@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar



Sharing advice and assisting with the great migration, plus various thoughts and perspectives.

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knittingknots2, to random
@knittingknots2@mstdn.social avatar

Won't be much news from me tomorrow. I'm a vendor at a local craft fair, selling all those bracelets and earrings I used to post pictures of here...

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


Good luck tomorrow. Hope you sell a lot of bracelets.

Is their a link where people can buy them?

StillIRise1963, to random
@StillIRise1963@mastodon.world avatar

If you don’t want to be murdered by the state, then VOTE FOR THE DEM.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


Considering that getting murdered by the state seems like a pretty 'official act,' this seems like a very legitimate concern after yesterday.

tristansnell, to random
@tristansnell@mstdn.social avatar

Again - STOP calling it "the hush money case"


THAT is the crime here: Donald Trump's coordinated cover-up of campaign finance violations -- over $400,000 in unreported contributions to his presidential campaign.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


Been using Election Fraud or Felony Election Fraud, but Campaign Cover Up works too.

heidilifeldman, (edited ) to random
@heidilifeldman@mastodon.social avatar

Am lamenting anew the refusal by Biden to support Supreme Court reform when Democrats controlled the House and Senate and could have expanded the Court, neutralizing the power of demonstrably corrupt Justice Thomas and the justices appointed after Mitch McConnell illegitimately refused to advance Obama’s nominee to the seat that went eventually to Gorsuch. Elected Democrats must take foundational measures if we are to preserve any sort of meaningful democracy in America. 1/

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@jawarajabbi @heidilifeldman @potus

Agree, but not so sure Joe was under any illusions. His hands are tied by the numbers. Think he has played it pretty well given the hand he has been dealt.

knittingknots2, to random
@knittingknots2@mstdn.social avatar

" “Trump’s legal argument is a path to dictatorship. That is not an exaggeration: His legal theory is that presidents are entitled to absolute immunity for official acts. "


@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


So confused by this. WTF is an official act. If you order the CIA to kill your opponent that's pretty official.

lolgop, to random
@lolgop@journa.host avatar

The more Elon says his company is all about autopilot, the more it feels like something that should be banned. https://insideevs.com/news/717667/tesla-nhtsa-autopilot-investigation-ends/

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


People are being killed by this stupid pump and dump scam.

TonyStark, to random
@TonyStark@progressivecafe.social avatar

The right kept their eye on the Supreme Court prize for 50 years. They waited that long to get a majority that would do whatever they wanted. Unfortunately, it paid off.

At least some of the left doesn’t seem to be nearly as focused on the Supreme Court as the right was. These are lifetime appointments and there is no quick fix. We have to wait it out and keep our eye on the prize, like the right did.

Alito reignites fetal rights debate in Idaho abortion case |

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@MisterMoo @TonyStark

We will literally be determining if we live in the same country, warts and all, or some twisted conglomeration of Russian oligarchy and Nazi fascism. If Trump wins your grandchildren's entire lives will totally suck.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@TonyStark @MisterMoo

Legit. It is not hyperbole to say that the entire future of the human race hangs in the balance.

mastodonmigration, to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

Anyone surprised?

Tesla autopilot recall under scrutiny:


"Today, we've learned that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration is concerned that Tesla's massive recall to fix its Autopilot driver assist—which was pushed out to more than 2 million cars last December—has not actually made the system that much safer."

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


Saw a horrific two Tesla smash up on 101 in Silicon Valley a couple days ago. It was during rush hour with them able to use HOV lane because they are EVs. Not sure if autopilot involved, but regularly see tech bros and gals texting away as they sail past everyone. Seems like a lot of potential for disaster.

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar


I do not, for the most part, read replies or respond to them while live posting.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@GottaLaff @briansullivan

NFL: Hey Brian. Gotta say, that was kind of a snitty post. We've got someone spending hours every day keeping us informed, and you choose to admonish her. That's some pretty serious reply-guy energy.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@lydialurch @GottaLaff @briansullivan

No, 'snitty" was the intended word.

GottaLaff, to legal
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar



Trump is back at the defense table, and we're waiting for the judge to return to the bench.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


As always Laffy, you rock! Thank you!

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

@cfmccarthy @GottaLaff

Completely agree. The New York Times has left the news reporting business and is now a public opinion shaping organization. Everything they do seems designed to influence, not inform.

mastodonmigration, to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

What a sad day...

“There is no immunity that is in the Constitution, unless this court creates it today"

Michael Dreeben arguing before the US Supreme Court

lolgop, to random
@lolgop@journa.host avatar

Continually shocking that Drudge is the only guy who has any idea how to cover Trump.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


New York Times version:

Legal Troubles Multiplying for Trump and Why That is Bad News For Biden

LindaCollins11, to random
@LindaCollins11@mastodon.social avatar

https://johnpavlovitz.substack.com/p/trump-supporters-arent-stupidand?utm_medium=email&action=share Most Trump Supporters Aren't Stupid—And That's The Real Tragedy.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


"They're not stupid, they’re just willing to let America die on the altar of their pride, which may be far worse."

GottaLaff, to random
@GottaLaff@mastodon.social avatar

Via Obama advisor Eric Schultz:

wow - NYT reporter says their nonstop coverage of ’s age is retribution for not giving their boss an interview:

“It’s A.G. He’s the one who is pissed [that] Biden hasn’t done any interviews and quietly encourages all the tough reporting on his age.”


@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


So, let's get this right, the most powerful newspaper in the country is trying to extort access to Biden. They are working to elect a criminal fraudster rapist because the current upstanding president won't pander to them. Seriously? That's f-ed up.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


The New York Times playing 'catch and kill' with democracy.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


So, Peter Baker stakes all his inestimable credibility on debunking a story that shows he has no credibility whatsoever.

Nonilex, to Law
@Nonilex@masto.ai avatar

Start of #TrumpTrial testimony day3 (I’m not counting jury selection or off days) 🧵

#Tabloid Publisher #DavidPecker to Resume Testimony

#Pecker, the longtime publisher of The #NationalEnquirer, is expected to return to the stand & describe the #HushMoney deal w/ #StormyDaniels at the heart of the case, in which #Trump is charged w/ 34 #felonies.

#criminal #law #CatchAndKill #FakeNews #ElectionInterference

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

James Comey!

mastodonmigration, to random
@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar

Here is a great goal! And you can help.

Randahl Fink @randahl has started a campaign to assist resident journalist @dangillmor in reaching more followers on Mastodon than he had back on Twitter before following his principles and quitting the bird.

He is currently at 33K followers. On Twitter he had 43.5K. Only a little more than 10K to go!

Dan is superb, and if you don't already follow him, please give his work a try.

knittingknots2, to random
@knittingknots2@mstdn.social avatar

Trump calls his former A.G. Bill Barr 'gutless' and 'lazy' after getting his endorsement - Raw Story


@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


Well, he's right, Bill Barr is the definition of gutless and lazy, and nothing demonstrates that better than endorsing Trump. Though we should probably add conniving, opportunistic and unprincipled.

thomasconnor, to Astro
@thomasconnor@mstdn.social avatar

One of my silliest hills that I will die on:

STS-31, the mission that deployed the Space Telescope, launched in 1990: April 24.

However, the astronauts didn't deploy the observatory until April 25.

My view -- which is not held by the good folks at STScI -- is that Hubble's birthday is thus the 25th; I liken it to April 24th is when Hubble's parents drove to the hospital / went into labor, but the 25th is when it was born.

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


We all need a purpose.

gulovsen, to Law
@gulovsen@mastodon.social avatar

Whenever I have to create a new agreement for a client that doesn't have an existing template I usually combine several similar agreements and smoosh them all together until I'm satisfied with the result. :blobcatcoffee:

@mastodonmigration@mastodon.online avatar


Probably a really good application for AI (/snark)

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