

poo avatar



Federated avatar


Woke Antifa Mobster. 24/7/365 stream of: news, salty commentary and vitriol from a mostly leftist/progressive perspective. News feed is my own custom, hippie-biased algo. Commentary is me. I try to answer in a somewhat timely manner but often fail, so... sorry. #fedi22 #news #resist #antifa #woke #politics #socialjustice #fbr #ifb #science #openscience #openaccess #opendata #reproducibility #opensource #foss #privacy #based avatar


NAIT alumnus, #yeg musician. Making health info healthier. 356 ppm. Settler on Treaty 6 land.
Instance operator of

My toots are my own and engagement may not indicate endorsement. Yeah, toots. I said it. Tooooots. avatar


Commercial and portrait photographer in Edmonton, Canada. See avatar


Independent senator from Alberta. Host of Alberta Unbound. I live on Treaty Six Territory. avatar


indigenous canadian, recovering academic → game dev & interactive media artist with a penchant for dial-up modems, the 4o3 bbs scene, 1-bit art, trackers/mods, classic macs, and 80s and 90s gaming. curator of internet, canadian & gaming obscura.

game development: tomodashi studio

current major project: tomo, a decentralized discussion group network that's better than reddit

#nobot #nobots #noindex
(profile pic: a 1988 red fox 6¢ canada stamp)


🚲 urban utility cyclist (acoustic & #ebike)
😲 thinks that people who walk, bike, or roll shouldn't have to fear for their lives
💻 numbers monkey in #tech

posts / geeks out mostly about:
🚲 #yegbike #urbanism #bikeTooter #running
🌇 #yeg #Edmonton #yegcc #yegwx

and also:
🎮 #VideoGames #retroGaming
💼 #antiHustleCulture #consciousWork
🖥 #FOSS #privacy

'That girl,' tutted Alsana as her front door slammed, 'swallowed an encyclopedia and a gutter at the same time.' - Zadie Smith, White Teeth avatar


Words. Pictures. Music. Film. Community. Freelance communications and media professional. Digital storyteller. Editor of Boyle McCauley News. Prairie representative of the Canadian Freelance Union. She/her. Treaty 6. Views expressed here are mine alone. avatar


Instance Admin for

I’m loud about what I love! ✦ #Autistic / #ADHD ✦ Wife to @craftykraken 🏳️‍🌈 in #Canada ✦ Mental Health, #Disability & Neurodiversity Advocate. ✦ #Hockey fan ✦ Crazy Cat Lady ✦ She/Her

University student:
Psychology & Philosophy

Now playing: #VR games, #Cyberpunk2077, and #BaldursGate3. I also love finding new indies. Suggestions always welcome!

I have #LongCovid and #Autoimmune disease - my time and energy are limited. Please be kind. 💜 avatar


Ceaseless tinkerer. I do open source stuff for #Valkey at AWS. Ex-#bottlerocket. Ex-#OpenSearch. Ex-#Redis. Spare time pursuits: #3dprinting, #OpenSCAD, #gardening. Interested in building a greener future with technology. he/him

Located in Edmonton, AB #yeg

Searchable on tootfinder avatar

markcherrington 780-850-6254 text/call. Helping vulnerable persons for 30 yrs. Human Rights Advocate. No government funding. See pinned post to help.


Fourty-something. Year-round #yegBike-er. Software/ guy. Occasionally does some #Photography. Loves #birds. Has #ADHD. #MastoAdmin of the server. Posts about chinchillas and cats sometimes. avatar


neurodivergent (ADHD)/pan/nb.
tries to be chill, but ends up being goblin.
prefers headspace or wildspace but not peoplespace. gnarled and rolling around in the dirt with their dog. may shed leaves, twigs, spiders, and extreme silliness. keeps snakes, spiders, and lizards as companions.

photos are mine unless otherwise mentioned/boosted from someone else. avatar


Degree in Political Science, career in tech.
Inhabitant of YEG for most of 54 years and the neighbourhood of Westmount for over 20. Had a new house built during the pandemic on the site of our old one. Partner to the amazing
30+ years in virtual communities from late 80’s BBS’s to current social media with stops in Usenet, MMO groups, Discord…

Gamer of all types from boardgames to computer games to console games. See ‪‬ for gaming posts.

Edmonton, Alberta avatar


A podcast about the fight against car culture. Hosted by Aaron Naparstek, Sarah Goodyear and Doug Gordon. (You can find our individual accounts on Mastodon.) avatar


Edmonton musician, studio teacher, arranger, composer.
Husband and dad of 3. Interests include city council, transportation, art, government, society; former science nerd. avatar


Game designer in #YEG! Formerly at #BioWare, and the #GameDev once known as Domino on #EQ2. Mostly I share #cat photos, #Edmonton events, #foodie pics, & other randomness. Also very fond of #reading, #SciFi, #mycology (#fungi), #SlimeMold, #spiders, #frogs, #LichenSubscribe, #pottery, general #maker stuff, and more. #CovidIsNotOver! Opinions my own & do not represent my employer, etc. She/her. avatar


Music (mostly blues & roots), gardening (weather-permitting), and everyday life with some science, politics, and public health, from a chronically exhausted, early middle-aged homebody nerd.

Also at for web-dev nerdery, although I haven't actually been working for years.

All currently rooted in Edmonton, Alberta, Canada (#YEG), a settlement built at amiskwacîwâskahikan, a traditional gathering place of Cree and other indigenous peoples.

😷➕💉 > 🤧➕🤒 ! avatar


Si Clarke (she/her): sci-fi without the pew-pew
Elliott Hay (two Ts and any pronouns): cosy London noir
Not all disabilities are visible.
Not a woman.
#Immunocompromised #WearAMask #CovidIsntOver avatar


Fan of arts, sciences, beer, and more. Swearer. All over the map! #HipsterDoofus #ILM et al #EmotionallyExhausted and #MorallyBankrupt

One upon a time, and @5351135z on sh*tter

Location: Cosmos - amiskwacîwâskahikan / ᐊᒥᐢᑿᒌᐚᐢᑲᐦᐃᑲᐣ

Interesting Link: avatar


Fully Vaxxed x 6. 15+ years in IT. Owner of

Lives in Red Deer, but Maritimer at heart. Settler on Treaty 7 land. Loves tech. Chronic IBS and anxiety. Proud NDPer. Pro-choice. he/him

Please do NOT DM me. Messages here are not private or encrypted. Instead, please email me here:

Proud Club TWiT member: TWiT.TV/ClubTWIT

Be well folks. Do something nice for yourself. Do something nice for someone else. avatar


I’m a Canadian energy journalist who conducts video interviews with global energy experts. I also host the Energi Talks podcast, write the Markham On Energy columns about energy politics, and write about the energy future. I am frequently interviewed on Canadian radio about energy transition issues and I’m CBC Radio Canada's "Green Switch" columnist. avatar


Your friendly neighbourhood mediocre-man. Oat milk socialist. Pandemic buzzkill.😷
he/him living in #yeg on Treaty 6 land.
Same @ on🧵and 🟦and 📸 avatar


All season #bicycle commuter, #Fietsster, member of the #OmafietsMob, founder of Edmonton's Fancy Women Bike Ride, #winterbiker, lone #hiker, #feminist, #anthropologist, #politicalAF. IPA spelling of my name: hɛðɚ.

My lists: #Smarties (researchers), #Praxis (people living their politics), #Canucks (people born /living in #Canada), #Yegbike (Edmonton bike peeps), #Urbanists & #BikeTooters (obvious), #Anthropologists.

In addition to the #fedi22, I'm trying Bluesky: avatar


Canadian by choice. International in outlook. Currently living in the sky above #YEGdt. Leftie. Foodie. Queer. Multilingual. Bike person, but a pedestrian at heart. Social scientist by trade (at UAlberta). Household = me, partner, two cats. Pretty bent by the anti-reality turn our world has taken since early 2022 but not (yet) broken. avatar


"I suppose none of you are sitting on a thistle by any chance?"
"I believe I am," said Pooh. "Ow!"
He got up and looked behind him.
"Yes, I was.
"I thought so." avatar


:verified_paw: Lover of all things that open the heart and mind, and bring laughter and joy. 🌎✨ Skye, a rescue Netherlands dwarf rabbit, sometimes (well, okay, fairly often! 😏) takes the keyboard to post. 💻🐰😉 Helps Cenobyte and Skye run, a Mastodon server in 🇨🇦 providing a safe haven for smol floofs from all around the world. ❤️ #LabourOfLove avatar


coffee nerd / reformed photographer / current bean counter / let's go outside avatar


Host, CBC Radio Active 📻 wkdays 3-6pm avatar


College Political #Anthropology Prof.
Sharing the Interesting. Not always my position.
Bees, Plants, #kdrama or #cdrama slip in.
Argentine during World Cup.
Occasionally post in French or Spanish.
Migrated from bird site in Oct ‘22 wave.
Avatar: Thinking Chimp
Header: Young Humpback whale diving in Montreal’s Old Port, first ever. 500 km off course. June 2020.
Home: Tio’tia:ke, aka Montréal, Qc. CA avatar


"My headphones / They saved my life" - Björk

"Le singe est sur la branche" - Suzy Eddie Izzard

"Stay safe, take care of yourselves, and fascist, racist, misogynist, homophobic, transphobic metalheads can fuck off." - A music blogger whose name I don't know, but also me


'I am still alive and well and have not been killed in some tragic accident involving #PowerApps, El Niño, GPS, fire, water, and/or high voltage. Yet!''

Edmonton, AB, Canada 🇨🇦 #YEG

#VA6LAT #HamRadio #RangerBobRadio #Vinyl #yegdigs #yegmusic #yegwx #yegastro #Astronomy #SpaceRocks #Apollo #Astrophotography #RetroGaming #RetroComputing #TTRPG #DoctorWho #RedDwarf #MastOCats #Caturday #Lacey #4Elven

˙ɹǝǝq ɹo / puɐ 'ǝpoɔ 'ʎǝuoɯ 'ǝɯᴉʇ ɥƃnouǝ ɥʇᴉʍ ǝlqᴉssod ǝɹɐ sƃuᴉɥʇ ll∀



A collection of Edmonton, Alberta's history. By
Edmonton, Alberta


#carfree, white settler, #YEGBike, #SolarEnergy #crochet, reducing waste, vegetarian cooking, neurodiversity, mom to non-binary :nonbinary_flag: kiddo, early retiree #ADHD #ActuallyAutistic avatar


Overcaffeinated bike riding psytrance stomping polyamory doing scruffy looking nerf herder; father and husband and son and whatnot. avatar


Canadian, living north of nowhere with her husband, two dogs, and a fluffy orange cat. avatar


Part of the bird migration of fall 2022.

I have never failed a captcha.

GenX. Please don't notice me.

Winnipeg Jets. Blue Bombers. Classic TV and movies. Classic books and music. avatar


Leroy Jenkinsing through life with nothing but homosexual audacity. she/her avatar


Welcome to my profile! I’m Peter, a former Barrie Green Party President and a current leader in two amazing organizations: and #LivingGreenBarrie.

I love sci-fi and I’m passionate about creating positive change. Tip me: #fedi22 #Canada #Politics #SocialJustice #CanadianGreens #J2DW Live Long and Prosper! 🖖 avatar


(Retiree) Toronto-based lefty labour & free/libre software activist. amateur (ham) radio operator. Liberals are not leftists. avatar


Calgary girl, married to my #SilverFox for 24 yrs, he & I have one cool daughter & our house is a zoo. Love #mtb #fitness #running #lifting #cooking #vegetarian in training #SamoyedHusky #RussianBlue avatar


Accidental historian, writing stories of the Hudson's Bay Company men west of the Rocky Mountains -- so many good stories! avatar

cpi avatar


#Shpk #hockey/ #ringette / #curling / #baseball / #softball dad living on Treaty 6 territory. He/him. Living the #DadLife.

In my day-to-day I'm an #Engineer with a PhD in #Geostatistics and an interest in #Python.


Migrated over from SDF.
My SDF is now backup.

Eco/Social Justice Activist. Disability Advocate. Decolonizer. Accessibility Consultant. Eldercare Liason.
Teochew Chinese. War & Polio Survivor.
Neurodivergent. Nature lover. Cat lover. Photographer. Avid gardener. Water & forest protector. Moss toucher. Tree hugger. Bird watcher. GenX. Anti-capitalist.
Vancouver Island, BC.
#AsianMastodon #BIPOC #StopEcocide avatar


Very proud to be a Calgarian. Husband, Father of two, Teller of bad jokes... Avid cyclist. Linux geek... Keeper of the family genealogy avatar


🇺🇸music soundscaper, synth geek, 5-string phat bassist, C-Jazz artist, techie, ios, provocateuse, VLAT tracker; CA Wine Country #SonomaCounty Volcano, Hawaii #HawaiiMastodon …vote like #blackwomen #misogyny #misogynoir #tech #wildfire #cawx #womensrights #feminist #CaWildfires #Synths #Musicians #Bassist #TwitterRefugee #airtankers #avgeek #cohousing …let’s not forget #epidemiology #climatechange #Unions #WNBA #investigativejournalism and finally, it goes without saying a big D #DemocraticParty avatar


Intersectional Feminist. Former print (research)/television/comms. ≠Legal advice. Liberté, égalité, fraternité
(And that includes you.)

🇨🇦 🍉 🇺🇦 😷 📚


he/him. fan of the singular "they".
punctuation goes outside of the quotation marks. avatar


Family Caregiver.
Eco/Social Justice Activist. Disability Advocate. Decolonizer. Accessibility Consultant. Eldercare Liason.
Teochew Chinese. War & Polio Survivor.
Neurodivergent. Nature lover. Cat lover. Photographer. Avid gardener. Water & forest protector. Moss toucher. Tree hugger. Bird watcher. GenX. Anti-capitalist.
Vancouver Island, BC.

#AsianMastodon #BIPOC #StopEcocide #BeTheChange avatar


🌱 hobbyist urban #gardener on the Canadian prairies - mostly veggies & perennials
🥶 hardiness CAN #Zone3b - #Zone4a, USDA ~3b?
🌵some indoor #succulents
👨🏼‍🎓 working towards a #horticulture certificate

posting mostly about:
#gardening #plants #growYourOwn #urbanFarming #sustainability #bloomscrolling #florespondence

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