mattblaze, avatar

Reminder about Mastodon "private" messages. Aside from not being end-end-encrypted (and so visible to instance administrators), they CC anyone @-mentioned ANYWHERE in the body of the message (not just those listed at the start).

They are now called "private mentions" rather than "private messages", but if you don't fully understand the semantics, this behavior may be unexpected and/or cause unpleasant side effects.

mattblaze, avatar

Also, if you "turn off" private messages, anyone can still send them to you. They're just silently ignored by your client, without warning to the sender.

Basically, private messages here remain a trainwreck. Use something else if you want to send someone a message privately.

inquiline, avatar

@mattblaze Yes. I once accidentally tagged someone who was harassing me, in a DM to my mods about the harassment. The private messages showing up in the same feed as non-private ones has also made my hair stand on end more than once.

dulcedemon, avatar

@inquiline It makes complaining about harassment from specific accounts fraught with peril. I wonder though if you block the problematic person prior to complaining or suggesting to the mods that they should be banned from the instance --Are they still notified?
How it works is so unclear.

mattblaze, avatar

@inquiline yikes. And so easy to do.

Natanox, avatar

@inquiline @mattblaze At least they're now highlighted in Mastodon 4.20. Still, I see the potential for confusion.
Perhaps we see more movement in libraries for secured private communication via ActivityPub with @dansup starting to work on his chat client "Sup". If there happens to be some simple lib for private messaging via ActivityPub the chance of John Mastodon (and therefore a huge chunk of the Fedi) to adopt it would be way higher.

katzentratschen, avatar

@inquiline @mattblaze Although showing up in the same feed is the only clear indicator that they are not private messages at all.

mattblaze, avatar

And, of course, people are jumping all over me to defend this crap, the way folks on that other platform defend anything owned by Elon Musk.


@mattblaze It’s insane. People get so upset at any criticism pointed at Mastodon. It’s childish and gross.
But, I’m glad to see them expose themselves so I can block and mute.

jpaskaruk, avatar


Calling Mastodon "crap" is not going to win you any fans, I'll say that.

mattblaze, avatar

@jpaskaruk You’re right. The PM mechanism is an absolute steaming pile of shit, and my holding back in that description was a disservice to those who might unwittingly be harmed by its unclear, counterintuitive semantics. I apologize, and will use appropriately stronger language to describe it in the future.

tehstu, avatar

@mattblaze People are disturbingly attached to the things they like. There's probably some fascinating papers out there on it.

Anyway, absolutely, the naming convention has always been terrible with respect to the functional.

jpaskaruk, avatar


You're gonna do great here lol

mattblaze, avatar

@jpaskaruk good bye little troll


@mattblaze Ah, the return of the Matt we know and love 😁

trisweb, avatar

@mattblaze @jpaskaruk there it is!

Frankly I think this kind of feedback is needed. We need some kind of push to fix it, otherwise nothing will be done.

You’re completely right, a permission is not a private message and they need to be separated.

VModifiedMind, avatar

@mattblaze ...or... more accurately you're just a bit of a prick that likes to tell people how they are thinking and then don't like it when you are called out. I think you'd probably get on better over on Twitter/X - they like that sort of bullshit there.

drakenblackknight, avatar

This is why I have my Matrix and Session handles on my profile.

mjgardner, avatar

@mattblaze Nothing so annoyingly strident as a purity zealot, especially a myopic recent convert

oliver_schafeld, avatar

I had such an unpleasant encounter recently, when I passed on what had been news to me then, that harassment may occur on Mastodon too — unnoticed by most when a direct "@" mention is hidden behind "visible to followers only".

When I suggested the feature to be modified or removed, I got a rude direct message.

To which I politely replied that I had just switched my "@-back" to "publicly visible". Which lead to an aggressive reply, deleted by author seconds later. Quiet since. 😌


@mattblaze It's funny, I'm okay without a DM/private message function, I've shifted that elsewhere, but at the same time I think its perfectly okay to be like "Hey, just FYI this shit doesn't work how you think it should" and for people to want something that works functionally like it probably should.

rlcw, (edited ) avatar

@lilstevie @mattblaze But that also means that you have to share other ways to privately contact you via a message format which is not private. I can see how some people might be uncomfortable doing that. Having an e2ee encrypted private message format on fedi, that also seamlessly works with mastodon would be nice.


@rlcw @mattblaze yes, it’s a bit easier for me because I’m lilstevie/littlesteve on practically everything so it’s definitely from a place of privilege of being able to be like “just message me on $x service” with my very public username. That is why I did say at the end that it should probably just work like people expect.

mattblaze, avatar

Seriously, I think John Mastodon has sufficiently thick skin that he can handle people criticizing or warning about misfeatures and unexpectedly dangerous behavior. He does not need you to defend his honor.

semele, avatar

Heard he's pretty tough.

nonnihil, avatar

Per , "Many mammoths had a woolly, yellowish brown undercoat about 2.5 cm (1 inch) thick beneath a coarser outer covering of dark brown hair up to 50 cm (20 inches) long. Under the extremely thick skin was a layer of insulating fat at times 8 cm (3 inches) thick."
So yeah, probably fine against the slings and arrows of outrageous tooting.

mattblaze, avatar

Perhaps if I had the long experience with the Internet that others here apparently do, I'd find Mastodon Private Message semantics more intuitive and sensible. But please forgive me - I'm a relative newcomer, having gotten online only a bit before the migration from net 10 and HOSTS.TXT.

mattblaze, avatar

My replies to this thread consist of a set of people saying“Thanks, I didn’t understand that” and another set of people saying “Why did you post this? Everyone understands that already”.

almad, avatar

@mattblaze Can I be both?

Techie part of my brain says “ok I see why it makes sense”, the human and UXD part just screams in horror

virtuous_sloth, avatar
copperred, avatar

@mattblaze If nothing else comes out of this I get a whole series of assholes to block.

Thanks for the cogent explanation.

quinn, avatar

@mattblaze you really shouldn't have teased that old witch in the forest when you were a kid, man.


@mattblaze I understand the irony of posting replies to a post asking why they bothered posting the post.

Also, I sorta did know that but forgot it so good reminder.

jgg, avatar


Sounds like something the developers at @Mastodon should hear.

I still haven't used private messages, and after reading you, I'm glad of it.

Yes, I can see warnings, but designing things so people can shoot themselves and then putting warnings is terrible UX.

I totally agree with "private mentions" and end to end encryption. I assume there must be a reason for this mess, but it is a mess, nonetheless.

At least, they should take the word "private" from the name, because that's the most misleading part of those features.

VE2UWY, avatar


Wait? What?? A masto-n00b seeing "Private Mentions" would assume that those mentions were private based on, you know, the words used.

Now is this a mistranslation (to English) of a different concept, one that makes it clear that said mentions are not at all private but that are at least hard to find? I don't know.

But Private Mentions aren't private in the sense one might assume & that needs to be broadcast regularly.

mattblaze, avatar

@VE2UWY I'm honestly baffled about the level of hostility I get in response to mentioning this. Maybe I come across as an arrogant prick. OK. Fine. I'm an arrogant prick. But Mastodon private messages are still dangerously misleading and are presented in a way almost guaranteed to cause harm to users.

sburall, avatar

@mattblaze @VE2UWY it took me a while to understand that they weren't private, but after a year of proper activity here I still don't understand who can and can't see them, and I'm sure the word 'private' is getting in the way of this.

oclsc, avatar

@mattblaze @VE2UWY Maybe they're all locksmiths, who decided what you are decades ago.

JohnLoader6, avatar

@mattblaze @VE2UWY Eh? Some people have yet to learn how to aim personal messages at only the intended .

VE2UWY, avatar


It's the label, not the function. You think it's one thing (based, again, on the name) but you actually get something else. That's a problem in my view. But if you understand that and act accordingly, you'll be fine. Problem is ... from the name ... well .. Yeah.

Someone smarter than me once said "almost guaranteed to cause harm to users" ... and that's a problem.

chris, avatar

@VE2UWY @mattblaze “arrogant prick”? Nah, I tend to think of you more as “strongly opinionated”. Doesn’t hurt that I tend to agree with said opinions.

artemesia, avatar

@mattblaze @VE2UWY

> I'm honestly baffled about the level of hostility I get in response to mentioning this

There's a non-trivial chance you're getting pushback from those who were involved in the design and implementation of "private mentions". It's a shitty kludge by design, but they don't want to hear it, take it as a personal attack, and definitely don't want to burn the cycles to do a real PM system. So, shoot the messenger.

BTW, thanks for pointing out the flaws. I've used it only once, was able to figure out via trial and error that it must be the PM-substitute. But I was unaware of its laughable level of privacy protections.


@mattblaze @VE2UWY personally, it looks to me like the feature is misnamed. There's simply nothing private about "private" messages on Mastodon. They may only be directed toward one person, but they sure ain't private in any meaningful sense of the word.

kingtor, avatar

@sspopovich @mattblaze @VE2UWY Rename it and you'll turn the bug into a feature. Problem solved. Of course, the utility of this feature completely evades me, so I'm at a complete loss as to what the name should be. "Not-Really-Private Mentions" may be honest, but a feature?

jpaskaruk, avatar

@mattblaze @VE2UWY

I think what might be missing is that you have not really proffered a proposed patch to deal with this direct message delerium.

Free Software people get very annoyed when users show up demanding things after doing exactly zero contribution to the project.

And if you're just showing up to say you don't like something, you're more or less a waste of time, by Free Software reckoning. They are very busy holding up the fucking sky for us all.

rodgerd, avatar

@mattblaze hey it’s not like you said that Mastodon’s private messages are about as well named as Tesla’s autopilot, or anything really provocative

And true.

Mary625, avatar

I don't get it but I truly understand


@mattblaze yeah, Mastodon "private mentions" semantics suck. They only "make sense" from a mathematical-philosophical purist standpoint, when viewed as the product "naturally" arising from smashing together lower-order primitives. It's more something that just "happens to exist" rather than something purpose-built - and it shows. And unfortunately for everyone, it does not match how humans expect to hold private conversations at all.


@mattblaze No need to apologize, Matt.

100% correct + there's more🔴

Good data pros — as I was once trolled for saying — call a spade a spade; Amateurs take offense😇🔴

It's not personal/ideological. Just science + professionalism🔴

There's a confirmation bias epidemic on Mastodon that pros on Twitter don't have time for & Mastodon won't be a Twitter alternative🔴

Without realism🔴


@mattblaze Sarcasm got a little thick here, but I hear ya.

UncivilServant, avatar

@mattblaze No, it's only slightly more transparent, intuitive, and infused with basic common sense than the American healthcare system. Better organization, documentation, and coherent rollout though.


@mattblaze may I ask what net 10 was?

mattblaze, avatar

@sgeo When the ARPAnet moved to IPv4, which supports 32 bit addresses (written in the form ""), all the original ARPANet host were given addresses that started "10.x.x.x". When the ARPAnet moved to the modern commercial internet, the 10.x.x.x addresses had to be changed.

20002ist, avatar

@mattblaze @sgeo brb gonna make an epic film about RFCs, “1918.”

SteveBellovin, avatar

@mattblaze @sgeo More precisely: the original Internet was based on the ARPANET core: everything had to connect in some way to Net 10. When the modern model, of multiple ISPs, developed, the original core became less important and was eventually turned off.

karlauerbach, avatar

@SteveBellovin @mattblaze @sgeo Somewhere deep in my photo archives I have a photo of myself and Mike St. Johns, then listed owner of net 10, sailing on the Monterey bay.


@SteveBellovin @mattblaze @sgeo @paul_ipv6 “And she’s buying a gateway to net 10 …” 🎶

(Can’t find the whole somg at the moment …)

wollman, avatar

@SteveBellovin @mattblaze @sgeo And also there was no hierarchical addressing: ARPANET had a two-level structure (hosts and IMPs) and all IMPs had to know how to route to all other IMPs. Luckily there couldn't be more than , 255 of them so routing tables could be really small. (And the embedding of ARPANET and MILnet addresses into IPv4 was weird:, so the second octet of four was the least significant, because no IMP would ever have anything like 255 host interfaces.)

SteveBellovin, avatar

@wollman @mattblaze @sgeo Back then, I wasn't looking at network protocols. But many sites had published guest accounts, and I discovered that if I logged into a guest account on a site in the UK I could then connect to MEDLINE in the US for free. Of course, the character echo delay—four hops to a satellite in geosynchronous orbit for the echo—made for an unpleasant typing experience…

karlauerbach, avatar

@SteveBellovin @wollman @mattblaze @sgeo Wasn't Bob Gilligan charged, and coerced into an unjust plea for doing something similar (circa 1990?)

SteveBellovin, avatar

@karlauerbach @wollman @mattblaze @sgeo I don’t know the details of what he was charged with.

weekend_editor, avatar

@SteveBellovin @karlauerbach @wollman @mattblaze @sgeo

As I recall it, the Captain was charged by Tenille with harassment, and got exiled to some island with Bob Gilligan.


@SteveBellovin @mattblaze @sgeo

was interesting times, as we moved from IMPs to NSFNet 56k to T3, CIX and FIXs, and on.

rst, avatar

@SteveBellovin @mattblaze @sgeo For some, pre-DNS HOSTS.TXT will be the real head-scratcher -- a single file containing the address of every machine on the Internet, down to peoples' desktop machines, maintained centrally and distributed by FTP from a central host, SRI-NIC, which was thus a single point of failure for the entire internet.

(Though some techies will be perplexed at publicly routeable net 10 addresses within HOSTS.TXT -- those addresses are now designated "local use only".)

SteveBellovin, avatar

@rst @mattblaze @sgeo For those who didn't live it, see, from 1983—the command used to retrieve the standard host file from a single standard site…



I just assume everything here is completely out in the open for anyone to see if they really want and the post privacy settings are more guidelines than rules. It's not like using "chmod 760" or 644 on a message, exactly.

zheng3_jim, avatar

@mattblaze excellent flex

artemesia, avatar

@mattblaze Yeah, it's just bizarre. Why take a feature that is well understood and very known to users, and turn it into some warped pretzel of WTF? All I can think is that maybe there's some trademark or patent issues around the notions of private message or direct message.

mattblaze, avatar

@artemesia As best as I can tell, the confusing semantics around private messages have their root in a design decision to have shoehorn all message types into a single "published" form, with flags that govern how the receiving instance handles them. It makes sense right up to the point where you think about the privacy semantics of DMs vs public posts.

sgf, avatar

@mattblaze @artemesia Almost every wart of Mastodon that I've seen can be explained as the thing that's easy to implement and simple given the protocol, rather than what's useful and unsurprising to users.

artemesia, avatar

@mattblaze sounds like a classic case of an abstraction leaking through

VE2UWY, avatar


Lol. I missed HOSTS.TXT by several years ... and am fine with that.

On the "Private Mentions" (as they seem to be called in 4.2.0) ... I think if people just remember that they are not in any way private, they can figure out the rest. 🙂

darryl_ramm, avatar

@mattblaze I'm thinking of T-shirt: "I ran a USENET node bitch."

20002ist, avatar

@darryl_ramm @mattblaze <hums “N-N-T-P” to the tune of “YMCA”>

darryl_ramm, avatar

@20002ist @mattblaze Cough, my USENET node predated NNTP.

20002ist, avatar

@darryl_ramm @mattblaze I salute you, sir. My first-hand USENET experience runneth back only to 1987 or so. cc @SteveBellovin

SteveBellovin, avatar

@20002ist @darryl_ramm @mattblaze I had one summer, circa 1974 or 1975, using the NCP ARPANET, to connect to a Multics system a Rome Air Development Center as part of a research project. The finale of the project was the prof and the student team visiting RADC, where we got to see BUFFs—B-52s—parked by the road.

mattblaze, avatar

@SteveBellovin @20002ist @darryl_ramm Heh. My uncle was a SAC B52 pilot - stationed at Rome AFB - at the time.

SteveBellovin, avatar

@20002ist @darryl_ramm @mattblaze The other fun thing about that project was that Fred Brooks added me to it because it was running late near the deadline, so I got to say, "Dr. Brook—are you adding manpower to a late project?” He laughed…

20002ist, avatar

@SteveBellovin @darryl_ramm @mattblaze “Steve Bellovin Considered Harmful”

Blob_Calder, avatar

@20002ist @darryl_ramm @mattblaze @SteveBellovin
I envy your ability to recall the date.

20002ist, avatar

@Blob_Calder @darryl_ramm @mattblaze @SteveBellovin It wasn’t hard. I’d just moved back to the US from Ireland & landed a job at Apollo Computers, where my unit included Ken Arnold and Eric Eldred, among other memorable people. Discovering USENET—and all the interesting and/or deeply weird people using it—was integral to my stint there, which lasted only one year.

SteveBellovin, avatar

@20002ist @Blob_Calder @darryl_ramm @mattblaze Ah, Apollo. I almost got a lot of experience with their systems, but due to details of the Bell Labs hiring process that I did not understand and the whims of my boss three levels up I ended up working on other stuff. Probably just as well—that's when I really got into the nitty gritty of TCP/IP, which has served me in better stead.



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  • mattblaze, avatar

    @glitzersachen what opinion? That people shouldn’t be warned about features that don’t work the way they might think they do?



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  • mattblaze, avatar

    @glitzersachen I suggest you use the unfollow or block button if you find my expressing such an opinion to be objectionable.

    Wraithe, avatar

    @mattblaze @glitzersachen What’s great about this (for a given value of great) is how there’s always someone willing to provide an example.


    @mattblaze @glitzersachen this statement works for many things. 🕊️



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  • mattblaze, avatar

    @glitzersachen don’t let the door hit you on the way out.

    glowrocks, avatar

    @glitzersachen Did you get confused? This isn't an airport; you don't need to announce your departure.



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  • mattblaze, avatar

    @glitzersachen well, then maybe you should better protect your delicate sensibilities from my “arrogant pontificating”.


    @mattblaze A hit dog hollers, and boy will they howl at this comparison.


    @mattblaze there’s a level of dogmatism here that makes Mastodon look like the talibans of the social networks. It’s quite depressing.


    @mattblaze I know you're catching crap from the usual suspects but this really is worth pointing out from time to time. It's not broken, it works as designed, but clients calling it "private" has always been reckless and stupid. Users, especially new ones, should be made aware.


    @rory @mattblaze

    Private messages on Mastodon work exactly the same way as DMs/PMs/Chats have since the beginning and still do.

    While E2EE is needed and crucial, complaining about the core design of mentions is like discovering that you need to kill animals to enjoy meat.

    As for the silent block, that's a privacy measure as you do not inform spammers when their messages fail.

    Some things may need fixing, ofc. Like mentions of blocked or muted users apparently.

    mattblaze, avatar

    @ekes @rory @MichaelBishop No. Other systems do not work this way, and many users to do not expect it to work the way it does here. Mentioning someone in the body of a message causing them to get a copy is unexpected, dangerous behavior.



    Twitter, Reddit can read your DMs/PMs, any forum admin can read them. Facebook can read everything and they only recently introduced an E2EE feature, but only for their Chat app. Google anyway. And so on.

    What are those major platforms you're referring to?

    If you're specifically talking about who receives a message based on the form, that's a subjective design decision one may debate, but I haven't seen a lot of people criticizing that part.

    @rory @MichaelBishop

    mattblaze, avatar

    @ekes @rory @MichaelBishop I stand by my comments.

    Adam, avatar

    @mattblaze Yeah, it should be removed completely in my opinion. Public messaging should be completely separated from private messaging. More thoughts:

    Pxtl, avatar

    @mattblaze honestly they should just remove the feature until they can give it the attention it deserves. "Mastodon does not have private messages" would be a far situation than what exists now.

    breiter, (edited ) avatar

    @mattblaze You have reinforced for me the “if it’s not Signal, it’s not private” heuristic.

    stuartmarks, avatar

    @mattblaze Right, “silent ignore / no warning” is a terrible misfeature. A thing I’ve seen recently is people posting their PM acceptance setting in their profile, so that someone attempting to send a PM has a possibility of seeing that it won’t be read. Potentially a small workaround until this can get fixed.

    mattblaze, avatar

    @stuartmarks Yeah, that's what I do. But people don't see it unless that go and look at the profile.

    philpem, avatar

    @mattblaze I use them to send my email address to someone... and that's it.


    @mattblaze Yeah, as a new user, Mastodon isn't at all what I thought it would be. Let's be honest - they don't want to turn on private messages, a feature of the 1980s internet.

    rbos, avatar

    @mattblaze I agree that messages are not private, but I think it's necessary to qualify to whom they're not private. A comparison to Twitter is reasonable. DMs on Twitter will be visible to the entire staff of Twitter - their moderators, staff, and possibly any subpoena-holder in any country Twitter has a presence. Difficult to enumerate!

    On Mastodon, that pool is the server owner, the moderators on that server, and subpoena-holders in that country.

    I think it comes off well by comparison.

    zip, avatar

    @mattblaze I put my matrix handle in my profile and the ergonomics of that are pretty okay

    Ralph, avatar


    Wouldn't removing the @ from @Ralph be enough to stop the cross pollenization? Perhaps we need an, "Are you sure you want to ping ralph" message when the @-mention is embedded in the text. (just a thought)

    jpaskaruk, avatar


    I don't know, but this seems like a thing where secure private messaging was seen as outside the scope of a public sharing mechanism, and I would argue, and an entire profession of *nix admins would tell you, that that is good systems architecture.

    The actual problem is that people are used to capitalized sites and software that treat them like children on an amusement park ride, but bottom line, you're right, nothing here is private and everyone should be 100% clear on that.

    bronakins, (edited ) avatar


    Who wants a “private” mention??? Isn’t the whole point of social media to garner attention from perfect strangers?


    @mattblaze I would say that they are kind of like those bathroom privacy locks that you can open from the outside with a coin or hex key. Obscured from casual observation, but doesn’t provide any real security.

    Frederik_Borgesius, avatar

    @mattblaze Thank you for the warning Matt!

    Bwacton, avatar

    @mattblaze thanks for keeping us non techies safe here, awareness is the first step.

    resuna, avatar


    I am reminded of Pine posting your private email to Usenet if you forgot to delete the Newsgroups header and Mark Crispin flaming anyone who dared to suggest this wasn't perfect and ideal behavior.

    jakesimpson, avatar

    @mattblaze question. I’m using the offical mastodon app and I don’t see any private message functionality at all? Does it require a specific app?

    eyrea, avatar

    @mattblaze So, as always, just assume everything is public.

    Susan60, avatar

    @mattblaze So if you actually want a private message, not something “top secret” but a private chat, start a new post, tag recipient & switch to private?

    mattblaze, avatar

    @Susan60 as soon as you mention someone else, they become part of the conversation

    Daniel_Blake, (edited )

    @mattblaze @lispi314 input here?

    riaschissl, avatar

    @mattblaze I wish it was easier for commercial companies to support new features like private messages deserving the name.

    But for many, commercial companies are equal to evil corporations that just want to subvert our little utopia here ...

    morix, avatar

    @mattblaze honestly I kinda like how they work in some ways - but also it is not how I would expect such a system to work at first glance (the mentioning someone just includes them in the message part feels open to so many errors) and it is very very surreal to me that people try and defend it like its expected behaviour, so yeah I try and mention this whole weirdness to people new to the fedi.

    cartocalypse, avatar

    @mattblaze Holy negligence, that is crazy.

    jssfr, avatar

    I was aware of the first part (unencrypted) and it fits my expectations of a public social media app.

    The second part (mentions anywhere cause a CC) I was not aware of and you might have prevented some embarrassment in the future. So thanks for that.


    @mattblaze Dear god, they renamed it to something even more misleading? Labeling it “private messages” was bad because the messages weren’t necessarily private. But “private mentions” is awful, because mentioning someone is exactly the thing that isn’t private and gets the message leaked to them.

    picard, avatar

    @mattblaze Thank you for the reminder. As more people join from x over these months, one of the things I often see asked is "where are DMs" or something similar.

    I had not realised that 'disabling' direct mentions from people you don't follow did not prevent the other party sending them. Thanks.


    @mattblaze It's a shame that your "aside" became the only thing that many people read, when the part about mentions is the real culprit.

    AubreyDeLosDestinos, avatar

    @mattblaze, I still wait to be accidentally mentioned by someone talking behind my back. I wonder if this happens a lot in general.

    notsle, avatar

    @mattblaze this reminds me of a conversation i had about FRS/GMRS 2-way radios with a friend that just got theirs. They have "privacy codes" but what they really do is filter out, on your radio only, someone talking that does not include the code. Anyone can still hear you talking if they have no privacy codes set.

    If you want secure/private conversations. use Matrix, Signal or some other End-To-End encrypted communications app.

    kalleboo, avatar

    @mattblaze A safe and secure messenger is a whole project which needs full-time attention. The Mastodon devs can barely keep up with the social media features

    The naming and massive footguns need to be fixed, but there’s no chance we’re going to get Instant Messaging product out of Mastodon that everyone is happy with, so they shouldn’t waste time on it

    It just needs the minimum possible to exchange contact details and they need to make sure nobody has higher expectations

    tisha, avatar

    @mattblaze Yup, that’s weird for new users 😅


    @mattblaze Also the message's "visibility scope" (I am not going to call it privacy) also indicated super poorly in the UI.

    It's clear that Mastodon would be in need of a UX designer.


    @mattblaze Thanks for the heads up. 👍

    thanius, avatar

    @mattblaze Not to defend (Masto PM sucks) but I wouldn't use social media to send private either way. The absolute best way to communicate privately is via the Matrix protocol.

    norgralin, avatar

    @mattblaze sometimes features just need to be force choked out of existence. It’s a hard lesson for software engineers but an important one. There are others in the private messaging space. Let them handle it.

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