@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar



Be the strange you want to see in the world.

Sex, tech, and sextech. I'm Stu Nugent. Remember me? That guy who says stupid shit about sex toys literally all the time?



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hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

ask not for whom the butt plugs, it plugs for thee

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

listen son, you see, sex is a lot like chess. i don't know how to play it

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

Hey, professional request:

I'm looking for a Berlin-based burlesque or cabaret performer(s) who have an act that features phones or social media in some way. End of May, in Berlin.

Please share & RT far and wide, this account doesn't get much reach.


hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

ohmygodohmygodohmygod im so excited

so I found this rare Leica at a flea market. Absolutely gorgeous, feels great, works perfectly.


it only takes film that's been out of production for quarter of a century.

Guess what though...

i found an analogue camera shop willing to have a crack at developing it.


Well, i kinda lives. This film is in a terrible state, close to unusable, but the fact that we got anything out of it at all is close to a miracle.


@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

@ratkins I bought some from a camera shop in kottbusserstrasse. If you see any more, let me know

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

noam chomsky is outliving the shit out of henry kissinger huh

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

everyone in this cafe: look at him running his own business from his laptop, must be a real high achiever


hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

spent maybe too much time today trying to make the word FUCK hover in the air in my office. im 39 and i have a whole job and stuff i promise

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

I did a dramatic reading of a comment on @girlonthenet's excellent post about incels from a couple of years back. https://youtu.be/vqDrV4XQuQo

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

wait so you're telling me it's NOT called a tellingphone? EVEN THOUGH IT'S FOR TELLING PEOPLE THINGS?

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

looking for investors for my mom & pop dildo store

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

this orgy could have been a sext

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

[last supper]

jesus: hey judas, pass me the buttfor

apostles snigger

judas: what's a buttfor?


judas: [under his breath] i'll get you for this

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

I do dramatic readings of incel reddit posts now. They do well on tik tok, so someone might enjoy them here too :)


@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

@girlonthenet Hey thanks, and if you have other favourites you'd like to share, I'd be happy to do a series of these. They're fun to make, and they help redpill culture look ridiculous. Everyone's a winner.

@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

@girlonthenet Oh my, thank you for these. That one in your comments is kind of stunning. Very representative. I'll have a crack at these soon.

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

what is happening in this stock photo and is it TOO powerful

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

no boss i won't be coming back to the office, why would i give up access to my own private toilet

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

try this new fleshlight i just invented SIKE its made of oobleck enjoy your fractured dick idiot

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

shitposting is called shitposting because, like manure, it makes the rest of the posting landscape more fertile for serious stuff

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

Stim-U-Lax, 1941, designed for barbers to massage their client's heads, but known to be used for more... covert purposes.

I have so much room in my heart for vintage sex toys.


girlonthenet, to random
@girlonthenet@mastodon.social avatar

Walked just under 15 miles today. 6 miles yesterday, 10 tomorrow. This will take the weekly hiking mileage to 37.

On one hand, we are extremely badass.

On the other hand, my hands hurt and so do my knees and my hips and all the rest of my body including my eyeballs why oh why do I do this to myself.

@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

@girlonthenet You basically did a half marathon! Cover yourself in Deep Heat or whatever it is fit people do.

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

Putting together a little video about my recent visit to The Museum Of Sex Machines in Prague, my spiritual home. Just wanted to share this one shot first.


@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

@ratkins You should go. It is... eye-opening.

hungry_joe, to random
@hungry_joe@mas.to avatar

my neck
my back
my anxiety attack

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