
nanorepublica, avatar

My new MacBook Pro is arriving today!

What tools/processes do people recommend for cleaning out the cruft from my current machine and then transferring everything to the new one?

ghickman, avatar

@nanorepublica Start fresh and create a dotfiles repo with a script that does the install for you (ish). There will be drift as you miss the odd thing, but the goal is to script the steps you'd take when doing it yourself.

Here's mine:

spla, Catalan avatar

La durada de la bateria dels #MacbookPro amb processador #Arm és imbatible.
Des d'ahir a les 16:18 que estava al 100% fins les 22:30, quan al vaig parar amb un càrrega per sobre del 50%, van 6 hores i 12 minuts.
Avui porta engegat 1 hora i 20 minuts i la bateria està al 46%.
En total ja son 7 hores i 32 minuts funcionant amb bateria. I li queda quasi la meitat! brutal 👏
No hi ha cap altre marca que superi a #Apple en això.


@retiolus @spla tots els ordinadors tenen una GPU, per tant aquesta no pot ser la resposta. La resposta és molt més complexa i és una combinació de hw més eficient (arm vs amd/Intel) i millor utilització dels recursos per part del SO.

retiolus, (edited ) avatar

@asllop @spla em referia a una targeta gràfica independent i no integrada*

Els ordinadors amb targeta gràfica integrada sempre els hi aguanta més la bateria, sigui quina sigui la marca si no m'equivoco

jedes_jahr_ein_neues_protokoll, German

Nerd-Advice needed: Lots of software does not work on my old #MacBookPro (2011) anymore. Any Idea what to install? Simply #Debian? Or should I try #freebsd , #openbsd or #netbsd? Or something esoteric like Plan 9? The device in question is not in heavy use, rather a kitchen-computer for simple tasks.

morgant, avatar

@jedes_jahr_ein_neues_protokoll The CPU and iGPU in the 2011 MacBook Pro (13", 15", and 17") should be well supported under . I don't recall if the mobile in the 15" & 17" support acceleration under the latest MESA drivers or not, but should work fine in .

beardedtechguy, avatar

Anyone know why would all of a sudden not be controlling my M1 Pro MBP? macOS 14.4 Beta.

Cc/ @bjango


Après des heures à batailler pour faire marcher la prise miniDisplayPort du 2012 de mon père que je voulais passer sous , je jette l’éponge…

D’est que les drivers propriétaires sont utilisés, l’écran principal n’affiche rien d’autre qu’un énorme glitch… (cf Photo)
Même avec , le double GPU fou un zbeul total…

Et comme mon père à absolument besoin de son écran secondaire bien plus grand, ce n’est pas viable, je vais devoir lui acheter un miniPC.

(Par contre si on part du principe qu’on oublie ce port miniDP, tout marchait très bien avec le driver graphique open source, après une petite manipulation pour avoir le bon driver du wifi)


@AntoineD a mon avis tu es face a une ancienne génération de drivers proprio NVIDIA, le soucis c'est que le suivit de ces vieux drivers implique des fonctionnement sur des anciennes version de xorg souvent plus supportées. J'aurais tendance à te conseiller de rester sur les open source de ce point de vue, mais dans ce cas tu ne pourras profiter d'optimus/Bumblebee puisque tu dois utiliser les drivers proprio...
Pour être honnête je ne suis même pas persuadé que Wayland prenne en charge...



J’ai fini par abandonner et ai commandé un miniPC à mon père 😅

onthefencedev, avatar

Me waiting for my new to arrive!

Today's the day I (hopefully) go all in on Mac after decades as a Windows user (with a fair bit of it has to be said) and a

black and white gif showing a young schoolboy drumming his fingers with a bored look on his face


@onthefencedev specs? I’m planning to do the same in a few months after using one for work for the last 6 or so years and looking forward to my personal and professional workflows matching for once

onthefencedev, avatar

@codemonkey85 - I'm getting too old to start learning all the new (flash in the pan?) tech so yes, I'm saying with 😂

I use Jetbrains Rider as my primary IDE across Windows and Mac currently - mainly because VS for Mac wasn't cutting it for me.

I do use Gitkraken as my git client, again across Windows and Mac, and while the git integration in Rider is good I still prefer the dedicated tool approach.

I use Docker for my local SQL DBs and Postman for API development.

Av8rdan, avatar

This hour’s random desktop background on my is this A2A shot of the Terrafugia Transition. They were way to far ahead of the “flying car” curve.

When it first came out (can’t remember the exact year), I went to Oshkosh and pitched the company on a free advertising/marketing package from my ad agency in trade for a very early slot in their order book. Thankfully, that deal never came together.

Av8rdan, avatar

@LouisIngenthron Correct on all accounts, Louis. I think I might be dead before we see actual flying cars zooming people to work. Not sure, but maybe they need to get autonomous CARS right first before they try airplanes. I know they are getting closer every day, but creating an airspace system where flying cars automagically whisk people thru the air can co-exist with actual airplanes seems like a lift too heavy for this FAA.

LouisIngenthron, avatar

@Av8rdan I mean, we basically do already have autonomous airplanes, right? How much of a passenger flight is actually done with a pilot holding the yoke? 15 minutes?

It's just an easier engineering problem to solve: fewer obstacles, all electronically tagged and tracked.

I feel like, if we do get flying cars in our lifetimes, they're going to resemble quadcopters more than airplanes, especially because those would be more efficient for short-range local flights (where they could potentially even stay in class G), and wouldn't need runways. But then you still have the problem of where the hell do you park it?


Thanks to OpenCore Legacy Patcher my 2014 is installing right now.

Interested to see how good/bad it was. My main motivation was that brew support on Big Sur was gone. So, while some things worked, I was having to compile stuff from source most of the time, on a system that's really not up to the task.

Floppy, avatar

@paco I did exactly this for exactly the same reasons, I've been very pleased with the results! Going to get another few years out of this old machine yet.

jose_relland, French

Afin de faire ressusciter un (en très bon étant),
j'ai conseillé à un ami l'installation d'un OS libre 32 bits :).

Dans mes recherches, j'ai découvert qu'il avait pas mal de distribution qui avait abandonné le 32 bits.
À commencer par

Et justement, cet article de @debugpoint (en anglais) fait le point.

What is happening with 32-bit Linux Distros?

Voir aussi le lien en fin d'article vers l'article sur des "vieux" 64 bits :).


@bsod @CedC @debugpoint @fredo333

Oui... et non ?!

Intel Core 2 Duo, c'est bien 64 bits

Mais j'ai cette info système...
Noyau et extension 64 bits : Non ???

Voir ce site.

Je vais tenter d'abord le 64 bits :).

CedC, avatar

@bsod @jose_relland @debugpoint @fredo333 je sari pas sous Mac, mais sous Windows on pouvait inutaller un système 32 bit sur un proc 64 bit. C'est un peu ce que je comprend du screen

Av8rdan, avatar

I guess the AI in my random desktop background generator must have picked up that I have firefighting helicopters on the brain today. This is a 2023 Global Identification Chart from HeliOps.


I've just hit the "my 2015 doesn't cut it anymore" limits. @Observable is not available in 14.2 and thus I have to temporarily halt my adventure. Until I can afford a new computer (being unemployed that won't be easy). This is really sad, as I was learning and enjoying it very much thanks to @twostraws -- unless? I'm open to options please. Or Santas. I've begun this journey for a reason: become a professional and find a junior job ASAP. I don't want it to stop so prematurely.

MuseumShuffle, avatar

@gacallea do what you want with my advice. I think it would be a mistake to stop with so much else to learn. I’m constantly learning new things for my development that are and aren’t the latest and greatest.

I would also strongly suspect that observable is not used in 100% of the following lessons in the hundred days of SwiftUI. When I went through the hundred days, we spent a few days on core data and then didn’t use it again.

twostraws, avatar

@gacallea Look for the old videos on YouTube, in the iOS 15 playlist. That will work with Xcode 13 👍

markmcelroy, avatar

11/12 Do you write on a laptop, typewriter, legal pad, stone tablet, animal skin, papyrus, foggy bathroom mirror, etc. etc.?

Always a computer: either my or my . (Just got my M4 Pro yesterday!)

On-the-go ideas get shoved into , usually via the mobile app.

And truth be told, I'm always writing in my head: poking at structure, listening to dialogue, wondering what Character X would do in Situation Y. So, my primary medium? Imagination.

EpiphanicSynchronicity, avatar

@markmcelroy How’d you get an M4 when M3s just got released for everyone else? 😉

dhrystone, avatar
MisuseCase, avatar

Is there a way to get a to connect wirelessly to a so I can mirror what’s on the screen to my TV or what?

Am I totally talking nonsense? Do I need to connect it with an cable and does that solution still stop working for inexplicable reasons that won’t talk about?

MisuseCase, avatar

@cmdrmoto I did get it working by plugging it in with an HDMI cable but I have to mess around with the resolution and stuff.

cmdrmoto, avatar

@MisuseCase Happy to hear it, and here’s hoping you retain that ability through whatever manufacturer-pushed “upgrades” may come :blobfoxthumbsup:

onthefencedev, avatar

hmmm - so, in the market for a new and torn between a 14" with a 1TB SSD and 16" with a 512GB SSD.

Do I need the larger screen or more storage?

My current MBP is a mid-2015 15.4" model so I've got my moneys worth out of it ... but it's starting to struggle now and isn't getting any OS updates so it's usefulness is deminishing.

It also "only" has a 250GB SSD and I'm nearly maxed out.

onthefencedev, avatar

@TWSheppard interesting - I'm still upgrading to get the extra grunt but could be worth a look to upgrade this one and maybe use is as a local build server (as it should run the latest xcode with Sonoma running)

TWSheppard, avatar

@onthefencedev My main computer is a 2012 Mac mini so I'm hoping to see an M3 version next year on the Mac's 40th anniversary. I'll upgrade if it's affordable.

The MBP I use mainly for reading the news and watching a few videos so I'm not taxing it. It has 16GB RAM and 500GB SSD. It's also nice to check out the latest changes in the OS.

I've also repurposed a 2008 white MacBook as a Linux appliance for home automation, etc. It's nice to keep the old hardware ticking.


Space Gray vs. Space Black IRL

bradwilson, avatar

@zpw I guess Space Darker Gray doesn't quite have the same ring to it. 😂 Have heard the ability to hide fingerprints on it is pretty good.


@bradwilson I’ll keep you posted on that front. So far, so good though!

izzyamar, avatar

The new comes in black. A truly revolutionary move, Apple. No one else is doing that! 🙄

jake4480, avatar

@izzyamar a BLACK casing you say?!? THE INNOVATION

paulfoerster, avatar

Having it backed up, I’m now updating my 16“ M1 💻 to 14, a.k.a. . I’m curious to see how that turns out.

tkbay, avatar

Foldable external Displays are here, and this one from
It's very nice, Check out the new video


My laptop's coming to the end of its life (specs below). 💻 🔨

Every time this sort of thing happens, it takes me by surprise.

I guess my digital life flashes before my eyes and I wonder what I need all this power for.

I'm no longer the kind of power user I was when I got it. I occasionally flex for a couple of things like converting videos, but generally I write, I use cloud-based tools and I do the things that you can't do on a phone (, invoicing, dual-screens, collaboration).

Everything new seems overkill, overpriced and not really value-add.

Would love to be desktop, and on a Linux distro, but portability and cloud lock-in is enough of a thing. and are no longer nice-to-haves. The research gets me nowhere (Framework, Dell, Apple, eBay are where I end up).

I guess every direction forward has thorns: get something more than I need, rip up familiarity and start over or scour for a solid second-hand machine and merge parts.

I am looking forward to saying goodbye to one of the worst keyboards I've ever used. 😂

For right now, time is on my side, I'm grounded using this like a desktop.

I'm not looking for reassurance or advice, but I would love to hear of uplifting experiences people have had when they face this situation. 😘

Specs: 15" 2017 / 3.1 Qi7 / 16GB DDR3 / 4GB GPU / 1TB.
4 Repairs: top-case, battery, screen.
Issues: screen turns off at 30º angle, battery flat quick, crashes regularly after sleep.


@faiz I got a desktop thrown out by a closing charity. It is probably 8 years old. Runs or fine and it's our family TV basically. I got a laptop thrown out as scrap (because: will make that happen) and it is still going 10, 12 yrs old, with just a new SSD (and ofc). My daily laptop (I'm a dev) is a but with less specs than the one you're moving on from. Had to buy when my dell xps (never buy these!) died and they didn't do parts (less than 5 years after sale - boo). Have already used its feature thanks to clumsy orange juice drinking!


@Jgmeadows @faiz
Yes! But... also No: it's amazing that nobody questions this of Mac/windows.

The stuff we do now is not that much different to a decade ago: sure more happens in the browser, but then we have fewer heavy non browser apps going on. So why shouldn't a machine that was serviceable then work pretty well now?

It's designed in obsolescence for profit.

mikemathia, avatar
siliconundergro, avatar

@mikemathia so after they get done stuffing a turntable into it, can we have the headphone jack back? No? The Bluetooth that cuts out randomly is because I'm holding it wrong? Got it.


Hello from my .


Also, pretty cool, @MonaApp works great!

Av8rdan, avatar

This hour’s random desktop background on my is this “helluva lotta fun” Eurofox Light Sport. Would be a gas to just take this so low and slow you can smell the cows.

SFAutor, German

Nach dem Neuaufsetzen meines betagten MacBook Pro (2012) mit macOS Catalina, habe ich mir den Mac als Schreibmaschine für unterwegs hergerichtet und muss sagen, dass die Geschwindigkeit und Leistung noch immer für diese Aufgaben absolut satisfying ist. 🥰 . Selbst die Akkulaufzeit ist mit rund 8-10 Stunden für die gedachte Anwendung noch absolut akzeptabel, besonders nach der langen Zeit. Momentan benötige ich also kein neues Gerät und kann noch etwas sparen. 😉

SFAutor, German

Ich habe wirklich lange überlegt, ob ich mir ein neues MacBook Air anschaffen soll, bringe es aber nicht übers Herz, mein altes MacBook Pro zu ersetzen.
Da ich die MacBooks seit jeher nur für Schreibarbeiten unterwegs nutze, für Internet und Mail, ist das MacBook noch immer mehr als ausreichend für das, was ich benötige. Ich denke, ich werde es noch eine Weile weiter nutzen 🥰 und vielleicht wechseln, wenn ein MacBook Air mit M3 kommt.


karlos, avatar

@SFAutor @Apfelfunk @apfeltalk Ich auch, auf das dann „günstige“ M2 🤑

macpsych, avatar

So I’ve set up the new in my office and, predictably, I adore it. A bit if faffing around with cable management and testing the sit/stand desk for angles, but it’s all good now.

I’ve been using it with my M1 and I’m considering cancelling my order of the Mac mini as the Pro is tearing along. Wondering if I need the mini at all…

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