
This magazine is from a federated server and may be incomplete. Browse more on the original instance.

Butts, (edited ) in [Refederated] Lemmy.world and Lemmy.dbzer0.com defederate from anime instance Ani.social

I posted this comment on ani.social and got banned from Lemmy.world:

Who even cares, fuck those guys.

Lemmy.world revealed how far they have their heads jammed waaaaaay up their own assholes when they released their new TOS and were patting themselves on the back about it. Then, in true Le Reddit fashion, anyone in the comments section who dared to question that decision was getting mass down voted by brainless sycophants. Lemmy.world got lucky by being the most visible and attracting the most users this past summer, but it doesn’t make them inherently special, which they clearly now believe they are.

The Fediverse is a new opportunity for internet discussion to feel free and open again rather than confined by kowtowing to corporate interests. These instances defederating from ani.social is forewarning to any users with their heads up that they are just places to avoid anyway.

Now, regardless of whether you agree with my stance or not, or if for some reason you are offended by the fuck word, is criticism of policy seriously an offense so egregious that it warrants a ban?

Of course it isn’t.

And before somebody tries to cleverly point out “hurr durr you sound butthurt because you got banned from LW” that’s not at all the point I am making here. I’m pointing out the sheer insecure pettiness of the administration at LW that they would get so bent out of shape from some criticism from a throwaway account that they would ban it on the spot.

Ask yourselves if you really want to make LW your home base, because I do not.

Edit: also lol at Antik, a LW admin, coming to this comments section on an alt account and arguing with people. Dozens of testy, sparring comments bordering on harassment. This is the exact immature behavior that I am calling out. He had to literally do nothing to get a win here, yet he deliberately chose to show his ass to everyone instead.

Edit 2: LW banned every user in this thread who posted a criticism of their insecurity, pettiness, irrationality and cognitive dissonance of thinking that “pictures of anime” are somehow all CSAM. They have brigaded this post - roughly 50% of the 100 comments here are from the admin or his alt literally harassing people simply because they stated they do not like LW. These are not the actions of sound-minded individuals, these are the actions of actually insane people.


Not reading all that.

finthechat avatar

Curious that this exact comment thread looks so different on Lemmy.ca (original instance) versus how it appears on Lemmy World.

At the time of posting this, the original thread has 13 comments as opposed to the sanitized version on Lemmy World, which has 6 comments. Naturally, all of the comments critical of LW do not appear on their version.


You sure it’s not just because those comments were submitted by ani.social users during the period which the instances were defederated from each other?

finthechat avatar

It's from manual bans, not defederation. Both Butts@ani.social (the parent comment in this chain) and CJOtheReal@lemmy.sdf.org (commenter providing a critical summary of why people are upset) are banned at LW.

At the time of writing this comment, by looking at the LW modlog you can see Butts was banned 3 hours ago because "fuck those guys" and 17 hours ago CJOTheReal was banned because "LW admins are assholes."

I am guessing those ban reasons are quotes from the banned users themselves, not the actual reason why an admin personally banned them, though that hardly makes it justifiable - in fact it does the opposite by proving that LW admins actually are power tripping and banning for petty reasons.


Or you could have a look at CJOTheReal post history and see for yourself.


I nither of us gives a shit tbh, we just think they are power tripping like reddit mods. And Don’t engage in their instance shithole. Btw at least one of the admins keeps following several users around like a creep constantly attacking the users and saying “look what they say” like anyone gives a shit…

Let’s call them spezes from now on…


Because people that are banned on LW love to chime in on threads about LW with their totally sane and objective takes.

But that’s why there are more comments on this thread than if you would look at this thread from LW.


I think you guys are just banning everyone disagreeing with you personally and that’s why people call you out for being a clownshow…

But who knows…


Nono don’t deflect. Account?



Nah, seriously. Fuck off.


I’m willing to bet that’s actually it, must be since you are too embarrassed to tell. Either that or something very racist


Trying to find more loli for your collection? 🤣


Maybe both maybe im you and we just pull a big one on the community here? Who knows?

Maybe i am another admin on your instance?

Maybe im just the voices in your head and you need to just fuck off to wake up?

Antik, (edited )

LOL COOKIEJAROBSERVER is your real account. The moderator over at Loli instance burggit.moe

You’re disgusting dude


Ah yes! Of course! And where did you pull that from? Your ass?


Man CJO who you think you are fooling you pedo


Your mom but why do you ask?


She is too old for your pedo taste


She can’t be to old seeing you behaving like a 12 year old…


Lemmy.world but the world is made in China…


Tankies are living in your walls


Ask yourselves if you really want to make LW your home base, because I do not.

That was sort of my thinking as well. I’ve been trying to get a clear answer for a ban that archived everything to show that they were just banned for criticism, and I haven’t gotten a direct answer other than a claim that contradicts the evidence.

Purging an account, banning it, and then allowing them to sweep everything under the ban rug is a direct attack on the credibility of user accounts, and I can understand people not trusting a server with it when they do that, and it’s even worse when those admins are capable of being charismatic so people are much less keen to question them.

That’s something that abusive power mods on reddit did all the time. They tried to sweep everything under the ban rug, keep quiet about it and only give out vague reasons, and then just label the user a shithead when they inevitably then had to proceed to try to scale it up, which meant trying to attract more attention, which made people question them more, which just swept them up with the people that really deserved it, and it just became a vicious cycle.

The one big tell is that when somebody really deserves it, they don’t really hide it, whereas when its much more questionable, they keep so quiet that you have to wonder whether the person in question killed anyone, which just adds to it.


You can see how their admins behave in this thread…


Uh, is @Antik really Antik and not just someone trying to supplant their identity by naming themselves antik@lemmy.world? That … just raises so many questions if so.


No CJO, it’s me don’t worry I posted from my main account too


Yeah, I saw. Just surprised to see an admin acting this way, you’ve basically been quite reserved up to this point from my perspective. I was really hoping to give my suspicions more of a benefit of a doubt, but you just went and accused me of being someone else for replying to their comments…

I can’t talk for your argument with them or what you are accusing them off, but you’ve obviously read the first of my comments in this thread, and I have nothing else to add. The only thing I am doing is what the intent of lemmy is for me, seeing how instances handle their administration to make an informed decision about how well I can trust them and participate in them. That means checking up and following up communities and posts like the one we are on. Don’t let your paranoia chase your own tail.


… and now you are creating links to content you claim is pedo all over the thread …

@AlexisFR@jlai.lu avatar

Look at the @lemm.ee at the end of their username, this is likely an impersonated account. Certainly not the real Antik given how they behave.


That’s what I first was suspicious of elsewhere in the thread , but they have since made it pretty clear it was them: web.archive.org/save/https://…/5138651 (Or, well, here if they still haven’t deleted it: lemmy.world/u/antik ) and have even suggested I’m an alt of the user I was replying to along with some wild but otherwise unproved claims that my account was created around the same time his was removed (he knows, or should know, why and when I created mine: sh.itjust.works/comment/4632925 sh.itjust.works/comment/4648668 )


Claim is the correct word seeing the posts lol…


Bro that’s not one of my accounts you dumbass.


No surely just a random pedo defender who pops up in the same threads like you 😂


Man wtf? The guy didn’t defend pedophilia, he isn’t me and we aren’t the only two people on lemmy. Whats your fucking point?


Yes. Its a Lemmyworld admin with a lemmy.ee account behaving like a absolute outcast.

No its the same person definitely otherwise he wouldn’t be following me after they banned me from .world

He is a absolutely fragile person and a creep following others around the fediverse.


I mean, it would be pretty damning if confirmed, you should try reporting it to lemm.ee admins to see whether they can confirm this.

There are people who would troll like that just to create drama, but considering how active and reactive lemmy.world admins generally are and that they are already checking this thread out, they would probably already have at least banned them on lemmy.world. They haven’t …


Could you screenshot the entire thread?

He even made a admin comment.


I can personally confirm it because the guy said he banned my account and after checking the Lemmy.world modlog my account was banned around the same time, so its 100%


Oh wow, you are completely right: web.archive.org/save/https://…/5138651

He’s accusing me of being you … before, he was accusing me of being someone else: web.archive.org/web/20231107174821/…/5160618


Lol enjoy talking to yourself CJO?

I posted with my main account here too. I’m @antik on an alt because these accounts are banned from LW.


Yes please screenshot the thing and send me it, the scrollshot feature doesn’t work properly on my phone for some reason. Man i need this to show around how much of a shitshow their admins are.

And we are quiet obviously not the same person, i think he goes insane now.




Imagine being you man… Even having to upvote your own comments with different accounts…

How low can you fall?


Doesn’t make sense since I can not see these comments to you on LW because you are banned. Feel free to check who upvotes

burggit.moe/u/cookiejarobserver asking how low I can fall is something


As if you of all people just have two accounts.

Also you just post a burggit profile exclusively posting normal hentai man idk what you want from me or him…

Btw, how do you find a burggit.moe profile when you are never on such a instance? Did you search for it? Did you just see it while browsing some loli hentai?

Keep making yourself a fool please, i just can’t stop laughing at you…


How would I not know about the biggest Loli instance you knobhead. Btw I know the lemmynsfw admins also, they are quite familiar with you and your shit too.

Or you go to an instance that federated with everything and you do a search for CookieJarObserver. That’s how I found your alt and now you try to play it off. “It’s not so bad” but also “how did you even find that hmmm”

You’re not a smart man


Because sdf (the instance im on) don’t defederated from anything and the guy keeps posting normal hentai periodically…

And wtf? I have nothing to do at all with LemmyNSFW I’ve never had any problems with them or was active there, i just browse some anime and lewd communities there from time to time, i have seriously no clue what the fuck you want from me.

Also burggit is pretty easy to find if you scroll down to defederated instances its pretty common there, most people that know about lemmy have been there at least once out of curiosity, just like Lemmygrad and (formally) exploding-heads

And tbh, they seem friendly there, way more than your instance (Lemmy.world) Shure the taste of many there seems to be pretty “unique” (and i can totally agree with you to not like it) but its nothing illigal where they are hosted.

Edit: ok didn’t think about that way but still not me…


You should stop dragging it. It just looks funny at this stage. Why bother arguing back and forth and defending irrelevant things so much if you’re not the said person? Why did you need a story for how you found Burggit? Are you unaware you’re just making it more obvious? Just move on.


How obvious can you be having another account like that? Man the account was inactive for 25 days before this comment…


Huh? It’s quite openly an account for admin collab, and there are quite openly time gaps between its content. That happens when your instance isn’t very active. Again, stop dragging it with irrelevant things. You will no longer be entertained here.



Socsa, in [Refederated] Lemmy.world and Lemmy.dbzer0.com defederate from anime instance Ani.social

And people keep saying that it doesn’t matter that the admins of the largest subs are insane people. It’s very clear that they intend to use their influence to shape the fediverse and create walled gardens around anything from political ideology to inane biases.

It’s critically important to call them out on this shit. It doesn’t do much, but it’s better than doing nothing.




See below lol

DarkThoughts, in Lemmy.ml mods remove "two-sideism" comments on Israel-Palestine conflict on AskLemmy, causing drama

In the news related communities on that instance it was the same shit. Tankies trolling and straight up insulting others, or just spreading disinformation. I tried reporting them but they never bothered to do ANYTHING and the same trolls did the same shit over and over again in other comment sections. That's when I decided to block all the Lemmy.ml communities when I see them. It's just Lemmygrad pretending not to be Lemmygrad.

@Blaze@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

I try to resurrect !dundermifflin about the show “The Office” should I move it elsewhere?

It’s a pretty laid-back show, and there were already 400 people in that community, so it made more sense to keep using it rather than create another one from scratch.


There is a television and movies specific instance somewhere. If you search communities you should be able to find it. I’d create show specific communities in that instance.

Found it and it already has a The Office community; lemmy.film/c/theofficeus

@Blaze@discuss.tchncs.de avatar

Well, I was a big fan of lemmy.film, posted a lot to the communities there, but unfortunately it has been down for a few weeks now.

We created !moviesandtv as a replacement to !moviesandtv.

Since then, I try to stick with established instances.

anton, in Blahaj refederates with Hexbear, users are baffled

Finally, a message from Ada:

Hey, sorry about the way this unfolded.

I removed hexbear from the blocklist, as they are defederated from us, and I was unaware that it would mean that hexbear users and blahaj users would be able to interact on 3rd party instances. I’ll add them back for now.

Ultimately, the reason I removed them from the list now is that once we have the ability to let users block instances on a per user level, I am open to the idea of refederating with hexbear, because I am aware that many of their trans and gender diverse users want the ability to connect with our trans communities, and trans solidarity is something that I hold to be very important. Enough that I am willing to give this all another go.

However, it was only meant to happen after blahaj users had the option to opt out of interacting with hexbear users, and after I had made an announcement letting people know it was coming. I apologise for the screw up leading to a mini refederation before I gave people a heads up and before the tools were in place to let people choose whether they engage with hexbear users.


Whatever inclusiveness they have over there - I'm sure it's terrific, just seems like a piss poor reason to accept all the bad faith participation.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar

Yeah, any time you try to engage with Hexbear in good faith it always goes sideways because they do not operate in good faith.

I don’t really care about inclusivity when the people being included are derogatory and an overall detriment to the environment. That’s not inclusion, that’s just letting the assholes seep in and win.

Like the other poster said, they should just sign up for Blahaj and play by their rules. That’s the only way to ensure the communities stay healthy.


Sounds like the better solution would be that users on hexbear should join blahaj directly and comply with their rules if they want to talk with other people

@YeetPics@mander.xyz avatar

comply with their rules


PugJesus avatar

It doesn't look intentional, then. It's still insane to me how many 'chances' are offered to the bad faith trolls in Hexbear.


Also a mystery to me how anyone, Ada included, could possibly conclude Hexbear had anything of value to offer anyone. Any trans people on Hexbear rather than somewhere else are sure to be joining in Hexbear shit like genocide denial.


There were jews who supported the nazis. Some people are weird, in a bad way.


I guess they consider trans solidarity important enough to look past that.

Man, if Lemmy was as popular as Reddit I can’t even imagine the drama we’d have. Even now it is wild sometimes.

CJOtheReal, in Blahaj refederates with Hexbear, users are baffled

Just be assholes on hexbear until they defederate from everyone.


They live for that shit, they’re just contrarians so they can’t live without someone to disagree with. Just like any radical group


Of course. The only reason to be radical is to be contrarian. Our society is perfect, everyone is happy and the environment is better than ever.

@YeetPics@mander.xyz avatar

Is this the mindset that makes hexbears call for nuclear holocaust?


No one said that and that doesn’t contradict my statement. Especially when we’re talking in context of Internet sub-communities, my statement is extremely true especially with “radical” communities that ‘Talk the talk’ online but make no difference in the physical world

Fizz, in Hexbear considers defederating from Lemmygrad
@Fizz@lemmy.nz avatar

If they end up with zero federation will they have the self awareness to realize they’re the common denominator?


It’s the “snowflakes that can’t handle the truth”.

@canis_majoris@lemmy.ca avatar



The community originally wasn’t federated to begin with


though they forked Lemmy in the first place did they not? Not much to federate to back then

dinckelman, in LemmyWorld forced to close shitposting community due to CSAM spammers

The fact that some of you are putting the blame on instance owners/moderators is just showing that you have about the same amount of brain rot as the people actually posting this vile trash

uphillbothways, (edited )
uphillbothways avatar

Honestly, my first thoughts were that reddit had probably funded some blackhats to sabotage shit because they're still salty. Then, they could have it reported.

some_guy avatar

Honestly dude if you believe this is true you should speak with a therapist.


If you believe businesspeople never commit crimes to shut down their competition, you should read some history books. Antitrust violations, murders, aerial bombings—you name it, and if it’s illegal and gives a business an advantage over its competition, it’s happened.


Why would a guy who called their free labor “landed gentry” and thinks Elon Musk is running the site formerly known as twitter well, not go after where a shit ton of his content creators went? It’s stupid enough to be him, lol.

some_guy avatar

See above


You drastically over estimate the number of people who were creating content on Reddit leaving for Lemmy.

The entire population of Lemmy is smaller than a mid sized cat sub on Reddit and the only content that is being reliably generated is memes.

Yes, a few subs did have their communities split, and some left permanently. But if you think Reddit corporate got at all bothered by Lemmy’s MAU numbers… no, they’re not that great.

A bunch of mods did indeed stop activity on Reddit, but all in all there’s been no practicable drop in volume.


Do you think that I haven’t been back to check? The niche groups are fine, the bigger ones are hurting for content. I can read you know.


Go outside and touch the very first grass you see


Ignore these people telling you that you’re being too paranoid. I assumed the same about the series of DDoS attacks that lemmy.world experienced in the last few months. Reddit admins trying to undercut lemmy’s growing popularity “by any means necessary” is perfectly logical. DDoS followed by content attacks even follows Reddit’s own struggles over the years.

uphillbothways, (edited )
uphillbothways avatar

It's okay. Thank you for the support. They seemed quick to complain and kinda organized to be this deep in some obscure comment thread.


And, agreed about the DDoS attacks.

The comment was more about inspiring a pro-fediverse angle, in any case. Imagine defending reddit, here of all places.


Right. This is a community effort, and it’s important we support our instances and figure out how to best keep them safe.

Maajmaaj, in lemmy.world blocks biggest piracy community from lemmy.dbzer0.com

The account that made the thread is 8 hours old, and not even from lemmy.world. homeboy is a sad piece of shit. I deleted my .world account, looking into a hexbear or maybe lemmy.dbzer0 account down the line.

@Sami@lemmy.zip avatar

They also had an account on db0 with the same name that had more concern trolling and made some trans hate community or two but it just got removed/banned


I saw your comment on the other thread but luckily their bullshit was removed already. Their definitely banned from .world too.

Edit: I’m dumb, that wasn’t you lmao

Rolder, in Got my first lemmy.ml ban

Tankies gonna tankie

bigboig, (edited ) in Got my first lemmy.ml ban

I learned recently firsthand .ml does not take kindly to the word tankie lol

@Badeendje@lemmy.world avatar

Nope, they ban you for it.

HootinNHollerin, (edited )

They didn’t ban me just deleted my respective comments.Edit: i was banned from worldnews@lemmy.ml for opinion that the Chinese gov controlled media was propaganda.


FAFO bruh

kick_out_the_jams, in Lemmy.ml mods remove "two-sideism" comments on Israel-Palestine conflict on AskLemmy, causing drama

I (early GenX) grew up with: it is an ugly conflict between two evil sides who do not hold back to kill. When agreements are reached, there is always one side who breaches the agreements. Periodic killing returns in a continuous cycle. At the end of every period the conflict hardens and borders are moved. I have not changed my opinion. I have not seen an eye opener in the past months. SNAFU: Situation Normal, All Fucked Up

Removed for Rule 1 and given a 4 day ban.
I'd have to see if their code of conduct covers the F word or something but it's not a ban that would sit right with me.


That one I can see why the comment is removed. The Statement that

When agreements are reached, there is always one side who breaches the agreements.

simply is a blatant lie.

@agent_flounder@lemmy.world avatar

Did they mean “only of the two sides breaches” (i.e., it’s always _____'s fault) or “either one or the other side always breaches” (i.e., each side instigates at one point or another) …?

And for the record I don’t know the details of which interpretation is accurate. And also I’m not sure that either phrase even begins to capture the entire complex mess of this long, sickening conflict that wastes so many lives.

My take is genociding, oppressing and terrorizing people is wrong, I don’t give a fuck who does it or why.

@kbal@fedia.io avatar

I probably wouldn't ban someone for it, but it's not difficult to see why that comment is a distasteful and callous oversimplification of the reality of what's happening, and it has nothing to do with the f word. If we're going to pick one word to single out I'd say it should be "normal." This situation is not normal by any standard.


Your comment.

callous oversimplification of the reality of what’s happening

Kick out the jams:

I (early GenX) grew up with I have not seen an eye opener in the past months.

I don’t see a problem with the phrasing. Jams is saying “this is what I saw” which is really a product of their environment. This isn’t a ban-worthy comment. This is an educational moment. This is an opportunity to say “that’s not what happened, you were fed a bunch of propaganda.”

The_Picard_Maneuver, in Lemmy.world defederates from tankie instance Lemmygrad
@The_Picard_Maneuver@startrek.website avatar

Can’t blame them. The stuff that makes it to their /All feed is pretty hateful and off-putting.

can, in Lemmy.world defederates from tankie instance Lemmygrad

As a sh.itjust.works user I’m surprised this wasn’t already the case

@synae@lemmy.sdf.org avatar

as a lemmy.sdf.org user, lol at letting your admins tell you what you can’t see


I’m not letting anyone do anything. If I had a problem with it I’d have spent my time elsewhere. When I registered it was the only defederated instance and that was fine by me.


Tbh, with how the lemmy world admins behave im surprised they didn’t defederate us yet… Like they basically belong on Lemmygrad judging by political views…


Can you elaborate on that please?


Look up their modlog.

They ban a shit load of people for supporting Israel while allowing calls for genocide from “Palestine” supporters. Everything against “Palestine” gets you banned for “racism and Islam hate” straight up lemmygrad behavior.


I’m going to need specific examples.


I think you’re very confused


They’ve said burgit is one of the best instances before so take their opinion with a huge grain of shit.


Not going to back this up, are you? Lol

KISSmyOS, in Lemmy.world defederates from tankie instance Lemmygrad

Thank you!

Jaysyn, in Lemmy.world defederates from tankie instance Lemmygrad
Jaysyn avatar

I had already blocked that instance, but good.

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