

Happy to listen. I fix my flaws by listening, learning, sharing & opining(in that order). I fail often, but I try nevertheless. You've to excuse me when I get angry about those who attempt to build &/ impose hegemony.


Representative Democracy=Scam
Capitalism(incl Intellectual Property)=Thievery
Philanthropy=PR expense for Big thieves
Thinktank, Media, Religion=Propaganda

Unorthodox opinions. Potty mouthed

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flawed, to Israel

Gangsters of British Empire killed about 100 million people in Indian subcontinent in 19-20th century,

Based on very bad arguments I consistently saw from the apologists of Jewish fascist state & also those those who think we should prioritise feelings of sensitive people over the actual lives of those harmed by fascists, as Empire 1.0 killed about 100 million people, should we stop calling India a Hindu fascist state, which protected the Hindu Nazis (literal friends of Hitler that hold power now, whose founders said Hindus should profit from the lessons in Germany where race pride manifested at its highest) & uses a modified version of Israeli policies towards Palestinians in Kashmir — the only Muslim majority state, so we dont "deeply offend" the non-Nazi segment of Hindu society, where this society is on an accelerated path to become next Israel?


@palestine @israel

flawed, to Palestine

Serving the empire loyally

The genocidal lies of this **** entity are same today are almost the same what it had in 1982 & its fair to assume were very much along similar lines since its birth thru ethnic cleansing.

Word for word, lie for lie can be found in this article from the organised Terrorism minister — sorry Defence minister — of this genocidal entity, published in the Western ruling class genocidal rag Newyork Times from 1980s, serving the empire loyally with its "journalism".


@palestine @israel

flawed, to Palestine

There is no Justice under a sword

As per latest UN report, the genocidal campaign massacred is not just >32,000, but >44,000 with over 12,000 presumed dead, with over 71,000 injured. And ignoring millions whose lives are permanently destroyed.

This doesnt even count the slaughter & orchestrated starvation, disease driven death thats currently in works to reach its peak, which can be even higher, depending on how long the head of the snake protects its thug in middle east.

Only a tiny to negligible portion of these genocidal mother fuckers committing this slaughter will ever pay any price, let alone ever being subjected to justice, just how the mother fuckers from before who committed these crimes not just survived but thrived to a point of dictating quality of life each of us are entitled within & outside the belly of the beast.

Historically, Justice is a fluke at best, happened by accident, never as a matter of principle. There is no way to have Justice when one of hold a sword while the other doesnt have access to the same i.e without level playing field, anything that calls itself justice is an open farce, even if some of the victims of this sword get some relief from the crimes of other victims of this sword. The very existence of sword being in few hands is a monumental injustice in itself.

PS: Report says >30,000 based on past details.

@palestine @israel

flawed, to Palestine

If German society ever had legitimate guilt about its genocidal crimes from before, it wouldn't be doing what it has been doing since then — by aiding & abetting a criminal to commit similar crimes it committed against others.

@palestine @israel

flawed, to Palestine

Without State, its extremely hard to near impossible to commit genocides.

As many before us identified accurately, Greed is the source of all evil. State is the primary embodiment of this evil, followed by Capital & rest.

@palestine @israel

Orijewnal, to Palestine

The Jewish State is an existential threat to Jews everywhere.

I am less safe today solely due to the actions of the genocidal, , , regime in .

The rise in is, in my personal experience, directly linked to the actions of the self-proclaimed Jewish State.

But don’t care about Jews. I see now that they never did. It was all about power.

@palestine @israel


@Orijewnal @palestine @israel You are right about the broader points. However, in Israel too there are good Jewish people, just like in every society & community. Unfortunately they are given very little voice & are forcefully suppressed.

But the dominant societal culture in every society — let alone a settler colonial genocidal apartheid society like Israel — will only be toxic & it's only exaggerated beyond belief in Israel as this is one of the most dominant signature that society's whole culture is built around, it has been (since it's inception), is & will go down the drain all its predecessors that behaved like this has gone before.

flawed, to Palestine

Thanks to Israel, the fascist crimes on which it's built & the genocidal **** crimes it's committing for multiple generations since, incl ones it's committing now with such brazenness, I am afraid there is legitimate increase in anti-Semitism that I can see on hell site.

It's not just Jewish fascists that are from Israel or those who support this Jewish fascist state of Israel who cry wolf to shield Israel from all its crimes & attack those who seek justice, rather there is genuine anti-Semitism ****-right is pushing so much forcefully & trying to mainstream, which unfortunately I see non-insignificant chunk of non-Jews seems to be buying into (based on what I looked at on hell site), falling for the de-legitimisation campaign against Jewish people suffering from the past.

I saw multiple Jewish people mentioning the harm Israel is doing to not just Palestinians but also the safety of Jews all around the world. Unfortunately, this cycle only goes up the longer the fascist entity is allowed to commit crimes, gaslight & behave like deranged psychopath with no remorse.

@palestine @israel

flawed, to Israel

Sometime after I started reducing the degree of my political ignorance, I started despising various forms of ruling class circlejerks, one amongst them being award ceremonies.

Yet, they are useful for 1 primary reason. We can understand the depraved mind of this class by reading/listening to what this parasitic class thinks of its own entitlement & which interests it furthers in addition to its own.

In this statement to Guardian (ruling class rag) László Nemes — the director of Son of Saul — establishes what a gas-lighting psychopathic self-serving self-pitying dipshit he is.


@palestine @israel

flawed, to Palestine

Anytime a well known deceptive, awful & criminal adversary makes a proposal thats not a straight path between point A & point B as a "concession" to you, when you dint ask for it, when you both can see that obvious straight path between those two points, there is always something they know you don't & can only be interpreted as bad faith until proven otherwise with overwhelming evidence.

Yes, I am talking about Genocide Joe & his "port plan" for feeding those whom he is not yet successful in starving & bombing to death, while actual aid is at the land borders. All the layers of criminality hidden & the true intent would be uncovered only once "port" is established.

There is lot of speculation as to what the real intent is & many that have nothing to do with Aid are quite likely. We are dealing with some of the vilest mfers here, so a good amount of caution is definately warranted.

@palestine @israel

flawed, to Israel

World Central Kitchen is one of the actor who would be delivering aid to Palestinian based on articles I read.

This is who they are.


@palestine @israel

flawed, to Palestine

What should be the stage of cancer a society must be in, where it would be normal for people to openly & proudly chant May Your Village Burn?

@palestine @israel

HeavenlyPossum, to random

It’s popular to compare the behavior of the Israeli state in Gaza to that of Nazi Germany, probably because that is, for most people, the historical touchstone for this kind of violence.

But people don’t need to look that far away or that far back for an analogy. The closest comparison is to Israel’s neighbor and contemporary, Syria under the Bashar al-Asad regime.

Asad’s forces also use mass murder of civilians. They use sieges and starvation. They kidnap and they torture. They destroy infrastructure and bomb entire cities into ruin and rubble. They do all of this with the barest sanction from the international community and with the active support of major regional and global powers.

flawed, (edited )


In my mind, in addition to that (that — historical touchstone — being one reason), there is also one more reason — one that flows from strategy.

Its about Delegitimisation of the enemy. Israel & its ruling class legitimacy & impunity flows directly from cloaking itself in the suffering of Jewish people.

That ruling class is parasitic on the legitimate suffering of Jewish people & en-cashes that suffering to trample on others.

Its far more effective to delegitimise that regime if we can take away its most effective weapon it uses to bludgeon others with (other than physical weapons).

Comparing it against other genocidal & mass murdering regimes is okay, like say Assad, Putin, but making a comparison against Nazi regime is far more effective to neutralise the legitimacy it uses to hide its awful crimes behind.

flawed, to Israel

A section of Israeli society that passes of as "left".

Literally telling us how proud they are of their contributions to the fascistic state they fight for, competing with the genocidal far right when it comes to their zeal (reaching religious levels) in defending the evil they are complicit in.

Goes without saying, not everyone in this section are fascists, but there is a "fact on the ground" that most who subscribe to this ideology don't consider illegitimate.


@palestine @israel


Since the page seems to be paywalled, I will past the content here for any one interested to read

'Settlers Are Right': The Kibbutz Movement Should Break Away From the Left, Outgoing Leader Says

Israel's kibbutzim, in the north as well as the south, have been hit hard by the war, serving to remind the public of what they have contributed to the state, and not only in defense. But to continue to thrive, says the kibbutz movement's pragmatic outgoing head, they'll need to do whatever it takes

Meirav Moran
Feb 16, 2024

One morning in the early years of this century, when he was at work at the Kibbutz Movement House, on Leonardo da Vinci Street in Tel Aviv, Nir Meir chanced upon a cardboard maquette of a monument intended to commemorate kibbutz members who had fallen in Israel's wars. Meir – who was at the time coordinator of the kibbutz movement's economic committee – became upset when he saw the plan for the monument.

It was a gloomy time for kibbutzniks. Many of them lived in shrinking communities that were immersed in debts. A magnificent monument looked like a superfluous item in the roster of kibbutz tasks. "There are more than enough memorial sites for Israel's fallen," grumbled Meir, who as an 11-year-old kibbutz child had received a General Staff decoration from IDF Chief of Staff Yitzhak Rabin in the name of his father, a company commander who had been killed in combat a short time before in the Six-Day War. His father's name already appeared on four different monuments around Israel: at Latrun, on the teachers monument in the Jerusalem Forest, in the military cemetery on Mount Herzl in Jerusalem, and in the school he had attended. Why was yet another pilgrimage site needed, and a special one for kibbutz members, at that?

"What outraged me above all was the idea of glorying in blood that was shed," says Meir, who is currently winding up his nine-year tenure as secretary general of the Kibbutz Movement, the umbrella organization for the country's 259 non-religious kibbutzim. "We went into the wars on a mission of the whole nation, not for the greater glory of the kibbutz movement." He recalls the dispute that flared up at the time with Ezra Rabin, the former secretary of the Kibbutz Ha'artzi movement, and with Motti Ben Porat, from the Nature and Parks Authority, both of whom were in favor of erecting the monument..

"I told Ezra and Motke: 'Come on, everyone knows the history. Who doesn't know what the kibbutzim gave to this country?' Their reply was: 'You'd be surprised, very soon no one will know. It will be forgotten – and there are those who won't want our part to be remembered.' And you know what? Ezra and Motke were dead right and I was completely wrong."

The monument to the fallen of the kibbutz movement, which was designed by sculptor Salo Shaul, now stands in the Kibbutzim Forest, near Kibbutz Mishmar Haemek, overlooking the fields of the Jezreel Valley. "Today, in the Swords of Iron War, people are talking again about the fallen and the groups they belonged to," Meir says. "So the religious Zionist movement can say everywhere, 'Us, us, us,' and the kibbutzniks can respond, 'No, dear friends, it's not you, it's us. Before October 7, there were 3,110 names on the monument, and this war has added so many fallen from the kibbutzim that there is no room for them. To enter the new names, we will have to add another wall and change the architect's original design."

Open gallery view
The Kibbutzim Monument. "This war has added so many fallen from the kibbutzim that there is no room for them [on the memorial monument]. To enter the new names, we will have to add another wall."Credit: Hagai Fried
October 7, 2023, hurled the kibbutzim back into the headlines in horrific circumstances. Amid the melee, few took note that prior to that date, all the kibbutzim together had a population of fewer than 200,000, of whom only about 60,000 were full-fledged kibbutz members. This minuscule population has so far buried 324 of its number and is still awaiting the return of 39 captives, who account for about a third of all the hostages in the Gaza Strip. No fewer than 56 kibbutzim were completely emptied of their inhabitants, equally divided between two borders: the Gaza Strip in the south and the Lebanon border in the north. In short, almost a fifth of the entire kibbutz population became a community of refugees.

Meir is rushing to and fro between kibbutzim, wherever they may be at present ("A kibbutz is not a geographical term for the place of a community, it's the assemblage of the people who lived in it," says Meir). In the morning he travels north, to meetings with regional council heads, and in the evenings he heads south, to the Dead Sea and Eilat, to participate in conversations in hotel banquet halls with displaced kibbutz members, replying to questions, suggesting solutions and allaying anxieties.

'Leaving is giving in to Hamas': The old-timers who stayed on the kibbutz after October 7
The Hamas pogrom demonstrates that Zionism has failed, says historian Moshe Zimmermann
Why Biden is unveiling his vision for Israel and the Palestinians now

He's 67, a third-generation scion on both sides of the founders of Kvutzat Shiller, aka Gan Shlomo, a kibbutz in central Israel (near Rehovot). He's a member of the kibbutz, he is married to kibbutz member Sagit, a researcher in the field of plant sciences at the Weizmann Institute, and their four adult children are also still on Kvutzat Shiller, making his grandchildren fifth-generation there. In the early 1980s, the kibbutz sent him to Ramat Hasharon as a counselor in the Scouts movement, and he and his charges formed a garin (core group) that set off to found Kibbutz Mount Amasa in the South Hebron Hills, in the West Bank. The project failed. His first senior position in the kibbutz movement, one that he took on in 1997, involved assisting kibbutzim that were on the verge of bankruptcy during the sweeping debt crisis that wracked the movement.

"I enlisted for activity in the movement when the representatives of the banks were perched on the fences and lay in waiting at the gates for kibbutz leaders," he relates. "There was no money to buy bread for the haverim and there was no one to borrow from. I realized that the kibbutz idea was flawed. I mobilized for a rescue mission during a grave crisis that called into question the continued existence of many kibbutzim." This week, an election for his successor was held, at a time when, he observes, "the movement is in a grave and acute crisis, but a different one."

We go back to talking about the dead. This time about the combat troops in the current war who hail from the religious Zionist movement, and about the increasing proportion of Orthodox Jews among the fallen and the wounded. For the sake of perspective, it should be recalled that in the War of Independence the kibbutzim were military outposts and the Palmach "strike force" was the organized army of kibbutz members. In the Six-Day War, a quarter of those killed were kibbutz members, and in the 1973 Yom Kippur War they constituted one of every five soldiers who fell in battle.

Since the start of the war in Gaza, 36 soldiers from kibbutzim have been killed, 11 of them from religious kibbutzim and kibbutzim in the West Bank. The religious-Zionist movement publicizes the numbers with pride: 40 percent of those killed in Gaza are graduates of the religious education system or of hesder yeshivas (whose students do reduced military service) or settlers.

Meir rejects the claim: "That is one of the most infuriating and lying messages that have been spread during [the war]. Simply nonsense. The religious-Zionist movement decided [selectively] whom to count and whom not to count. I wholeheartedly welcome the fact that more population groups have enlisted to help and have joined the kibbutznikim in the mission of defending the land – but we need to be accurate. For some reason, these folks are counting soldiers who were killed only from the start of the ground operation [on October 27], because that fits the thesis nicely.

"Their method is rife with mistakes," he continues. "The first mistake is that we need to count all the fallen, including those who were killed in the fierce battles on the soil of kibbutzim on October 7, when the terrorists cut down fighters of the special units and members of the kibbutz defense squads, who fought like lions. In that count, which is the correct one, the kibbutzim arrive at 92 killed in the war until today."

Meir produces a page featuring statistics about the composition of the senior officer corps in the Israel Defense Forces. "There are 12 kibbutznik brigadier generals and 21 colonels who are from kibbutzim. Five major generals on the General Staff are ours, 18 brigade commanders – ours. There is no public in Israel that can top us in this competition."

Right-wingers claim that in order to get ahead in the IDF you need to be a kibbutznik or remove the kippa.


"Maybe the IDF prefers to promote kibbutz members over Hardalim [nationalist Haredim]. If so, it's not my role to explain in the name of the IDF why this is so. My youngest son is in an officers course and reports that there are kibbutzniks and religious soldiers with him. In fact, almost half the cadets are religiously observant, and that is definitely a significant piece of data. At the same time, the rate at which [different populations] are drafted is a measure of identification with the state, and in this we are in the lead, mainly because of [the number of] our girls who serve. Volunteering for an officers course also measures identification with the government. We haven't been in power for 50 years, but we are still volunteering. The biggest error in all the comparisons is forgetting that kibbutznikim make up are barely 2 percent of the population, whereas the religious Zionists have long since passed the 10 percent mark. So what if among those killed, they are 1.5 times as many [as from kibbutzim]?"

Then why is religious Zionism growing, while the kibbutzim, which established the state, are treading water?

"We are few for two reasons. First, we haven't been in power for a long time, and there is really no way to establish new settlements without government assistance. The second reason is that the kibbutzim lost a generation, because from the 1980s until the 2000s, many kibbutz members left. We are carrying the burden of a lost quarter of a century."

Open gallery view
Destroyed houses demolished in Be'eri this week. "Strong kibbutzim will not take in members from kibbutzim in distress. That is no solution."Credit: Eliyahu Hershkovitz

In preliminary conversations before our actual meeting, Meir spilled his heart about his profound concern for the future of the kibbutzim of the western Negev. Kibbutzim that were seriously damaged on October 7 and lack a successor generation of members, those that deferred and delayed accepting new members for years, kibbutzim that in the wake of the attacks were split between many hotels and stopped functioning as organized communities. "The ones that were weak before the event will have a hard time rehabilitating themselves," he said. "In Operation Protective Edge [in Gaza, 2014], one child in Kibbutz Nahal Oz was killed, and the five strongest families in the kibbutz left."

The settlers aren't wrong. Any place we Israelis leave, the Arabs will come in our place. The right is also correct in its path: It's by settlement and only by settlement that sovereignty can be imposed.

Nir Meir
But Meir balks at my request to note by name the kibbutzim he's most worried about. "I don't want to hurt the people and the kibbutzim that I esteem and love, and I don't intend to have the newspaper quote prophecies I make that will prove self-fulfilling." He then takes back the doomsday forecasts, and declares that "all the kibbutzim will return, [although] in no kibbutz will all the members return. Time is a significant factor. In the first week after the massacre, no kibbutznik said they would return home. And today a growing number are already starting to talk differently."

Which kibbutzim will be the first to return to the area opposite the Gaza Strip?

"The first kibbutz is Or Haner [northeast of the Strip]. They were not harmed in the massacre. The defense squad team there even brought some of its own ammunition to help the squad at Kibbutz Erez, which is across the road, and together they saved it as well. Members there have already voted to return at the end of the month. Of the kibbutzim that were affected, I can name several that I expect will return quickly, among them Kerem Shalom, which has already survived jolts in the past. A few years ago it was almost shut down, and then they decided to create an unusual combination of 'Shmutzniks' [a slang reference to the left-wing Hashomer Hatzair movement] and people from the religious Zionist movement. The Shmutzniks displayed impressive sumud ["steadfastness," a Palestinian term], and those who hadn't already before aren't going to leave this time, either. The religious Zionists are also showing remarkable dedication."

Who even wants to come to kibbutzim, especially ones that were weak to begin with, not to mention ones that were attacked?

"You'd be surprised. We are receiving a stream of applications from people of all classes and all ages. The potential lies in the graduates of the 'pioneering' youth movements and those who served in Nahal [IDF brigade whose soldiers combine military service with civilian work in outlying settlements or towns] whom life took to other places – and then came October 7 and led them to revise their outlook. Now they want to come and strengthen the area as kibbutz members. They aren't looking to be kibbutzniks [per se], they're looking to be pioneers and to fulfill Zionism. They are not people who see themselves becoming farmers. They don't intend to milk cows or pick fruit. They will continue with their jobs in high tech, in banks or as lawyers, will work remotely via Zoom and will take part in the national effort [to rehabilitate the western Negev]. Before the war, there were more requests to join the kibbutzim across from the Gaza Strip than there was availability, and that demand will continue in the future as well."

Can any applicant be accepted to any kibbutz they want?

"A kibbutz doesn't belong to the government or to the state, and not even to the kibbutz movement. A kibbutz belongs to the members and only to them. The movement is on a mission to locate families that understand what it is to live in a kibbutz without taking control of it. We will suggest candidates to each kibbutz. And only the members will decide whether to accept them or not."

Can a religious Jew be accepted as a member to a non-religious kibbutz?


A person who's over the age of 50?

"Yes, clearly."

Open gallery view
A kibbutz in central Israel. "On October 6, we were in our best period ever"Credit: Hagai Fried
Someone who is chronically ill?

"Probably not. These aren't soup kitchens. The kibbutz is not only a place of residence, it is a system with mutual responsibility, and it's not possible to load it with needy people without a limit."

Do you have to come with money in order to be accepted?

"You need to prove that you are capable of providing for yourself, that you have been paying into a pension fund, and that you came with sufficient money to build a house. [The land is provided by the state free or for a token payment.] Kibbutzim that have already accumulated significant assets ask new members for more money, which is given to the kibbutz as an absorption fee."

The impression is that a kindergarten teacher who is a single mother would have a hard time being accepted. Or a supermarket cashier whose husband works in a warehouse in a city near the kibbutz.

"Some kibbutzim will accept the kindergarten teacher, others will not. It depends on the demand and on the kibbutz's needs at a given time. In the end, the kibbutz members vote, and decide for or against. If more members are against, the candidates will not be accepted. Kibbutzim that want to live and want to survive the crisis will need to make compromises and accept different people."

The residents of Kiryat Gat gave the members of Kibbutz Nir Oz who moved there a warm reception. In another year, will the kibbutzim invite their urban neighbors to use their pool and have a barbecue on the big lawn?

"The event that most moved me in this period was the day when the women from Kibbutz Kfar Azza who had been held captive returned, and the whole [generally disadvantaged] city of Ofakim came out to welcome them. The people who a month and a half earlier had demonstrated next to the kibbutz's yellow front gate [protesting the participation of "the left" in the blocking of they Ayalon highway in Tel Aviv during the anti-government demonstrations] waved flags and sang in honor of the captives. And to answer your question about whether we will invite them to a barbecue on the lawn, the answer is no. It's a private lawn. Like a living room in an apartment in the city. The outside space of a kibbutz is the home of the kibbutz members, not a public area."

Open gallery view
Residents of Ofakim welcome back released captives in November. "The whole city of Ofakim came out, waved flags and sang. Will we invite them to a barbecue on the kibbutz lawn? No. It's a private lawn."Credit: Eliyahu Hershkovitz
The evacuees from Kiryat Shmona, Ofakim and Sderot are complaining because they feel the kibbutzniks are getting more.

flawed, to Palestine
flawed, to Israel

There are no clean hands in history

It's an undeniable fact that most of us would not be thinking, let alone speaking about Palestine liberation had it not been for Hamas & the courageous yet violent step they took to challenge the thug that was stomping on the face of Palestinian people for nearly a century, humiliating them while attacking their dignity — physical & psychological, most importantly making this state of subjugation permanent. They forced the enemy to show his true colors out in the open. We now know not just the enemy but all other enemies who are his bed fellows that are the root cause of Palestinian suffering.

As to whether Hamas is more like a criminal gang within the prison (or) That's the only form of resistance that prisoners are allowed to build that can actually withstand against an inhuman prison authority is something history would judge, once the blood becomes dry.

It goes without saying Hamas is definitely not an ally & Hamas ruling class is not same as Hamas cadre. But one thing that can't be denied to them is this: Every one of those Hamas fighters who breached the Gaza prison (or more like a 2020s variation of a concentration camp) fences & walls on Oct 7th knew most of them would likely be killed in most brutal manner by the prison guards on the otherside of the prison wall, yet they breached it anyways & slaughtered the guards along with other "civilians", many of whom were benefiting from and enjoying the fruits of Palestinian imprisonment, in peace, right outside prison gates. Hamas, one of the forms Palestinian resistance takes, took many Israeli civilians hostage as a form of insurance, knowing the enemy is inhuman & the only insurance they have against that brutal enemy is the hostages --- if the attack succeeds.

Element of religiosity generally is not going to lead to a good outcome. Palestinian ruling class (Hamas or even more evil collaborator "Palestinian Authority") is no different than every other ruling class — a force of evil.

But it's an unavoidable fact that when you are systematically denied the tools of self-defence, when you are occupied, some of the ruling class gangsters within these political formation will be forced to fight an evil bigger than them & that's exactly what Hamas action amounts to.

Hamas is like those men who preach & fight for equality in society, while they still practice/benefit from the system of domination inside the house that patriarchy grants them. It doesn't mean those external actions of these men don't have any merit, nor are they clean. Even they are as powerless in the relationship they have with Israel, so they have the legitimacy to fight back, tho they are a ruling class faction.

Hamas will need to be resisted but primarily by Palestinians if & when they acquire the collective power to resist both Israel & Hamas. Based on reality on ground, this is impossible as of now. So, some of the options Palestinians considered legitimate for their emancipation is fight with everything you got (which includes Hamas) & try to see how one can destroy the ruling class enemy within i.e Hamas, which I believe is the story of many 3rd world "nations" that are created since WW2. Maybe there are other paths, which I am sure people would point them out if & when they open up.

Till then, real-world is no Hollywood fantasy story. There are no clean hands in history that made actual impact against a foe with disproportionate violence at his disposal. Only Trial & Error, often taking most bloodiest of forms.

@palestine @israel

flawed, to Palestine

Anyone who wants power is our enemy, even if they agree with our most pressing concerns.

Only one who is not is the one who openly declares the illegitimacy of their own position, declares their intent to destroy the illegitimate power & enter it to destroy thier own power (only actions matter, not mere words), power of their buddies & all other classes that sit at the top of the pyramid i.e the only legitimate form of exercising power is one that's exercised in the service of sabotage.

Reactionaries like George Galloway cloaking themselves in the so called "legitimacy" he apparantly acquired thru the authoritarian gaslighting scam called "election", who while denouncing criminal elements (who happen to be his buddies in ruling class) claiming to represent "the people's voice" or "having the mandate", is exactly everything wrong with the dogshit we call so-called "Democracy".

"Election" is one of the most nefarious, in your face form of gaslighting ruling class has invented. It's to make those who don't pay any attention beyond ruling class abstractions to believe they wield power.


flawed, to random

None of us are going to become a better person overnight, even if we destroy all structures that make us far worse than most of us ever needs/wants to be, not because we are inherently bad but we are creatures of habit.

Here are two tough questions that always demanded answers from us Anarchists by lot of people.

  • How does atleast 1 version of the future that Anarchists envision look like, accounting for domineering nature each of us have right below the surface, as we are complex & we have elements of both hierarchy and solidarity within us and how do we ensure none of us (as an individual & as a group) have disproportionate power over others, even if we try to acquire such power.
  • Atleast 1 version of steps we can follow to move from where we are now to where we want to be, yet address the inherent problem I mentioned above.

Some Anarchists have taken the easy route saying we will find solutions to those problems when we reach there (which is true). But we do have the hurdle of convincing the pessimists who insist on answer to most questions they have & assure how most important of those questions would be addressed in future society, before they accept our argument has merit (which is also fair position to hold). Then we have rest of those who don't know/don't care & finally, those who are actively against any demand for emancipation.

We can't do anything about last category except fighting them — on the street & also in the minds of people. Last but one category needs to learn on thier own, Shame can work on some of them, but the most important current healthy adversary who will become an ally in future is the 2nd kind who asks probing questions who forces us to answer the above 2 questions with convincing clarity that atleast 1 version of our future that addresses the consequential problems we have to deal with fellow humans who are highly malleable i.e a mixed bag of opportunism, evil & good.

We do need to have good set answers to those questions & I am yet to read what our comrades from past has said about it (I have some vague notions derived from our principles & remixed from others ideas, but they are still vague) & we also needs to add our own bugs to thier solution such that we have a coherent & convincing case that addresses all major hurdles, to begin with — atleast in theory.

flawed, to Palestine

Saw someone accurately yet concisely summarise what the Settler Colonial Genocidal Jewish **** State did recently

(This is my paraphrased version of thier opinion)

The entity lured those it starved to near death to a single place, under the cover of "aid", so it can massacre them at scale with little effort. And it succeeded in that.

@palestine @israel

flawed, to Israel

Moral cowardice of The Present

Lot of people who are more knowledgeable & have more grace (unfortunately I barely have any) than me already mentioned this.

But I will repeat it for making my point. Its this.

There are those who take moral positions based on history i.e after it happened. But the same people take the exact same positions they harshly judged others from that history, if they are faced with similar/near similar situations in the present.

There are those who read books like A People's History of the United States & others, then when push comes to shove falsely equivocate the brutality of imperial thuggery with the violent actions of resistance i.e they conveniently ignore/refuse to look at the underlying theme of books like that, ones which refuse to recognise the legitimacy of the version of history presented from the point of view of the oppressor, rather present alternative view of facts from the point of view of the oppressed.

One thing that made me write this rant is that morally bankrupt position (atleast in my book, atleast as of now) I came across often enough since Jewish fascist state started fresh round of mass slaughter:

I condemn rightwing Zionists & also I condemn rightwing Hamas for their violence, as if both are comparable at all, esp when we focus on one thats used by one against the other — the degree & nature of such violence.

Only one of them is morally depraved while the other is not. Most dont like ugliness, but there are situations where getting ugly is the only possible rational choice one can make.

There are no innocents in an apartheid, imperialist, colonialist & fascist societies.

When speaking about people in such societies (ours is also one such society), some of the valid questions are: Whether one is an active oppressor (or) opportunistic oppressor (or) doesnt give a shit about one's position while enjoying one's dominating position (or) one is amongst those tiny few who hate oppression but are suppressed/gave up trying after contemplating the odds they need to face.

May be there are more choices, but those are some I can clearly see in every oppressor society. When oppressed do retaliate, if I (from oppressor society) become victim of our society's oppression, I am not sure blaming the oppressed has moral kernel, even if I dint actively engage in our society's oppression.


flawed, to Palestine

I don't know if the person who sacrificed themselves thru self immolation for the crimes of Empire is a fellow anarchist (but was stuck in Military) who went by the name Anarkittty on our servers in the past. I remember seeing a person with similar pseudo name long back.

I don't think it needs to be said, but I will put it into words:

We can do far more good alive than dead in most of the cases.


flawed, to Palestine

What would you call a society this genocidal whose blood thirst is still at this, after massacring 30,000 Palestinians & still continue to massacre them?

Most protests we hear about removing Nethanyahu are largely about internal power struggle, but not against genocide itself.



flawed, to random

Reading Abdullah Öcalan

Will post any interesting quotes that I come across in this thread.

> The citizenship of modernity defines nothing but the transition made from private slavery to state slavery.

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