Lowcarbnocarb, to keto
@Lowcarbnocarb@flipboard.com avatar

Craving comfort food? These casseroles will make you forget all about takeout! &Dining


Posted into Low Carb and Keto Recipes from LCNC @low

Fury, to food
@Fury@mastodon.au avatar

I am not a big fan of those konjac noodles. The texture is just wrong and they don’t taste like anything, I’m going to go back to just eating the sauce on an egg 🥚 #food #lowCarb #diabetes

ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar


This looks pretty good and I love custard, but there's no way I'd make it anywhere near that sweet - if sweet at all! I might add some cinnamon and a little maple stevia though...anyway, something I might want to try while I have some whole milk in the house (which I don't usually)!

ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar


Using the lovely carnivore bread about which I posted yesterday I had a couple of amazing grilled cheese sandwiches. I sliced it really REALLY thin so that I could have 2, since I have missed grilled cheese sandwiches so much!

Supper was chopped and fried pork from the roast I made the other day, fried eggs on top, and my leftover ribeye from yesterday.

A paper plate with what appears to be hash with fried eggs, the yolks running, on top but the "hash" is ground up pork roast that has been fried in bacon fat; on the side are a few pieces of medium rare ribeye steak cut into bite-sized pieces

ArtBear, to vegan
@ArtBear@catodon.social avatar

Making sausage sandwiches! I'm like a trailblazing culinary genius with this amazing idea I invented!! #Veganuary #Vegan #Plantbased

I will say I really like the Linda McCartney Red Onion & Rosemary bangers. Proper tasty!

#Cooking #Food #NewYearResolutions

@ArtBear@catodon.social avatar

Here's my experience, for what it's worth.
Contrast this much smaller meal with the meal above. A low carb type of meal.

This is the advice I see on the bulk of 'health' focused media. This style is supposed to be the big healthy alternative to all the processed junky foods. An animal protein source that is naturally high in fat and probably cooked with oil (even air fried you can look close to see all the fat leaking out). Green leaves that are dressed again typically with oil, (the whole Mediterranean diet = buy more olive oil marketing thing). A real deficiency of carbs with a very tiny portion of often white flour bread, or depleted white grains, and dairy spreads & cheese etc upping the fat a lot more too.

I've tried both styles over longer periods and for me this low carb is an eating style that leads eventually to failure, to plateau then weight gain as hunger will eventually win. Low carb at a calorie deficit just doesn't keep properly full and hunger will eventually win out unless you have a personal chef and trainer and assistants watching you or your livelihood depends on your physique or whatever.

needs high will power.
low fat needs low/no will power.
Cheat days apply to any style pretty equally, irrespective of rest of the time.
@vegan @cooking @cooking @vegancooking @wfpb

ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar


GUYS! I am SO excited! I am not going to share it all here - too much to write - but I WILL share excerpts from where I wrote it all down, as it was happening (so it's quite lengthy)...and IF you are interested after you see this you can read the rest at ChiaChow (http://chiachow.net/?p=346), but here are the highlights:

"So I've been sick for about a week +/-, and craving toast. When I was a kid my mom always made us toast and soft-boiled eggs when we were sick, so maybe that's why?...I made a small amount of toast recently but this time I want a LOAF of bread to make toast. Going by the seat of my pants (and a lot of successful experiments in breads over the last 20 years) I made a loaf that is in the oven right now. Below is what I did, before I forget, if it works out; if it doesn't, you'll never see this anyway!"

*** blah blah blah ***

"Sliced the loaf into 18 slices. And this is what the macros look like, for the online calculator I used, and the brands of ingredients I used:
Calories = 651 (36/slice)
fat = 33g (< 2g/slice)
carbs = 36g (2g/slice)
fiber = 20g (1g/slice)
protein = 82g (4.5g/slice)"

I only used stuff that most low carbers/keto folk would have around the house anyway...STOKED!

jmb, to Recipes
@jmb@okpeace.org avatar

I created this for my parents, in-laws and my siblings, but thought I would go ahead and share it with the internet as well. It is a list of fairly easy low/lower carb recipes that my family has come up with over the years.

I'll be updating it over time so feel free to bookmark the link and to check back over time as we add more .


ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar


Today's Chia Chow Chat post (http://chiachow.net) which I don't typically share here but today is different...

Dec 24, 2023 - Christmas Eve. Also Sunday, pizza day. I have one more GF pizza in the freezer, which I will eat today, and then will start making my own crusts again. I have absolutely NO after-effects from the GF pizzas, and they are easy. I do OMaD (and IF of course) on Sundays, and my pain/inflammation remains under control. Today and tomorrow I will be doing things a little differently, tomorrow being Christmas, and there will be plenty of food at our family celebration! But my family is always willing to accommodate my (and Pete's, he's mostly heavily plant-based pescatarian) diets, making sure there are things we can also eat. And we bring stuff for ourselves as well. I will be making cookies that Pete & I can both eat, he will be taking his salmon salad for himself. And my plan, since OMaD won't be possible tomorrow, is to do a good fast after today's pizza, then tomorrow as small of an eating window as I can manage, avoiding, of course, the foods that cause me problems and the really carby ones. (I'm going to enjoy my family time and the grandkids and not track what I eat.) And then, as usual, I will go very low carb, super-carnivore for the next few days afterward. This is what always works for me when occasions like this arise.

How do you handle special occasions such as big holidays?

#lowcarb #keto #carnivore #pescatarian #SpecialDiets #holidays #ChristmasDinner

ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar
ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar


Yup, super supper! I'll only be able to eat half of this, if that, but my mouth is watering already!

Bacon, ground beef, eggs, cheeses (sharp pinconning, and mozzarella), and mustard - YEAH, BABY!


ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar


I love squash. LOVE squash. Of all kinds. Except kabocha for some reason. But even then, it's not the flavor, it's the mealy texture...

Anyway today for my OMaD I indulged in some squashes with my quarter of a roasted duck. I took the ends of a spaghetti squash - like bowls - and Pete had the rest. I just put in some butter and a lot of shredded parmesan cheese. AND I had half of my last-of-the-season (but I hope not!) delicata squash, just with salt and butter. I could seriously eat the stuff every day!

#OMAD #lowcarb #keto #squash

ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar


AHHHH, a dream come true!

I used my other 2 slices of my animal-based bread to make a grilled-ham-and-cheese sandwich. And it was DEEEE-VINE! Crispy and buttery, with some thin-sliced deli ham surrounded by sharp pinconning and havarti cheeses...ahhhh.....

ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar


Guys, I just made TOAST! Carnivore TOAST! There's a whole story about it on my site (link below) but if you're like me you'll skip to the recipe anyway - hahaha - so here it is, copied & pasted:

"I don't measure anything. I rarely follow recipes. I go by the seat of my pants when I cook. So I can share the approximate amounts of each ingredient that I used. But it's only a guide and certainly not written in stone. Feel free to use your own pants if you try this!

"I have a limited selection of baking dishes so I just chose a regular (Pyrex) loaf pan and buttered it, then set it aside. And I preheated my oven to 350°F.

"In a bowl I mixed together thoroughly about 1/3c of egg whites, 2T of full-fat Greek yogurt, and a Tbsp of oil (avacado in this case). When it was smooth, I added about 1/4c of chicken flour, 3 turns of pink salt, 1/4 tsp of xanthan gum, 2 tsps of beef gelatin, and 2 tsps of yeast (for the scent), and mixed it all until very smooth and creamy. Finally, I added a rounded teaspoon of baking powder from which I'd smashed out the clumps; mixed that into the batter quickly, scraped it into my loaf pan (it was only about an inch high), and put it in the oven.

"20 minutes later it was done and I put the whole pan on a cooling rack; about 20 minutes after that I was able to easily and cleanly lift the loaf out, cut it in half across the middle, then slice each half through the center to create 4 slices of more-or-less square bread."

(which I then toasted, the way my Gram taught me!)

source: http://chiachow.net/cooking-dec-18-2023-toast/

ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar


Even I am impressed by what I made for Pete to take to his Christmas party with his "hamster" friends! Wish I could have gone just so I could eat some hahaha!

recipe at http://chiachow.net/cooking-dec-16-2023-cabbage-and-onion-casserole/

Fury, to random
@Fury@mastodon.au avatar

Unsweetened almond milk does not make a good hot chocolate 🤢

ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar


Good evening, keto, low carb, and carnivore compadres!

Today we ate at a restaurant and I took the opportunity to write a post about it...what I ate isn't that important, but I do share the most helpful tips I use to keep myself from straying way off the track. Below is the Reader's Digest version of those tips; if you want to read more, I'll provide the link below; if not, we'll still be friends!

1 - eat right before you go
2 - decide what you want before you get there
3 - order less than you want
4 - give yourself a LITTLE grace, within your own plan, if you can without doing damage.

The "fleshed out" version with further details is at http://chiachow.net/eating-out-dec-11-2023-texas-roadhouse/ .

This is the first of my posts about restaurant experiences, and how I manage my Eating Out experiences.

ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar


Well THAT was a great meal! I had my 6.75# beef brisket to use since I had no space in my freezer for it, and I made my own version (doesn't everybody have theirs?) of cauliflower mash. OH YEAH, BABY! Great meal!

I made the brisket in my Copper Chef electric chicken fryer only because it would fit! It took 5½ hours on low, and BONUS I was also left with about a cupful of beautiful thick brown juice - almost already as thick as gravy! I will definitely use it for that (thickening with an egg yolk) in the next few days.

For my cauli-mash I smashed into the cooked cauliflower some soft goat cheese and some butter; once they were melted I added sour cream as well, and thyme and paprika (2 of my favorite seasonings).

The following photo is obviously not to scale; the brisket filled the entire pan when I first put it in - that thing is huge! And look at that fat cap - YUM!

ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar


Well, shrinking friends, it is up!

I have been putting some content up for the last few days, and trying to work out any kinks - there may still be a few, hope you will let me know if find any! Anyway, I've got my daily eating and recipes for what I've eaten the last few days, plus a few actual posts. Still need to move the last couple of years' worth of content from my chia.owly.net site, which will now be just for personal posts and fun stuff, but that might take more time.

I will now be using only this site for updating pages and adding new content.

ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar


A 2-meal day today

I had some ground pork fat that I needed to cook up, so this morning I slow-cooked it in my electric skillet for about an hour until I had rendered off all of the liquid fat for future use. What was left was “rice” – tiny crumbles of pork with very little flavor.

After emptying the but not cleaning the skillet I cut up a couple of yellow squash to brown in the same pan…added a can of mushrooms (because we are out of fresh), plus onion and garlic. I also cut up the breast off a rotisserie chicken, and when everything was sufficiently browned and tender I put in some crumbled bacon, thyme, and salt, then stirred in some sour cream – full fat of course – and shredded some sharp cheddar and parmesan cheeses over the top. Turned the setting to low, covered it, and waited for the cheese to melt.

It is DELICIOUS and I'm glad I have leftovers enough for a couple more meals!

Meal #2 was a combination of all of my leftover meats (2 forms of pork and a ground beef patty) in the fridge, mixed together and reheated.

(18-hour fast, then an 8½-hour eating window.)

ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar


Just on my way in to bed - FINALLY! - and thinking I forgot to do something today...oh, YEAH! What did I eat today?

It was an OMaD day, made myself a breakfast bowl with eggs, bacon, and goat cheese.

Last night I got home late, exhausted, so didn't report yesterday's OMaD meal either...but it was some GF pizza from frozen, with a 24-hour fast on each side (since it was carbier than everything else I eat).

Good night!

ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar

I love Mexican food (or rather, our local interpretation of it) but between the tortillas, the beans, and the rice it is off-limits.

Today went to Qdoba - a fast-food Mexican place - and I was able to get the vibe without the carbs.

I ordered a bowl - no shell - with the seasoned ground beef, lettuce, tomato salsa, cheese, sour cream, and guac. Then I splurged on some corn salsa*. That was very filling and darned good!

(Tonight I had a leg quarter.)

It can be done, friends!

  • My daily carb limit is 50g total. More or less. What kind of carbs those are (as well as maintaining my IF/eating window) is most important in controlling my inflammation and pain levels - I don't eat for weight loss.

@mdb@newsie.social avatar

@ChiaChatter @KetoPlus I love Tex-mex as well! My thing is eating it for breakfast. So I frequently make egg based "tortillas". 2 eggs, tsp turmeric and a half tablespoon of chia seeds with a bit of water. I make like 4 or five small omelets that I turn into little burritos with hot sauce, meat and cheese, sour cream etc.. I might use more chia seed mixed with salsa (so it's not as runny). I realize my carb limit isn't as low so some of my tricks may not apply.

@mdb@newsie.social avatar

@ChiaChatter @KetoPlus When I started my diet, my lunches were already low carb, so I really just needed to avoid carbs for dinner, and redo breakfast with more eggs. One of the first things I tried, and probably didn't come close to replicating, was to make a shakshuka. Its what got me using turmeric. Even if I missed on replicating, I was still among some wonderful flavors! Then I experimented with making rolled eggs. ("Gyeran mari" in Korean, or "Tamagoyaki" in Japanese).

ChiaChatter, to keto
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar


I made a strange and wonderful discovery today! For my meal (OMaD day) I had some pork tenderloin and delicata squash.

The tenderloin had all of the fat trimmed off it, so I cut it into 6 big chunks and packed some pork fat that I'd gotten from a local store around them, then roasted it.

This pork fat is white, no pieces of actual meat mixed in, and looks otherwise like freshly-ground beef. Wait...I'll go take a picture...

So when I took the roasted meat out of the oven, I thought the pork fat would be melted away as I didn't see any meat mixed into it - but it wasn't! And when I tasted the little pieces that were left, they had the distinct texture of RICE! They didn't have much flavor, and I felt like I was eating pork and rice for supper...AMAZING!!!

ChiaChatter, to Recipes
@ChiaChatter@theres.life avatar
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