@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar



he/him - founder, director at Guardian Project; affiliated with Berkman-Klein Center at Harvard; Senior Advisor at Tibet Action Institute - #Privacy #Security #FLOSS #HumanRights #Surfing

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n8fr8, (edited ) to random
@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar
@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

A little promotional video for Proofmode Baseline Earth project https://youtu.be/iObBYhjxHu8?si=2J46H7awxC8UwJPb

n8fr8, to random
@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

Just had a great podcast with Jutta of Mailvelope: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CLxZeHXWs_E discussing our work with them to integrate our privacy-preserving measurement toolkit https://cleaninsights.org/impact - we also spoke more broadly about value of PGP email in the era of encrypted messengers, and the necessary, important work to find sustainable paths for free and open-source software projects like Mailvelope. Most importantly, we received an insightful answer for our usual question "What are you drinking?!"

Griffey, to random
@Griffey@mastodon.social avatar

I'm very sad this morning at the news of the passing of Vernor Vinge...his novels are among the very best in sci-fi, and while I don't agree with his views on the concept of the Singularity, he was a thoughtful, careful thinker who more people should read.

I had the great privilege to interview Vernor back in 2011 for the ALA Midwinter conference. https://jasongriffey.net/2011/01/18/my-interview-with-vernor-vinge/ and speak with him several times of the years. He will be missed.

@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

@Griffey I had always hoped to meet him and have a chat. Glad to see this interview, and will now inhabit your virtual video avatar as if I did.

n8fr8, to random
@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

So is it or , @samgregory ?! Important debate at the Social Impact Summit hosted by the The Blockchain Law for Social Good Center last week https://youtu.be/C7lkMwl9RUg?feature=shared&t=9450

n8fr8, to journalism
@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

ProofMode in the Newsroom video and slides from Community Lead Fabiola is up on YouTube now https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SXaP_8veUyk - and on our site here: https://proofmode.org/blog/proofmode-in-the-newsroom - we are ready and available to provide remote, in-person and custom training for orgs and journos

n8fr8, to random
@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

Nice to have a paper wired-esque decentralized copy of the DWeb Digest, especially when it means Proofmode https://ffdweb.org/digest


n8fr8, to OpenAI
@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

"hot air balloon flight over lush, verdant wine country landscape, with slightly, hazy blue skies, filmed on an iPhone".... OpenAI Sora perhaps?

No, if you can believe it, this is actual, raw, verifiable reality as documented and contributed by Roland Albertson to our Proofmode Baseline (https://proofmode.org/baseline) cryptographically notarized, signed, and immutable archive. Stay tuned for more this week...

a beautiful, real, actual video from a a hot air balloon flight over wine country in South Africa filmed with proofmode app

n8fr8, to OpenAI
@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

I grew up in Northern California, in the heart of the goldrush country. I can guarantee you, that when my ancestors were there back in 1848 there were no camera drones, helicopters or steadycams.... #openai #genai #sora https://openai.com/sora

OpenAI Sora hallucinated video of a gold rush town from the 1840s

n8fr8, to random
@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

Not all roads lead to Chrome at ... Some roads lead to OnionBrowser.com ! (Also can't wait to switch it over to Gecko for iOS when that's ready) 🧅🍎

n8fr8, to random
@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

Keep an eye out for John and Tiff from @guardianproject team at and to get your own bag of our free and open Insightful Tea just like @thibaultamartin did! (Or you can ask us for some online at https://cleaninsights.org/tea)

mtigas, to apple

I missed this from last week, but WOW: Onion Browser (https://onionbrowser.com/) is one of the browser choices in the new "choose your default browser" screen that will be shown to iOS users in the EU: https://www.macrumors.com/2024/01/26/apple-explains-ios-17-4-default-browsers-eu/ (It's popular enough in each country!)

Huge thanks and props to everyone who's collaborated on / supported the project over the years! @n8fr8 @tla @guardianproject @torproject

@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

@maltimore We've talked about it many times on the State of the Onion talks... but yes, compared to Orbot or Tor Browser for Android, it doesn't get as much promotion from folks. Onion people seem to often have an Apple allergy!

n8fr8, to apple
@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

Apparently Onion Browser for iOS (one of our free and open-source projects: https://onionbrowser.com/) is popular enough to be on the new "browser ballot" screen that EU iOS users will be presented with to choose their default browser: https://www.macrumors.com/2024/01/26/apple-explains-ios-17-4-default-browsers-eu/ cc @torproject @mtigas @tla

n8fr8, to random
@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

We will have @guardianproject team members at this weekend, sharing our delicious Insightful Tea (https://cleaninsights.org/tea) to anyone who wants to talk about privacy-preserving measurement, consentful design, and ethical analytics! cc @eighthave

n8fr8, to random
@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

Hopes for Peace, Justice and Freedom for all, from the team of elves at the Guardian Project workshop - https://guardianproject.info

n8fr8, to OpenAI
@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

Built on https://greg.technology/ cool "Sagittarius" demo, I quickly hacked together a Gemini-esque Waste Sorting Hat tool that works way better than expected... and its funny and has a real purpose (help kids figure out what to do with their trash at school). Here's my kid trying it out:

@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

The code is up here: https://github.com/n8fr8/CompostSortingHatAI essentially combining OpenAI GPT4 with the new Vision API, local in-browser speech-to-text, and then remote TTS with ElevenLabs to make it sound snazzy

@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

The real key to the demo is how Greg weaved it all together to seamlessly combine multiple image frames and the monitoring of the dictation response, that then is all merged into a prompt into GPT4. Really neat.

@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

My time investing in GenAI has mostly been focused on using it for advesarial red-team purposes with our work on ProofMode.org and Guardian Project things in general. It is fun to try to build something useful and beneficial, based on a real problem I hear about from my kids' school

@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

@leo I know you felt played by the Gemini demo, so check this actual, real live demo out, and see the original "Gemini Remake" project by Greg here: https://sagittarius.greg.technology/

n8fr8, to random
@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

Was it me (human), or was it NatGPT (machine) at today's @torproject "State of the Onion"... you decide! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DgWZjP1UkxQ

danny, to ipfs
@danny@mastodon.spesh.com avatar

sitting in a room with #IPFS hackers new and old #ipfsconnect

@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

@danny Just posted our semi-mainstream use of IPFS to store visual documentation of hurricane relief efforts in Mexico: https://proofmode.org/blog/hurricane-otis-proofmode - we've been really happy using filebase.com as node+gateway, but also run our own IPFS nodes, and publish CARs to web3.storage, so livin' the dream

@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

@danny It includes our call-to-action for community preservation: "If you would like to help preserve this proofpack, you can do so using the following ipfs pin command..." with links to how-to information.

@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

@danny The "SETI at home" nature of this is really appealing I think - if you care about a cause, or event, or audio-visual archive, participate in its preservation using spare storage and cycles you have on your own computing device.

@n8fr8@ohai.social avatar

@danny Otherwise, we made this really sweet static site photo+video gallery using thumbsup that is published on ipfs at https://baseline.proofmode.org/ipfs/QmYJMjG3uBDKVZ11GAJSCahiJ2N6uBseFePiHEwoqQw4GP/ aka ipfs://QmYJMjG3uBDKVZ11GAJSCahiJ2N6uBseFePiHEwoqQw4GP

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