asking why do people keep having so many babies when their country is at war?



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  • PhlubbaDubba,

    The area was popular for concerts and festivals for both sides of the conflict, the Gaza music scene actually made regular use of the area because it makes it less likely Hamas’ goons are going to show up and drag them off the stage for not being muslim enough.

    leaskovski avatar

    You look over there, and then you look at the comments in here. It's makes you wonder if the human race will ever live in peace. Shame on us all.



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  • DarkGamer,
    DarkGamer avatar

    I also find it troubling how many people on the fediverse are apologists for Hamas.

    @snek@lemmy.world avatar


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  • DarkThoughts,

    You'd be surprised. I mean, even downpunxx is still here trolling his extremist crap under every topic.


    I’m not a Hamas apologist, but I have noticed that there are just as many IDF apologists.


    Yeah, that’s not equal at all buddy. The IDF is commiting atrocities. Also, nobody gives a shit about Israeli civilians and millions of us are worrying about the 4th Reich.


    Piece of shit.


    Lol piece of shit bc a pattern of targeting Jewish civilians continueds and is worrisome? Elaborate please.


    You're a piece of shit because you don't give a shit about civilians because they're not part of your little hate group.


    Why does everything have to equal out? These are peoples lives, not a fucking math equation.


    They wrote “just as many”… I agree with you hence my comment


    I got downvoted and shit on just for saying the videos from 10/7 showed really fucked up shit, including Shani. Some of the crowd on lemmy is pretty fuckin gross tbh, the Fediverse isn't going to pick up with the tankies taking over over every controversial political topic.

    @Gormadt@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar

    I haven’t seen the videos (and I don’t plan to) because I don’t need to see them to know it was some horrendously fucked up shit. Just reading the articles about it was more than enough.

    But Israel bombing the shit out of Gaza and blockading food, water, electricity, fuel, etc from entering Gaza is straight up crimes against humanity.

    Israel is punishing every single person in the area for the crimes of Hamas.

    Hamas can fuck off but I understand why they came about.


    Yeah I've made it a point to not to "pick a side" which is what I am seeing people do in most conversations about the topic. I'm atheist and have no stake in either and the whole thing is just a disgusting mess. The problem comes when people justify the "eye for an eye" response that both groups are taking.


    The problem comes when people justify the “eye for an eye” response that both groups are taking.

    This is the all lives matter take of the middle east. Israel has killed 36x as many civilians as all pro-Palestine groups have killed Israeli civilians.

    It’s not an eye for an eye. It’s genocide.


    No, killing innocent civilians is never the answer no matter who has done what. And both groups are doing it. Israel can be a piece of shit for what they have done and are doing. And Hamas can be a piece of shit for what they did too, they are not mutually exclusive.



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  • Blackmist,

    The line between pro-Palestinian and anti-Semitic is dangerously thin in places.


    Especially in the minds of people who want to revel in their righteousness.


    100% upvotes on Kbin.

    This whole topic sucks. It's like you can only have one extreme side to take instead of acknowledging fault on both sides. Meanwhile Tankies and Nazis continue to point fingers at each other, defending whichever team suits their current political agenda the most.
    Hamas are terrorists that did an atrocity, Israel also is responsible for things escalating to this point, they still have a right to defend themselves, but the way they're doing it is also far from appropriate. If people cannot start to acknowledge everyone's wrongdoings, then I don't see how this area can ever reach stability. Even most politicians / countries seem to be too scared to do anything, to take a proper stance. Meanwhile there's more and more civilians dying over there.

    Fucking bullshit. All of it.

    LollerCorleone, (edited )
    LollerCorleone avatar

    Fuck Hamas. They are a blight on the Palestinian cause.

    Edit: Typo



    LollerCorleone avatar


    downpunxx avatar

    wait til you figure out Hamas, PIJ, PLO, and Hezbollah ARE the "Palestinian" cause, and always have been, boy that's going to come as a real shock to you, after, what is it, 70 years

    LollerCorleone avatar

    Not really. The Palestinian cause is about the aspiration of those people to live freely in their own land. And its not fair to club PLO with the other two that you mentioned.


    We have all seen the video of her broken body being paraded through Gaza and the people spitting on her. Hamas did that and they brought death and destruction to Gaza.

    @meekah@lemmy.world avatar

    so the past 50 years of the gaza strip being bombed by israel have not brought death and desctruction to gaza? that’s ignoring the constant blockades and other restrictions israel put on gaza as well.


    “It is kind of more complicated than that” when it is really not!

    let me just start with this postulate:

    • palestinians: natives
    • israelis: colons

    Should I add than one is heavily militarized and has control over infrastructures?


    That’s wrong though. Palestinians and Israelis both stem from ancestors from the area. You could even say that at least in Jerusalem the Palestinians came later.


    bullshit! you want to go back to what? neolithic ?



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  • meekah,
    @meekah@lemmy.world avatar

    Truth be told, I am not old enough to have cared about issues like this pre 2010. So what exactly do you think justifies israels behavior here? What happened before 2010 that shows that Palestine is the aggressor?



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  • meekah,
    @meekah@lemmy.world avatar

    Well, fair enough, in this comment chain nobody justified Israels behavior.

    I know Hamas has been hiding behind civilians and children, and Hamas are absolutely disgusting. Definitely. But I think it’s necessary to acknowledge that bombing civilians to get rid of terrorists is counterproductive. IDF is almost certainly creating more terrorists than they are killing by doing that. I’m sure some of the civilians already want to destroy Israel, but I think most of them get indoctrinated when joining Hamas after seeing how friends and family keep getting killed by IDF.



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  • meekah,
    @meekah@lemmy.world avatar


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  • bl4ckblooc,


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  • blazeknave,


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  • bl4ckblooc,


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  • TranscendentalEmpire,

    I mean, the main start of the conflict was over 70 years ago. I’m not sure if Israel really comes out looking that much better.

    They unilaterally declared themselves a state and ended up expelling over 700k people from their homes. They even utilized biological warfare, poisoning wells with typhus.

    While there have been crimes against humanity committed by both sides, the reason people focus on Israel is that they are in the sole position of power. Palestine has no way to barter or negotiate, and when all other forms of discourse are eliminated, then the only option is violence.


    Arab nations forced hundreds of thousands of Jews out of their homes and into Israel when the Brits controlled it.

    Israel accepted the UN proposal for a two state solution, giving Gaza and the West Bank to Palestine.

    Palestine rejected it and launched a war against Israel with the help of Egypt, Lebanon, Jordan, and Iran in an attempt to eliminate the Jews in Israel.


    Arab nations forced hundreds of thousands of Jews out of their homes and into Israel when the Brits controlled it.

    Israel did not exist under British rule… are you talking about the blockade of Jerusalem in 47? I don’t think you know what you are talking about, there were only 500k Jews in all of Palestine when the British were in charge. And a lot more Palestinians were displaced during that conflict than Jews.

    Israel accepted the UN proposal for a two state solution, giving Gaza and the West Bank to Palestine.

    Yeah… That’s why people were upset. The Jewish population made up 1/3 of the population, and owned only 7% of the land during the mandate, but we’re given 56% of the country, which just happened to be the most valuable land.

    Of course people are going to be pissed, a minority group was just awarded the majority of the country for free.


    They’re referring to Operation Magic Carpet and the many other transfers of Jews to Israel.

    The other user clearly is clearly knowledgable on the matter.


    Clearly not, as he said this was an operation when the British controlled Palestine. Magic carpet happened in 49’, two years after the initial outbreak of violence.

    We were discussing the initial cause of the violence, not one of its results.


    lets not forget the blockade by egypt too, even jordan at one point wanted to kick out and backtrack citizenship for all descendants of palestinian refugees


    Hamas AND Israel both brought death and destruction to Gaza. Palestinian children are not bombing themselves now.



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  • bl4ckblooc,


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  • blazeknave,


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  • bl4ckblooc,


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    @RIPandTERROR@lemmy.blahaj.zone avatar




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  • blazeknave,


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  • twisted28,


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  • DarkThoughts,

    Israel fed this shit with their shitty politics. You can't oppress and kill civilians, taking their homes, and generally just put everyone in some massive ghetto with 0 chances to have a better future without radicalizing people. They're definitely responsible for this as well. And Israel is the one flattening all those houses. Just look at the fucking casualties.

    Your last sentence is also just projection. You just use Shani for your fucking agenda. Disgusting.


    I have not seen that thankfully


    I don’t understand why someone would want to see that.


    It is sadly the reality of the situation. Only someone fucked up can see that and the other videos from that day (example the slaughtered elderly at the bus stop etc) and think “Oh Hamas are the good guys.”


    I think the number of people who think hamas are the good guys is infinitessimal compared to the number of people who think Israel shouldn’t be genocidal.


    what the fuck did I just read! Israel military should indeed kill children, shouldn’t they? fucking bastard you are.

    Heavily armed, full of advantages, but are there, behind their joysticks killing toddlers! What an army of piece of shit!


    You might have misunderstood my comment.


    Do you think that’s the case globally or mostly in the western world?


    It’s global in countries where people use forks.


    I think anyone everywhere would agree that Israel’s response should be appropriate to the threat, which excludes genocide.

    Sadly, I think most people in the western world just swallow the narrative which is that Israel are allies, therefore the good guys, therefore they can’t be genocidal.


    The western world is hardly a population majority. Do you think your statement about who is considered “good” and “bad” expands outside of the western world?


    I’m so weary of this type of comment. Trying to draw me in to some snarky debate that will achieve nothing.

    Can we just skip to the end where I’m a poorly informed idiot and you regale us all with your enlightened understanding of these complex issues?


    I’m so weary of absolutist that can tell how it is and anybody questioning it is wearisome.

    I don’t know about you but I’ll just skip to the part where I don’t have to interact with you ever again. I wish you a day as pleasant as you are.


    I wish you a day as pleasant as you are.

    Epic burn. Well done. I’ll be fretting about that one for days.


    It’s reality. You want to understand the hatred felt by everything in that region? You have to watch it uncensored.


    I disagree. I don’t think that watching a few videos could help someone “understand” the hatred as much as reading and listening.


    Your imagination can’t match the nastiness of reality


    I very much doubt that.


    Have you seen videos of Israelis cheering every time they hear bombs exploding in Gaza?



    well I guess that makes killing this citizen ok then


    That’s a terrible thing to say.


    So is responding to a human atrocity with “yeah but what about these other people celebrating an atrocity”


    thats the whole conflict tho :(


    How is simply stating facts, “a terrible thing to say”?


    I mean after what happened it’s going to turn a lot of people dark. No different than in the states after 9/11. I legit know people that signed up just to “kill some sand you know what’s to get pay back”. That’s fucked up yes. And wrong. But hardly unexpected just like I expect citizens of Gaza to enmase celebrate the death of Jews now.


    So are 3000 Palestinian children.

    downpunxx avatar

    who told you that, hamas? the same way they told you israel bombed that hospital, last week? fuck you


    Who told you that, Israel? The same way they told you Hamas beheaded those babies, last week?
    Fuck you

    @snek@lemmy.world avatar

    But that article is particularly about her.



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  • Szymon,

    They’re all fucking innocent, you monsters.

    @hark@lemmy.world avatar

    True, but the 3000 Palestinian children don’t get a whole series of articles for each individual one. They’re just a number, and apparently a meaningless one, given the ferocity of attacks by the Israeli government that has no limit when it comes to “retaliation”.


    Yeah how dare people naturally gravitate towards emblemizing a specific victim who’s name and face randomly surfaces past the rest early on as a representation of the ongoing crisis!

    Nobody’s stopping you from writing an article about any of those 3000 kids if you care that much that someone else got spotlight coverage.


    Do you think it’s random?


    Yes actually, most israelis look pretty much the same as most Gazans save for the gazans being more likely to be wearing a kuffiya


    She’s German.


    Because the number three thousand is probably made up by Hamas. Hamas also doesn’t have a register of the young people they draw into their cause.

    They also don’t first get the names of all the people living in an apartment complex before they start stockpiling guns there and start shooting rockets from there.

    Because they don’t care for their names. They care for the fact that they can control international support by having a high number of civilian deaths.


    In your opinion, how many women and children died?


    Same children whose shoulders Hamas used to prop up their guns while firing as Israeli soldiers?


    No, the ones bombed by the IDF.


    Has anyone on Lemmy ever read about Hamas before a month ago? Hiding bombs and murderers behind children is what the world knows of them. It’s fact. Cute watching you all catching up on the conflict in 15 minutes.


    Yea these people are so confused in their own stupidity they end up being pro-terrorist.



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  • SCB,

    Is it self defense when Hamas kills and kidnaps civilians?


    Is it self defense when Israel bombs an area with the high potential for civilian deaths?


    Happy to help.

    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    How many people defending Israel now have read about their funding and support for Hamas? Netenyahu’s government supports the most extreme of the militant groups within Gaza purposely to keep Palestine divided. Even his supporters in Israel are aware of and critique this fact.


    is there further reading on this? I know in the past Israel sent material to Hamas (Governor’s of Gaza) in attempts to curtail rocket attacks

    @tocopherol@lemmy.dbzer0.com avatar

    Thank you for the articles


    Whataboutism. My comment did nothing of the sort

    hassanmckusick, (edited )

    Hiding bombs and murderers behind children is what the world knows of them. It’s fact.

    Really cuz I’ve been asking for evidence for 3 weeks and nobody has bothered to link even a single source with 3rd party confirmation.

    Edit: Literally since Israel bombed the AP building 2 years ago I have never gotten a single source in response. Nobody even tries.


    Since 2007 per your peer comment stratcomcoe.org/publications/…/87


    Here is an analysis of this Hamas strategy by the NATO:

    Hybrid Threats: Hamas’ use of human shields in Gaza


    Yeah the “Hamas using kids as human shields” thing has been tried and true IDF propaganda for years.

    Hamas operations in Gaza aren’t taking place from military sites, because THEY DO NOT EXIST. Israel will not allow them, because why the fuck would they??

    Gaza is an open air prison that is incredibly densely populated. With no area ever possibly being cordoned off for military actions, where would one recommend they do these things from? You live in a prison, you work with that you have.

    They’re not using human shields, they’re just launching their attacks from the only options that exist to them.


    A prison of their own making, mind you.


    Are you saying that Israel, the occupying, is not responsible for the suffering of the country they occupied?


    This may come as a surprise to some whataboutists, but it turns out that multiple things can all be senseless tragedies at the same time.


    Yeah, but one’s 3000 times worse.


    I dunno. What’s the ratio of hot german girls to poor brown Gazans?

    I’d say it’s at least a 10 to 1 ratio, where 1 german girl is worth at least 10 brown Gazans.

    I think Israel may prove me wrong, though, and increase the ratio.


    Picture that girl… pile of meat being raped to death. Picture hee mother picturing it. Call her a hot girl who’s life has no value some more. Great work humanist.


    Picture that girl… pile of meat being raped to death.

    He does so often. We all know why.


    Yeah. Then picture ten times as many children being bombed, shot, and starved while living in horrendous conditions at the behest of their occupiers.


    Damn, you right, this is justifiable


    Leftists are such cannibals with their pity points maths. Reprehensible.


    “pity points maths,” AKA logic.

    DarkGamer avatar

    I suspect people simping for Hamas are more likely to be islamists than leftists. I'm pretty far left but absolutely cannot see Hamas as the good guys here, letting them successfully hide behind children because of international concern trolling is not a solution and will eventually lead to more deaths.


    I’m decently far left as well and my general opinion is that both sides of this conflict are bad guys. Ain’t no winners here.


    Why do you think not wanting people to bomb children is simping for Hamas?

    Why do you think giving a shit about bombing thousands of children is ‘concern trolling’?


    Because “Muh Team.”

    DarkGamer avatar

    One cannot bomb Hamas without bombing children because Hamas hides behind children. If one allows this to prevent tactical bombing, it's now a tactical advantage, so expect more of it.

    They are keenly aware of the reaction that the inevitable deaths of children they caused will illicit in the media.

    Of course Hamas could be deposed without the bombing if Gazans did it themselves… It would be nice if they showed as much concern for their own children's safety as they expect Israel to.


    So you see, we just have to bomb children. It’s the moral thing to do.

    :wrings hands insincerely:

    DarkGamer avatar

    It's the same reason one doesn't negotiate with terrorists. It's not because the world doesn't want the hostages returned safely, it's to discourage the taking of future hostages by removing the advantage it confers. You let them successfully hide behind children and they will hide behind even more.

    TopRamenBinLaden, (edited )

    Thank you for pointing this out. I am a leftist. I am an athiest/agnostic from a Muslim family. I wholeheartedly condemn what Israel has done and is doing to Palestine. That being said, fuck Hamas so much. They are no better than the Israeli government and IDF, and they would be worse if they were the ones who had the upper hand. You can support the plight of the Palestinians while condemning Hamas. They aren’t mutually exclusive.

    Conservative Islam is like Conservative Christianity with nothing to hold it back from going full crusade mode. Abrahamic religions are a curse on the world.

    DarkGamer avatar

    Conservative Islam is like Conservative Christianity with nothing to hold it back from going full crusade mode. Abrahamic religions are a curse on the world.

    I agree, although I'd characterize them more as extremists than conservatives. There's a lot of extremist Jews intentionally starting shit too; the way that some of the Orthodox Jews treat Palestinians is atrocious. Their flash-mob takeover of the Al-Aqsa Mosque was citied as one of the reasons for Hamas' terror attack. When one believes that they are right, that they are the chosen ones, and are literally supported by God, it's a recipe for endless conflict and atrocity with no end. Compromise becomes impossible without going against one's conception of God.

    I suspect all parties would behave differently if they gave up traditional myth and realized that we only have one go through this life and it's not a prelude to something else.


    Well said. Extremists is a good word, as there are religious people with conservative beliefs that still wouldn’t cross the line into violence.

    I completely agree that the world would be better off if we could somehow shed the chains of harmful religions. The decline of religion seems to come about naturally with education and modernization as shown with the decline of Christianity in the modern western world. The myths start to lose their power when there is access to a bunch of evidence to the contrary of what some musty old book says.

    Iran used to be a beautiful place when the people in charge there were focused on modernization instead of religion. As soon as conservative Muslims took over, the focus was put back on Islam, and the place is an authoritarian third world hellhole now.

    DarkGamer, (edited )
    DarkGamer avatar

    Iran used to be a beautiful place when the people in charge there were focused on modernization instead of religion. As soon as conservative Muslims took over, the focus was put back on Islam, and the place is an authoritarian third world hellhole now.

    Which is a shame, the refugees I've met from there have always been friendly and there's a lot of fascinating history and tradition and natural beauty in that part of the world that I'll probably never get to experience because of extremist hatred. If they come to their senses I would love to visit Iran one day.

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