

Federated avatar


Programmer/Systems Analyst, Gamer Girl, Streamer, Absurdist, Premier Remix Culture Enjoyer, Voter.

Genderfluid, She/Her.

Send me cool unique games no one's heard of.

All Social etc links here:

nando161 avatar


Posting my #NowPlaying and music-oriented articles helps create more tags.

If you happen to enjoy some of the same tags, right on, we have something in common. 🤘

Direct-follow the account for all the B.S.

Follow #TheMetalDogIsNowPlaying for everything I'm listening to, across multiple genres. Fair Warning: It's not always metal.

Follow #TheMetalDogArticleList for misc articles.

#TheMetalDogAIArtList for AI Art

Otherwise, stick to the targeted band or genre hashtags.

#TheMetalDogToots avatar


#Queer #Southern #Hillbilly #Artist
#Photographer #Storyteller #Editor #DJ

"It was the freshest move I've ever seen—like he was floating on air." — #UtahSaints

"Nice and decent people...feel it." — #GrooveArmada

"This ain't no drill!" — #HoneyDijon avatar


The account of AI6YR Ben, on his own server. Also at (ham radio). Yes, I'm the guy who found that hiker using only the selfie of his feet. If you want to support this server, avatar


Writing HTML since 1994. Salesforce stuff since 2009. Into science, nature, history, music, movies, art, video games. Married. Living on Hohokam land.

Sometimes I write at

Black/trans lives matter. He/Him.
Racism/other bigotry = block.

#indieweb #weirdweb #roguelikes #arcadegames #shootemups #shmups #cats #horror #movies #tv #photography #punk #punkrock #garagerock #metal #deathmetal #antifascist #Wordpress #writing #fedi22 tfr #nobridge #nobot #nokiddin


Anything you've heard about me is probably true. Formerly avatar


Synth musician, Twitch affiliate, GSG.Live admin // Electronic, Berlin School, Kosmische Musik, Ambient, Soundscapes, Drone // Also known for bad puns // He/Him avatar


Husband, Geek, GenX, Gamer...
Old enough that things aren't "Retro", they're "from my youth ".
You have to pass from retro to vintage to get past that. 😉
Lover of most things vintage from cars to machinery and technology. And music.


Sorry, I do not know the artist who made the Karlach portrait I have for a profile picture.

#nobridge avatar


Kiwu made my profile pic.

Hi, I'm WandaLee58/myephereisweird, a chaotic dive and metal/rock band enthusiast that likes to post randum stuff :)

Posts or repeats may vary from original works, fanart, memes, photo edits, musical compositions, mashups/remixes or random thoughts and day-to-day events.

I also use SpaceHey and Matrix (for socials) if anyone's interested lol

Alt of profile: a cutesy wonyoung (ive) edit with the caption "ive... a7x... ivenged sevenfold??? theories???" as the said wonyoung has a thought bubble of the deathbat a7x logo (a skull with bat wings) and IVE's Rei's mascot, Naori, which is a chick.
alt of profile banner: an almost panoramic, monochromatic (faded shades of purple) photo of the members of avenged sevenfold and ive together, leaning by a brick wall with writings pertaining to ive's song lyrics...

Also if anyone's curious or something, I'm a material gworl 💅 that uses she/her pronouns (cisgender) sooooooo


Data Science | Artificial Intelligence | UI / UX Design 💜 💜 Evan Marie is a dynamic technological and artistic force. She's a proficient programmer, a creative designer, and an adept developer who's right at home with the latest advancements in web and app development, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. avatar


All #Boston, all the time. avatar


Hello, I’m Emily. I make music as socool. It is a mush of ambient / jungle / trip hop / downtempo / jazz / idm.

I live in Vancouver, BC and I’m the Digital Creation Librarian with the Inspiration Lab at VPL, and a batroom producer with

I'm here to make friends and discover and share music.

#Fedivision2024: Representing Empire Waste [EMPW] with a song called Without You: avatar


Sharing the best longform storytelling on the web since 2009. Tag your favorites with #longreads


Average Democracy Enjoyer
eternally dazzled by our resilience

Retired Director of IT. Married, living near Philadelphia with our sweet Rottweiler. Here for humor, art, nature, good stories, world news, tech, fun convos and a meme or two avatar


A Canadian cartoonist/filmmaker, Mr. Annable is the creator of the Grickle Channel, and co-director of Laika’s The Boxtrolls. avatar


Quench my thirst with knowledge. Building for the web, making video and planting a garden. Web master @ investigative, community-supported podcast avatar


I am, or have been, in no particular order, a: parent, data analyst, aircraft designer, guitarist, project manager, chartered mechanical engineer, chorus member, tinkerer, programmer, music fan, executive assistant, traveller, glider pilot, concert promoter, crowd herder and supermarket cashier. avatar


I'll have a black manhattan, stirred, not shaken. You don't shake a manhattan.


#fedi22 #whiskey #beer #coffee #music #GreenTechnology #ClimateChange #3dPrinting #Woodworking avatar


Approving follows for a little while.

I voted for Biden in 2020.
I will NOT carry water for him in 2024.

She/Her/They. Trans. Left-handed.

Image: A triptych of portraits of my Second Life avatar. I am white, with kinky red hair pulled back, and glasses. I have three expressions: Happy, Excuse Me? and WTF?

#Metaverse #SecondLife #Music #Funk #Disco #Soul #Vaporwave #Punk #PostPunk #NewWave #RetroTech #C64 #Atari #LGBTQIA #LGBT #Trans #ADHD #TrashCinema


#Guyanese #SoCa #WestIndies #Canadian #Alberta #Edmonton #ScienceBasedMedicine #Phenomenology #Pharmacogenetics #Physics #Chemistry #Biology #FreeformArt #JRPG #Linux #MetaMaterials #MacroPhotography
#Humanist #Scifi #Fantasy
Pan-Romantic (not a peter pan), Demi-Heterosexual, Gender-Fluid Male
Father of 3 & someone with Autism
In any given binary choice I will almost always choose both. I have viking names for cats because my wife is Lagertha in the bedroom and she is all about norse mythology. avatar


I make beats for your minds and your feets. #Glitch & #IDM as Sakti and #DrumAndBass as Linelock <3

Renewable Energy policy expert by trade. Anti-racist. Anti-fascist. Ally. Environmentalist. YIMBY.


📍 London
🏠 Washington, DC avatar



Music lover and musician. In love with music. I will mostly post music from the 80ies, music that my friends and me listened to in the 80ies (mostly the more obscure songs, experimental, avantgarde), but also music I like these days. I love music from all ages and many styles. Working in the IT industry.
#Maschine avatar


Geek. Curious. #Critter. Cross-Platform User. Occasionally sweary.
Likes Problematic (so most) Disney films.
Bippity boppity back the fuck up.
Pronouns: She/They


Greater Fisherstan. Embedded in your CI/CD process. Liberal politics, tech, and sports (Pacers, Everton, Indy Eleven, Red Wings, Colts). Bourgeois Liberal Scum. avatar


Every gamer wants to be Massively Overpowered! MMORPG news and opinions from the indie team at MOP. avatar


Justin Blake. I am Shrek's nemesis, the Babadook.
He/him. ❤️💜💙


Application security consultant interested in misinformation, film, Wikipedia. Curated Whats the Harm website and other skeptic/science stuff over the years. #StarTrek #Jazz avatar



A solidarity-based, anti-conspiracy initiative from Lower Bavaria. We fight fake news & fascism!

#NieWiederIstJetzt #GegenJedenAntisemitismus
#StandWithUkraine/Rojava... #EchterKlimaschutz avatar


am liza sabater, the og blogdiva & resident afroboricua #antifa #dyslexic #ActuallyAutistic #AuDHD tití.

surviving breast #cancer is my F/T job; but #dogs, #cats, #sports, #sewing, #cooking and #Monsterdon give me the energy to continue chronicling American fascism.

so #fuckCancer & #COVID19, join a #union & fight for #UBI & #Medicare4All avatar


En parfaite symbiose avec la population locale, je code des trucs open-source sous linux sur un ordinateur alimenté par la dynamo de mon vélo.

Mais je fais aussi du #Tricot, parfois je rejoins les adeptes du #MardiPatisserie, j'aime les bons mots et les longs romans, j'essaie de ne pas trop déprimer tout en suivant des gens mi-déprimants mi-gnonnets, et je suis marié au beurre salé (ou c'est tout comme).

Bref, un bon geek des familles, mais ça vous le saviez rien qu'en regardant mon avatar. avatar


Youtuber and probable threat
PRONOUNS IN BIO?!?!?!!?!?!?!? either he/him or they/them works fine
Where the poop is
Surreal posting and Discordian
Certified Ballot Bitch avatar


Actor, Author, Advocate.

4th account, variant edition.

#HumanRights #CivilRights #ACAB #BLM #Science #Atheism #Authorship #Publishing #Futurism #AI #Crypto #SelfPublishing #78rpm #78Records #Blues #Jazz #Industrial #Chicago #Ohio #DSA #Socialism #GND #AOC2028 #BDS #Palestine #AntiRacism #WomensRights #AbortionCare #Coffee

Donate via PERA

Header art is mine.
#fedi23 avatar


Thoth is an open metadata management and dissemination platform for #OAbooks, developed under the remit of, now a non-profit CIC registered in the UK, and key partner in the Open Book Futures project.

#MetadataMatters #openinfra #OAbooks avatar


Séparée, Mara de 2 enfants, née en 1979
Also speaks English. b. 1979

Vous voulez vous abonner? Une bio et un message direct d'abord.
Je ne prendrai mal aucune question sur les transidentités posée de bonne foi.

Do you want to follow me? FIRST a bio and a direct message.
I'll never take offense at any question about transidentities asked in good faith.

Arc à venir : Videocaster (

gaetan avatar


By Cory Doctorow (GPG 0xBF3D9110957E5F4C)

Archived at

I post long threads. If you don't like these in your timeline but want to read them, I suggest unfollowing me here and subscribing to my RSS, or my newsletter, or any of my various long-form feeds. Links at

tootfinder avatar


I live in beautiful South Carolina, USA. I work in #HigherEd #IT as a Business Analyst working with #EllucianColleague. Fan of #Fantasy like #TheWheelOfTime and #SciFi like #RevelationSpace. Admin of

Fedi account bridging to Bluesky. avatar


Level 15 Dad of 4. Christian. Left. Xennial. Enginerd. He/Him. 2006 TIME POTY. Enviromancer. Amateur Pokémon Trainer. Animal Crossing Island: Moduland. Opinions 🗑.

Staff / Mastodon Admin:

Tags: #fedi22 #Parenting #ACNH #AnimalCrossing #VideoGames #DadJokes #Jokes #Humor #Silly #Anime #Manga #OnePiece #KPop #Music #ACNHInspo #Christian #Faith

PFP: Balding, bearded white man in a black Venom themed Hawaiian shirt.

Header: Black and white manga screenshot showing a bearded man in sunglasses popping out of the ceiling. A nervous person whose face is partially in view yells, "Dad?!" avatar


Actor. Writer. May have been in that thing you saw that one time (Dependent's Day, Jimmy Kimmel Live, Second City/Chicago Shakespeare). Vaccinated and boosted.

ORCID: 0000-0002-8304-5874

#actor #writer #actingcoach #producer #director #Shakespeare #film #tv #movies

Was on #Twitter as

I sometimes write playful screenplays about very capable people in extremely high pressure situations often playing out their internal damage on the world. avatar


Family Caregiver.
Eco/Social Justice Activist. Disability Advocate. Decolonizer. Accessibility Consultant. Eldercare Liason.
Teochew Chinese. War & Polio Survivor.
Neurodivergent. Nature lover. Cat lover. Photographer. Avid gardener. Water & forest protector. Moss toucher. Tree hugger. Bird watcher. GenX. Anti-capitalist.
Vancouver Island, BC.

#AsianMastodon #BIPOC #StopEcocide #BeTheChange avatar


🧙‍♂️ Herding bits and cats avatar


Dharawal Country

They claim their labours are to build a heaven, yet their heaven is populated with horrors.
Perhaps the world is not made. Perhaps nothing is made. A clock without a craftsman.
It’s too late. Always has been, always will be, too late.

Pronouns: Space/Time

Header: Dr. Manhattan to Silk Spectre: "You're going to try to convince me to save the world."
Profile: Dr. Manahattan on Mars: "I am tired of Earth. These people. I am tired of being caught in the tangle of their lives"


Accessibility tester, bookworm, occasional musician and audio producer, coffee addict, selfhoster, tech tinkerer. avatar


Pirate Politician, Software Developer, MA Musicology (he/him)

Culture, Math, Sociology, Philosophy, Music, Demoscene, Games, #NAFO, Writing, Disc Golf, Skateboarding.

Not here for snarky comebacks. A slur is not an argument.

Other fediverse accounts:

Blog: avatar


Writer. Librarian at D & G libraries. Scottish, atheist and human. Ionnsachadh-Gàidhlig. Scots enthusiast. History nerd. Music lover. Science. She/her. Yes. avatar


Ron Swanson + Kenny Powers + Ryan Reynolds

IT Network Operations for the day job.

C/Ku/Ka-Band #satellite Communications Expert 🛰️

APRS/ADS-B #radio guy 📻

#Cyberpunk OG :anarchy:
Gamer tag: Ea9leEye1969

Professional Storm Chaser - ⚡

#Breaking News/Weather guy 📡


Level 45 in this game of life.

Used to #DJ radio/clubs.

#BBS #SysOp in the 90's

Bird site Transplant. 14 years

Main site:


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