santiago, (edited ) to retrocomputing avatar

Did anyone build a search engine including only websites without any JavaScript ? (Not a proxy that strips JS — rendering the site unuseable — sites that don’t contain any as is).

That would be wonderful for .

santiago, avatar

I should add than but I once bought domain in order to do something similar. Original idea was actually to collect links from participating instances (using admin moderation to filter good content in public posts themselves and search only that).

It just hit me now that should tag pages with zero JavaScript and allow search in there exclusively.

jake4480, avatar

@santiago killer idea. You may know about and which are DIRECTORIES of tiny sites but don't contain a search engine for them as far as I know. 10kbclub appears to be gone but glad these two are still going. I bet there's more like these too.

sarajw, to random avatar

I feel the need to introduce people to @mk.

The website:
The forum:
The mission:


#smolweb #indieweb #oldnet #homepages #joy

santiago, to retrocomputing avatar

Maybe these should come back,
except instead of
“this page best viewed in”
it should say
“this page still fucking works with”

santiago, avatar

One could imagine even a fork of NetSurf with this only intent. Just rename it as SmolWeb browser + add an option to show just all the crap that was ignored. With a percentage of data used for actual content. “Site is 76% crap”.

Then you can imagine an opt-in search engine where owner enables indexation by having some smallweb tag in the code and submitting link to a form so the crawler can get a look and eventually refuse / abort at the first JavaScript tag.

santiago, avatar

Obviously I should tag this thread with the usual :-)

jpfox, to SmallWeb French avatar

L'envie d'un web plus simple

Depuis quelques années, une partie de la communauté internet se tourne vers des solutions plus simples et moins gourmandes en ressources, en réaction à ce que beaucoup considèrent comme l’« #emmerdification » progressive du web. Le protocole #Gemini a émergé comme une réponse prometteuse à ce besoin, mais après l’enthousiasme initial, une certaine désillusion semble s’installer [...]

#smallweb #smolweb #lowtech

dvd, avatar


Ce qui me plaît dans #gemini , c’est que l’auteur n’a pas à se soucier du design et peut se concentrer sur le contenu.

Le design, c’est l’affaire du visiteur qui peut, au choix, opter pour le minimalisme en lisant les pages dans un terminal, ou s’offrir un affichage sur mesure en configurant aux petits oignons un client Gemini comme Lagrange.

Là, ce n’est plus « orienté sur le lecteur » mais décidé par le lecteur. 😉


dvd, avatar


Je suis d’accord à 1000 %.

@nitot @bortzmeyer @jpfox

reillypascal, to SmallWeb avatar

We usually call a blog on the Gemini protocol a "gemlog," but what if we followed the same pattern as "web log" → "blog" and called them "glogs"?

#Gemini #GeminiProtocol #SmallWeb #SmolWeb #Gemlog #Blog #Shitpost

goleztrol, avatar

@reillypascal isn't gemini the web as well? Blogs are called blogs, not http-logs or plogs. 🤔

dvd, avatar


No, #Geminispace is not part of the Web, which itself is only a part (albeit an important one) of the Internet.


tallship, to fediverse

This Should be *a huge conversation in the - really.

@jupiter_rowland certainly paraphrases much of the sentiment here in the Fediverse where many conversations are taking place, albeit briefly, and then dismissed, but why? Are people too busy to care? Are people too apathetic to take seriously anything that begins with the letters, masto...? Do those 5 letters really invoke such categorical dismissiveness that cuts into topics that would otherwise likely gain immediate traction were it not for mention of that corporate monolithic silo brand?

Probably; likely; perhaps - take your pick. There is indeed a general apathy amongst especially long term Fedizens and also Lemmy users who are refugees from Reddit, but it's okay to dismiss masto as the neo-corporate EEE platform conceivably threatening the UX for millions of Fedizens. And like it or not, there does need to be a viable shitposting platform, which is exactly what masto is, inhabited in very large ways by people who, as Jupiter raises the question, "are incapable of actually engaging in textual conversation. There's something to that.

Well, is a very real concern, perhaps for the FEPs, considering there are projects that are very close in architecture to completely ignoring anything that isn't part of the W3's official specification, and that's okay.

It is, however, a misnomer that one must insert alt-text into media on the masto platform, at least at this juncture. Forcing the hand of refugees from the deprecated, , monolithic silos is yet another complication that those poor souls need to be gently nudged into accepting - but even more importantly, ... "Why".

Some popular Android clients will complain if you try to post media without also including alt-text, some have no facilities at all for doing so. This is an adoption phenomenon, slowly being rolled out, as awareness increases (awareness of the WHY - not the HowTO) with respect to the reasons it is an important design consideration.

Do people actually get unceremoniously banned for not including alt-text for attached media on masto? Yes, On some instances they do, as if it will have any affect at all on the wider Fediverse - I have heard on several occasions that this does indeed happen - there aren't many things that piss people off more than having something that is important to them getting yanked out from underneath them in rug-pull fashion than that of an , and yet childish, juvenile moderators and admins on several masto instances are truly guilty of such dystopian tyranny and abuse of privilege.

Those types of adversarial, clickish masto instances are much of the reason Fediverse gets a bad rap in some silo social networking circles, and it isn't a fair characterization, but the offensive behavior persists. More than an impetus for the deployment of , single-user instances, it is indeed primarily a masto phenomenon.

Not a pretty thing, but masto always has been a caustic cauldron of cacophony of enmity and active vitriol, and that's just one more reason to expedite the outreach programs popping up all over the place to entice the good folks to ditch it in favor of many other good social networking platforms mentioned by Jupiter in his cw-LONG article (I wish he wouldn't bother catering to those mastoblasters with that sentiment, they should at least be smart enough to see that it's more substantive than their shitposting personas are capable of parsing).




@tallship Okay, let me explain this because it's obviously hard to understand unless you really know the Fediverse, its various projects and their cultures.

On Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams), people hate Mastodon because Mastodon is outdated, lacklustre and utterly, utterly underequipped intentionally by design.

For example, all three can produce full-blown long-form blog posts with absolutely all bells and whistles of long-form blogging. All kinds of text formatting, all kinds of lists, tables, any number of embedded in-line images, what-have-you. If you can do it on WordPress, you can do it on Friendica and Hubzilla and (streams).

And then comes Mastodon and staunchly, flat-out refuses to support anything that isn't old-school, original gangsta, Twitter-like, bare-bone, minimalistic microblogging. It uses an "HTML sanitiser" to completely mangle your precious posts before showing them. It even strips the embedded in-line images out.

If you want your images to make it to Mastodon, you have to automatically attach copies of them to your posts as file attachments because that's something that Mastodon understands. And what does Mastodon do? Only import a measly four of them and throw the others away anyway.

It's a wonder that Mastodon introduced support for a select few text formatting elements, including quotes, with version 4.0 last year. But I kid you not, there are Mastodon instance admins who stubbornly refuse to update to Mastodon 4.x because they reject even these features, because they're "un-Mastodon-like". Oh, and Mastodon 4.x still doesn't know things like strikethrough, text colour, text size, numbered lists or tables. And it still strips in-line images out.

This is not a case of "we'd like to, but unfortunately, our engine can't be made capable of that, sorry". It's a case of deliberate refusal. Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams) perceive this as Mastodon flipping them the bird. Like, "Fuck you bitches, what you want ain't no old-skool microblogging, we ain't gonna do that!"

On top of that come masses of ignorant and obnoxious Mastodon users. My estimation is that 50% of all Mastodon users think the Fediverse is only Mastodon, and so does everyone in their respective bubble. Most of the rest only knows the Fediverse outside of Mastodon by a bunch of names, but no more than that. Many of them actually believe that Gargron has invented the Fediverse, and everything that isn't Mastodon is bolted onto Mastodon as an add-on or actually only an alternate UI for Mastodon with some extra features. Like, whether you use Mitra or Hubzilla, or whether you use Mona or Tusky, it's all Mastodon underneath.

They don't know that there's stuff out there in the Fediverse that's nothing like Mastodon. And they don't really care. And they don't know either that this other stuff has its own culture that differs from Mastodon's. Many of those who do know that there's more to the Fediverse than Mastodon want to force Mastodon's culture upon all the Fediverse. And with that, I don't only mean that all posts that end up on someone's Mastodon timelines have to conform to Mastodon's culture, but that everything that happens on non-Mastodon instances has to conform to Mastodon's culture.

If Mastodon users don't like it, you shouldn't be allowed to do it on Mitra or Friendica or Hubzilla or wherever. For some Mastodon users, this includes limiting all posts and comments to no more than 500 characters. Even if what you use doesn't have a character limit. Oh, and no quote-posts and no text formatting etc. etc., even if your kin have done that since times when Eugen Rochko was still a school kid, six years before Mastodon was made.

At the same time, Mastodon users are fully convinced that the reason why Mastodon is the biggest is because Mastodon is the best Fediverse project, even feature-wise.

Now, if you want to discuss the whole Fediverse, Friendica, Hubzilla and (streams), in spite of being amongst the best places in the Fediverse to discuss anything by underlying technology, you can't do that on either. The reason is because their users actually don't know that much about Mastodon and its culture. Most of them have never come into touch with it that much or at all. You first have to explain it all to them. Many won't even want to hear anything about it even then, and those who do still can't believe what you're telling them.

The case with Lemmy is a different one. Just like Mastodon almost entirely consists of former Twitter users who escaped when Musk bought Twitter, Lemmy almost entirely consists of former Redditors who escaped when Reddit was enshittified by trying to charge third-party frontends $20,000,000 to access the Reddit API.

However, all they really know is Reddit where they used to be and Lemmy where they are now. They haven't also been on Twitter, and thus, they haven't also fled to Mastodon.

There's a Lemmy community named "Fediverse". "Community" means "subreddit" on Lemmy. And this one is named "Fediverse". One should expect there to be people who are at least halfway competent about the Fediverse, right? People with whom you can discuss the Fediverse, and who know what you're talking about?

Hahahaha... no.

Nobody in that Lemmy community knows anything about the Fediverse outside Lemmy and maybe the rest of the Threadiverse. They know that Mastodon exists. They know the name Mastodon. But that's all. They absolutely don't know anything else about Mastodon. They literally don't even know what the default Mastodon Web interface looks like because literally not even a single one of them has ever even been bothered to go visit and take a look at it, not even only once.

If you want to discuss Mastodon matters with them, you first have to take a deeeeeeep breath. And then you have to explain everything to them, down to the very very basics. And you probably have to explain certain things several times over because they're too hard to grasp from a Reddit/Lemmy point of view.

If you want to discuss the Fediverse beyond Lemmy and the Threadiverse and Mastodon, forget it. You'd have to explain even more.

At least the Lemmy users don't try to force Lemmy's culture upon the rest of the Fediverse. For one, most of them know that the Fediverse is not only Lemmy. And besides, nonetheless, the idea of Lemmy connecting to something that isn't part of the Threadiverse is still alien to them.

So why is it impossible to discuss accessibility in Fediverse posts?

Because Mastodon users have the Mastodon way set in stone in their minds. Because they cannot imagine that it could possibly go any other way. Or why it should.

And everyone else either takes Mastodon's approach for another Mastodon-specific fad that they're going to ignore like all the other fads that came from Mastodon. Or they have never even heard of it. See Lemmy where the idea of adding alt-text to anything if you aren't a Web developer is completely out of this world and utterly unimaginable.

#Long #LongPost #CWLong #CWLongPost #FediMeta #FediverseMeta #CWFediMeta #CWFediverseMeta #Fediverse #A11y #Accessibility

blainsmith, to random avatar

I love this website.

mausmalone, to random avatar

Well I'll admit that I stayed up a little bit later than I intended but I managed to hammer it out. Some thoughts on the movement (whatever you want to call it) and, incidentally, the first update to my personal website in 6 months.

I don't know if the world needed another one of these think-pieces but for me, at least, it's a sort of statement of intent. At the very least I hope to put some more effort into my personal site.

alabut, avatar

@mausmalone that was great! I relate 100% to not feeling super motivated to constantly write or add to the noise.

If I can share what might help, maybe the goal isn’t to write but to read - find ways to read more from personal sites (by setting aside time like you mentioned) and then naturally that should start to kindle an urge to respond in kind. Or not. And that’s ok!

reillypascal, to SmallWeb avatar

I'm at an odd place with my personal website. Before Dec. 2023, it was a "professional portfolio" for my compositions. Now that I'm interested in the IndieWeb community, I want to make something more personal. I don't think I want to make two sites, but I do still need a portfolio for my composition work.

I just read @maggie's post on "digital gardens" and I really like that idea. (1/n)

alabut, avatar

@reillypascal fun! Yeah I figured the retro text would fit well with your glitch tunes vibe.

alabut, avatar

@reillypascal Also if you liked that, you’ll probably also love this collaborative sci-fi project called Cosmic Voyage. It’s all text-based because it’s the web interface to an alternative protocol called Gemini, sort of like old school Gopher. Found out about it through our indieweb buddy @johanna

freezr, to internet

Dear ...

Anytime that you click on your browser reader mode you are implicitly admitting, and confirming, that and are the right way to read internet pages... 🤭



That's cool, does something really close to what you envisioned...

figstick, to internet avatar

To follow through on my pledge to do more of my #internet reading on the #indieweb, I've been visiting random blogs using this site and adding any interesting ones to an #RSS feed.

My intention is to browse this feed much the same way I would the news -call it a self-care practice. I want to spend more time in reflection and less in panic. I also want to get ideas for, perhaps, my own blog someday.

#tech #smallweb #smolweb #blogging #bloggingcommunity

adele, to ipfs avatar

dillo, the perfect web browser for the #smolweb has just released a new version (9 years after the previous one)

Interesting new features:

  • floating HTML elements
  • support for OpenSSL, LibreSSL and mbed TLS for HTTPS
  • and more css rules support

Detailed change log:

dillo has also plugins for #gemini #gopher #ipfs and #spartan protocols

and a bugmeter to check your website code

#smallweb #indieweb

dillo, to SmallWeb avatar

Here is a directory of simple websites by @sjmulder:

Do you know more directories?

Most of those pages work well in , so I'm thinking in including some directories in the Dillo website.

adele, to SmallWeb avatar

And now, complies with guidelines

Even @dillo can display it.

And give the same render as firefox.

adele, avatar

it's a simple redirection to https

mmu_man, avatar

@adele if you still want to allow even more antique browsers that don't know HTTPS, you can…

Ah, found the link:

It still redirects new browsers, but lets old stuff browse as plaintext.

jlsksr, to SmallWeb avatar

I really like personal homepages and have quite a list of them bookmarked. I'll post one every week until I don't or unless I fall behind this schedule. 😉 So here's Cool Personal Homepages Vol. 14:

mike, avatar

@jlsksr love that you’re posting these! These are like profile pages for the social web.

  • All
  • Subscribed
  • Moderated
  • Favorites
  • JUstTest
  • mdbf
  • magazineikmin
  • ngwrru68w68
  • osvaldo12
  • khanakhh
  • rosin
  • Youngstown
  • slotface
  • normalnudes
  • ethstaker
  • kavyap
  • tacticalgear
  • DreamBathrooms
  • anitta
  • thenastyranch
  • Durango
  • GTA5RPClips
  • cubers
  • InstantRegret
  • provamag3
  • modclub
  • everett
  • Leos
  • cisconetworking
  • megavids
  • tester
  • lostlight
  • All magazines