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she’s gone, according to the NYPost:

NBC News plans to drop former Republican National Committee boss Ronna McDaniel as a paid contributor after network stars including MSNBC primetime headliner Rachel Maddow and the co-hosts of “Morning Joe” blasted the decision to bring the Trump-backing politico on board.

The network has not made an announcement, but one is pending, according to Puck News. The Post has sought comment from NBC and McDaniel.

So far the MPS house is winning all of its bets. She didn’t last a Scaramucci, and the Brit’s head of lettuce is laughing at her.

(Hat tip Scissorhead D-Cap)


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https://mps110.files.wordpress.com/2023/09/kamala-harris.jpg?w=640&h=360Vice President Kamala Harris

Vice President Kamala Harris addressed the Alabamastan Theocracy decision head-on:

So, on the one hand, the proponents are saying that an individual doesn’t have a right to end an unwanted pregnancy and, on the other hand, the individual does not have a right to start a family.

It’s brilliant framing, clearly stated. The whole speech is really worth reading, but that sentence just jumped off the page. It’s the whole issue, right there. Women don’t have the reproductive FREEDOM they once had.

What hasn’t gotten much attention is the court’s wording that an embryo is a child regardless of its location.

What remains unasked in Gilead is when will the theocrats say that these frozen zygotes are under false arrest and force women to take all of them to term.

Because that’s coming.


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https://mps110.files.wordpress.com/2022/07/voting-from-jimmy-t.jpg?w=640&h=422H/T Scissorhead Jimmy-T

There really is only one take-away from today’s disappointing ruling from Harlan Crow’s illegitimate SCOTUS (hey, he bought it fair and square!), and that is that only we can fix our democracy.

I’m a huge believer in institutions, and so it pains me to note that all of our institutions have failed us, especially the courts, and all formal efforts to hold Hair Füror accountable for the Stupid Coup —impeachment, criminal prosecution and now the 14th Amendment’s insurrection clause— have failed, hopefully some only temporarily.

The orange-tufted hate goblin has destroyed the order of things (probably permanently). If it wasn’t nailed down, he did a smash-and-grab, and if it was nailed down, he just did the smash. And he was mostly aided and abetted by a compliant press.

Like a game of Clue, the murder of our democratic traditions was 1) in the Boardroom, by B) CEO Greenback, using iii) Dark Money. We should have seen this coming; some of us did.

The unthinkable is already in play as the fascists really are going to nominate once-elected (kinda?), twice impeached, quintuply-indicted, 91-ily charged LOSER ex-prznit Stupid. The judiciary is not a firewall, the press is nonsensically both-sides’ing the eff out everything (“well sure he is a fascist, but the other guy is old!”).

If we had a killer message, there is no liberal media to broadcast it. We are on our own.

Now, being Irish (mostly), I know that every disaster is an opportunity, and we never look a gift opportunity in the mouth (like horses, you know?). The White Christian Nationalists have wildly overplayed their groping hands, from teachers and librarians to women and the LGBTQ community to people of color to non-Christians.

The only people not targeted are straight, white, cis Christian men. So far.

Remember: there are more of us than there are of them. And they are not adding anyone to their constituency. They are pushing people away, you know despite creating

We must win in 2024 by such a grand margin that it puts the fear of Dawg into our institutions just as the MAGA put the fear of TFG into them.

We can do this; we must resolve ourselves to work even harder. Get people registered to vote, and then get them to vote like their lives depend on it.

[Insert your own Winston Churchill ‘finest hour’ meme here.]

No one is going to save us, so we have to be the heroes in this story, and remember: heroes never let the monsters win.


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Somewhere, Barbra Streisand is laughing:

As ‘The Apprentice’ Seeks Cannes Sale, Trump Team Sends Cease and Desist Letter to Block Film’s Release (EXCLUSIVE)

Attorneys for Donald Trump have sent a cease and desist letter to the filmmakers behind “The Apprentice” in an effort to block its U.S. sale and release. It warns the team behind the film not to pursue a distribution deal, according to two people who have read the letter. “The Apprentice,” which looks at Trump’s early years as a real estate developer and his relationship with Roy Cohn, premiered at the Cannes Film Festival this week.

[…] The movie, which was independently produced, stars Sebastian Stan as Trump and Jeremy Strong as Cohn. It presents a damning portrait of the former president as an ethically compromised, philanderer who stiffs contractors and cuts deals with the mob to get his buildings completed. It includes other controversial details, including a scene where Trump rapes his first wife, Ivana, and depicts him abusing amphetamines to lose weight, as well as undergoing liposuction and plastic surgery.

He keeps drawing attention to this movie, and now it is bound to be boffo box office (and we wager that he’ll brag about THAT and/or demand a cut). And his base will flock to it to live vicariously for an hour as The Donald.

Ewww, gross.


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Stolen from the essential blog Annie Asks You:

You can file a citizen complaint of misconduct against Alito, which has already been prepared by Alden Hackmann, at votetosavedemocracy@gmail.com. Go to Dump.Alito.com. While you’re there, you can also file a complaint against Judge Aileen Cannon.

Hackmann has entered all the info you need; you just have to fill in your identifying info, print out the document, put a stamp on the envelope, and send it off. He also suggests sending a copy to Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Dick Durbin, writing “FYI–filed with the Supreme Court” at the top of the page, Hackmann writes, “to provide him with proof that there is a public outcry over Justice Alito’s bias,” and calling Durbin too. He provides Durbin’s phone numbers and address.

Annie has more to say at the post, but I think this call to action is the most important.

I can tell you from when I volunteered at my representative’s district office they pay attention to contacts and this is how they prioritize them:

  1. showing up in person
  2. getting physical mail
  3. getting phone calls
  4. getting email
  5. getting faxes (believe it or not, people still use them)

There is nothing more that a member loves than showing up with a pile of mail, and dramatically proclaiming that (whatever action they are proposing) is popular with the people. Physical mail is the bomb (as the kids used to say).

If you guys have the time, please do this.

Sticking this on top: it’s that important.


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Happy Hour News

Cartoon of Martha Alito with a Stop The Steal flag and Ginni Thomas with a gallows on top of the Supreme Court.H/T Scissorhead Purplehead


[…] Now, the New York Times reports that Alito flew another flag associated with Trump’s insurrection, the “Appeal to Heaven” flag, which was carried by insurrectionists on January 6. The flag was confirmed to have flown over Alito’s beach house in July and September 2023.

Note how the old Alito defenses are totally useless in the face of this new case. It can’t be chalked up to a dispute with a neighbor, unless the same neighbor happens to own property near Alito in two different states. The wife excuse is also threadbare. (Indeed, Alito, who blamed his wife in a response to the first Times story, has no comment in response to the second one.) And the excuse that it was “a heated time in January 2021” obviously does not explain why the Alito home continued to display insurrectionist flags two and a half years later.

Now maybe they will try to say that they also didn’t realize what the Appeal to Heaven flag signifies and that the Alitos coincidentally flew two different insurrectionist flags by mistake. But the meaning of this flag was well known on the far right; here is an articleabout it from 2021. You could invent a barely plausible story about how a non-insurrectionist would have a regular American flag on hand and fly it upside down in a fit of pique. It’s pretty hard to explain why they would also have an obscure flag used by Trump coup enthusiasts.

Can someone check on Dick Durban? hold a mirror under his nose and see if he’s still breathing? We need the Senate Judiciary Committee to act, and immediately: hearings NOW!

UPDATE 1: That new flag is some sort of Christian Nationalist flag, too. This just got very dark.


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https://mps110.files.wordpress.com/2017/09/donald-duck-nazi.gif?w=640Donald Duck knows a Nazi when he sees one.

This Axios-like Smart Brevity™ is from the AP morning email thingie:

Former President Donald Trump declined to rule out abusing power if he returns to the White House after Fox News Channel host Sean Hannity asked him Tuesday to respond to growing Democratic criticism of his rhetoric. The GOP presidential front-runner has talked about targeting his rivals and vowed to seek retribution if he wins a second term for what he argues are politically motivated prosecutions against him. Read more.

Why this matters:

  • Trump’s campaign rhetoric and sweeping plans for a second term alarmed Democrats. It has become a chief election argument for Biden as he prepares for a potential rematch. At a series of fundraisers Tuesday, Biden warned that Trump and his allies are out to destroy democratic institutions.
  • Trump has been dominating his rivals both nationally and in Iowa, which will kick off the election with its caucuses on Jan. 15. As these rivals gather this evening at the University of Alabama in Tuscaloosa for the fourth GOP debate, he once again will not be participating. The GOP front-runner will instead spend the evening at a Florida fundraiser.

It’s not hypothetical, he’s DIRECTLY saying his plan is retribution. Actually he’s bragging, per Tiger Beat on the Potomac (thanks Charlie!) morning email thingie:

As if on cue, Trump leaned in on the notion that his second term would constitute a revenge tour. At a Fox News town hall in Davenport, Iowa, host SEAN HANNITY tried to get Trump to play down the very concerns Biden was raising.

Did Trump have “any plans whatsoever, if reelected president, to abuse power? To break the law? To use the government to go after people?” he asked. Trump deflected.

Hannity tried again: “You are promising America tonight, you would never abuse this power as retribution against anybody?”

“Except for Day 1,” Trump replied. He added later, “This guy [Hannity], he says, ‘You’re not going to be a dictator, are you? I said, ‘No, no, no — other than Day 1.’”

“Except for day one.”

For years Our Failed Political Press ™ has excused him by saying to take TFG seriously but not literally. They need to take him seriously AND literally, as do the rest of us.


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We say every poll this early needs to be taken with a grain of salt.

Get out the salt-lick , there’s a new NPR (Nice. Polite. Republicans.) poll out that is probably going to get some attention today, as it asks whether Joe Biden or Donald Trump would do more in a second term to weaken democracy.

Pluralities Say Second Terms for EITHER Biden or Trump Will Weaken Democracy

Americans are not overly optimistic about the fate of democracy with either Biden or Trump in the Oval Office. 46% of Americans think a second Biden term would weaken U.S. democracy. 30% believe it would strengthen it, and 23% think it would make no difference.

48% of residents nationally think a Trump return would weaken democracy in America. 37% say it would strengthen it, and 14% think it will not make a difference.

What’s up with that, fellow Americans? Hair Füror actually has a record of weakening democracy, and has probably done more to hurt democracy than all the presidents before him combined. Just off the top of my head, he:

  • politicized the office of the Attorney General
  • blackmailed Ukraine to further his own agenda
  • attempted to overturn an election
  • attempted a violent overthrow of the United States

Hair Füror has vowed to install a fascist government on Day One. This is not a joke (and he has no sense of humor). He said it to Sean Hannity on Fox News, and you know damn well, he won’t leave at the end of his term (if re-elected).

Ferchristsake, the goddamn Bulwark summarizes/highlights the 4th Reich better than NPR and this stupid poll:

Trump’s first term turned out much worse than anyone feared. He did the mean tweets and some racist stuff. He deployed armed, masked, and unbadged federal agents to grab citizens off the streets. He did his family separation policy with migrants. Not great, but also not ‘end of the Republic’ stuff.

But then the sum of all fears hit. America was handed a real-deal, genuine crisis while Trump was at the helm and the result was that one million Americans died from Covid while Trump oversaw the greatest failure of the federal government since the Great Depression.

And then Trump lost his re-elect and attempted a coup.

How bad was this? If you went back in a time machine and described Trump’s Covid response and coup attempt to Republican voters in 2016, they would have accused you of being a hysteric.

Anyway, the point is the polls are garbage, it’s too early to be meaningful, and lordy, there is no objective reality reflected here.


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I’m really glad my (lawyer) parents did not live long enough to see what has happened to the SCOTUS. It is amazing to me that the obviously corrupt and illegitimate SCOTUS would blow it so badly that ads like this will resonate with probably half of America without even breaking a sweat.


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Oh, yeah?

Anyway, a Pentagon report finds no evidence of alien visits:

A lengthy Defense Department review of U.S. government activities related to “unidentified anomalous phenomena,” more commonly known as UFOs, has found no evidence that extraterrestrial intelligence has visited Earth or that authorities have recovered crashed alien spacecraft and are hiding them from the public.

The review, publicly released Friday, covered all official U.S. investigatory efforts from 1945 to the present and examined classified and unclassified government archives.

It was unequivocal in its conclusions, finding “no evidence that any [U.S. government] investigation, academic-sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that any sighting of a UAP represented extraterrestrial technology.” Reports of flying objects or suspected alien craft usually turned out to have quotidian explanations: They were “ordinary objects and phenomena and the result of misidentification,” sometimes by well-meaning witnesses who thought they had spotted something otherworldly.

That’s just what the Aliens want you to think, Sheeple!


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VP Horse Race

https://mps110.files.wordpress.com/2008/02/horse-race1.jpg?w=640Horse Race Reporting: Comin’ round the bend…

The short-fingered vulgarian has a long list, and it includes Li’l Marco:

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. — Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., is moving up the list of former President Donald Trump’s potential vice presidential picks, according to six people familiar with the presumptive Republican nominee’s search for a running mate.

Rubio is hardly alone in the field; the cast of hopefuls for the job is large enough to fill an entire season of “The Apprentice.” Trump estimated the number at 15 in a interview March 13 with Newsmax, and one of the sources said Rep. Elise Stefanik, R-N.Y., retired neurosurgeon Ben Carson and Sen. Tim Scott, R-S.C., are among those in the mix.

A Tool, some Drool, and a Fool?

Rubio is young and telegenic, he has spent more time in federal office than Vice President Kamala Harris, and, at a time when Trump is bullish on his chances of winning over Latino voters, he would be the first nonwhite person ever to make a Republican presidential ticket.

In other words, Rubio, the Miami-born son of working-class Cuban immigrants, looks good on paper and on television — a powerful combination for Trump.

Only in US politics can a 52-year old man with ears like Dumbo be considered youthful and telegenic.

https://mps110.files.wordpress.com/2015/12/balding-rubio.jpeg?w=640Youthful, Telegenic Future Spokesman for Hair Club for Men

They continue:

“It’s pretty clear from Trump’s orbit that Rubio is in play,” said a veteran Florida GOP operative. “It makes sense because he checks almost every box if they can get past both being from Florida.”

The Constitution prohibits electors from voting for a president and a vice president from their own states.


Actually, this gossip has all the markings of the usual Lord Damp Nut eff-ups, so I rate this as credible. Also, as we predicted Lord Damp Nut is going to choose some mediocre white guy, and Rubio is the poster boy for mediocrity.

Now it is true that being from different states never stopped a Cheney from seeing power; Blah-Blam moved from Texas to Wyoming to be Chimpy’s VP running mate, and didn’t that work out swell for us?


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https://mps110.files.wordpress.com/2024/04/gk1l-baxcaaaea8.jpeg?w=640&h=953You are an incubator, ladies. H/T Scissorhead M Davis

Fer chrissakes, how much more clear can theocrats and Republicans make it?


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https://mps110.files.wordpress.com/2020/05/from-skinny-d.jpg?w=640&h=812Hair Füror (H/T Scissorhead Skinny-D)

I don’t like to link-out to substacks (I don’t want to give the Nazi-enabling management the clicks), but I am going to today because both of these journalists have gone through the transcript from Time magazine’s interview with Hair Füror and have analyzed it and make very cogent points.

  • Jay Kuo: Believe Him When He Says It. Kuo does a narrow focus on abortion rights, migrants and the border, and democracy and the rule of law portions of the transcript, which is not to say that these topics are minor.
  • Noah Berlatsky: He’s not even trying to hide it. Berlatsky casts a wider net and touches lightly on pretty much all the topics in the transcript, which is not to say that this is a shallow analysis, just that he shows the scope of the insanity and unbridled fascism.

If you are wondering why I continue to beat the drum about these transcripts, it is because we are in danger. This is not conjecture, these are words TFG himself said voluntarily for publication. You can read the entire context of the questions, and the belching out of inchoate rage and fascism. You can also experience the egoism as he keeps running to his self deification, and of course his own hagiography. The lies are just as stunning, the omission of supporting facts are glaring enough to be a separate category of lies.

As Kuo says in the into to his piece,

I should caution that this exercise may produce a bit of stress for readers. Rather than allow that stress to morph into generalized anxiety, over which we can sometimes feel powerless, I hope to leverage his words to help forge a path to his electoral defeat. Remember, these are wedges of Trump’s own making, and though he means them to sow fear and discord, our response can also build courage and resolve to defeat him.

Critically, I believe Trump has erred in showing his cards in this way, perhaps out of sheer vanity to be on the cover of Time. The Biden Campaign, Democratic officials, and we, the voting public, now have concrete points around which to rally, mobilize and communicate. That’s why I am setting them out here, too, in the hopes that readers can absorb and share them.

Please find the time to read both analysis; it is important. Knowledge is strength.


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This is worthy of your time to listen to at lunch today. If you are in your office, you might even want to have a few pals join you.

(Hat tip: https://progressivecafe.social/@TonyStark/112521121319647059)


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https://mps110.files.wordpress.com/2009/10/monster-clown1.jpg?w=6404th Reich Staffer (Undated File Photo)

Hell is not hot enough for this dude:

Johnny McEntee, senior advisor to Project 2025 & Trump’s Director of the Office of Personnel Management, says he likes to distribute fake money to homeless people so that they will be arrested when they spend it.

This is disgusting and illegal.

— Republicans against Trump (@RpsAgainstTrump) May 13, 2024

This is who they are, and yes, it is all about the cruelty.


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https://mockpaperscissors.com/wp-content/uploads/2023/10/screen-shot-2023-10-16-at-6.58.29-am.png?w=640H/T Scissorhead Jimmy-T

I ❤️ New York:

Another man approached Rep & handed her a “Beetlejuice” program, & asked for her to sign it — poking fun at when she was kicked out of the musical for outrageous & disruptive behavior — was blocked by security.


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https://mps110.files.wordpress.com/2020/12/guillotine.jpg?w=640&h=795Meal prep is the most important part of eating the rich

I’m shocked. Shocked I say:

The Billionaire Family Business: 50 Billionaire Clans Have Already Spent Over $600 Million on the 2024 Elections, Mostly to Preserve Their Fortunes

Just 50 billionaire families have already injected more than $600 million collectively into the crucial 2024 elections, with that number sure to show accelerating growth in the final six months of the campaign. These billionaire clans donated the $600 million mostly to political parties, political action committees (PACs) and outside spending groups (Super PACs) as of May 9, offering further proof that the nation’s richest families consider democracy just another commodity they can buy.

This is the latest in a series of “billionaires buying elections” reports from Americans for Tax Fairness (ATF). It is the first in the series to look beyond the political donations of individual billionaires to those of billionaire families. Wealth is a family affair, so this broader frame provides a more accurate picture of how the country’s great family fortunes are being wielded in the political arena.

Over two-thirds (69%, or $416 million) of the contributions from America’s biggest billionaire-family donors supported Republican candidates and conservative causes. Less than a quarter (23% or $137 million) backed Democratic office-seekers and progressive positions. (There is no clear partisan label for the remaining 8% of donations.)

That pronounced GOP tilt is a sign that the political spending of billionaire families is largely an investment in preserving familial wealth and power. That’s because it is Democrats, including President Biden, who are pushing for more effective taxation of great wealth, the income generated by that wealth, and the transfer of wealth between generations. Republicans advocate for just the opposite: lower taxes on the rich, on the corporations they control and on the great inheritances that perpetuate and exacerbate wealth inequality.

We need more effective taxation of billionaires and on intergenerational wealth transfers, as well as tighter campaign-finance laws, to curb this power grab by America’s economic dynasties.

The whole report is worth your time to read, maybe at lunchtime? You’re sure to be hungry for a nice Billionaire Burger by the time you’re done reading.


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Tiger Beat on the Potomac (thanks Charlie!) email thingie tips us (!):

FIRST IN PLAYBOOK — Third Way is rolling out a new five-figure ad buy highlighting Trump’s own previous comments about defendants who don’t testify in their own defense. The ad, titled “Coward,” is launching today in Palm Beach, Florida (home to Trump’s Mar-a-Lago), Dallas, Texas (where Trump is set to headline the NRA convention this weekend) and New York City.

Someone at TBotP is gonna lose their Hall Pass for this.


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Good lord, she’s gone off the deep end:

I made sure that he knew.

The Biden DOJ and FBI were planning to assassinate Pres Trump and gave the green light.

Does everyone get it yet???!!!!

What are Republicans going to do about it?

I tried to oust our Speaker who funded Biden’s DOJ AND FBI, but Democrats stopped it. https://t.co/XSTevEQsNI pic.twitter.com/o0lUjcEdix

— Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene🇺🇸 (@RepMTG) May 21, 2024

Of course, according to Fat Nixon, presidents are allowed to assassinate their rivals.


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