RL_Dane, (edited )
@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

Forgot to make this public, so I'm re-posting:

@benjaminhollon @joel

People talk about like it's such a new thing…

There was a company 20+ years ago (Loki Software) that chiefly ported games to linux (commercially).
There was also a wine-based -like compatibility layer called (IIRC) . I think it was actually an "open core" system, where sales of the software helped fund and/or older versions/portions of the software was released as source for wine.

@GabeMoralesVR@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @joel Loki's port of Quake 3 is literally what brought me into linux, I bought Redhat 5 in a big box at microcenter alongside Quake 3 Linux. I've been using linux as my daily driver since the 90's, and have not only played games on linux for decades, but also make games in linux.

With all that said, let me say that today is still night & day what it used to be. It's breathtaking how quickly went from "running a few tent pole games" to "running basically every game"

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
@GabeMoralesVR@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @joel the big difference between the days of Loki vs now? Valve's pocket books. Ryan Gordon once told me that Valve is essentially the sole entity funding SDL's development, but they pay him so much for SDL that he can concentrate on it as a full time job.

Valve going all in on linux has been the single biggest boon to Linux I've ever seen. I'm so happy with the current state of linux! This message was typed from a linux HTPC under my television right now!

@GabeMoralesVR@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @joel As much as I love where Linux is now thanks to Proton + Wine, I still hate how some companies who are defacto standards in their field, like AutoDesk with AutoCAD in construction and architecture, refuse to support linux. I still have to keep the random Windows PC around just for weird, bespoke, edge programs like that. Adobe is especially bad for how they refuse to support linux.

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

@GabeMoralesVR @RL_Dane @joel I keep an old windows laptop around for Respondus Lockdown Browser, which I need for classes.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@benjaminhollon @GabeMoralesVR @joel

I looked that up. Egad. So much awful. I'd keep a burner laptop just for crap like that, fo sho.

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

@RL_Dane @GabeMoralesVR @joel
Can't wait until I'm (hopefully, fingers crossed 🤞) a freelance writer full time and can decide my own stack.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@GabeMoralesVR @benjaminhollon @joel

They're all pretty awful

@dexter's Law: "Only proprietary software vendors want proprietary software.

@GabeMoralesVR@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

@RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @joel @dexter I wish that were law. My sister's entire family is firmly in the cult of mac, and the walled garden is precisely why. She only buys things from apple, no other electronics manufacturer. "It just works."

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

@GabeMoralesVR @RL_Dane @joel @dexter Most of my immediate family are Apple fans too.

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@benjaminhollon @GabeMoralesVR @joel @dexter

I made my family an apple family. 😩

@benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

@RL_Dane @GabeMoralesVR @joel @dexter

Feels like the time I got my youngest brother to switch to Brave browser. In retrospect, a mistake.

Still better than Chrome, maybe?

@RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

@benjaminhollon @GabeMoralesVR @joel @dexter

If it looks like Blink, and walks like Blink, and talks like Blink... ;)

Yeah, it's better than Chrome. But also, it is Chrome to a large degree.

I'd love to see someone like Brave or even get the cajones to replace Blink with something else, whether it be Gecko, or WebKit, or heck, khtml. XD



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  • benjaminhollon,
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @RL_Dane @GabeMoralesVR @joel @dexter
    Yeah… true. Forgot that bit for a minute. Hmm, maybe I'll try again and get him to move to Firefox when I'm next on the same side of the world.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @benjaminhollon @GabeMoralesVR @joel @dexter

    Right, because giving $1,000 to an organization makes someone a bigot for life, and people never ever change or regret their previous actions.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @sotolf @GabeMoralesVR @joel @dexter

    Alllllright this is the point in this branch of the conversation where I'd like to request my mention removed. Not an argument I'm willing to step into. Have fun, y'all, and be respectful of each other! :)



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  • RL_Dane,
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @sotolf @GabeMoralesVR @joel @dexter

    Fair question. From what I can tell, no.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @GabeMoralesVR @benjaminhollon @joel @dexter

    "Sorry, I couldn't hear you for the sound of the enormous fruity shackles and chains you're somehow voluntarily wearing."

    But as a massive Mac Addict off and on between 1984 and 2019, I get it.

    It takes a lot to get out from under that spell.

    @GabeMoralesVR@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @joel @dexter It's more that she views computers as a means to an end, nothing more. She and her family are not tech savvy, she grew up hating computers. She likes specifically that she can just look for the apple brand and be done with it. Essentially, the freedom I love is exactly what she hates. She doesn't really want to get out from that spell.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @GabeMoralesVR @benjaminhollon @joel @dexter


    These are the people that wouldn't go near a computer two decades ago.

    And I should be happy that Apple fulfilled it's decades-old promise to bring computing to the masses.

    But I'm not.

    Because in doing so, it manipulates them and treats them like so much chattel.

    Silicon Valley has turned computing into something as passive and commercialized as cable TV, and I hate every second of it.

    @GabeMoralesVR@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @joel @dexter While, on a whole, I hold a very Copyleft slant, having grown up on the internet since '89, alongside Linux, where the idea of paying for information is sort of a no-no, I also very much appreciate a general dumbing down of computing. I think million-monkeys-at-a-typewriter model works. Just because you're good at using computers, doesn't mean you're good at using computers for a specific task in a specific field.

    @GabeMoralesVR@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @joel @dexter

    Several years ago, I got hired to write some custom database software for a local doctor. It was simple stuff to me as a programmer, but most of my time was spent talking to him, figuring out what he needed as a doctor. It is wiser, IMO, to bring the skill necessary to make such an app easily down, rather than giving me a crash course in the daily routine of a doctor.

    When average people can engage in a technical world, society sees a benefit, IMO.

    RL_Dane, (edited )
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @GabeMoralesVR @benjaminhollon @joel @dexter

    I agree, except for how the thrust of all of Silicon Valley for the past decade has been to distance people from the power of computing:

    • Can't repair
    • Can't load an alternate OS
    • Can't sideload software on many platforms
    • Have to see stupid ads on Windows
    • etc., etc., etc.

    Even development environments are getting so abstracted that developers don't even have a deep understanding of what computers are and what they do.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @GabeMoralesVR @benjaminhollon @joel @dexter


    I liked computing in the 1990s way better. Sure, there was a lot fewer people doing it (and yes, that is a big problem), but you didn't see people being led around to experience computing the way someone else wants them to.

    Seriously, foxtrot that sierra straight into orbit. That's just ungodly.

    @GabeMoralesVR@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @joel Also worth noting that many of the big people behind Loki Software are also behind SDL and DXVK. Gaming on Linux has gotten so awesome so recently largely because of those same pioneers. I respect Ryan Gordon so freaking much, what a career he's had.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @GabeMoralesVR @benjaminhollon @joel

    That's cool. I had no idea it was the same folks working in the same area for so long. .
    That's impressive

    @GabeMoralesVR@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @joel I saw Ryan Gordon give a lecture on all this stuff, and from what I can tell, he just genuinely loves linux and video games. It's what he'd be doing even if nobody paid, it seems.

    I'm so happy he's been around for decades, he's been an overall positive force for linux for so long now.

    @slembcke@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @GabeMoralesVR @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @joel Yeah, I considered myself a Unix guy on Mac. Got unsatisfied 2010-15 as Apple started iOS-ing OS X, and locking down their hardware. Proton started to be a thing about that time so all but 3 of my Steam library ran, and obviously all of my favorite Unix tools did too. Easy decision. :)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @benjaminhollon @joel

    Is a hearty "amen" out of place on ? XD

    I loved Mac OS X as a best-of-both-worlds UNIX OS between 2008 and 2019. It had a very usable commandline (homebrew made it even better) and an incredibly fluid and usable GUI.

    But yeah, the iOSification of OS X. Ugh. :(


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @benjaminhollon @joel


    I bought (this) Thinkpad X200 "just for writing" in early 2019, and it became a gateway drug to get me back into Linux.
    When my beloved MB Air got doused in tea and died the death that same year (and Apple abandoned my 2011 iMac), my entire world became Linux.


    @RL_Dane @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @benjaminhollon @joel Apple betting Unix was revolutionary at the time. The only time I was an Apple user was in the early 2000s, I had a used Power Mac G4 laptop. Eventually moved it over to ArchLinux PPC to squeeze any performance could for its aging Motorola proc. I loved the Aqua GUI, and having a Unix terminal under Utilities ☺️ Then they went Intel and I've left it since.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @JSkier @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @benjaminhollon @joel

    I was a mac user in the early Classic Mac era and the late Steve Jobs era.

    The two have almost nothing in common. IIRC, MacOS doesn't even read HFS disks anymore??


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @JSkier @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @benjaminhollon @joel


    I remember how disappointed I felt when I found an old Classic Mac floppy and popped it into a USB floppy drive on my Macbook. I knew it wouldn't be able to run it (there's always Mini vMac), but it didn't even pull the icons from the resource fork. It was just a blank modern app icon with a 🚫 around it.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @JSkier @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @benjaminhollon @joel


    I do want to say one thing about mac apps, particularly proper Mac OS X era first-party apps (before the crap iOSification of everything).

    Mac apps were both very powerful, AND easy-to-use. Not OR.

    In Linux-land, it's mainly OR. thinks that having more than four options (or a proper menubar for goodness sakes) is anathema, and KDE (which I do love) is just married to complexity.


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @JSkier @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @benjaminhollon @joel


    I wish Linux programs could be both powerful and easy-to-use, because they're not contradictory goals.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @joel

    Calibre is also pretty close to that ideal, imo.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @JSkier @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @joel

    I can see that. It's a very powerful program. Also, Xournal++ is surprisingly versatile. Okular as well, but it gets into typical KDE over-busy-ness.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke
    I have to admit to leaning toward the GNOME side. A few well-considered options make things easier for both users and devs (since test cases need to be made for every combination of options, in an ideal case). It can be done poorly, but it can also be done really, really well.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @JSkier @slembcke

    There are times when it works well. I think Gnome Disks and Gnome Boxes are fine programs (I hate the term "Apps" now XD

    The file manager? Terminal? Not so much.

    And I'm always going to hate on hamburger menus, because they have no place on a desktop.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke
    I kinda liked Nautilus. It had issues, but overall it was nice.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @JSkier @slembcke

    I think my favorite is still pcmanfm. Surprisingly good-looking, and very lean and just enough features.

    I'm pretty sure Dolphin could make you a cup of tea if you knew the right options. XD

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke
    I have a rule of not using programs I can't pronunce the names of. Which is why I don't listen to my music through ncmcppcmppppcm. (I may have slightly botched the spelling there, but the spirit is the same. 😉)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @JSkier @slembcke

    What's hard to pronounce about "pee cee man eff emm?"

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke
    My brain instinctively tries to pronounce it as a word. Acronyms for program names are another hard sell.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @JSkier @slembcke

    Man, if only you had been a laptop user in the 90s when we all had to deal with "PCMCIA Cards."

    At some point in the early naughties, someone wizened up and called them "PC Cards."

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke
    I'd probably call it a "paracom" card if I were in charge of marketing it.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @JSkier @slembcke

    That's not a bad pronunciation.

    Ironically, I can't remember the original acronym, but I still remember "People Can't Memorize Computer Industry Acronyms" ;)

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke
    Yeah, I'd rather have an extra syllable that flows better and has a cool sound than an acronym that is frankly ambiguous—my first thought was "Personal Computer" when I read "PC" card.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @JSkier @slembcke

    I think that's what it stands for.
    Let's see, PCMCIA stands for Personal Computer Memory Card International Association (wow, mouthful)

    I do believe PC Card just means "Personal Computer Card"

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke
    Huh, okay. I saw bits about "Parallel Computing" and assumed that's what "PC" was. My bad.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke
    Oop, "Parallel Communication" is the actual term I read.

    I should go to bed.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @JSkier @slembcke

    That might also be it. I couldn't find a conclusive answer on what the PC in "PC Card" actually meant.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke
    No, you're right. It's Personal Computer. I was wrong.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke
    Hmm, if it had been up to me "PCs" would probably be "Percoms". :)

    @slembcke@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @JSkier @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @JSkier Ah, the file browser and terminal are arguable my favorite parts of Gnome. I almost never feel like there is anything missing, nor is the UI crammed full of stuff I'll never use.

    @slembcke@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @JSkier Specific example: When I open a .zip in Files, it decompresses it into a folder named the same. In [anything else here (except Mac)] double clicking views an archive which is... unhelpful. Right clicking gives you a menu full of options that all make different messes because if you memorized what they all did one of them may save you 10 seconds someday. I have like a 10% chance of picking the wrong one and that makes me grumpy. -_-

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @slembcke @RL_Dane @JSkier
    The ease of mounting remote filesystems is also awesome. :)

    @slembcke@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @JSkier In the rare case I want to merge a zip into an existing directory or something like that I'm generally doing something on the command line anyway, and that stuff makes a lot more sense to me there. Though I dunno, maybe that's CLI elitist or something? Egh, I suppose you can do it in Gnome by double clicking to decompress and then do a normal file move to merge stuff anyway. Either way, complicated GUIs don't make doing tricky stuff less tricky IMO.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @slembcke @benjaminhollon @JSkier

    Dolphin does have a ton of options.

    I think is a really nice compromise.

    @slembcke@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @JSkier That's the one from LXDE that's used on the Raspberry Pi right? I mostly have the same complaints against that one. At least on Pi specifically, one of the only things I need it to do is decompress .zips, and it falls right into the "I found 3 ways to do this wrong so far, just open the stupid archive!!!1!" territory.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @slembcke @benjaminhollon @JSkier

    It is. Honestly, I open zips maybe once a month. I'm usually using tar, zstd, and sometimes cccrypt

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @JSkier @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @joel

    There's been four Macintosh filesystems over the years:
    MFS - Macintosh File System, 1984. No true directories, I think only supported on 400KB disks. max filename length of 61 or 255 chars, depending on how you look at it (I didn't know this!!!)


    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @JSkier @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @joel


    HFS - Heirarchical File System, 1985. Directory support, up to 2TB disks. No more than 31 character filenames (still was a heck of a lot better than 8.3 in DOS!) Support became read-only in Mac OS X 10.6, and gone by 10.15
    HFS+ - 1998. 8EB max volume size. 255 character filenames, with Unicode (UTF-16?). Journaling. Still (optionally and by default) case-insensitive (but case-preserving)

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @JSkier @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @joel


    APFS - 2017. 8EB max still. 255 character filenames, UTF-8. Optimized for solid state storage. COW and delta storage.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @joel Linux kernel still supports RW on HFS I believe?

    I remember when I was compiling kernels in the early 2000s, I would usually throw the AppleTalk module in to show my classic Mac friends, for posterity 😆 Hello, are you there? 😏

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @JSkier @benjaminhollon @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @joel

    That's cool.

    I've had a lot of trouble mounting HFS+ on linux, but I might be doing it wrong. Or it may be that HFS is supported, but HFS+ not so much. I dunno.

    When transferring my old mac backups onto Linux, I've had to copy everything to an intermediary exFAT partition. :/


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @joel I'm not sure where the kernel driver is at in modern times, it may require config to have write, or even read these days 🤔

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @JSkier @benjaminhollon @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR @joel

    All I know is I installed all of the HFS related packages in Debian, and tried all of the utilities, and still had trouble with it. Dunno. 🤷

    @joel@fosstodon.org avatar
    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @joel @JSkier @benjaminhollon @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR

    Well, drive up here and teach me, smart lad! ;)

    @joel@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @JSkier @benjaminhollon @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR I don't know how to drive :blobcatsadlife:

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @joel @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR
    Heyyy another for the club! I don't drive either.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @joel @JSkier @benjaminhollon @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR

    Do you have amazingly good public transit where you're at? :o

    @joel@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @JSkier @benjaminhollon @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR I live in a small town, yes I take the bus to go to most places. This is not the US I can take a bus and get to the only Walmart in town!

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @joel @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke @GabeMoralesVR
    You can do that in College Station too which is awesome. :)

    …I have yet to use the bus. Having a bike is just so nice.

    @GabeMoralesVR@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @benjaminhollon @joel @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke I vehemently disagree that college station is in any way "awesome"

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @GabeMoralesVR @joel @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke
    I'm not necessarily saying the city is awesome, just that you can get around without owning a car.

    @GabeMoralesVR@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar
    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @GabeMoralesVR @joel @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke
    Matters to me, as someone who does not drive. :)

    @GabeMoralesVR@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @benjaminhollon @joel @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke Yeah, I went 3 of my 4 years in college without a car in Austin, it was super doable because it wasn't Houston. In the big cities in Texas -- Houston, San Antonio, Dallas -- doing that is basically impossible.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @GabeMoralesVR @joel @RL_Dane @JSkier @slembcke

    Ahhh, you're from Austin, I see now. ;)

    But yeah, it's frustratingly impossible in much of Texas.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @GabeMoralesVR @benjaminhollon @joel @JSkier @slembcke

    I miss Austin. At least, the Austin I knew. The one nobody had ever heard of. :D

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar
    @brainofdane@hachyderm.io avatar

    @RL_Dane i believe the porting company was Loki Software

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar


    That's the one!!! Pity they folded, it was a noble endeavor.


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @joel has been around since linux 2 or 3 (middle 90's.) It just never really worked that well. Maybe Microsoft hadn't opened up the relevant API's that much.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @dlupham @benjaminhollon @joel

    Oh, definitely Linux 2.x days, and yeah, this was before Microsoft adopted the "we love linux and FOSS" charade.
    I don't expect they're actually opening up any really juicy Windows APIs even today, but I think they open sourced Windows 1.0?


    @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @joel I knew nothing about windows before windows 3. What ever I did before that was DOS or a Z80 machine running Basic. Before '83 I was working at Boeing running IBM mainframe software (assembler, PL/1, COBOL, and Fortran) as well as C on Vax machines.

    @GabeMoralesVR@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @dlupham @RL_Dane @benjaminhollon @joel Before Window 3, microsoft mainly flexed its muscles through Basic. They had the best Basic around, and could make or break computers with their Basic compatibility.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @GabeMoralesVR @dlupham @benjaminhollon @joel

    I remember those days. But even then, their basic was very popular, but I wouldn't call it GOOD.

    *laughs in 2-character variable names and numbers always stored as strings, even in memory/during interpretation

    @GabeMoralesVR@mastodon.gamedev.place avatar

    @RL_Dane @dlupham @benjaminhollon @joel well, "good" compared to some garbage versions of basic elsewhere haha. I tried basic on a ZX Spectrum and it was awful. They were so RAM starved that keywords were turned into single identifiers, i.e. you couldn't type "print," rather "print" was a single button 1 byte character that had it's own special graphic in the font ROM lol.

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @GabeMoralesVR @dlupham @benjaminhollon @joel

    Yes, those machines were painfully limited.

    I will say they both sidestepped the horrid nature of their keyboards (to some degree) and taught users tokenization with that scheme, though 😂

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @dlupham @benjaminhollon @joel

    I only briefly saw some screenshots of Windows 2, I don't think I ever used it. I used Windows 3.0 a little bit, and 3.11 a whole lot.

    Man, I never used a VAX. I was always curious what they're like, as I'd heard that there were some die-hard VAXers that hated unix. ^___^

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @dlupham @joel
    I started with Windows 7…

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @dlupham @joel

    That was the only halfway good version.

    Windows 2000 was a'ight.

    NT4 was kind of adorkable.

    @benjaminhollon@fosstodon.org avatar

    @RL_Dane @dlupham @joel
    I've only used 7 and 10. :)

    @joel@fosstodon.org avatar

    @benjaminhollon @RL_Dane @dlupham I started on windows xp, why was I allowed to use such a computer? idk

    @RL_Dane@fosstodon.org avatar

    @joel @benjaminhollon @dlupham

    Windows XP was the last windows version I used at home (and of course, paid for). I only ever used 3.11, 95, and XP at home, which is kinda funny.

    Those blue titlebars look so fisher-price to me now (that's a brand of children's toys in the U.S., to those unfamiliar), but I really loved XP at the time.


    @RL_Dane Cedega / WineX

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