mitexleo, to fediverse
mitexleo, to Pixelfed

Please consider becoming my patron to support our efforts. Every dollar counts.

Buy Me a Coffee ☕:

thisismissem, to Pixelfed avatar

Just 51.4% of servers are still vulnerable; really hoping we reach below 50%, and ideally below 30% by the 25th February when the responsible disclosure period ends & details can be published.

nil, avatar

If you use docker, then note the dockerfile in the pixelfed repo doesn't compile right now.


I have built images here with the patch applied:

(E.g. you can do docker pull ) or add it to your docker-compose.yml file)

mitexleo, to fediverse
mitexleo, to Pixelfed

Parental Controls are now available on ..
You can add upto 20 (?) children🙂

Thanks @dansup for adding this feature on Pixelfed ..

If you want to enable this on your instance, add the following configuration in .env:


#pixelfed #mastoadmin #pixelfedadmin #privacy #children #fedimin #fediadmin #parentalcontrol

mitexleo, to fediverse

It seems like I might have to say goodbye to the ... I'm not sure if I should shut down my Pixelfed instance as well. It's a tough decision to make, and it's weighing heavily on me.

mitexleo, to Pixelfed

On our @pixelfed instance (, we allow upto 20 photos per post 😏 .
Unfortunately @Mastodon can handle only 4 !

mitexleo, to legal

With each day, a chapter unfolds. As the sun sets on one, a new dawn beckons. Our journey on and has been a beautiful sunrise in itself. Yet, we're still on our quest to reach our monthly goal of $100.

At present, I have enough to sustain us for the next two months. However, with move to a new city on the horizon, there are added expenses. Your support, whether through Patreon ( or by buying me a coffee (, would be like the first rays of light, bringing warmth and hope.

Thank you for being the sunrise in our community.

mitexleo, to fediverse

Our Mastodon server is open to all!

Feel free to join. We support up to 10k post characters and offer both MastodonBirdUI and TangerineUI.

Also, we have not yet reached our funding goal, currently at 15/100$. If you appreciate what we're doing, please consider contributing a few bucks. It makes a significant difference!

Thank you for your support!

Support Us:

mitexleo, to Pixelfed

@pixelfed really needs more storage optimization tools 🔧 🙂

mitexleo, (edited ) to mastodon

Hey there, Lovely Souls!

Hope everyone's doing great in our digital universe.

Here's the scoop: NixOrigin (, our pixelfed instance ) and Buddyverse ( are growing steadily, which is super cool!

But, here's the deal: Our servers need a boost, and we could use your help.

We're on a mission to welcome more diverse voices from all around the world, especially from the Global South.

To keep things running smoothly, we're aiming for $100 a month.

Right now, we're at 15/100 bucks.

You can check out our server status here:

So, here's the deal, friends: Spread the word like wildfire!

And if you can, consider becoming a member with a monthly donation. Every little bit counts, and we're really thankful for your support.

You can support us on:
Buy Me a Coffee:

Let's make our digital world better, one step at a time!

Sending lots of love on your way ❤

chris, to selfhosted avatar

Anyone have any trouble running Mastodon and/or Pixelfed on Debian 12 Bookworm? I'm considering updating my system from Debian 11.

chris, to Pixelfed avatar

Hey guess what! I made my own Pixelfed server! Federating is always a challemge on your own so If you are on pixelfed I would really really apreciate you finding me and following. If you're not on pixelfed but would still like to help my new instance federate, please boost so I can find more #pixelfed people!
I am @chris
#Fediverse #ActivityPub #PleaseBoostThis #selfhosted #selfhost #Debian #PixelfedAdmin #footiMac

chris, to selfhosted avatar

OOooohhhh Ya. Add another feather in 's cap. Now running both Mastodon and Pixelfed.
We'll see how these co-exist!

Big Shout out to @xavi
and @BigMalCampbell for the timely tips that overcame a sneaky setting.

chris, to Pixelfed avatar


I've got all the processes running for pixelfed except, when I try to connect to the website I am getting a socket error:

connect() to unix:/var/run/php/php8.1-fpm.sock

The socket should be, according to my settings in /etc/php/8.2/fpm/pool.d/pixelfed.conf :

But it doesn't seem to be honouring it and I can’t figure out where that incorrect socket setting is coming from.

Anyone out there have any ideas?

neo, to Pixelfed

Hello Wonderful Souls 👋,

I'm thrilled to share not one, but two exciting updates with all of you today!

Firstly, let's talk about Account Migration – it's finally here! You can now seamlessly migrate your accounts between Pixelfed, Mastodon, and more. While I haven't personally tested it yet, I'm eager to hear your feedback on how it's working for you. Your input will be invaluable in making sure everything runs smoothly.

And now, for some fantastic news – we've waved goodbye to storage limits! You can now upload as many photos as your creative heart desires. There's no longer a cap on your artistic expression. However, should you ever encounter an issue where files aren't uploading, it might mean we're in need of a little storage boost. If that ever happens, consider supporting us by dropping a contribution at or httsp:// Your support ensures we keep the pixels flowing without a hitch!

That's the scoop for now, folks. Enjoy every moment on our server and keep those stunning visuals coming. Time to light up our community with your incredible content! ⏲ 😊

neo, to Pixelfed

Hey lovely souls,

I would like to extend my sincerest apologies for the recent downtime and issues we experienced with our Pixelfed instance. I take full responsibility for the inconvenience and frustration caused by the extended period of service interruption and the subsequent errors encountered.

First and foremost, I want to apologize for the mishap with the Elastic IP. Despite my best efforts to associate it multiple times, it failed to point to the new instance for unknown reasons. As a result, I had to allocate a new IP address and update the DNS records, which took an unexpectedly long time to propagate. I understand how frustrating it must have been for you to wait for the service to be fully functional again.

Furthermore, after resolving the IP issue, we encountered another setback with the server returning a 502 error. Upon investigation, it was discovered that the issue stemmed from my oversight in creating two pools in the pools.d directory of php-fpm but forgetting to change the ports. This mistake led to the backend not functioning correctly, causing the error.

I deeply regret the inconvenience caused by these mistakes and the significant amount of time it took to rectify the situation. As someone entrusted with maintaining the stability and reliability of our Pixelfed instance, I understand how crucial it is to provide uninterrupted service to our community.

Moving forward, I assure you that I have learned from these experiences and will take additional precautions to prevent such issues from occurring again. I will double-check all configuration settings, thoroughly test the setup, and closely monitor any changes to ensure a smooth and seamless user experience.

Please accept my heartfelt apologies once again for the disruption and frustration caused. We appreciate your understanding and patience during this time. If you have any further questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to reach out to me directly.

Mitex Leo (Neo)

NixOrigin, to announcement

📢 Announcement 📢

We have some exciting updates and important information to share with you, lovely Pixelfed community! Please read on for the latest news:

1️⃣ S3 Storage Issue Resolved:
We are thrilled to announce that our S3 storage issue has been successfully resolved. 🎉 Your precious creative works are now safe and sound, even in the face of unforeseen server mishaps. Feel free to upload your magnificent creations with confidence, knowing they are securely protected.

2️⃣ Migrate2cloud Tool:
We want to address a minor setback regarding our migrate2cloud tool. Currently, it is experiencing difficulties moving certain files from local storage to S3 storage. Please note that files uploaded in the last 1-2 weeks may not have been transferred. Follow the progress and stay informed by checking out the related Github issue:

3️⃣ Profile Picture Update:
We have received reports from users, kindly brought to our attention by @ami, regarding profile picture issues. Specifically, some profile pictures are not being deleted when the delete button is clicked, and new pictures are not updating as expected. Rest assured, your profiles will soon shine with the perfect picture!

4️⃣ Story Duration Fix:
We understand the frustration when stories disappear prematurely. We have sought the assistance of the talented Daniel (@(@dansup ) to address this matter. He has kindly agreed to lend his expertise, and we are confident that a fix is in the works. Soon, your captivating stories will remain visible for the full 24 hours as intended.

We appreciate your continued support and patience as we strive to enhance your Pixelfed experience. Your creativity and passion are what make this community truly remarkable. We are committed to maintaining a delightful space for your artistic expressions to flourish.

Stay tuned for more updates, and as always, happy sharing!

Warm regards,
Your Devoted Admin


neo, to random

Hello Wonderful Souls,

Great news! Our S3 storage issue has been gracefully resolved, spreading joy like confetti 🎉. You can now once again unleash your creative works with absolute peace of mind, knowing that they are safeguarded and secure, even in the unlikely event of a server mishap 😉.

Let's dive into a few other updates that we have on our radar, as we strive to make your Pixelfed experience even more delightful:

  1. Delightful Files on the Move:
    We have a tiny hiccup with our charming migrate2cloud tool, which is responsible for transferring files from local storage to our enchanting S3 storage. Currently, it's unable to move a handful of files (not all of them) due to a delightful bug. This means that files uploaded in the last 1-2 weeks are waiting patiently in our cozy local storage. Fear not, as we eagerly await the genius of @dansup to weave his magic and find a solution. You can follow the spellbinding progress right here:

  2. Picture Perfect Profile Woes:
    Ah, the ever-charming profile pictures! We've received reports, lovingly forwarded by @ami, that profile pictures are a bit camera shy lately. Despite the valiant efforts of our delete button, these pictures seem reluctant to bid adieu. Furthermore, even the most stunning new pictures are struggling to grace your profiles with their presence. Rest assured, our brilliant minds are on the case, working tirelessly to restore the picture-perfect experience you deserve.

  3. Vanishing Stories, Unveiling a Solution:
    Oh, the fleeting nature of stories! We understand the frustration when your beautifully crafted stories vanish before their time, leaving you longing for more. We reached out to the remarkable Daniel (@(@dansup) for his extraordinary talents to concoct a remedy. Fear not, dear souls, as he has assured us that a fix is on its way, ensuring your captivating stories remain for the full 24 hours they deserve.

Thank you all for your incredible patience and unwavering support. Your boundless creativity and passion inspire us every day. We cherish the opportunity to make Pixelfed an enchanting corner of the Fediverse, where your artistic spirits can soar.

Wishing you a day filled with wonder and limitless imagination!

With love and admiration,
Your Devoted Admin


NixOrigin, to Pixelfed

My beloved friends,

I wanted to provide you with an update on our Pixelfed instance and share some challenges I am currently facing as the admin. Firstly, our S3 storage, powered by Storj DCS, has reached its segment limit. Since we are on the free plan, which offers a monthly limit of 10,000 segments, some files are being stored locally instead of on S3. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Additionally, I recently created a Payoneer account to facilitate fund transfers. I signed up with a local MFS provider, which allowed me to create the account without submitting any documents. However, when I explored the Payoneer mobile app, I misunderstood the purpose of "Receiving Accounts" and mistakenly requested a USD and a Euro account. As a result, Payoneer now requires me to submit additional documents, such as my NID (National ID) and address. I have submitted a printed copy of my NID downloaded from the NID portal, which looks different from the physical card. Unfortunately, Payoneer does not accept this form of verification, despite it being acceptable by other companies. I am currently in communication with their support team to resolve this issue and await their response.

Since I have not yet received my physical NID card, which may take several months, I am facing a delay in the verification process. Consequently, I am currently unable to receive funds through my Payoneer account. However, I am actively exploring alternative options, such as utilizing Monero (XMR) for international transactions. Additionally, I plan to upgrade our Storj account by purchasing Storj tokens.

I sincerely appreciate your understanding and support during this time. Rest assured that I am diligently working to address these challenges and ensure the smooth operation of our Pixelfed instance. Thank you for being part of our community.

Best regards,

Support Us:
Patreon :
Monero: 49RFfYLDeEhHhANytmzaGnjgC1WNbRoEJbQgbDoLNs3BHiS6BtrrtUs12FxmSKFyf89dXZr8ttQYtFz9e5sCg5zXFY4eXzS

neo, to Pixelfed

My beloved friends,

I wanted to provide you with an update on our Pixelfed instance and share some challenges I am currently facing as the admin. Firstly, our S3 storage, powered by Storj DCS, has reached its segment limit. Since we are on the free plan, which offers a monthly limit of 10,000 segments, some files are being stored locally instead of on S3. I apologize for any inconvenience caused.

Additionally, I recently created a Payoneer account to facilitate fund transfers. I signed up with a local MFS provider, which allowed me to create the account without submitting any documents. However, when I explored the Payoneer mobile app, I misunderstood the purpose of "Receiving Accounts" and mistakenly requested a USD and a Euro account. As a result, Payoneer now requires me to submit additional documents, such as my NID (National ID) and address. I have submitted a printed copy of my NID downloaded from the NID portal, which looks different from the physical card. Unfortunately, Payoneer does not accept this form of verification, despite it being acceptable by other companies. I am currently in communication with their support team to resolve this issue and await their response.

Since I have not yet received my physical NID card, which may take several months, I am facing a delay in the verification process. Consequently, I am currently unable to receive funds through my Payoneer account. However, I am actively exploring alternative options, such as utilizing Monero (XMR) for international transactions. Additionally, I plan to upgrade our Storj account by purchasing Storj tokens.

I sincerely appreciate your understanding and support during this time. Rest assured that I am diligently working to address these challenges and ensure the smooth operation of our Pixelfed instance. Thank you for being part of our community.

Best regards,

mitexleo, to Pixelfed

Storj DCS isn't suitable for Pixelfed or Mastodon instances because of the segment limit.
Also the pricing is pretty complicated 😕..
Now I want to migrate to Scaleway. Any thoughts?

#storj #s3 #pixelfed #mastoadmin #pixelfedadmin #fediadmin

neo, to photography

Just created my patreon page... 🥰

By the way, I'm preparing for a migration to another server. We can't handle if Redditors starts to join us.

Thank you 😊..

neo, to photography

Have you tried the latest version of Pixelfed ?

mitexleo, to random

Something like Reels on @pixelfed would be cool 😎 ... Then we'll be able to forget Tiktok and Instagram easily!

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